Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪�...

By sereniity-

62.1K 44.4K 12.9K

Completed December 2017. Highest ranking #9 in Mystery/Thriller! Mature topics: suicide & self harm. ••••••... More

Chapter 1- Vanessasarily In Love
Chapter 2- Ice Hockey Match
Chapter 3- Kieran Outraged
Chapter 4- The Art Competition
Chapter 5- Theo And Leo
Chapter 6- Clyde's Jealous
Chapter 7- The Wedding!
Chapter 8- What On Earth Is She Doing Here?
Chapter 9- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...
Chapter 10- A Whirlwind Of Calamities
Chapter 11- Tornado, Tornado
Chapter 12- Secrets About Vanessa
Chapter 13- Scrapbook
Chapter 14- Don't Do It, Clyde
Chapter 15- Mad At Vanessa!
Chapter 16- New Girl, Lauriel
Chapter 17- Just Leave Kieran Alone, For God Sake!
Chapter 18- Kieran Gone Crazy
Chapter 19- Katherine Gone Crazy
Chapter 20- Winding Kieran Up
Chapter 21- Slime, Slime, Slime
Chapter 22- Vanessa On Kieran's Nerves
Chapter 23- Lauriel
Chapter 24- Lauriel Runs Away
Chapter 26- What Happens Next?
Chapter 27- Doctor, Doctor
Chapter 28- Leave And You Die, Lauriel
Chapter 29- Shouldn't Have Signed The Contract!
Chapter 30- Agent Astera
Chapter 31- "You Wasted Our Hologram Credits Just To Say Hi?!"
Chapter 32- Fail And You Die
Chapter 33- Lauriel's Doomed
Chapter 34- Wrong Test Room, Lauriel
Chapter 35- Just Don't Take The Test, Lauriel
Chapter 36- The Perilous Obstacle Course Test
Chapter 37- Oh No, They Didn't
Chapter 38- Win, Lose Or Cheat?
Chapter 39- World War Three
Chapter 40- Marcel And Tyrese Back At It Again
Chapter 41- Jeez, Marcel And Tyrese, What Have You Done To Kieran?
Chapter 42- Spider Mania 2
Chapter 43- Kieran's Predicament
Chapter 44- Wrong Test Room, Kieran...
Chapter 45- The Test Of Justice
Chapter 46- The Test Of "Justice"
Chapter 47- The Knife That Killed Me
Chapter 48- Kozak Gone Evil [1]
Chapter 49- Kozak Gone Evil [2]
Chapter 50- Secret Agent, Counterspy
Chapter 51- Well, Hello There, Esperanza
Chapter 52- Get That Trophy!
Chapter 53- Best Believing, Looks Are Deceiving
Chapter 54- Diana Valentine
Chapter 55- What's Esperanza Up To Now?
Chapter 56- Esperanza Upset
Chapter 57- "Hidden" Secrets
Chapter 58- Kozak Out Of Control!
Chapter 59- Late For The Mission
Chapter 60- Never Trust Kieran And Esperanza
Chapter 61- Kozak's Annoyed
Chapter 62- The Trouble With Elephants
Chapter 63- Holographic Elephant
Chapter 64- Kozak Gone Slightly Insane
Chapter 65- "You're Jealous, Kieran"
Chapter 66- Secrets About Kozak
Chapter 67- Step Right Over & Watch Her Put It Down
Chapter 68- Rhyme Or Die?
Chapter 69- Why, Kozak, Why?
Chapter 70- 'Cause Baby, You're A Firework
Chapter 71- Beautiful Present
Chapter 72- Kozak Jinxes Esperanza On Her Birthday
Chapter 73- The Date
Chapter 74- 99 Problems And Counting
Chapter 75- The Tragedy Of...
Chapter 76- Mysterious But Real Truths
Chapter 77- Kozak Gone Evil Again
Chapter 78- Arista Outrages Kozak
Chapter 79- Falling, Appalling, Trouble Is Calling
Chapter 80- Do It Like A Brother, Do It Like A Dude
Chapter 81- You Have A Brain, Use It. Ring The Doorbell Before I Lose It
Chapter 82- Kozak And His Sister Fall Out
Chapter 83- More Secrets About Kozak
Chapter 84- Well, That Was Unnecessary & Totally Uncalled For!
Chapter 85- The Booby Trap
Chapter 86- "Hastalavista, Valentina"
Chapter 87- For Goodness Sake, Kozak, Just Forgive Arista! [1]
Chapter 88- For Goodness Sake, Kozak, Just Forgive Arista! [2]
Chapter 89- Missing Link
Chapter 90- Cynthia Rose To The Rescue!
Chapter 91- Speechless
Chapter 92- The Tragedy Of Dr Kozak
Chapter 93- There Arista Goes
Chapter 94- Cynthia Meets Kozak
Chapter 95- Cynthia Rescues Kozak
Chapter 96- Kozak Rescues Everybody Else
Chapter 97- Kozak Gone Evil Once Again!
Chapter 98- "Can You Keep A Secret? It's About Lauriel."
Chapter 99- Frantically Texting Kozak
Chapter 100- It's The Final Countdown [Part 1]
Chapter 101- It's The Final Countdown [ Part 2]
Chapter 102- You Can't Spell "Diana" Without The Word "Die"
Chapter 103- The Point Of No Return
Chapter 104- Sometimes, You've Just Gotta Make A Run For It
Chapter 105- Where's Arista Though?
Chapter 106- Good Girl Gone Bad, Really Bad
Chapter 107- Kozak In Serious Agony
Chapter 108- The Real Truth Behind Arista
Chapter 109- Miracles, Miracles, Miracles!
Chapter 110- Even More Secrets About Kozak
Chapter 111- Expect The Unexpected [1]
Chapter 112- Expect The Unexpected [2]
Chapter 113- The Third Wheel
Chapter 114- The Massive Rhyming Argument Between...
Chapter 115- Where's A Doctor When You Need One?
Chapter 116- You've Just Gotten Yourself Into So Much Trouble, Kieran
Chapter 117- Martinez And Cynthia Back Again
Chapter 118- Why Esperanza Hates Cynthia Rose
Chapter 119- To Join Or Not To Join, That Is The Question
Chapter 120- A Rather Unexpected Visitor...
Chapter 121- Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria
Chapter 122- "Kieran Is Crazy, Dr Kozak! C-R-A-Z-Y!"
Chapter 123- Esperanza's Surprise Birthday Party
Chapter 124- What Maria Grace Wants, Maria Grace Gets
Chapter 125- Kozak's Gone Depressed Again
Chapter 126- Million Dollar Birthday Present
Chapter 127- Sorry Doesn't Push It, Kieran
Chapter 128- Today's A Gift, So It's Called The Present
Epilogue: A Happy Ending.... For Most People Anyway
End Of Book

