snapchat ➵ royce [discontinue...

By princebizzle

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❝imtheplugg took a screenshot! imtheplugg is typing... from imtheplugg❞ More

one - 10:38pm
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nineteen - 10:28am
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forty one - 10:21pm
forty two - 5:01am
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forty five - 11:05am
quick disclaimer.
forty six - 12:12pm
forty seven - 9:16pm
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sixty one - 11:22pm
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seventy - 8:38pm
seventy one - 1:16am
seventy two - 1:31am
seventy three - 2:00am


662 34 10
By princebizzle

hey y'all. how ya been? it's been forever. I've been okay.

so in May I believe, I told you that I'm trying to pull through with this story by making another part--a sequel within this book basically. if you were waiting on that, I can explain.

I'm gonna lose everyone's interest even more, but I realized that I'm not into mb fanfics anymore. I loved creating (and trashing) every piece of fanfic that came to mind when I was 15 or 16 years old. Now I'm 21, and yeah, it's nowhere the same anymore. I'm pretty sure almost everyone feels the same way. plus, mindless behavior doesn't even exist anymore, lmao. I don't keep up with the members that separated. old and new.

I made this story like December 2015 (unexpectedly published it in Feb 2016) and I'm stuck and give up what to do with it next. It's not because I don't know what should happen around the ending, it just that, I'm tired of focusing on it. It feels old to me. I've never worked on a story for so long. I want something new. and this story is dreading me. nevertheless, whenever I come up with some bomb ass plot in this story, there were/are some things in my life that make writing be the last thing on my mind. so sadly, I'm gonna have to discontinue it. I don't know if I have readers for this story anymore anyway.

as I'm ending it from this point, here are some tea I thought about adding in this story. and it's from the top of my mind:

As this lil' sequel begins, Jacob is now a felon and on a 9-month probation from the frame that either Mike, Trevor, or Rakim put on him. However, he was caught for that robbery he attempted with Rakim, by the DNA fingerprints on the weapons he used. Therefore, he couldn't fly in the U.S. to see Chresanto for the summer because of it. He couldn't see him anyway because he deleted the Snapchat app for a while before he posts a video on Twitter dissing Mike and Trevor. it was trending in the Toronto university he attended.

Chresanto hasn't thought about texting/FaceTiming Jacob so he moved on, focusing on his own life like attending a four-year university that far from his Savannah residence, unintentionally failing classes as majoring in business. He and his girlfriend Normani cut off the communications after their rough summer break up, but somehow she dates Justine. No, she wasn't plotting on getting with her and the two girls didn't go to the same school as Chres and Bryson, if y'all wondering. Justine finally realized it was messy to be in a relationship with a best friend's ex-girl, so yeah they didn't date for long. Chresanto felt a bit happy with that, feeling like he can trust Justine again, talks with Normani periodically, and he ends up dating this girl he met ever since freshmen orientation, Amandla. Bryson tried to warn him but Chresanto was being blind, or probably oblivious. For someone that was believing those two would be dating anytime soon, Bryson thinks Amandla could be a snake to Chresanto, because she loves to party and leave with any boy or girl. So, he didn't bother to be her friend. He had problems on his own like getting a girl he known for a while pregnant. Yeah, he wanted to be the father but had no idea how to prepare for that. And he wasn't making the option of dropping out of school.

Forgot to mention, Jacob and Kehlani officially dates after sleeping together on the night of her graduation, missing the whole ceremony after getting dressed for it. Her family grabbed the bachelor degree for her but wasn't happy when she ditches the appearance, over a "trashy, lowlife undergraduate"-is what they label Jacob, and said some not nice things about his late mother. Things like she faced her well-deserved consequence for being one of best known Toronto's homewrecker. Surprisingly, Jacob didn't put up a fight and just laughed at how crude and immature they were. He used to the insults nearly everyone made about his birth mother. Plus, Jacob without hesitation admits his mom was a whore. The couple remained stronger after Kehlani's family disliked him, gets an apartment together... but with Bryshere and Elijah. Jacob thought it was a brilliant idea since living on campus was full of exposure. To represent his maturity, always seen with suits and ties because of drastic court dates, and changing his major to biomedical science with no minor, he cuts his afro curls (just like he looks rn). Remember when he mentioned to Chres that he mother passed due to AIDS? Well, one of his dreams is to find a cure to that, alongside with going to a graduate school somewhere in the United States. Preferably, in New York.

At this point, Jacob's happy that he didn't end his own life-despite the law is keeping both of their eyes on him-he has the best girlfriend, he not letting his ex, Alessia, get into his head anymore, his grudge isn't that heavy for his enemies, he even dropped Rakim, he has the best of friends, content that Rayan is healing, and his adopted parents are seeking to take it easy on him now they noticing his maturity; even his adopted father allowed him to change his surname to his birth one. So yeah, he legally goes by Jacob Perez for the second time. What a powerful name as he considers it. But at this point, he's missing. The Snapchat stranger that was his best guidance counselor.

Jacob suddenly felt bad that he reinstalled and been using the app for awhile and didn't bother to hit up Chres one bit. They would see each other stories every now and then. They sometimes catch each other tweets and posts on other platforms, but neither of them trip about it. They both had lives to be attentive to behind the app, behind the phones. What mattered is that as long as both of the boys were fine.

