Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

Oleh Fandoms-Assemble

750K 11.8K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 69

3.5K 54 10
Oleh Fandoms-Assemble

A/N: hi guys just a little update, in the next couple of weeks i won't be able to update because i will be moving and settling into university life. so updates may take a while but i will be updating at some point 

Chris's POV

I was just looking forward to going home, I had been spending a few days in new York doing to casting for my newest movie and I was beyond tired. The drive from the airport luckily didn't take too long and I was finally outside the house making my way to the door. As I opened it dodger came running over immediately "hey buddy how are you?" I smile scratching him behind the ears "did you miss me huh? Where are the girls are they upstairs?" I ask him making him tilt his head before running up the stairs "I'll take that as I yes then" I chuckle. I dump all of my stuff and head upstairs in search of the girls, I find (Y/N) getting Tash ready for bed so I pause outside the door watching on silently. "you'll see dada in the morning, he's gonna be so happy to see you when he gets back, so the sooner you fall asleep the sooner you'll see him" (Y/N) smiles as she quietly talks to Tash, "she can see him now" I say grabbing (Y/N)'s attention "oh hey gorgeous I didn't hear you come in" she smiles as I walk in. "I made sure I was quiet just in case this one was already in bed" I smile down at Tash who grabs out for me "dada" she says, "aww come here then" I chuckle as (Y/N) passes her to me. "has she walked yet?" I ask (Y/N), "not on her own only with me holding her up, I think she was waiting on you to get home isn't that right" (Y/N) smiles. "well good girl, I can't miss your first steps can i?" I smile down at Tash, "okay bedtime now" I smile putting Tash down in her crib. "I'll do the bedtime story while you relax, you've been working hard" (Y/N) says to me, "are you sure? You've been working hard too" I offer, "yeah its fine, now go relax" (Y/N) chuckles as she ushers me out of the room. "okay but been quick I've miss your cuddles" I smile as I lean against the door, "I did too but the sooner you go the sooner I'll be back" (Y/N) smiles. I pause for a moment as I watch (Y/N) begin to read to Tash before going to get changed and go back downstairs to relax. A few minutes later (Y/N) appears, "hey have you eaten?" she asks as she sits down, "no have you?" I ask her, "no I'll go make us something" she says going to stand back up "nope sit down, I haven't made a meal all week so I'll go" I say pulling her back down. "but you've just gotten home" (Y/N) says going to stand up again but I stop her "yes and I'm going to make us something to eat now sit and do as you deserve and relax" I tell her getting up so she couldn't protest anymore. Looking the fridge I found an oven pizza "easy enough" I mutter putting all of it in the oven and soon enough it was all ready. I carried out our plates of food finding (Y/N) lying on the couch with dodger, "fake pizza coming up" I say passing (Y/N) her plate, "fake pizza?" she asks confused "what makes it fake?" I sit down next to her "it's not takeaway pizza" I tell her making her laugh, "very true" she smiles. While we ate we filled each other in what happened while I was away, "yeah life was pretty boring back here nothing drastic, you find your cast?" (Y/N) asks me, "yeah we did, got some good people, Octavia Spenser agreed which was great I love working with her" I tell her, "aww that's great, here let me take your plate" (Y/N) says standing up, "no I have it" I tell her trying to get up, "nope" she says pushing me back down and grabbing my plate and making a quick escape. I chuckle to myself as I wait for her to return, when she finally does I pull her back down onto the couch and into a cuddle "ah perfect" I sigh as she snuggles into me. after about half an hour of cuddles and chats her phone starts ringing "who is it?" I ask as she looks at the caller Id "holly, I call her back in the morning I'm too tired to gossip" (Y/N) sighs rejecting the call. Just as she snuggles back and get comfy holly calls her again "urgh it must be important I'll be quick I promise" (Y/N) sighs getting up "its fine don't worry I have dodger to cuddle" I laugh as dodger comes over to lie on my lap making (Y/N) smiles before she answer the phone "hey holly what's up" she says walking out of the room.