Chapter 25- Annoying Text Messages!

499 372 180
By sereniity-

Inspirational quote: You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one.


It all started with a message from her mother which brought annoying news.

Well, okayish news.
Which made Lauriel annoyed.

She had managed to travel fifteen miles away from home in twenty minutes- waiting for the bus took seven minutes approximately and they had been at the same bus stop for thirteen minutes due to the haywire amount of traffic and commotion that was currently going on outside.

The annoying news that her mother had sent her? It was right on her phone.

Lauriel read the text message her mother sent her in disbelief.

Lauriel... I know you've ran away. Don't bother denying it. Well, you must come back. Seven o'clock today latest, or else I will really come and find you.

Lauriel didn't reply.
Useless messages like those didn't need a lengthy answer.

Or even an answer in general.

Her father had pretty much texted the same thing that her mother did.

Lauriel... Look we're sorry for being cruddy parents. Please come back soon...

Lauriel didn't reply to that either. She was halfway through texting Aaron to care about the other people in her reckless family.

Just why would you tell them that I ran away?! After the commitment you made to me not to tell anyone? I hate you Aaron! I wish you died.

Aaron didn't reply for twenty minutes driving Lauriel even crazier because the bus still wasn't moving.

Okay. It was.

Just really, really sluggishly.

Soon after, he replied some really long message.
Lauriel calmed down.

Although not completely.
She was still very annoyed on the inside.

Okay, that last bit of your message about you wanting me to die was a bit over the top. And jeez, I said it was an accident.

I was trying to explain to them that they weren't treating you properly, plus in my defence, hello? I was sticking up for you.

Kind of.

Anyway, the words "Lauriel ran away" just slipped out of my mouth tempestuously and I'm sorry!

There's no other way for me to explain that saying you ran away was a mistake, you're driving me crazy, and I was really annoyed already because of you when I was typing you this message.

Thanks a lot.

After constant bickering with her brother over the phone, Lauriel soon gave up and put her phone away in her suitcase that could have been shape shifted into a handbag if absolutely necessary.

Or just for the sake of it.

How the argument had ended?

I honestly wish you weren't born. I hate you so much. I wish we weren't related. You are the worst brother I've ever had and I hope you have an awful birthday tomorrow.

Actually no, even better. I hope you die on your birthday.

Well I'm glad we finally agree on something! And who needs you, anyway? I never really liked you and I found out your secret; you killed Abigail.

I wish all those times you attempted suicide in the past actually worked, and that you weren't alive at the moment.