Another thing, I don't know if this was mentioned somewhere in the story but, Chresanto never kept Jacob's nude. He deleted it instantly. The truth is, he just wanted to talk with Jacob but didn't know how to approach, and he thought Snapchat would somehow be a weird approach. Maybe because he thought Jacob was a snobby boy would who leave him on open after wanting to talk with him, or Chres would seem like a creep.

Jacob hits Chres up after almost a year. He was nervous but it was worth making the first move because they had a great time catching up with life one by one. Making each other laugh that one day, Kehlani enters their apartment and see Jacob has this suspicious smile on his face and been chuckling for a while. She honestly tried hard to not care if it was anyone interesting making him be this way. She was getting a little concerned because Jacob rarely spoke to her when she came in, and usually he speaks instantly whenever she appears. But she ended up shrugging her thoughts away and they had sex in the overnight hours. Since her pussy was Jacob's favorite sleeping pill, he was slightly snoring and Kehlani unexpectedly glared over at his phone. Ever since they've been together, trust was already constructed between them so Kehlani felt like it wasn't a need to go through Jacob's phone. But the anticipation was eating her up that sneakily reached over for his phone. A typical girl would probably go through the boy's camera roll and text messages, but as she went through there, it would be hella Twitter/Instagram screenshots, gross animal experiments, and his little sister-nothing she could find there. She went to the iMessage app, and it's really nothing there either. She noticed a badge with a good number on Snapchat, so she went on there. It's just a few peers from school replying to his snaps but also noticed someone left him on open a few hours ago.

The conversations between princeindigo and imtheplugg were an interesting read to Kehlani. You can assume whatever they were talking about it, but this makes Kehlani wake up and calmly question Jacob until she neverminds it and put his phone on standby. The interesting part about their relationship is both of them are bi, so she's in fear that one day, Jacob is gonna leave her for a boy. A tad bit younger one, and fears that are probably one of his reason why he wants to move to the states sooner. From here on out, this also made her look at Jacob a little different, but she didn't bother talking about it, right away.

That is until Kehlani realized Jacob has been talking with her a less. Even when he was busy in his classes and labs, he would pay more attention to Chres and ignore her texts and even snaps. He thought he wasn't doing anything wrong now they live together and see each other faces every day. Obviously, they ended up arguing about it to the point Jacob had to clear his head by staying at his parent's house for a couple of days, before coming clean to Kehlani.

Coming clean such as, admitting being close in the strangest way ever, having in and out feelings for Chres and plans to see him soon-likely when his probation is up and when this case puts to rest. This doesn't mean that Jacob wants to end the relationship because long distance relationships seem risky and he doesn't even know Chres feels the same way for Jacob.

Oh, speaking of the case, lmao, this is sick.

Trevor and Michael never made it to the further court dates because they've been murdered. Not at the same time, though. Mike was shot like a week before Trevor. No, Jacob didn't kill both of them.

He killed one of them.

Trevor showed up at his place, causing some bullshit such as blaming him for being Mike's murderer (when actually, Rakim was the one, also he tried killing Rayan bc they don't like each other for some reason, I haven't got to make up why). Jacob still hated Trevor with his guts so his menace mentality returns when Trevor tried to kill him first. They ended up dodging each other, targeting bullets around the place, and Jacob absentmindedly aims to bullets to his enemies skull and chest.

Jacob, Kehlani, Rayan, Elijah, Bryshere, even Jacob's adopted father sat down and found out ways to get rid of Trevor's corpse and make up any other lies so the law won't give Jacob any deep consequence since he's in already in the system. Jacob's dad confirms that Trevor's body should be dumped down in the Humble River... so all of them in the sneakiest way possible, drops his body in the deeps of the water, along with his gun and phone. The officials labeled it as a disappearance and only questioned Jacob about it a few times. The cover ups were without a doubt, believable.

This was Jacob's first murder attempt and he luckily got away with it. If Jacob were to die, what actually happened will be in the grave along with him. And as for Rakim, he left the country.

And this means the case about Rayan being almost murder had closed, since Mike's dead and Trevor's "missing". Jacob's free of probation. And being free of probation, meaning he's going to Georgia to see Chresanto. Yeah, Kehlani ended up understanding Jacob, so the couple and his friends ended up flying to the states together. #goals

It's great Chres isn't home from uni yet because he didn't know how to tell his mom that someone from another country is coming to visit him.

So as the trip happened, the two boys had some alone time outside somewhere on a late night since everyone was out partying. Both of the boys confessed their feelings can really do nothing about right away, but they ended up sharing a kiss. They were genuinely happy with that.

Oh yeah, Chres told Jacob that he didn't hold his nude in hostages and it went well unlike his thoughts lmao.

so that's a wrap of the story that I didn't really make time to make chapters for. once again, I apologized for discontinuing the story all because I grew out of it. sooner, there's a general fictional that I'm kinda sorta working on, called Solstice. idk will anyone read that because I haven't been on here in forever, and I wanna take my writing to a new direction. I'm growing out of the mb fanfics and no one would seem to understand. I was lowkey inspired by Shameless that I was binge watching months ago, now waiting for the new season lol.

but anyways, I really enjoyed writing this story as I was jugging with class and work. will I miss it? yes. will I miss the hype of it? most definitely. I did know this story would be poppin'. I honestly thought it was another flop that I had to delete because it seemed uninteresting to others, so it would be uninteresting to me sometimes. with this story, I was inspired by snapchat (obviously), my freshman year in college, and some 5H fanfics I'd be obsessed with at the time.

I really appreciate you guys for everything. much love, much love.

- Asia

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