Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 67

3.7K 58 8
By Fandoms-Assemble

*time skip to October*

(Y/N)'s POV

"hey my parents are throwing a Halloween party this year, a dress up one" Chris says reading a text from his mom, "sounds nice" I say as I feed Tash in her high chair. "careful" Chris warns as Tash tries to grab for the bowl, there had be occasions where she had managed to grab it and chuck it at us. "whoa careful missy, yes I know you're hungry but I can't feed it to you if it's in my lap" I laugh feeding Tash another mouthful. "what are you going to dress as?" I ask him, he shrugs his shoulders putting his now empty mug in the sink "dunno, I mean I haven't really dressed up for a party in quite a while" he chuckles. "yeah I haven't got a clue either, kinda want something unique as well" I say, "what so another girl isn't wearing the same dress" Chris jokes, "you know what I mean" I laugh, "yeah I know you finished with this?" Chris asks gesturing to my plate of toast, "nope can you?" I ask opening my mouth. Chris laughs shoving the last piece in my mouth "careful" I laugh as I try to choke, "should have been more specific" Chris laughs. "if there wasn't any little eyes or ears, I would be saying something a bit more colourful" I warn him, "okay I'll stop" Chris laughs as he washes up our plates. "so I guess we better start thinking of some costumes since the good ones will be gone pretty quick" Chris says leaning up against the counter, "yeah don't want to be stuck with a bad one that... wait I have an idea" I say suddenly thinking of an idea. "what is it?" he asks, "well you know over the years we've both collected our full suits" I say, I see Chris's face fall slightly "no, they're such a pain to put on and take off especially to pee" he says. "I know but we've done it many times before, plus it will look super cool, Tash can have a little black widow costume, you know since her name is Natasha" I say lifting Tash out of her chair. "I don't think they make costumes that small" Chris says, "black baby grow" I tell him, he sighs as he thinks "it would be pretty cute, but we have to help each other in and out and I don't have to wear the helmet" he says, "deal" I agree "daddy is going to look cool isn't he" I ask looking down at Tash. "bah" she says, she was getting pretty close to saying her first word "so close, come on say dada" Chris says, but Tash just laughs instead. "good try sweetie" I smirk up at him, I knew he wanted Tash's first word to be dada, "but you're gonna say mama first right?" I say looking down at Tash. "keep dreaming honey" Chris laughs putting away everything, "nothing wrong with dreaming" I says "oh before you go there's one more plate" I tell him stopping him in his tracks. "yeah?" he asks, "there you go" I smile passing him Tash's empty bowl and spoon "on it" he says getting straight to washing it up. dodger was already sat at his feet looking up expectantly "later dodger I promise" Chris tells him, "aww how could you say no to that face, look at him" I laugh as I lift Tash out of her chair. "I didn't say no, I just said later" Chris reasons, drying his hands "when later?" I ask him, "don't you have work to do?" he asks me. "I do but later on" I tell him, "when later?" he smirks, I shake my head laughing at him "touché" I smile. I then notice an unpleasant smell "your turn" I tell him passing him Tash, "what no! you fed her" he complains, "I didn't feed her last night and I don't think her breakfast has gone that quickly" I point out. "okay fine, it's a good thing I love you" he sighs, "and I love you too" I smirk, "I was talking to Tash" he says, "oi you cheeky monkey" I laugh, "I know sorry I love you too" he smile kissing me on the forehead as he passes.