It had been nearly an hour and a half and (Y/N) hadn't returned, I sighed slightly looking at the time and decided to head to bed. As I walked pass the kitchen I saw (Y/N) still on the phone sitting at the counter, when she notices me she mouths a sorry, "its okay I'm gonna head to bed I'll see you soon" I tell her quietly, she nods her head and smiles still focussing on whatever holly was telling her. I walk upstairs followed by dodger and start getting ready for bed, as I got into bed dodger jumped up too curling up by my feet. I glance at the door hoping (Y/N) would come through it soon, deciding it mustn't be too longer decide to try and read a book while I wait. Luckily (Y/N) soon appeared and immediately started getting ready for bed too without saying a word, as she climbed into bed I turned to face her "what did holly want?" I ask her, "um her and peter broke up she called me in tears" she says quietly. "oh that's a shame, I didn't really know them like you did but they seemed happy together" I say feeling sorry for them, "uh yeah they were, peter just out of the blue said things weren't working and holly did see it coming but not so soon" (Y/N) sighs. "did he say why things weren't working" I ask her curious "uh yeah well their work meant they couldn't spend lots of time together, they both had to travel lots and they wanted different things different ambitions" (Y/N) says quietly , "oh, well I guess that happens a lot nowadays, I mean it happened to Chris and anna, it's a shame" I sigh thinking back to when Chris and anna split. (Y/N) looks over at me "yeah... I'm tired I'm gonna go to sleep" she says quietly before turning her back to me and lying down. I furrow my brows slightly as she never did that, especially that far away, I turn off the lights and lie down myself expecting her to move closer but she doesn't. I watch her for a little bit confused, I could tell something wasn't right I move closer kissing her on the shoulder hoping she would turn towards me but she moves her shoulder away from me. "(Y/N) what's up?" I ask her knowing she was upset at me for something "nothing I'm just tired" she says quietly. I sigh looking over her " despite popular opinion I would rather have a fight than you be like this all night" I tell her "scream and shout at me if you want, whatever it is I'll fix it okay, I'll be wrong if it means we're alright" I continue. "don't say that" (Y/N) says quietly, "say what?" I ask her, "that you'll take the blame just so we're alright" she says turning over showing me the tears in her eyes. "hey come her tell me what's wrong" I say pulling her in for a hug "another couple" she says "yet another couple has broken up, what if that happens to us" she continues looking up at me. "hey that will never happen I promise you" I tell her kissing the top of her head "how do you know, yeah now everything is okay, but our jobs involve us travelling the world for months away from each other, what if we decide it just isn't right" (Y/N) says, "and we will work through it" I tell her, "but what if we don't? I don't want this to end it will break me" she says quietly. "that's exactly why it won't" I tell her, she looks up at me confused "because you said it would break you and for that exact reason you won't let it happen and neither will I" I tell her hugging her reassuringly "you promise" she asks, "I already made that promise when I married you" I smile making her smile slightly "thank you" she sighs burying her head in my chest, "anything for you" I sigh kissing the top of her head as we fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I carefully glanced over to the window to see the rain falling down it, I sighed at the peacefulness before turning back to (Y/N) who was still asleep in my arms. "morning" (Y/N) sighed tiredly as she snuggled into me more, "morning sleep well?" I smile kissing the top of her head she murmurs a yes with a slight nod of her head "where is it you're going today?" I ask her. "um to my grandma's with my mom and auntie" (Y/N) says with a yawn "but not till later in the day" she adds, "so lie in?" I ask hopefully, "lie in" (Y/N) agrees and I could already tell she was falling back asleep. I smile to myself hoping that Tash wanted the same and for half an hour she did, "I'll go" I say slowly getting out of bed and (Y/N) doesn't even protest and just buries herself into her pillow. When I got into Tash's room I found her already stood up in her crib holding onto the sides crying to get out "okay dada's here now" I say picking her up to soothe her, "you know when you get older you'll be crying because you want to stay in bed" I chuckle as I change her dirty diaper. "right I bet you're hungry aren't you, shall we go get some food and then see if mama is awake?" I smile as we head downstairs dodger following hoping to get some food himself, "yes I will feed you too" I laugh as he sits expectantly at his bowl. Once I had fed both Tash and dodger I made my way back upstairs with Tash to see if (Y/N) was awake, the blue glow from her phone told me so. I made my way over place Tash down on the bed in front of her lying back down in bed with her, "hey sweetie" (Y/N) smiles at Tash who happily crawls over to her "did dada feed you hm?" she asks. Tash happily giggles "mama" she says making (Y/N) smile even more "yes that's right sweetie" (Y/N) smile as she sits up and lifts Tash onto her lap. "I don't want to leave now" (Y/N) sighs, "well if you get up you have until 3 to play" I offer, "I know but I have work to do, sorting stuff with the team" (Y/N) sighs. "you just need your laptop for that right" I say, (Y/N) shrugs her shoulders "yeah I guess so" she says, "then just work while you watch her, like I do if you can't watch her" I tell her. "okay sounds good, better get up then" (Y/N) smiles, "yeah you better, you smell worse than her diapers" I smirk, (Y/N) playfully hits my arm "hey!" she complains. "I know I'm joking now off you go I've got her" I smile lifting Tash up "see you two in a sec, don't do anything cute while I'm gone" (Y/N) smiles gently kissing Tash's head "I'll try" I smirk making (Y/N) chuckle as she heads into the bathroom.

