Fanboy (boyxboy)

By Maggiebert

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For Eli Warren, loving a Bieber was practically a family value. His mother was a Belieber so it only made sen... More

Author's Notes
I Need Your Love
Just for Now
Always Be
Dear Agony
Second Chance
Rootless Tree
Ten Days
Your Battlefield
After You
Unsteady Ground
From Where You Are
Closer to the Edge
Wait it Out
Heartbreak Coverup
Break Myself
Angel's Son
Give Me Love
So Much
Song Beneath the Song
If This is It
Remind Me
Broken Together
Still Into You
Say Something
Circle the Drain
A World Alone
Come On
Shatter Me
Don't Let Me Down
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Impossible is Nothing
I See Fire
Elastic Heart
Break My Fall
Dust Clears
Alter the Ending
Constant Craving
The Morning After
Coming Home
Wonderful Unknown
Secret Love Song
All My Heart
Stingray Affliction
"Now we wait."
"Your hands are shaking."
"This is my love language"
"You're Not My Fan, You're My Husband."
"You did what, exactly?"
"Do you want me to Google it?"
"Yeah, I did that for you."
"As if anything could really be so wrong?"
"I hate it when you look at me that way"
"I'm not any worse than I already was."
"The list of what's right is much shorter."
"Adam, where is our son?"
"I thought I deleted that."
"I promise, this would fix everything."
"Did you think you could just keep it a secret?"
"We have a situation."
"I have this theory."
"Please don't do this, Bryce."
"I want to show you something."
"We had a deal."
"That's like a modern day fairytale."

"I want to believe you."

88 7 0
By Maggiebert

"Can you say Dada?" Clay was kneeling in front of Bryce in the family room when Adam got home that night. "Or Papa?"

"Bababa," Bryce kept moving his mouth long after he stopped making sounds.

"No, say Dada," Clay corrected. "Like duh duh duh."

"Clay, it's okay," Adam's heart sank when Bryce just stared at Clay with a blank expression on his face, blinking and drooling.

"He can do it," Clay insisted. "Say Hi Dada!"

"Dada," Bryce repeated and then looked at Adam. "Dada."

"Yes! Good job, Bryce," Clay clapped his hands. "Now say Papa."

"Puh," Bryce stood up and held his arms out to Adam. "Dada."

"That's right, that's Dada," Clay jumped up. "Dad, did you hear?"

"I heard," Adam bent to pick up Bryce. "Hi Bryce."

"Dada," Bryce hugged him.

"Yes, I'm your Dada," Adam closed his eyes and felt Clay hugging his legs. When he opened his eyes, Eli was standing in front of him with his phone in his hands. Eli's thumbs were flying over the screen and Adam had a feeling he was posting a picture online.

"Papa, can we keep Bryce forever yet?" Clay was still holding Adam's legs.

"We'll know tomorrow, Big Guy," Eli sighed.

"We will?" Adam met Eli's eyes. The look on his face said more than enough - he didn't want to talk about it in front of Clay.

"Dinner's ready," Eli gestured to the kitchen. "Let's go wash our hands."

"Bryce too!" Clay let go of Adam and ran for the bathroom. "Make Bryce wash too, he touched the dog's butt."

"We've washed his hands twice since then," Eli didn't sound like he was telling Clay that for the first time and Adam had to smile. It was easier than thinking this might be their last night together as a family.

"When did our lawyer call?" Adam asked as they were cleaning up after dinner. Clay was upstairs picking out his pajamas and Bryce was still in his booster seat, drawing pictures in the last bit of pasta sauce on his tray.

"Just before you walked in. We've been offered a settlement," Eli took a deep breath. "He doesn't know what it is, but we'll hear it tomorrow."

"Oh God," Adam wasn't sure what that meant but he didn't like the way it sounded. He'd only ever heard the word used on TV and it usually meant there was money involved.

"I know. We don't have to accept it, we can go to court as planned. He still thinks we'll win if it goes to trial," Eli shrugged and turned to get the rest of the plates off the table. "Whoa, look at our speed demon here!"

"Papa! Look, I found my jammies that have rockets," Clay held up his pajamas as he ran back into the room. "Can I wear these?"

"Hmm, what do you think, Dada?" Eli smiled and handed Adam the last two plates.

