Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

Por Fandoms-Assemble

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 62

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Por Fandoms-Assemble

Chris's POV

We arrived at the studio to film jimmy kimmel at around lunchtime, we had to get there earlier than usual as we had to do some filming before our appearances. We were filming the trailer for the sequel to the mock movie I did a while back called dennis, this time though (Y/N), Mackie and Seb were in it too. As we walked in we almost immediately bumped into jimmy "oh hey guys glad you could come, I'm looking forward to seeing dennis the sequel later" he laughs, "yeah me too, I don't know how I'm going to keep it together especially with these guys" I say gesturing round to the group. "aha well I'll see you later when we film for the show, bye guys" he says walking off, I smile wrapping my arm around (Y/N) as we got lead through the studio to where we would be filming the trailer. "haha it's the pink shirt!" I exclaim when I see the top I had to where, I see that the boys had similar outfits to me, Seb having a geeky looking bow tie and Mackie having suspenders. "oh my god this is brilliant" (Y/N) laughs as she hold up her outfit, I saw it was a pale long sleeve turtle neck with a very long almost grandma like skirt "I have glasses too!" she laughs holding up the very large circular glasses that were like mine. "this is just going to be amazing" I laugh not being able to wait until we all got to film it. "okay we just have to take you guys to hair and make-up, these are the lines there isn't much to remember" one of the members of staff say passing us out the small scripts, I flick through a couple of pages laughing slightly at the lines. I was done in hair and makeup quite quickly and was already in costume ready to film when I saw (Y/N) appear fully ready in costume, I couldn't help but laugh at how she looked. She had her hair in two braided pony tails, big glasses on and the skirt she was wearing pulled quite high up so it was almost unflattering "I swear you have come away from this with a good costume, I look so odd!" she complains gesturing down at her costume "you can still see all your muscles and you just have glasses and wet look gel in" she adds pointing to my slightly messy hair. "I'm sorry, if its anything you still look beautiful to me" I say trying to supress the laugh "shut up" she says shaking her head slightly. Once we were all ready they began filming, the whole premise of this was that dennis found friends that were just like him after his wife kicked him out and ends up falling for (Y/N)'s character Doris. The shot we were just filming I had to be sadly eating a cheeseburger, (Y/N)'s character sits down awkwardly next to me "what's wrong?" she asks pushing her glasses up with a quick sniffle. "my wife kicked me out because I have a bad penis" I tell her with a mouth full of cheese burger, "oh well I'm sure you don't have that bad of a penis" she says hunching her shoulders slightly. "I do, but thank you doris" I say hugging her, while I hugged her I had to squeeze the cheeseburger enough so that some of the sauce fell out onto (Y/N)'s back. We continued filming for the next hour and a half ending with the last scene which was a kiss one between me and (Y/N), but we had to do it really awkwardly. Before we even started filming both me and her were trying to hold back the laughter, we both took a death breath trying not to laugh as the camera started rolling. I closed my eyes and begin to lean in quivering my lips as I did, I open my eyes when I hear (Y/N) desperately trying to hold back the laughter. I couldn't help it but burst into laughter with her, clutching my chest as I tried to catch my breath "I'm sorry, I really am, I just couldn't holding it together" (Y/N) apologises. She shakes her hands "okay I've got this lets go" we go for it again and I repeat what I did again, this time I hear (Y/N) snort slightly as part of her character but it was too much for me "goddammit" I laugh, making (Y/N) burst out laughing too. We tried it a couple more times but couldn't stop laughing, on the final take we started again and as we leant in we bumped noses before finally getting to the kiss which was so purposely bad. I could hear the laughter of the crew around us and I had to really try to not laugh, we pull away and finish the shot so both of us could finally laugh "that was so bad no offence" (Y/N) says in between laughs "aw no its fine don't worry, I'm just glad it isn't like that normally" I laugh. "I know now come here and make it up for me" (Y/N) smiles grabbing my hands, I smile kissing her normally which felt even more like heaven now. "okay guys do you want to watch that clip back?" a member of the crew asks, "yeah sure" I say as we walk over to the monitor. The clip was so awkward to watch but I completely lost it when just as our lips connected (Y/N)'s eyes went wide before rolling up into her head "that is brilliant oh my god" I laugh unable to catch my breath.