Because trust me, the world would be so much better with you dead right now.

Lauriel read the message her brother sent her , although she didn't reply- why? It was too vain and just not a hundred percent worth it.

Kind of irritated, she put her phone in her bag away, and remembering that it was only like twenty percent, she used her portable charger on the bus.

She also genuinely felt like screaming out loud but remained calm when the bus she was on had drove at normal speed again.

Lauriel didn't even know where the flip she was going.


She had just left home without a clue in the world on where she was going and how she was going to get there.

Realising that there was somewhere to go after all, Lauriel brought out her phone and called someone that she thought would be very important at this time of the day.

It wasn't Kieran. (They had made up and were friends now.)
It wasn't Justin. (Lauriel and Justin were boyfriend and girlfriend).

It wasn't anyone else she saw practically everyday before the half term began.

No. Instead it was her Aunty, Aunt Evelyn.

Aunt Evelyn was thirty nine going forty in April next month, although she kept having unexpected seizures. Why she wasn't remarried yet, Lauriel didn't really know.

She looked half like Lauriel and half like Aaron but mainly Aaron, and she was so sweet Lauriel always thought that her great aunt wasn't related to her because her family was currently the opposite of sweet at the moment.

Lauriel called her ten times, but she didn't pick up once.
Eleven times calling her and someone picked up, making Lauriel relieved.

"Aunt Evelyn! Thank goodness you've finally picked up! I really have to ask you something."

The reply Lauriel got back wasn't expected at all.

Mainly because, oh, maybe since her great aunt didn't actually pick up.

"This isn't aunt Evelyn on the line, ya know, Lauriel," the person hissed back spitefully.

And once Lauriel noticed who was speaking, she was ticked off.

It was her long lost cousin, Frankie. Who was a boy, not a girl.

There wasn't much to say about Frankie.

Except that he was the year lower than Lauriel, was very violent for his age and was a hundred percent into everyone's business!

Lauriel hated her cousin so much.

"Frankie... Please pass the phone to your mother before I scream..."

Frankie was teasing her over the phone for a while, until Lauriel was so fed up she had to scream at him.

"And why should I do that? Nah, joking. Just tell me what you want to say to her then I'll say it to her."

Lauriel wasn't convinced. She scoffed before rolling her eyes and looking away.

"Really? After what happened last time? Please, I'm not falling for that trick again."

"She's sleeping. Just... Tell me what you want from her and I'll tell her."

"No," was all Lauriel was bothered to say.

Frankie didn't reply. This was because, in the background his mother was slowly coming down the stairs, yawning.

"Who's on the phone, Frankie?" She asked, half yawning in the process as she did so as well.

"Oh." His face fell. "No one important. It's just Lauriel."

Dramatic pause then...

"So yeah, like I said- no one truly significant."

Lauriel rolled her eyes in disbelief at the other side of the phone.
Thank god Frankie couldn't see her, only hear her.

"Lauriel! I haven't heard from her in ages! Where's her cute little face?"

Frankie pretended to throw up.

"Okay, yeah, you must be living in another planet or something because Lauriel is not cute," Frankie answered rudely, before whispering no offence to Lauriel at the other side of the phone.

Lauriel wasn't offended because it was true.

Anyone that called Lauriel cute was lying, Lauriel was evil with a capital E.

"By the way," Frankie whispered to Lauriel. "You're in luck. My mum just woke up."

Lauriel didn't reply and there was no reason to anyway because Frankie had already passed the phone to Aunt Evelyn.

"Ah! Lauriel. I miss your wonderful face!" Then she opened her eyes and frowned. "Why is your face green?"

Lauriel didn't know what to say.

"My face isn't green. That must just be the colour of your phone wallpaper. This is a call, aunt Evelyn. Not a video chat."

"Huh? Repeat that?"

"This is a call. Not a video chat."

How could Lauriel have forgotten?

Her aunt was half deaf. Lauriel honestly didn't know whether the deafness came with the seizures but either way, aunt Evelyn's hearing was like 15% good and 85% not.

"I don't know where you've misplaced your cat?" Aunt Evelyn told her confusingly. "Honey you need to speak up!"

Lauriel wasn't bothered in talking to her anymore, so as a result of that she shouted never mind and hung up.

Then, she read her mother's text message again from about twenty minutes ago.

...well you must come back. Seven o'clock today latest, or else I will really come and find you.

Lauriel smiled to herself mischievously.

Then she put her phone away.

She was going to return at seven o'clock pm alright.

Just not....



Moral of chapter: Sometimes the people you thought you could trust can suddenly turn their backs against you, so don't be too reliable on someone all of the time.

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