"Hmm," Adam had to smile too. Eli was putting on a brave face for Clay's sake but it was helping Adam a lot. "I don't know."

"Please! I haven't worn them all week!" Clay begged.

"Well, since you said please," Adam decided.

"Yes! Thank you, Dad!" Clay threw his arms up in a victory dance. "Can we go to the bath now?"

"Great idea," Eli lifted Bryce out of the booster seat. "Run on up and start the water."


Adam laughed as Clay went flying out of the room and thundered up the stairs. He seemed to think starting the bathwater was a huge treat and both Adam and Eli were happy to let him go on thinking that.

It was another sleepless night for both of them. Eli curled up to Adam and they stayed that way, neither one of them really relaxing. Every now and then Eli would let out a heavy sigh. Normally Adam would ask him what was wrong but that night he knew.

Clay seemed to understand that neither one of them was in a good mood the next morning. He was quieter than usual and didn't put up a fight about any part of the morning routine. They dropped him off at school and then took Bryce to the courthouse.

Their lawyer was waiting in the lobby with the social worker. Adam's mouth went dry as soon as he saw her but her face lit up when she saw Bryce. He looked at her with wide eyes but allowed her to take him away from Eli.

"Look at you!" she smoothed his shirt into place. "He looks like a whole new baby."

"Doesn't he?" Eli's tone made his meaning very clear.

"He sure does," the social worker didn't flinch. "We're just going to keep ourselves busy while you're in the proceedings. Don't worry, he'll be leaving with you after this."

"No matter what?"


Adam wanted to beg her for more details but their lawyer was already motioning for them to follow. He led the way into an elevator and pushed the button. Eli took Adam's hand but no one spoke since they weren't alone in the elevator.

"We have a minute until the judge comes in," their lawyer said as he showed them into one of the conference rooms. "I met with the judge and the other lawyers this morning. She's offering full custody of Bryce, no contest, as long as the details of the abuse are never revealed in any way."

"We'll take it," Adam didn't have to think twice.

"Wait, does she get away with all of this?" Eli protested. "She can't just go on with her life."

"She's going to accept a plea bargain for the abuse charges," the lawyer explained. "Criminal negligence instead of willful child endangerment. They'll have a sentencing hearing but odds are high the judge will defer as long as she finishes rehab and takes parenting classes."

"So she won't serve any time?" Eli looked at Adam. "Will anyone even know what she did?"

"Because of the nature of the crime, the records will be sealed. All the public will know is that you have custody and she's been charged with negligence. No one will know anything more than that."

"That's bullshit," Eli shook his head. "I mean, I don't want to risk losing Bryce but it didn't seem like she wanted him in the first place or she might have tried harder. We're basically doing her a favor."

"Yes and no," the lawyer nodded. "Sealing the records is a good thing, especially for Bryce and Clay. When they gets older they won't be able to find out any of this from Google or the kids at school. But I hear you."

"Adam?" Eli squeezed his hand.

"It's just not fair, is it?" Adam closed his eyes. "Eli's right, it seems like she gets to just go on with her life like none of this ever happened."

"Well, we can go on to trial," the lawyer shrugged. "I still think you have a good shot of winning. It's really just about how much you want her to suffer. Odds are high even this lesser charge will impact her career, especially since she's giving up the baby."

"I don't want her to suffer, I just want her to feel the weight of what she did," Adam looked at Eli. "What do you think? Should we risk going to trial?"

"No," Eli shook his head. "Maybe we can just send her a card every year on Bryce's birthday or something."

"That's a little sick," Adam made a face. "I'd rather just never see her again."

"We can ask the judge for jail time, you never know," the lawyer offered.

"That would be okay," Eli met Adam's eyes. "Right?"

"Yeah, I think this is best for the kids," Adam wanted to throw up but he knew he was right. "If we go to trial there will be more media coverage even if the details won't be public."

"Alright, we'll tell the judge when he gets here," their lawyer agreed. "Congrats, you're about to officially be the parents of two."

The relief that washed over Adam was so unexpected that he wondered for a second if he was going to pass out. He held it together as the judge came in and they went over all the terms of the settlement. They both signed so many papers that Adam felt like he was back in one of the band's autograph sessions.