I was dressed in my suit and was ready to join jimmy on stage, I was going on alone for the first couple of questions and then (Y/N), Mackie and Seb would join me. "he's the star of the newest instalment of captain America, he's everyone's favourite captain, its Chris Evans everyone!" jimmy says as the door in front of me opens and I walk out towards jimmy. I shake his hand and wave to the crowd as I sit down "hi Chris welcome back, nice to see you" jimmy says as the crowd begins to quiet down, "glad to be here" I smile. "now this is the 4th captain America film right?" jimmy says, "uh yeah forth one following the events of the last avengers" I explain, "yeah, now i'm going to ask about the actual filming of this movie" jimmy says. I nod my head "okay" I laugh, "now your wife, (Y/N) who is also in the movie if you don't know was actually pregnant the entire time you were filming right?" jimmy asks, "yeah, she was, we found out about a month or so before filming and we were both able to wrap earlier than originally planned so we could get home to boston to get ready" I explain thinking back to the past year. "so how was she during all of this, because that must have been pretty hard doing all those stunts and carrying a child" jimmy asks, I laugh "yeah she did all of her stunts, ahah no I'm joking she made good use of her stunt doubles I think the most she had to do was get up and pretend like she had just done that stunt, so there was us guys leaving the set all battered and bruised and she was fine" I laugh "but she was brilliant though, she did an amazing job and still is with our little girl now, she really is an amazing mom" I smile picturing it in my head. "that is sweet, now tell us a little about your little girl" jimmy says, "uh well her name is Natasha but we call her Tash for short, she's 5 months old nearly 6 months and she looks just like (Y/N), except for maybe the eyes, because she has mine" I say making the crowd aww. "are you guys going to teach her all you know about acting?" jimmy asks, I shake my head "no not really, we decided we would try and keep her out of the spotlight as much as possible and let her choose what she wants to do, because me and (Y/N) grew up, you know not famous we had normal childhoods, we lost a lot of our anonymity when we became famous, and for tash that's already happened just by being our daughter so we would like her to grow up as Natasha Evans and not as Chris and (Y/N) Evans daughter if you get what I mean" I explain, "yeah I do and I think that's really good, now lets bring on some of your cast members, ladies and gentlemen give a large round of applause to (Y/N) Evans, Antony Mackie and Sebastian Stan" jimmy say as (Y/N) and the guys join us. I get up to greet them, kissing (Y/N) on the cheek and giving Seb and Mackie a hug. "okay now am I right in saying you guys are filming a movie together currently?" jimmy says, "yeah we are, we started about 2 months ago" (Y/N) says nodding her head. "oh really what movie is it?" jimmy asks, "well we're not the people to ask really, the person to ask is dennis right over there" I say pointing over to the actor playing dennis. Dennis shifts in his seat uncomfortably "really?" he asks, "yeah man, after the success of the movie Dennis, the sequel is being made" Seb says from his chair behind me. "who are you guys playing then?" dennis asks, "well you're friends of course the ones sat right next to you" Mackie laughs as the camera pans out to show the 3 other actors. "yeah we loved portraying you guys and doing all the research before filming, like going through your garbage and your homes when you weren't in" (Y/N) says smiling, I was really struggling to keep a straight face "yeah researching you guys was a lot of fun, and I think it paid off, I mean we brought the trailer if you want to have a look" I tell them.

Once the trailer was over the entire crowd was laughing except the actors, "so what do you think?" I ask, "I think I need to get a restraining order, on all of you" dennis says "you know what I'm leaving come on guys" the rest of the actors get up and walk off elsewhere. (Y/N) beside me sighs and shakes her head "some people just don't appreciate fine art" she says making me laugh even more. We continue on with the interview, jimmy asking questions to (Y/N) and the guys. "so once the press tour is done and the movie is out do you guys go out to celebrate or anything?" jimmy asks, "yeah we do celebrate, usually we try and visit and go round someone's for the weekend sometimes a couple months after everything is finished due to scheduling" (Y/N) explains "but we get together and actually watch as many interviews as possible, but we turn it into a game so whenever someone shows a particular characteristic that person has to take a shot, so it kind of ends up us trying not to do these particular characteristics because we don't want to get super drunk". The whole audience and jimmy laugh "really so what are some of the characteristics?" he asks, "well this guys is grabbing his left boob, and sexy seabass is fixing his hair for example" Mackie says slapping me and Seb on the back. "oh really that does sound like a good game, do you do it for every movie?" jimmy asks, "yeah so when its everyone from the avengers it can be a great night" (Y/N) says. Once we were done we were taken back stage and I got a text from Scott:

From Scott: Hey man you've been in LA for the last couple of days and haven't even visited me!! I want to see my newest Niece!!

From Chris: sorry bro been busy, you know how it is, we're free this evening to come over if you want

From Scott: yeah I am, I'll see you later say hi to tash and (Y/N) for me

From Chris: I will, see you later

"Scott says hi" I say looking up and over at (Y/N), "well hi back" she laughs "what did he want?" she asks as we walk to the car that would take up back to the hotel. "he wanted to see us that's all, mostly Nat, I said we would pop over later" I tell her, "um I'm not sure, I'm quite tired so I may not be out for long" she says. "hey that's fine don't worry, why don't I text him and tell him to come to us, meet in the hotel and me and him will go down to the bar when you want to go to bed" I offer putting an arm around her, "yeah that's sound good, thank you Chris" she says smiling up at me "its fine anything for you" I smile leaning down and kissing her.

