Will's Sister // Miniminter

By doyoungley

219K 2.6K 669

[He's only overprotective don't mind him] ~ ~ ~ Where Will Lenney's sister ends up with a certain blonde hair... More

.part one.
.part two.
.part three.
.part four.
.part five.
.part six.
.part seven.
.part eight.
.part nine.
.part ten.
.part eleven.
.part twelve.
.part thirteen.
.part fourteen.
.part sixteen.
.part seventeen.
.part eighteen.
.part nineteen.
.part twenty.
.part twenty one.
.part twenty two.
.part twenty three.
.part twenty four.
.part twenty five.
.part twenty six.
.part twenty seven.
.part twenty eight.
.part twenty nine.
.part thirty.
.part thirty one.
.part thirty two.
.part thirty three.
.part thirty four.
.part thirty five.
.part thirty six.
new book!
.part thirty seven.
.part thirty eight.
.part thirty nine.
.part fourty.
.part forty one.
.part forty two.
.part forty three.
.part forty four.

.part fifteen.

5K 65 5
By doyoungley

I look behind me to see Gee and Simon both looking at me and Will on the floor. Will and I both stand up and walk over to them both.

"You heard every thing didn't you" I ask them and they both nod. I give them both a hug and eventually Will joins in to.

"Please don't move back to Whitley Bay" Gee whispers out while we're in a massive group hug. We all pull apart and look at each other.

"I won't, as long as this loser keeps his word" I say and giggle. I look up at the clock, it was only 10pm, but I was already so tired because of the video filming and the argument.

"I think I'm gonna call it a night" I say to Will and Gee while we're standing around.

"Simon you coming with?" I look over at Will to see his reaction to Simon sleeping in the same bed as me, he's standing very tense but he doesn't seem like he's going to do anything.

"Yeah I suppose, goodnight guys" Simon calls out to the Gee and Will who were both still in the living room.
"Night" Gee calls back

I close my bedroom door after we both walk in. I quickly look through my closet to find something comfortable to sleep and pull out my grey oversized t shirt. I turn around to see Simon sitting on my bed on his phone, facing away from me. I quickly take off my leggings and top and pull the t-shirt over my head.

"You know you don't have to wear, the shirt if you want" Simon says again while smirking at me. He obviously turned around while I was getting changed. I just fake laugh before climbing into bed next to him. I get out my phone and put and an alarm on for 2pm, that should give me enough to eat, ad get ready for the party which was going to start at 10pm. Simon sits down beside me and quickly pulls his own t-shirt above his head before he dived underneath the covers. I turn over and sit on top of his thighs. I look directly at him before I lean over and give him a very passionate kiss, this one sent sparks flying in my stomach and sooner rather than later we were having a full on make our session. He  unattached his lips from mine and began to nip and my neck, causing me to moan out in pleasure. I knew that would cause a mark tomorrow. He clamps his hand over my mouth to ensure Will or Gee won't hear a thing and come storming in, especially Will. He stops to pull my shirt over my head, he looks me up and down and gives me a lust filled smirk before he gives me another kiss. Halfway through our second make out session. I had a sudden realisation on what we were doing. I pull away and look at him. As much as I wanted to do this, we couldn't do it here and we especially couldn't do it now due to the state Will was in.

"Not here, not now" I tell him as he looks at me confused on why I had stopped.

"Will would flip if he found out or if he heard, he'd probably break your neck" I tell him and get off of his thighs. He turns to face me and nods. I quickly roll out of bed and onto the floor to find my top.

"Maybe another time, at mine" he says to me as I pull my t-shirt over my head.


I climb back into bed next to him and give him a kiss on the cheek before resting my head on his chest like I did last night and falling asleep.

