Alter the Ending

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Eli was at his computer, looking over the latest updates to Maddox's schedule, when he heard the garage door open. His heart sank. Hunter was home.

An entire month had passed since Eli learned Hunter's awful secret and he didn't feel any closer to knowing what he should do. He'd talked to their counselor, to his brother Levi, and even to Pastor Ben, from Adam's church. Each one of them said pretty much the same thing: it was up to him to decide what he was going to do.

Hunter came in a few seconds later. He looked around and then gave Eli a sad smile.

"Where's Clay?"

"Napping," Eli couldn't keep the smug edge out of his tone. He was so damn proud he'd gotten Clay to take a nap every day and he didn't care who knew it. Naps were a game changer - a life changer, if he was honest - and he dreaded the day Clay gave them up.

"Good for you," Hunter looked appropriately impressed.

"Thank you," Eli couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Are you working?"


"Okay. Maybe we can talk tonight?"

"Sure," Eli felt a sinking feeling but he knew they couldn't avoid talking.

Clay was ecstatic when Hunter went in to get him after his nap. He started shrieking and talking baby talk so fast, like he was trying to tell Hunter everything he'd missed while he was gone. It was adorable but made Eli feel sick. Clay loved Hunter so much. He had no idea, and couldn't know, how much Hunter hurt Eli.

They made it through dinner and bedtime, not really speaking except to help with Clay. Eli did have to admit it was easier having someone around to help. Then again, he might as well hire a nanny if that was all he wanted.

"I got to think a lot during this trip," Hunter stood in the door to their bedroom. Eli sat down on his side of the bed. "I told David that I need a break."

"From who?"

"From him. I promise, Eli, no lies, no tricks. I'm not going to call or text or see him - no contact at all until we know what we're doing."

Eli didn't know what to say to that. He hadn't expected to hear Hunter say anything other than he wanted to break up. It was almost like another weight on the pile.

"Are you sure?" Eli's mouth was dry. "I mean, I didn't think you wanted that."

"I do," Hunter walked over to sit down next to Eli. "I love you, Eli, I really do. You were right about everything you said. If you want to stay married then I'm ready to give it a try."

"I don't know how to believe you, Hunter. I hear you, but I don't trust you anymore and I don't know how to fix that."

"Do you want to?"

"I want," Eli paused, trying to think of how to end that sentence. "I want to be married to someone who's all mine. Someone I can trust. I really wanted that to be you."

Every single emotion Eli felt over the past month came to the surface at that exact moment and he started crying. Again. It was the first time he'd cried in front of Hunter and he was so wrecked that he couldn't even push Hunter away when he put his arms around Eli.

"I'm sorry," Hunter whispered.

The next few weeks were so much harder than Eli ever expected. Hunter was trying, he was doing everything right, but it all seemed empty. He wasn't acting any different than he had when he was still secretly keeping David on the side.

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