A World Alone

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One week turned into three and Maddox was still at Adam's house. In some ways it was fun, but mostly Adam worried. Was Brent ever going to admit there was something going on? It seemed like Brent was too busy trying to prove nothing was wrong to realize he was getting worse.

That night Zack was out, leaving Adam and Cole alone with Maddox. If it bothered anyone but Adam, he couldn't tell. Cole and Maddox acted like friends, nothing more. Dax made dinner, like always, and they were still at the table when his phone rang.

"It's him," Maddox gasped. "Should I even answer it?"

"Yeah, I mean, just in case," Adam nodded. He took Cole's hand. Cole squeezed his hand but his face was neutral, as if he didn't care at all what Brent had to say. From across the table, Adam couldn't hear anything Brent was saying but he sounded angry.

"No, leave my family alone," Maddox insisted. "I'm fine, Brent, just go home."

Cole sighed and let go of Adam, gesturing for him to get up. Adam waited until he heard what Maddox said next.

"I'm not with Eli. I don't want to see you, Brent."

"Liar," Brent's voice got so loud Adam could hear him before he got around the table. "You think by now I can't tell when you're lying? Just fucking tell me where you are. I'll find you, Maddox."

"No, you won't," Maddox put his phone down just as Adam made it over to him.

"He would never hurt you," Adam put his arms around Maddox.

"I don't think I even know him anymore."

"Drugs," Cole shook his head. "It's drugs."

"He's not on anything, Cole," Adam protested.

"It's the only explanation. Saint Brent completely snapped one day out of nowhere. Either he's lost his mind or he's on something."

"I would know if he was getting high," Maddox argued. "Or my mom, my mom would know."

"Okay, no offense," Cole laughed. "You don't know anything about drugs, Maddox, you won't even smoke pot. Trust me, I do lots of drugs. And Adam, you've been around drugs most of your life, don't you think it makes sense?"

"You really think he's on something?" Adam felt his heart breaking. He knew either Cole was right or it was worse than drugs.

"Yes, I do," Cole nodded. "Oh stop making that face at me, not even Brent can actually be perfect."

"Why?" Maddox held onto Adam a little tighter. "Why would he do that?"

"Who the fuck knows?" Cole laughed. "I'm guessing he just went on something to help him work out harder or longer and it got a little out of control."

"He's calling me," Adam could see his phone. "What do I do?"

"Answer it," Cole laughed. "Just like you always do," he shook his head and went to the fridge, grabbing himself a beer. "Dax?"

"No, I'm good," Maddox looked like he wanted to cry when Adam let go of him to answer the phone.

"Adam, I fucked up, I fucked everything up. I need to - I don't know, I need to do something and I can't find Dax and everything is ruined and it's all my fault. I don't even know how it got so bad I just-" Brent was talking too fast and he sounded like he was either crying or about to start.

"Slow down," Adam could hear how panicked Brent was but he had to remind himself he wasn't suppose to know anything about what was happening. "What's going on?"

"Just when I think my life isn't going to revolve around Brent anymore," Cole sighed.

"Are you home? I'm coming over," Brent sniffed. "It's easier than explaining and easier than sitting in this fucking empty house."

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