°°time skip°°

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I reach over and press the snooze button. I look over at Simon, who was still fast asleep. I guess all of the drama that happened last night took it out of him. I just smile as I look at him peacefully sleeping next to me, his mouth slightly ajar and his eyelids lightly closed. I very gently press a kiss to his forehead and try and get out of bed as quietly as possible. I sneak out of my room and head straight for the bathroom to go toilet and take a shower. I walk across the hall and straight into the bathroom, and actually remember to lock the door this time. I quickly go toilet before I turn on the shower and take off all the clothes that I was sleeping in last night. I step into the shower and relax. The shower has always been my relaxation place, I always went for a shower when I was stressed during exams and from school drama. I shampoo and condition my hair until it feels a silky as silk itself and then I shave my legs and underarms before washing my body. After I finished all of the that I just closed my eyes and relaxed. "You from a week ago would have wished for all of these things to happen" I think to myself while the water was running over me. I remember that Gee, Will and maybe Simon still need showers so I quickly turn mine off and get out. I grab my two towels and  wrap one around my body and one around my hair before unlocking the bathroom door and heading back across the hall.

I could hear Gee and Will talking in the living room so I suppose they woke up while I was having a shower. I walk into my room and find Simon, still asleep in my bed, hugging my otter. I hold in a laugh and grab my phone a snap a picture of it to post later on. I open up my closet and grab out a pair of underwear and bra to put on. I put the underwear on underneath the towel, but I couldn't really do that with the bra. I turn around to see Simon still asleep, so I quickly strip off the towel and put the bra on that way. I turn around after I'm done, to see if Simon had woken up. His eyes were closed but he had a massive grin plastered on his face. He was definitely awake. I just roll my eyes and smile before putting on my ZRK top and a pair of sdmn trackpants.

I walk over to my bed and sit down next to Simon's 'asleep' body.

"I know your awake" I whisper into his ear, as I get comfortable next to him. I saw him open his eyes and look at me.

"It was a nice view of your back to be honest" He began to sit up in the bed.

"It's already 3pm" I tell him as I unlock my phone to post the picture of him with the otter.

"I know, your bed is so much more comfy than mine" he says as he shuffles closer to me. I rest my head on his shoulder as I log onto Instagram.

"I got a really good picture of you this morning that I wanna post" I tell him as I go into the post section and pic the photo of him cuddling the otter.

"See look at it, it's adorable" he just shakes his head and sighs.

"You can post it if you want, but I'm just gonna warn you it's gonna get spread so quickly by the fan girls" he tells me as he looks at the photo. I shrug and post it with the caption.

"Big Softie"

Because in reality he really was. I quickly log out of Instagram and into Twitter and post it there with the same caption.

"I got you a present, even though it's not your birthday" Simon says as he reaches down beside the bed and grabs his bag. He reaches down to the bottom and pulls something out. Two passes of some kinda.

"You didn't have to you know" I tell him and take the passes from his hand. The first one was for Upload event which was happening in September. I reach over and give him a big hug. The second one was for the zoo, I look on the back and see three words that make me cry. Meet the Otters. I move over and sit on top of his legs and cry happy tears into his shoulder.

"Thankyou Simon, I didn't think I'd freak out this much over otters." I say and sit up and wipe some of the tears.
I lean in and give him a thankyou kiss. He pulls away and pushes me off him. I sit up and look at him, the hurt in my eyes definitely showing. Suddenly Will walks into my room to see if we were awake.

"Hey Will" Simon says as he sees Will walk in.

"Gee and I are going to go and meet up with the tower gang for some Nandos in an hour if you wanna come"  Will asks us, probably just trying to be polite.

"I'll pass, I had Nandos yesterday" I tell him and he just nods.

"Um, yeah I'll pass then too, what time do you think you'll be back by?" Simon asks him.

"Um around 6-7. We'll be back in time for us all to go to the party." Will says, Simon and I both nod and Will leaves and shuts the door.

"Why the fuck did you push me off" I whisper shout at Simon after Will leaves.

"Because I heard Will coming, I don't really think he would have reacted well to you being on top of me making out."


"Wanna continue what we were doing?"

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