"hey there's the little one" Scott says as I open the door holding tash, I laugh passing her over to him "hey Scott, nice to see my only brother after quite a while" I say shutting the door and following him back into the room "oh yeah hey bro" he says fully concentrating on pulling funny faces with tash. "oh and hi (Y/N)" he adds, "hey Scott, good to see you again" she laughs. "how are things with this one now? She still keeping you up?" Scott asks as he moves tash so she was lying down on his lap "not as often anymore, but the occasional night yeah" I explain sitting down on the bed with the rest of them. We continue catching up for quite a while until I noticed (Y/N) beginning to yawn more and more "okay we're going to head down to the bar, I promise I won't be out too late" I say getting up, keeping my voice down since tash was also falling asleep. "okay have fun, I'll see you when you get back" (Y/N) smiles "bye Scott it was nice seeing you" she says giving him a hug. "and you too, couldn't ask for a better in law" Scott says "same here" (Y/N) agrees. Me and Scott head down to the bar to catch up some more, he was telling me about his newest job when he noticed a magazine someone had left on the table next to us, "hey look you're on it" he says picking it up. "really? it's probably just about tash, nothing you don't already know" I say taking a sip of my beer. "when did you see minka?" Scott asks looking up from the article, "what?" I ask furrowing my brows at him, "it says here: are there problems in paradise?, Chris was seen out with former flame Minka Kelly, the pair were reportedly close and got in the same taxi at the end of the night" Scott says reading from the magazine. "oh shit, look it isn't what it looks like, we just bumped into each other and had a catch up, she's with someone, we all went back in the taxi, Robert offered not me" I explain, Scott nods his head "does (Y/N) know?" he asks. I shake my head "no I didn't think there was anything to tell, like I said we bumped into each other" I say, "look Chris I know that you know (Y/N) a lot better than me but I would tell her before she sees this" Scott says putting the magazine down. I nod my head "yeah you're right, I'll tell her in the morning, I'm actually going to head up now, I'll see you in a bit bro" I say standing up, "yeah good to see you man, I'll let you know when I'm back in boston, congrats on the movie" Scott says as we leave.

When I got back up to the room I quietly open the door, but notice the lights were still on. Confused I shut the door behind me and head into the room to see (Y/N) still awake sat on the bed, "Chris what is this?" she asks holding up her phone to show me the exact same article I had just been reading. I glance round the room "is Tash next door with your parents?" I ask, she nods her head "so you can't shout too loudly then" I continue. (Y/N) scoff and shakes her head "well that fills me with confidence, Chris what's going on?" she asks, "nothing it was literally nothing, we bumped into each other and caught up she congratulated me on Tash and said she was happy for the both of us, she's with someone, Robert offered her the lift home not me, I got out of the taxi before her, and I came back to you, ask any of the guys they will back me up on this" I tells her stepping forward. "you have to believe me, I would never leave you for anyone" I beg, "I do believe you" she says shaking her head but I could tell she was still angry. "then why are you still angry with me?" I ask, "because you told me it was only you and the guys" she says "you lied to me about who you saw, I didn't care that you saw her, I cared that you felt that you needed to hide it" she exclaims. "I know and I'm sorry, i should have told you" I apologise, "why didn't you?" she asks. I glance down at the floor "because I didn't know how you would have reacted" I admit "I wanted to avoid an argument" I look back up at her and she her shaking her head "well I'll show you how I would have reacted, hey Chris did anyone else end up joining you?" she asks. "(Y/N)..." I sigh "its not the same", she nods "yeah but you're an actor now answer" she says "tell me what you would have told me", I pause for a moment "I did see minka, my ex we caught up a little, she congratulated us on the movie and on tash, told me about her new relationship, but that's all" I say rubbing the back on my neck anxiously. "aww that's sweet of her, happy to hear she's happy, glad you had a good night" (Y/N) smiles, it quickly fades back to the sad expression she once wore "see Chris, I wouldn't and still don't mind that you saw her, I'm not a jealous wife, I just wish you hadn't hidden it from me" she says. "I know I'm so sorry I'll never do it again I promise, because I love you and our child and would never do anything to compromise any of that I promise" I say walking forward and placing my hand on her arm, she looks up at me "I love you too, and I'm sorry if I came across like I was jealous but I just want us to both be honest you know" she says wiping away a tear. "I know and I will be, I wont do it ever again I promise" I say pulling her into a hug "I love you" I add kissing her on the top of her head "I love you too meatball" she chuckles looking up at me. I smile leaning down and kissing her, "is tash staying with your parents all night?" I ask, "yeah why what are you thinking?" she asks furrowing her brows in question. I brush a stand of hair out of her face before letting my hand drift down her cheek "because if you want, and I don't mind of you do, we could savour this night as just the two of us and I can make it up to you" I suggest with a crooked smile, "well lets not miss this opportunity" she smirks.

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