I was sat in Tash's room playing with her when Chris came back from his walk with dodger, "hey munchkin" he greets walking in, "hey gorgeous, how was your walk?" I ask him as he sits down. "good dodger for once didn't get muddy" he chuckles "hey sweetie you having fun with mommy?" he asks Tash who gurgles happily. "how's the movie hunting going?" I ask him, "not very good, I cant find the right material, I want something different from before I go, I don't want to have to star in it" he sighs, Chris had been trying to find a new movie to direct but there just didn't seem to be much out there. "you'll find something, you're a good director, maybe you just have to find the diamond in the rough" I tell him, he smiles over at me "thanks munchkin, just wish the good stuff wasn't getting grabbed up so quickly, and I definitely don't want to do screenwriting" he chuckles. "yeah that's just a bit too controlling" I smirk, "oh shush you" Chris laughs "found any movie you want to work on?" he asks me. I shrug my shoulders "no not really to be honest I want some more time off for this one, I don't want her to have to do anymore travelling, at least not for a while" I sigh looking over at Tash who was happily playing with her toys. "yeah that's fair enough, it was hard enough on the press tour" Chris sighs sitting back, "I will hate being away from you guys if and when I do find a movie, I could be away for at least 2-3 months" he sighs. "I know we'll miss you too, but we'll muddle through it right, and in pre and post production you can always fly back on days off" I suggest, "yeah a whole lot of flying" Chris agrees "but if it brings me back to my girls then I'm more than happy, I would even walk if it meant I got to see you guys" he smiles. I laugh slightly at his comment "of course, it does make me wonder how many miles we've travelled as part of this job" I wonder out loud, "must be lots, I mean just going to asia must be loads" Chris says. "you got any meetings today?" Chris asks me, "yeah got on with my manager in about 20 minutes about some magazine article, you know one of those get to know you ones" I tell him, "yeah like the one where I went skydiving" he says, "I still can't believe you did that" I laugh, "neither can I, when I got back down I was like nope never again" Chris laughs. "would you suggest something like that again?" I ask him, "nope maybe bungee jumping" he suggests, I glare at him slightly "okay maybe not, I was joking I promise" Chris laughs. "okay I better head off get the laptop set up" I sigh standing up, "okay I'm sure we'll still be here when you get back" Chris says as he plays with Tash. "okay have fun with daddy" I smiles, "dada" Tash says just as I'm about to step out of the door, "did she just?" I ask slowly. "I think she did, come on Tash say dada again" Chris ask excitedly. "dada" Tash laughs, "oh my god that is so cute, she said her first word I'm so happy!" I smile happily, "told you it would dada" Chris smiles victoriously, "right now I couldn't care less" I smile "oh how can I leave now!" I complain. "I don't know but I'm gonna text my mom" Chris smiles happily, "okay but film it if it happens again please" I ask him, "yeah of course" Chris smiles. I quickly give Tash a kiss on the top of her head and Chris one too before I head off to the meeting hoping I didn't miss anything else.

"(Y/N) I need your help!" Chris calls out, "I'm coming" I call back, I find Chris struggling to reach one of the zippers on his suit "why did I agree to this?" he asks as I help him "because you love me" I smile. "true, this is so unfair your costume is easy to get in and out of" Chris complains, "yes but would you really want to wear a cat suit?" I ask him knowingly. He ponders for a moment looking down at my suit "maybe not, at least we have a good excuse to leave early with Tash" Chris says, "yeah it's a good thing it's not a loud party, like some of the parties you're used to" I smirk. "hey what are you implying there?" he asks putting his hands on his hips "that you like to party, nothing wrong with that right" I say looking up at him. "yes but I can recall someone else likes to party quite a bit too" Chris says, "yes but nowhere near as you" I laugh. "remember when you came home from your hen do?" Chris asks knowingly, "do you remember your stag do?" I fire back at him. Chris points down at me "you know what missy" he warns, "what you gonna do eh? Feeling like cap?" I smirk. Chris raises a brow "this is what I'm gonna do" Chris says as he sweeps me up onto his shoulder, "hey put me down" I laugh, "okay I will" he agrees chucking me onto the bed. I couldn't stop laugh as I tried to sit up but Chris was already hovering above me "hey I didn't say you could get up" he smirks, "oh really?" I laugh, "really" Chris agrees. "oh shut up and come here" I smile pulling his lips down onto mine, we continue kissing my hand moving to his back and his hair. "you know if we weren't wearing all this I would so be taking all this off right now" Chris whispers, "well I'm sure we can work it out" I smirk "I mean the captain could do it" I add. Chris raises a brow "well why didn't we do this sooner" he smirks kissing me again, "well if you don't party too hard we can after the party" I smirk "that okay with you captain?" I ask, Chris bites his lips as he shakes his head "where have you been all my life" he says as we kiss once more, "right in front of you" I smile kissing him again. "still can't believe I was so blind" he sighs, "me too" I agree just as we're about to kiss again we hear Tash beginning to cry over the baby monitor, "that may be another reason" Chris sighs "I'll go, but as soon as we're back from this party no interruptions" Chris says as he gets up. "you know Tash can't promise that" I laugh, "hey do you think my parents will be okay to have Tash?" Chris asks turning back round at the door "no, now go to your daughter" I laugh.