A little over 4 hours from the time they got to the courthouse that morning, Adam and Eli walked out of the building with Bryce on Adam's hip. There were no reporters waiting, no one even gave them more than a brief glance as they buckled Bryce into his carseat and went home.

"It's over," Eli took a deep breath as they left the parking lot. "It feels like it took forever but it didn't really."

"I think I've aged 20 years these past months," Adam agreed. He looked at Bryce in the backseat. The little boy was asleep just like every other time they put him in the car.

"You and me both," Eli took his hand. "Please don't get mad at me for asking this, but I can't stop thinking about it."

"Okay," Adam knew he wouldn't like Eli's next question but he braced himself.

"This hasn't brought up, like, old memories, has it?"

"Of Cole?"

"I mean, no, I know you're thinking about him through this," Eli sighed. "I am too, that's not what I meant. I was thinking more about like, how you two used to mess around with other people."

"Oh god, Eli, really?" Adam cringed.

"Yes, really. You know that's the thing I'm most insecure about."

"You really think this makes me think about sex?" Adam could feel Eli trying to pull his hand away but he held on tighter. "No, Eli. Nothing about this makes me want to run out and find some random stranger to bring home. Do you want to know what I'm really thinking right now?"


"That I finally understand why you haven't married me yet."

Adam hadn't planned to say it outloud but there it was. In the back of his mind he'd always heard a little voice that said he would never be good enough for Eli. Then something like this happened and he knew he was right.

"I don't blame you though," Adam went on. "You could do so much better."

"Wait, no," Eli protested. He cleared his throat. "No, Adam, that's not at all what's happening here."

"Isn't it?"

"Not at all! I don't know why you'd think that either, I love you," Eli gripped his hand. "We shouldn't talk about this in the car."

"I guess not," Adam kept his eyes on the road.

Eli didn't let go of Adam's hand until they had to get out of the car at home. Cole's mother was waiting in the kitchen, her face anxious until she saw Bryce. Adam realized as Eli passed a still half-asleep Bryce into her arms that they'd forgotten to share the news with anyone.

"We should call your dad," Adam put his hand on Eli's shoulder.

"Yeah, we have a lot of calls to make," Eli took a deep breath. "Looks like he's going to go down for a nap if you want to do that now."

They made their calls over Facetime, starting with their parents and ending with Dax's mom, Clara. While everyone else was too busy celebrating to notice, Clara picked up on the tension between them right away.

"What's going on, you two?" she narrowed her eyes. Eli sighed.

"I hate that you can do that," he mumbled. "We're fine, this was just hard."

"Okay, well, I'll come stay with the boys one night next week," Clara decided. "You two will get a room somewhere stupidly expensive and relax."

"You don't have to-" Adam started to protest.

"We'd love it though," Eli interrupted. "Cole's mom is here too and I'm sure she'd be happy to have a break or company or whatever."

"Perfect. Get me a day and I'll make it happen."

Adam stared at Eli as soon as they hung up with Clara. He wanted to ask why Eli agreed to let her watch the boys but he was afraid it would put them right back into the conversation from the car and Adam wasn't sure he was ready.

"We need it," Eli noticed him staring, of course.

"I know."

"I'm sorry for asking if this made you miss your old life, Adam, I just had to know."

"I don't blame you, I just wish by now we could be past this. Every time I think that part of my life is finally behind me something happens," Adam took a deep breath. "I love you. I'll know never be good enough for you, but I'm really trying to make up for it."

"No, Adam, I love you too," Eli tried to hug Adam but Adam backed up. "Don't say you're not good enough, please. That's not it at all. I just want you to be happy and I'm afraid I can't give you what you need."

"You always have."

"I want to believe you."

"Then do," Adam tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "Are you ready to go pick up Clay?"

"Yes, do you want to come with me?"

"I want to be there in case he asks about Bryce," Adam nodded. "I'll tell Carmen we're leaving."


Eli had always heard that having two kids was harder than having one, but he hadn't been at all prepared for how much harder it actually was. After 6 months the only thing he felt like he knew for sure was that he wouldn't be able to handle it if it weren't for Adam being a stay at home dad.

"I don't know how you live," Eli told Maddox during their morning meeting. They were outlining Dax's next tour schedule and trying to work around the kids' school schedules.