Later on in the day (Y/N) return from her visit to her grandma "how was she?" I ask as she sits down, "good still going strong, um I know this is late notice but I said holly could visit just to you know chat about everything" she tells me. "yeah that's fine don't worry, how are you about all of this?" I ask her thinking back to last night "I'll be fine I was just worried about nothing, she needs me now like I don't know whats gonna happen" (Y/N) sighs. "that's good what time is she getting here?" I ask her, "about half 6" (Y/N) tells me. "so pretty soon then" I say looking at the time "yeah I'm really sorry I should have called to make sure it was okay" (Y/N) apologises "honey its fine honestly" I smile kissing the top of her head "you sure?" she asks me, "its fine look why don't you go change I'll go feed Tash and cook up some food for the 3 of us" I tell her. (Y/N) smiles quickly kissing me "thank you sweetie" she smiles standing up giving Tash a quick cuddle before heading upstairs to change. "come on then little one dinner time" I say picking Tash up to go and feed her, half way through feeding her I hear the doorbell go "I got it, I got it" (Y/N) says as she runs past the kitchen making me laugh. A few minutes later both (Y/N) and holly appear in the kitchen "hey holly" I greet, "hey nice to see you Chris how are you?" holly asks with a slight smile "good, how about you?" I ask with a slightly smile. "as good as I can be" holly sighs, "can I get you a drink, water, coffee something stronger?" (Y/N) asks. "just a water is fine, otherwise my liver may complain" holly chuckles slightly, "I'm just gonna put this one to bed and then I'll start making dinner" I say lifting Tash out of her high chair "thanks sweetie we'll be in the living room" (Y/N) smiles as her and holly left the room. Once dinner was cooked we all sat down to eat "so where are you moving out to?" (Y/N) asks, "uh don't know yet, I'm looking for an apartment but I'm staying with my parents at the moment which kinda sucks" holly sighs. "can't be that bad though, laundry is sorted, just like being a teen again" I say making holly laugh slightly "yeah I guess so, you know you guys make it look so easy all of this" holly sighs "if it wasn't for you two I would have completely given up by now" she continues. (Y/N) reaches out and takes holly's hand "you'll find someone okay, you're just one step closer that's all" she says, "yeah you never know mr right may be just around the corner, you may bump into him at target" I tell her. "thanks guys, it's nice to know I have good friends to count on" holly smiles, "and if you need anything we'll help okay, like I'm sure we'd be more than happy to help you get a place" (Y/N) tells her. "oh no guys you don't need to do that I'm sure I can find somewhere I can afford" holly says shaking her head "holly its fine, if it means you're back up on your feet then we're more than happy to" I tell her. A couple of days later me (Y/N) and Tash we're all playing together, me and (Y/N) we're just talking about work as we watched her but our conversation fell quiet when we noticed her pulling herself up. "Chris film it" (Y/N) whispers nudging me with her elbow, quietly and quickly I pulled out my phone and started filming. We watched as she hesitantly put one foot in front of the other and quickly grew in confidence as she took her first steps towards me and (Y/N). "yes well done sweetie" (Y/N) smiles clapping her hands making Tash laugh happily, "mama" Tash giggles, "yes mama is very proud of you" (Y/N) smiles cuddling Tash. "please tell me you got all of that" (Y/N) asks me, "of course I did, I'm sending it to everyone now" I smile rewatching the clip "I think someone deserve some fun" I say tickling Tash so she squeals with laughter. "careful or you may have to change a dirty diaper" (Y/N) laughs, "I couldn't care less my baby girl is growing up so fast" I say hugging her. "I know it feels like only yesterday when we brought her home" (Y/N) sighs, "yeah the last 15 months have gone by so fast its unbelievable" I sigh not wanted Tash to get any older. 

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