Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

Galing kay Fandoms-Assemble

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 53

4.9K 77 7
Galing kay Fandoms-Assemble

A/N: sorry for not updating for a while my life has been pretty hectic between school work and my birthday so  i haven't had the chance to update this book. so enjoy this long overdue update :) oh and isn't this gif just amazing! 

"I'm not showing am i?" I ask Chris looking at my choice of outfit in the mirror, he finishes pulling on his top before turning to look at me "no I can't tell, plus we will be sat down most of the day so it will be fine don't worry" he say moving to the hotel bed so that he could put his shoes on. I take another look in the mirror, I was beginning to show a lot more now. The bump could still be hidden under the right clothing but it was definitely there, I was about 20 weeks now and we had our next scan a couple days after we get back from comic con. "hey Chris, you know we have the next scan in a couple of days" I start turning to him, he looks up from what he was doing to look at me "yeah what about it?" he asks slightly confused. "do you want to find out the gender of this little one, or have it as a surprise? I don't mind either way" I ask moving to sit down next to him, he thinks for a little while "It would be nice to know I guess, we could start working on names then and not have to worry about being disappointed about not being able to use that name, if you get what I mean" he explains locking his blue eyes onto mine. "yeah I get it, so we'll ask then? Find out if we have a little prince or princess" I smile not breaking eye contact "what do you think it is?" I ask him, Chris smirks before pressing a swift kiss on my lips. "I don't know, I don't really want to guess either in case I'm wrong" he sighs "that and I don't care, I love this little one the same" he smiles getting up "now c'mon the car is waiting to take us to the convention centre" he holds out both of his hands and pulls me up. "we best head off then" I smirk "I wonder if the boys went out last night?" I ask grabbing my phone "they did, they asked is I wanted to come" Chris tells me as we walk out of the hotel room "why didn't you go?" I ask turning to face him. He shrugs his shoulders "because I wanted to spend the night with my wife and not out getting drunk" he says although I could tell he did secretly want to go out "Chris, that's not the whole truth is it" I ask stepping out of the room. He shuts the door behind us a sighs "well I thought you would be bored back here alone, especially since you can't exactly you know" he says lowering his voice at the end, "Chris I would have been fine, don't let me stop you from going out and having fun with the boys" I say with a smile. Chris smiles down at me before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me in close enough to kiss the top of my head "you are definitely the best" he sighs as we walk down to the car.

We pulled up at one of the back entrances to the centre, I could already see some fans looking out at us as we pulled up. There were already a lot of us there so when we got out of the car it was straight into a crowd, Chris took my hand as we walked towards the industrial sized elevator to meet up with everyone. Once inside the elevator we found Seb and Mackie and greeted them, both of them not being to hungover "so how was last night?" I ask. "it was good, we didn't actually stay out, out for that long, just chilled in Seb's room drinking beers" Mackie says slapping Seb hardly on the shoulder causing Seb to groan "dude stop it I am slightly hungover okay, where have you got all this energy from?" he says rubbing his forehead. "do you want some pain killers?" I ask pulling some out of my purse "yeah that would be great, I didn't have any in my hotel room" Seb says taking the pain killers with a sip of his water bottle "right let's do this" he says more enthusiastically. We watch as the big lift door begins to close and we descend to the right floor, as we talk I glance around the lift my eyes falling onto a sign that read: 'elevator not for human use, large objects only' I laugh slightly as it was currently packed with people. "hey guys look at that" I say pointing the sign out to the guys, "well that fills me with confidence!" Mackie laughs moving through the crowd of people to get to the sign, he gestures for us to follow, which we do unsure of what he wanted. "Seb take a photo of this" he instructs passing Seb his phone, Seb goes to take the photo stopping temporarily to laugh at the horrified face Mackie was pulling. Just as the photo was taken the elevator stops and we are lead out into one of the green rooms, the marvel staff go through what we can and can't say which was a lot. The trailer for the new cap movie hadn't even been made yet, so there was nothing for the fans unfortunately but the panel was going to ba fan questions anyway so it didn't really matter. We had been sat talking in in the green room for a few minutes when we got called to do an interview with ET, we got led into a room where there was a couch we could all fit on with the rep from ET sat to our right. "hey guys nice to be able to have a chat with you" she says once she sat down in her chair, "so what was it like not being able to go out last night?" she asks. I glance over at Mackie and Seb who just looked at their laps, "wait were we not allowed to go out last night?" Chris laughs, the lady nods "yeah that's what I heard, did you go out?" she asks Chris "oh no me and (Y/N) stayed in but those two down there... bit of a different story" Chris smirks pointing towards Seb and Mackie. "hey in our defence we didn't know, so they can't blame us for not telling us" Seb says raising his hands in defence "ha ha okay, I'm sure it will be fine, so you guys are currently filming the new cap movie, what is it like?" she asks leaning forward slightly. "uh good, we are coming to the end of doing all of the super physical stuff so we are all quite battered at the moment" I explain "but plot wise we can't say a thing" I add, the lady nods her head in understanding before looking into camera "it was worth a shot" she says before moving on to answer more questions. The interview was only short and was mostly kind of fun stuff instead of talking about the movie which meant we could have fun with our answer and mess around slightly with each other.