"The same way everyone else does, I guess," Maddox shrugged. "Sheer dumb luck."

"Dax, you have 5 kids," Eli reached for his latte, the second one he'd had that day. "I'm dying and I only have 2."

"Definitely luck then. All luck," Maddox nodded but he broke into a grin. "They're just so damn cute you can't kill them."

"Oh, trust, I know," Eli smiled. "Bryce painted the dog yesterday. Flower just lay there and took it. He was 5 different colors before I realized what was happening and then I was so shocked I couldn't speak. Clay was actually the one who stopped him."

"See, I think that's the trick. Have enough of them and they start raising each other."

"He did give a much calmer lesson than I could have," Eli laughed. "No, no, Bryce, we only paint paper."



"How's Bryce doing?"

"Good," Eli nodded. "He's got an ear infection right now but he's sleeping through the night and the doctor says he's finally at a healthy weight."

"That's good. Is he talking more?"

"He can talk, he just doesn't. We took him to a specialist and she said he's just shy but she's going to keep working with him anyway."

"Ugh, I hate when they try to tell you there's nothing wrong and you're like, uh, yeah, this is my child. I know when something's not right," Maddox rolled his eyes. "They tried to pull that with Chloe too."

Eli bit his lip to keep from grinning over Dax's daddy face but Maddox caught him anyway. He shoved Eli so Eli shoved him back. That was the exact moment Tim walked in and from the way he shook his head, Eli knew he'd seen the whole thing.

"It's never going to end, is it?" Mack was right behind him. "Elix forever."

"The greatest bromance of all time," Maddox winked at Eli.

"Bradam is the greatest bromance of all time," Jeff corrected him. "Sorry to crash, I'm here with Brent and Adam's schedules."

"Good, that should ruin everything," Eli laughed and, fortunately, Jeff did too. "Let's see."

To Eli's surprise, Jeff had more on the calendar for Adam than he did for Brent. As much as Adam insisted he had no future as model, he had a lot of photo shoots booked and just as many requests for others. They spent the rest of the morning sorting out the schedules and were able to get a final version together just after lunch.

"Hey, I'll follow you," Maddox told Eli as they were leaving. "My family is at your house."

"Awesome," Eli knew that meant his kids would be worn out and there was a good chance Brent made dinner too.

He knew he was right as soon as he opened the door. Whatever Brent was cooking smelled fantastic. Eli heard the kids next and barely had a chance to register that Colin was running his way before he jumped up, expecting Eli to catch him.

"Uncle Eli, we came to see you!"

"I'm so happy," Eli hugged Colin and handed him over to Dax so he could greet the rest of the kids.

"Uhoh, where's Chloe?" Maddox glanced at the stairs as they made their way into the house. "It's too quiet."

"I'm not sure," Eli went into the kitchen. Brent was at the stove, Emma snuggled into her wrap on his chest.

"Where's the tornado?" Maddox went to kiss Brent and Emma.

"On the couch, don't wake them," Brent warned, his voice low. "She's had a tough day."

"Oh boy," Dax sighed.

Eli saw Clay sitting with Hannah at the table, coloring while she worked on homework. He passed them and went to the family room. Adam's face lit up as soon as he walked in but he didn't speak. Bryce and Chloe were both passed out on his chest.

It took everything Eli had not to tear up. The feeling caught him off guard and he wasn't sure why. All he knew was that he'd never been more in love with Adam than he was right then.

"Oh my god," Maddox whispered. "Did you just cream your pants or what?"

"Right?" Eli was actually glad he wasn't the only one witnessing the moment. "I' fucking in love."

"I know," Maddox gave Eli a tight hug. "I'm happy for you both."

"Thanks," Eli let go of Dax and went to kiss Adam, careful not to bother either of the kids.

"Did I do something cute?" Adam had a knowing grin on his face.

"Shh," Eli scolded.

"Love you."

"I love you too."

They survived dinner and put the kids to sleep as soon as Brent and Dax's family left. Eli went back downstairs to see if there was anything left to clean up before bed and Adam came down a few minutes later.

"I wanted to show you this," Adam pulled Eli away from the sink. "Clay did this while I was changing Bryce."

