I Need Your Love

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"If Dax doesn't follow me back tonight I will literally kill myself."

Eli Warren had barely sent his tweet before the responses started coming in. He rolled his eyes when he saw how many of his followers had replied "same."

"I'm serious this time though..."

He almost didn't send it, but the back door slammed and startled him. Eli jumped and his finger slipped. When he looked up from his coffee he saw his dad stumble over the threshold and head right for the coffee pot. He was still in his clothes from the day before and his bloodshot eyes were the telltale signs of a yet another hangover.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" his dad grunted.

"I don't have to leave for 10 more minutes," Eli put his phone down. "Do you want breakfast?"

"No. If you got time you can gimme a lift to work," his dad said. "Lemme get a new shirt."

"Maybe some deodorant?" Eli suggested. That earned him a blank stare. "You sure you're alright to work?"

"Someone's gotta pay them bills," his dad mumbled as he stomped down the hall to his bedroom. Eli sighed and drained the last of his coffee.

While he waited for his father, Eli went to grab his backpack. He didn't bother looking in the mirror because it was only going to get so good. As long as he had his books for the day then that was all he could do.

Eli looked his room over one last time before he turned out the light. His bed was made, desk organized and most importantly - every last poster, magazine cutout and picture he'd printed off the internet was still stuck in its rightful place. Not a single inch of the plaster walls showed through.

"Love you Dax," Eli whispered. He was getting too old for this, he knew it, but since he didn't have a single friend in real life there was no one to make fun of him for his obsession.

Maddox Bieber, the only and completely perfect son of the still-famous Justin Bieber, was almost literally the only living person on the planet Eli cared about. There were probably only a few minutes out of each day that Eli didn't think about Maddox. And he didn't care what any of the girls online thought, he was by far the biggest Daxaholic in existence.

It wasn't just because he had the massive wall collage that had taken him three days to assemble and earned him the most retweets one of his tweets had ever gotten. It was also that loving a Bieber was something he was raised to do, born to do if you asked him.

Eli's mother was a Belieber practically her whole life. She'd taken her fair share of teasing from the rest of the family about it just like Eli did. So when Maddox first walked on stage with his dad and Eli fell head over heels for him she'd made it her personal mission to make sure he had everything only the truest fans would have.

In fact, she and Eli had spent all summer saving up to buy the best backstage pass, meet and greet, ticket package there was for Maddox's first ever world tour. They'd missed their goal but still saved enough to buy seats right near the front. It was everything Eli hoped and dreamed it would be.

The whole trip was perfect. His mom called him in sick to school and took the day off work so they could get to the venue in plenty of time. They'd driven to Atlanta and waited outside all day, both of them watching for anyone who looked like they might be part of Maddox's management team who might have front row tickets to give out.

The concert itself was more magical than Eli could have ever expected, even after seeing pictures and videos from other fans online. Nothing would ever compare to how he'd felt seeing Maddox only a few feet away from where he was standing. He could still see it when he closed his eyes at night and hear every word Dax had said on stage.

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