When we got to the party everyone looked amazing in their costumes "oh my god you guys look adorable" Lisa coos when she sees us "aww thanks, this one definitely has the better costume" I laugh gesturing over to Tash who was in Chris's arms. "yes 40 minutes diaper change would not be good at all" Chris laughs, "naw she is just so cute though can't believe she said her first word" Lisa smiles, "yeah me neither just before I had to go to a meeting as well" I laugh. "you gonna say dada now?" Chris asks Tash "come on say dada" but Tash remains silent, "aww I'm sure I'll hear it soon" Lisa smiles "I'm guessing you wont be able to stay long tonight" she says. "no sorry mom, but we want to get this one back in her bed early, we'll probably put her down in my old room for a couple hours once she gets tired then head home if that's okay" Chris says, "its fine don't worry, all part of being new parents, enjoy it while you're here though" Lisa smiles, "we will thanks mom" Chris smiles. "hey there's my newest niece" Scott says as he approaches in his astronaut costume, "I'll let you guys catch up" Lisa smiles before heading off into the party. "hey Scott how are you" I smile, "I'm doing good, how's my favourite sister in law?" he laughs, "doing good" I laugh. "how is the little one still doing her job and keeping you up" Scott laughs, "so its you that told her to do that" Chris jokes "yeah she's good said her first word the other day" he smiles proudly as he passes Scott Tash to hold. "no way, it was Scott wasn't it?" Scott laughs, "nope it was dada, since you know I am the better Evans boy" Chris smirks. "keep dreaming Dorito, hey you gonna speak for your uncle Scott, hey come on" Scott smiles trying to get Tash to talk but she just tries to reach for his helmet. "she did actually say dada right she didn't just make a noise and you guys were like it a word! It's a word!" Scott asks, "no she did say dada I promise you" I laugh "come on sweetie you can do it dada, say dada" I ask her but she just reaches out for me. "okay sweetie, just a bit if stage fright" I smile as Scott passes her to me, "I'll see or should I say here it another time, I wouldn't be surprised if her next word is marvel considering what you two do" Scott laughs. "yeah that word is quite common in our lives, so how is work?" Chris asks, "good nice and steady which is good, you guys looking for anything at the moment?" he asks, "yeah just something to direct hard to find good stuff though" Chris sighs, "hey you'll find something, never know it may be just round the corner, your phone may just be about to ring with your manager saying they found a good script" Scott says, just as he finishes talking Chris's phone goes off in his pocket. We all exchange glances as he gets it out of his pocket to see who it was "seriously dude?" Chris laughs as he playfully shoves his brother "sorry couldn't help it but the look on your face just then" Scott laughs holding up his hands in protest "come on I'll make you a drink, you guys drinking tonight?" Scott asks as the three of us walk towards the kitchen. "I'm not since one of us has to say sober to get us out of those things, and you know drive" I say, "does it really take that long to get in and out of those things?" Scott asks, "dude next time you're over you can put this on and see for yourself" Chris laughs. "okay so beer for Chris and wine for Tash?" Scott laughs, "I'm kidding don't worry" he laughs as he grabs a beer for Chris and himself. "cheer" Scott says as him and Chris clink their bottles together. For the rest of the party we talked and caught up with relatives and old friends, every time we tried to get Tash to speak thought she would remain silent. "hey Chris I'm going to put her down for a bit" I tell Chris, "yeah hold up I'll come with" Chris says standing up and walking with me to his old room. "okay time for sleepy time" I sigh "say night to dada" I say, "dada" she says, me and Chris exchange glances and laugh "you couldn't have done that when we were downstairs could you" I laugh kissing the top of her head "okay bedtime now, want to read her a story?" I ask Chris as I put her down. "I didn't bring any books" he says, "make something up" I smile. I watch as Chris begins to think "okay once upon a time lived a captain, for many years he lived alone in his castle" Chris starts, his deep voices easily lulling Tash to sleep "after a while he thought maybe he would never get to share his castle with someone he truly loved, then one day an old friend came to visit her name was (Y/N) and the captain knew he loved (Y/N) with all his heart and would never want to let her go" Chris continues looking over at me with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back "now that captain he was scared, he had faced and beaten many monsters before but he had never been as scared as he was now, so he took a deep breath, settled his nerves and turned to (Y/N), and he said I love you (Y/N) with all my heart and I would do anything to make you happy, and to his joy (Y/N) felt the same, and they got married and lived happily ever after with the little princess Natasha" Chris finishes whispering near the end as Tash had fallen asleep. We silently leave the room closing the door behind us "that was adorable I almost fell asleep myself" I smile up at him, "well I'm not very good at thinking of original stuff so I went from experience" Chris smiles resting his hands on my hips "you missed out a bit though" I smirk. "oh really what bit?" he asks, "when the captain professed his love, (Y/N) was overjoyed as after all the hard things she had been through it seemed like something good was finally happening to her" I smile up at him. "god I love you" Chris sighs leaning down and kissing me, "I love you too" I smile, "now come on I left the shield with Scott and that can't go well" Chris chuckles as we return to the party. We had just gotten back from the party and put Tash back to bed, we ended up staying a lot later than expected as time just seemed to fly. The both of us were slowly walking back to our room, once there I instantly begin to unzip my suit, "whoa, whoa, whoa I didn't think I gave you orders to do that" Chris says stopping me, "huh?" I ask confused. "I am your captain remember" Chris smirks, I couldn't help but smirk "oh yes how could I forget, sorry sir" I apologise with a smirk, "uh-hem?" Chris says, "sorry captain" I smirk. Chris smiles down at me, "now this mission isn't what we haven't done a million times before but stick close to me okay?" Chris smirks, "of course captain" I smirk. "good" Chris smirks as he gently pushed me back onto the bed, "ready to go agent?" he asks hovering over me. "I'm always ready captain" I smirk leaning up to kiss him to begin the night. 

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