"Oh boy," Eli followed him to the wall that held their collage of picture frames and number 3s. Only Clay had covered each number 3 with a piece of paper and drawn shaky 4s on each one. "Aw, Clay."

"I didn't have the heart to take them down," Adam smiled when he saw Eli's face. "He was so serious, Eli."

"Because there are four of us now," Eli nodded. "I didn't know he even paid attention to things like this."

"Me neither. But I guess it was bothering him."

"We should have some new pictures taken before I leave," Eli had switched out a few of the pictures so Bryce would be on the wall but they didn't have any pictures of the whole family.

"I was hoping we could take some at our wedding."

"Don't start that again."

"It's just what I was thinking."

"Listen, we're going to get married," Eli grabbed Adam's hips. "I promise. I love you and I want to be married to you."


"How about after the tour?"

"Really?" Adam's face lit up. "That's perfect."

"Yes, you are," Eli leaned in to kiss him. The kiss started out romantic but then Adam sunk his teeth into Eli's lip and pulled.

"Get upstairs. Now."

"What if I refuse?"

"Mmm," Adam looked around. "There's a good chance I'll just bend you over the couch."

"The kids could walk in," Eli cringed.

"I know," Adam gave him an evil grin and lifted Eli over his shoulder. "Is this what you wanted?"

"Yes," Eli admitted, grabbing onto Adam's shirt just in case though he knew Adam had a firm grip on him.

"You need to make up your mind. Either you want to be in charge or you want me to be."

"Oh, you're definitely in control. You can do anything you want to me."

"Anything?" Adam's tone changed just enough to make Eli really curious.


"I really hope you don't change your mind."

"I never have."

"You might tonight," Adam didn't say anything else as he carried Eli upstairs to their bedroom.

Adam locked the door behind them and slipped Eli off his shoulder, more gently than he normally did when Eli made him carry him. He leaned in to kiss Eli, lifting the hem of Eli's shirt as he did.

"Am I allowed to talk?" Eli whispered between kisses.

"Yes," Adam pulled his own shirt off. "And touch me."

"Okay," Eli smiled and Adam kissed his neck.

"Just don't wake the kids."

"Yes, sir," Eli agreed. Adam smiled but shook his head.

"None of that tonight."

Eli wasn't sure what Adam meant by that but as they continued, Eli realized Adam was taking his time. His movements were soft and slow but never so slow that Eli got impatient. It was almost as if Adam were reading his mind and moving right when Eli needed him to.

"How do you know me so well?" Eli moaned when Adam pulled his mouth away from Eli's aching cock.

"I love you, it's my job," Adam grinned, kissing Eli's thigh. "Sit down."

"On your lap?"

"No, on the bed," Adam took the lube out from under his arm. "Lay back."

"Mmm, okay," Eli scooted back onto their bed and stretched out on the towel they kept near the bed to protect their blankets. Adam crawled over him, rubbing lube over Eli's cock. "Ahhh careful."

"You too," Adam kissed him and crawled forward a little further so Eli's cock was lined up with his ass. "It's been a really long time, but-"

"Oh, whoa," Eli tried to sit up but Adam held him down. "You want me least let me stretch you or something first."

"I'm as ready as I'm going to get," Adam gave him a mischievous look and moved Eli's hand until Eli could feel that Adam had a butt plug in.

"You had this in all night?"

"I did."

"What if-"

"I would have just jacked off," Adam shrugged before Eli could ask what he would have done if they hadn't gotten time alone. "But I don't have to, so please, Eli, I need you in me."

"Oh my god," Eli closed his eyes as Adam kissed him again. He eased the plug out of Adam and waited for Adam to start sinking onto him. "We've never done this, you always said you never let anyone top you."

"I don't let just anyone," Adam corrected, his voice a little strained. Eli could feel how tight he was and stroked Adam's legs to help relax him. "You're not just anyone. You never have been."

"Wow, oh, fucking wow," Eli gasped as Adam slid further down. "I'm so in love with you. I wish I weren't saying that right now but I swear, it's not because-"

"Yeah, it is," Adam shuddered as he forced himself the rest of the way. "But I know you mean it anyway."

"Uhuh," Eli couldn't remember the last time he'd been inside anyone and it took everything he had to keep from cumming right away. "You got me too worked up, I don't think I can hold it very long."