We then were taken to the backstage area where the main panel was going to happen, the mediator went on first and started talking to the crowd before introducing Kevin Feigi and then the Russo brother. Once the 3 of them were on they then called Chris out followed by me, then Seb and Mackie. As I walked out I waved to the crowd giving a quick hug to Kevin and the Russo's, once we were all on stage we sat down at the table while the mediator said a hello to all of us. We almost immediately went straight to fan questions "hi guys I know you guys are in the middle of filming cap 4 at the moment but have you had any funny moments on set yet, like bloopers we should be looking out for?" one fan asks. We all think for a little bit glancing at each other "careful what you say guys" joe jokes making us chuckle slightly "uh well there are quite a lot of me falling while trying to land" Mackie says shrugging his shoulders. "yeah we've pretty much all fallen over at some point so far, all the others I don't really know if I can say because they are spoilers" Chris says looking over at Kevin who nods his head in agreement, "okay next question, lady in the back over there" the mediator says pointing to someone. "hey guys, we know making these movies can be quite fun, but what do you guys do while on set but not filming?" the lady asks, "do you mean in our break?" I ask the lady "yeah" she agrees. "well as boring as it sounds we are either just chatting, I do puzzles occasionally, these boys how ever play extreme wiffle ball" I say pointing to the boys, "what's extreme wiffle ball?" the mediator asks, "well with these guys its extreme anything, just by the force they put into the swings, I mean have you seen these" I say pointing to Chris's and Seb's biceps which makes the crowd scream slightly "but they have this gun that fires the ball so it goes even faster, the first time they did it crashed into the side of my trailer making the biggest bang I have ever heard, as well as cries of pains when the ball hit someone" I explain making the crowd laugh. "so how do you all play it, because surely the 4 of you can't play it alone can you?" the mediator says following up my answer "well we kinda play it all against all, so one of us bats, one pitches or fires the ball and the other fields and if they catch the ball cleanly they get to bat and the person firing then fields" Chris explains. "yeah not all the bruises they have are from stunts, they're from them playing that game" Anthony says making the crowd and all of us laugh because it was so true, we then move onto the next question "so I know how much hate being asked about the work out regimen but how do you guys keep motivated to work out and get into the needed physical fitness?" someone asks. "well when you get guns like these" Chris laughs flexing his biceps "you feel pretty good about it" he laughs, "yeah plus we put all that work in so quite often you see us flexing our muscles to show them off, if we have our arms crossed in a scene it's not a character thing it's us flexing these bad boys" Mackie adds flexing his own arms. This then escalates into all the boys flexing their muscles to show off "yeah I'm not doing that" I laugh "for me I guess it's just getting into the suit, because even during filming we all hit that wall where the motivation and strictness that we have just goes and we don't have a care just eating doughnuts, but then you don't fit into the suit again so you're just like 'okay back to the gym, back on the quinoa' so that's how I do it" I explain the boys nodding in agreement. We do a couple more questions before waving goodbye and head in towards the area where we would do the signings. We were all there for an hour signing constantly greeting the fans, this was probably one of my favourite things as it meant I could put a face to fans. I tried to make as much conversation as possible while I signed since it was very rushed, I found out someone had flown out all the way London just to be here for comic con, she then told me it she was able to because it was for a her birthday I then proceeded to wish her a happy birthday.