"I can't either," Adam still had his eyes closed. "I wish I could but I'm feeling pretty weak right now."

"Can you look at me?" Eli reached up to brush the hair off Adam's forehead. Adam opened his eyes, a pained expression on his face. "You okay?"

"I-" Adam leaned forward to kiss Eli. "I was trying to do the romantic thing, but I can't take it anymore."

"Oh shit," Eli moaned as Adam started moving. He grabbed Adam's hips, trying to get some control before Adam hurt himself. Adam would have none of it and got into a rhythm.


Eli saw tears form in Adam's eyes but he squeezed them shut and kept moving, arching his back. It didn't take much more of that before Eli came. He nearly shook as Adam kept going until he shot his own load and then collapsed into Eli's arms.

"Are you okay?" Eli kissed every part of Adam he could reach.

"Just hold me."

"Of course."

They were still holding each other when Adam's alarm went off. Eli couldn't remember the last time he'd woken to Adam's alarm or seeing Adam turn it off and curl back up to him. It was still so early that the sun didn't quite light up the room, casting shadows with soft white light.

"I'm sorry," Adam whispered.

"For what?" Eli felt him tracing one of Eli's tattoos.

"Cole used to say that to me," Adam took a deep breath. "It was his thing, I guess, I don't know. But every time we...he'd demand it. 'Look at me, sweet boy.'"

"Oh," Eli didn't know if there was a right way to reply to what Adam shared.

"So last night when you said it, I just kind of lost it. He was the last one in me like that and then..."

"I'm sorry, Adam, I had no idea," Eli hugged him.

"I know, I'm not upset, I'm just so sorry. I feel terrible that I thought about him while we were in that moment. It should have been-"

"No, no, shh," Eli interrupted. "I get it, Adam. I have no idea what that's like, but I know you're going to remember being with him. Sex is like that sometimes."

"Yeah, but they're just words, it's not even like some weird thing to ask. I'm sure lots of people say the same thing in the middle of sex. I hate that it changed things for me," Adam took another slow breath. "I can't tell you how much I love you, Eli, I've been waiting to do that for so long. I wish it had just been us."

"I love you too," Eli closed his eyes. "Adam, you know that I'm always going to share you with him, right? It's not like he left or something."

"I'm all yours," Adam hugged Eli tighter.

"I know, but I also know you're always going to miss him."

"You're too good to me."

Eli didn't know what to say after that and Adam didn't say anything else. They cuddled until the kids started to wake up.


Adam leaned against the brick wall and stared down the lens of the camera pointing at his face as if the rough edges of the brick weren't chafing his bicep. Somewhere beyond the studio lights he heard Brent snort.

"You have a hard life, you know that?" Brent called across the room.

"Someone has to hold this wall up," Adam shot back. Fortunately, a few people in the room laughed and he felt less like he'd made a stupid dad joke.

"Do your kids know what you do at these shoots?" Brent teased when Adam finished posing. He handed Adam his shirt.

"Why are you here?" Adam pulled his shirt on as he headed to change back into his own jeans.

"What is this for anyway? Rentboy service?"

"Montblanc cologne," Adam shot him a look. "How did you know where to find me?"

"Monroe," Brent followed Adam into the dressing room.

"Dude, spill," Adam crossed his arms.

"I can't want to hang out with my best friend?"

"You called my dad to find out where I was."

"I texted your manager because you weren't answering my texts and I felt weird asking Eli," Brent corrected. "Last time you ignored my texts it was because you'd adopted a baby."

"That's not even what happened," Adam studied Brent's face for a few more seconds. "That's what this is about, isn't it? You want another baby."

"Ah, well," Brent thought for a second. "We're going to start trying soon. But that's not why I'm here. E! wants to do a special on the band and-"

"Nope, no way," Adam turned his back to Brent and changed out of the jeans they'd made him wear for his shoot. They were a few sizes too big so they'd sit scandalously low on his hips. A PA had pinned them into place so they looked good, not sloppy.

"You didn't even listen!"

"I'm not interested."

"It would be great publicity for Cole's foundation," Brent went on. "And my new movie."

"There are way too many things I want to keep secret to get involved in something like this," Adam zipped his own jeans and turned to face Brent. "What if they start digging and realize Eli and I were together before Cole died? Or that Bryce is Cole's son? Or that I sued my parents for half a million dollars?"

"We'd have complete control, Jeff offered to co-produce."

"Do you need the publicity for your movie that bad?"

"No, I just thought it would be fun," Brent paused for a few seconds, the look on his face making it obvious he had more to say.

"And?" Adam prompted.

"Well, if we do this, Zack has to sober up for a while," Brent pointed out. "His manager says he's starting to talk about rehab. This could be the push he needs."

"Ugh, you had to bring Zack into this," Adam sighed.

After Cole died and Complexx ended, Zack had a short solo career - short because he developed a horrible coke addiction that kept him from being even close to functional enough to record a second album, let alone go on tour. Jeff and Monroe dropped him and though another manager agreed to sign him, his career never went anywhere.

"We were his friends once, I think we can try," Brent had a good point. "This can only help us."

"Unless he doesn't sober up enough to do it."

"Then we don't do it."

"Fine," Adam couldn't argue anymore. "I haven't even seen him since the funeral, you know."

"Me neither, actually," Brent pulled out his phone. "Want to go get manicures? I have a few more hours before I have to pick up the kids."

"Yeah, okay," Adam couldn't turn down a manicure. "You can help me decide on flower arrangements."


Brent was too happy to help Adam with wedding plans. They hadn't narrowed down an exact date, but at least Eli was finally acting excited. The hardest part was keeping Monroe from getting carried away.

"He was making everyone a $600 gift basket to take home," Adam told Brent. "Eli and I don't even want to do favors."

"That's Monroe though," Brent laughed. "What does Clay think about all of this?"

"We haven't told him yet. It's so far away right now."

"He can't think past Christmas, huh?"

"Not yet. We're going to tell him when Eli gets back from the tour," Adam nodded.

"Ugh, I am not ready for another tour. I may need you to move in."

"Right? If we could get Bryce out of diapers it would help a lot," Adam groaned. "He's probably the first kid on the planet Justin can't crack."

"Oh, that's bad," Brent shook his head.

Bryce was nearing his third birthday and though he showed every sign of being ready to potty train, he refused everything they tried. Adam knew it would just take time but that didn't make it any easier. Especially for Clay, who'd taught Bryce all 20 of the words he knew and how to walk.

"You sit here and go real fast and then you can go play more," Clay was trying again later that night. He kept trying to make Bryce sit on the training potty. "And maybe you get a sticker! Dad! Can Bryce have a sticker if he goes potty?"

"Yes," Adam didn't have to think twice about that. Eli had used mnms with Clay but Bryce didn't seem to care about candy or other treats.

"Do you wanna try?" Clay pulled Bryce a little too hard and Bryce shrieked in protest.

"No Cway!" Bryce burst into tears. "No no."

"Clay, leave your brother alone," Eli called from the kitchen. "He'll do it when he's ready."

"But Papa," Clay's face crumbled and then both boys were crying. "I just wanna help."

"We know, Clay," Adam gave him a hug. "You're a very big help. Why don't you set the table so we can eat?"

"Is he gonna wear diapers forever?"

"No, I promise," Adam turned to Bryce. "Bryce, are you ready for dinner?"

"No," Bryce rubbed his eyes. "Up?"

"You can have a hug, then we're going to get ready for dinner," Adam knew Bryce would love to be carried around all the time so he had to put a limit on it.

Dinner was quiet after that and Adam could tell Clay was still disappointed. It was really sweet that he cared so much about his little brother. He made a mental note that he needed to spend a little extra time with Clay that week to cheer him up.

Adam was cleaning up the dinner dishes when his phone rang. His heart sank when he saw his birth father's name on the caller ID. If his dad was calling, there had to be a reason and Adam couldn't imagine what it might be.

"Hello?" he hoped he didn't sound as annoyed as he felt.

"Adam, this is your father."

"Yeah, I know," Adam tried not to sigh. "Uh, how are you?"

"Well, I'd like to know if this is true."

"Is what true, Dad?" Adam saw Eli's eyes widen. Eli brought Adam the last of the dishes off the table.

"Are you writing worship music? Annabelle Anne told us she saw online that you were writing worship music."

"Yes, I wrote most of the last album our church put out," Adam took a deep breath. "Why?"