We spent the rest of the day at comic con doing more interviews and a couple more signings later on in the day before heading back to the airport to fly back to atlanta. It was a night flight but as it was only about 4 hours long we all ended up staying awake the majority of the flight, me and Chris were sat next to each other when I felt the baby start kicking again so I told him to put his hand where it was so he could feel it too. "guys what are you doing?" Seb asks confused as he sat down across from us, "the baby is kicking" I tell him making his raise a brow in curiosity "do you want to feel?" I ask. Seb for a moment could form words, his mouth just opening and closing "uh yeah sure, I mean if you're okay with it I guess" he says moving closer. I grab his hand and move it to where the baby was kicking, it took a few moment but the baby did give his hand a big punch making Seb jump and retract his hand "whoa that's soo weird!" he exclaim making me and Chris laugh "and you can just feel that inside you?" he asks. I nod my head making his eyebrow rise in surprise "that's so gross" he mutters but I catch it "hey it's not gross, don't call my child gross" I laugh pointing my finger at him, he raises his hands in surrender "hey okay it's not gross, sorry baby Evans, do you guys know if it's a girl or boy yet?" he asks. Both of us shake our heads "no we find out in a couple of days at our next scan" Chris tells him "you and Mackie don't have a bet going on the gender right?" he asks, Mackie pipes up from further down the jet "no, we don't but we could if want" he calls. I shake my head chuckling "we rather not, its seems guys are always betting on our relationship" I tell them, "hey we only betted on whether you were pregnant, all the other times we the other guys!" Seb whines "Mackie you still haven't paid me yet" he adds turning to Mackie point a finger accusingly at him. "I'll pay you when we land okay, but I think it's a..." Mackie starts but Chris stops him "no betting okay, just wait to find out okay?" he states, both of the boys murmur in agreement, Seb moving back to his original seat.

It once again time for another scan but we were definitely more excited for this one, this of course made the wait seem even longer but once the doctor joined us the scan started straight away. The doctor did all the checks and showed us the baby again in 3D this time, "so we have a nice and healthy baby, they are growing at the right rate and I can't see any abnormalities" she smiles looking at the screen with the both of us "would you like to know the sex?" she ask turning to us. I glance over at Chris who gives a slight nod towards me "yes please" I ask, the doctor smiles "well you have a very healthy little girl" she says with a smile "would you like some more pictures?" she asks. Both my and Chris smile widely nodding a yes to the pictures "okay I'll go get them sorted" she smiles leaving us with a picture of the baby on the screen. "a little girl" Chris sighs looking up at me proudly, "a little girl" I say quietly in agreement "this feel so much more real now" Chris says smiling at the screen kissing my hand, "I can't wait to tell our families" I smile sitting up slightly "yeah we can call them on the way to set" Chris agrees. The doctor then comes back in passing us the photos of our little girl and to wish us a goodbye since this would be the last time we would be visit this hospital. Me and Chris were just getting into the car that was taking us to set when I pulled out my phone ready to call my mom, just as I'm about to call her she ends up calling me "hi mom I was just about to call you" I laugh as I answer the phone. The line goes quiet the only thing I can here is sniffling "mom? Are you there? Mom is everything okay?" I ask glancing over at Chris worriedly "(Y/N) honey- its –its Nathan he's" my mom says obviously crying "he's what? Mom you're really worrying me, what's happened?" I ask suddenly on high alert. Chris reaches over to take my free hand knowing something was really wrong "he's been in a car crash, he's in surgery right now" my mom cries. 

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