"How is it that we have to find this out online? You can't just tell us? We have to wait for your sister to find it on the internet?"

"Since when do you call her my sister? You've never called her that," Adam looked at his phone to be sure it was really his dad and not someone pranking him.

"Don't be hateful, Adam," his father sighed. "After all this time. So it really is you writing these songs?"

"It's me," Adam bit his tongue. He was sure his blood pressure was going through the roof.

"Why don't you use your real name then?"

"What are you talking about?" Adam finally lost it. "Talking to you is like doing a crossword puzzle sometimes. I use my real name everywhere."

"Your real name is Adam Phelps!" Adam's father snapped, his voice so loud Adam had to move the phone away from his ear. "You're my son, mine! You don't belong to those Hollywood prissy boys you like to call your parents. "

"I took Cole's name when I got married," Adam saw Bryce just in time to keep from shouting at his dad. Bryce ran for Eli, practically climbing into his arms as if seeking shelter. The little boy was still very sensitive, though he'd gotten a little better with time.

"You don't have to cut us out, Adam," the tone of his father's voice changed, anger seeming second to something else. Hurt? Was he actually hurt? "I know we have some issues but are you so ashamed of us that you can't even use your name?"

Adam looked at his phone again. It couldn't be his dad. His dad never talked that way and would never be upset that Adam wanted to be separate from the family. Would he? Unless...

"Dad, you know I don't make money on those songs, right?"

"It's not about the money."

"Then what? You've never wanted to be associated with me before, Dad, you've always been ashamed of me. You told me I was dead to you, that you didn't have a son. So why do you care if I go by my married name?"

"That's not...I'm not..." his father started spluttering. "We just had to..."

"What is going on?" Adam demanded.

"All we've done is try to do our best. That's all anyone can do, Adam," his father's voice got softer. "I know we don't see eye to eye but can't we try to get along?"

"Why? I mean, why now?" Adam had never imagined a conversation where his father came close to apologizing, not even in his wildest dreams. "What's changed?"

"They closed our church, you know. We've been going to a different one for a while and been in prayer over it and we think, well, we know there's a better way. We want to heal this family."

"That'," Adam wasn't even sure how to interpret that. "So are you apologizing?"

"Well, I don't see what there is to apologize for, I just think we need to move on," his father sounded stern again, more like himself. Adam rolled his eyes.

"Okay, well, good for you. I'm not changing my name though, that's done."

"Alright," his father sighed, not sounding at all happy. "Mindy wants me to tell you that Annabelle Anne is getting married. You and your, uh, family, are invited."

"Oh. Okay," Adam couldn't understand that or how he would explain it to Eli.

"We'd like you to be there, if you can. But, uh, I know that might feel strange. We still don't...I mean, we can't be part of your wedding, you know," his father cleared his throat.

"I figured."

"We just don't condone it. But, uh, we'll send you an invitation."


"And, uh, if you want to change your name when you get married again, you can give him our name you know," his father went on.

"I'm not going to, but um, thanks," Adam took a deep breath. "I have to go, Dad."

"Okay, so, just let us know. And, uh, we can talk, right?"

"Uh, right," Adam hung up the phone feeling more confused than ever. Eli was still holding Bryce and looked worried.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"I think my dad hit his head or something," Adam shrugged. "That was too weird. I don't even know how to explain. He's upset I'm not using his last name, they're at a different church but they still can't come to our wedding."

"We haven't even sent invitations," Eli snorted. "Gross."

"Yeah, they're inviting us to my sister's wedding," Adam remembered. "I'll send a gift card, I guess."

"Good idea. They might have brainwashed him, it sounds too risky for us to go."

"Right? I can't even pretend to understand," Adam leaned in to kiss Bryce's cheek. "If you want to get them ready, I'll finish cleaning up down here."

"Sounds good," Eli nodded and gave him a kiss.

Adam took a few more minutes to clean the kitchen and shake off the strange conversation with his dad before he went up to help Eli get the kids to bed. He had no idea what prompted that call but he hoped it was the last one of its kind.


A/N: Love you, I haven't forgotten y'all. Working two jobs is killing me right now but it's almost over.  Just a few more weeks and then I'll have all the time to write again and we can finish this story :)

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