Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 43

5K 87 6
By Fandoms-Assemble

(Y/N)'s POV

"can I please have something to eat!" I moan turning to Scarlett "fine you can have a piece of chocolate but make sure it doesn't go down your dress, brown and white do not go" she warns passing me a small square of chocolate. "only one?" I ask giving her puppy dog eyes "yes just one, because soon enough you'll be having your wedding breakfast and you rarely get through 3 courses as it is" she tells me not giving it "point proven" I says chucking in the piece of chocolate in my mouth. "okay now onto the bride's hair" the hairdresser smiles as she comes and stands behind me "are we still going with the style we chose?" she ask pulling all my hair behind me "yep, just like we planned" I smile. The rest of the girls were now getting into their dresses while my mom helped do them all up, as well as serving her a couple of drinks since we were getting ready at my old family home. Soon enough my hair was done as well as my makeup and we were getting ready to leave, I made my way downstairs where my dad and brother were waiting for us "oh wow (Y/N), you look amazing" Nathan smiles coming over to hug me. "oh my little princess getting married" my dad smiles welling up slightly "dad you better not start crying otherwise I will too" I smile hugging him. "the cars are all ready to go" my brother says opening the door, when we step out I see all the cars appropriately decorated "okay me, (Y/N) mum and dad are in the first one the bridesmaids are in the second larger one" Nathan explains as we reach the cars. "thanks nathan" I smile when he opens the door for me, when we were all in the cars set of.

We were about 10 minutes from the venue when our car pulled down the wrong road "wait what's going on?" I ask confused, "you and dad are getting out" Nathan smirks. I look at him confused "we're a 10 minutes' drive away, I'm not walking there" I tell him, he just opens the door and helps me out "you're not walking, you're going in that" he says pointing to the horse and carriage I hadn't noticed. My jaw just drops "Chris wanted it to pick you up at the house but was worried it would draw to much attention so decided for it to pick you up here where its more secluded" my dad explains taking my hand and leading me to the carriage, my mum smiles taking photos of me getting into it and sitting down "this is so amazing and sweet" I smile. Once again we set of enjoying the ride, when we got outside the venue all the girls were waiting smiling at the sight when we arrived. "I'll see you inside" Nathan smiles kissing me on the cheek before leading my mom inside, "you ready?" Scarlett asks passing me my flowers "yeah" I smile, "good stella is ready with the flower basket" she tells me. I smile when I see stella in her little dress "oh stella you look so pretty" I say bending down so I could get a better look "thanks auntie (Y/N)" she smiles making my heart break slightly "aww stella" I say hugging her "you are going to be a great flower girl" I say. "okay lets go" Scarlett smiles as we walk to the door to the outside part of the venue where we would be getting married, we meet up with the groomsmen who pair up with the girls. Mackie was with shanna, Chris was with carly, Robert was with lizzie and Seb was with holly leaving scott and Scarlett. They walked in that order leaving me, my dad and stella. "okay stella off you go, you just need to walk down to uncle Chris and mommy throwing the flowers on the floor okay" I smile at stella, she nods and the doors open as she begins to walk down. "let's go sweetheart" my dad smiles holding out his arm as we begin to walk.

As soon as me and Chris see each other we break out into the biggest smiles ever, I don't take my eyes of his and his don't move from mine. The music that was playing 'thousands years' fitted perfectly and it felt so amazing, when we reach the end on the aisle stella goes and sits next to lisa and my dad gives me a kiss on the cheek before passing me to Chris. "you look beautiful" he smiles, "you look so handsome" I smile back. The ceremony began and we got to the part for the vows, I went first "Chris, I have known you for 18 years now and many would say I know enough about you that I couldn't be surprised by anything. But they are so wrong, every day you surprise me with you kindness and your good willed nature, your humour and so many more things. You have been my best friend for the majority of my life and I could not think of anyone better. I love you so much and I promise to love you for the rest of our lives, I will and do love all you little imperfections, your smile, your laugh, the little face when I wake you up too early. I love everything about you and wouldn't change a thing" I smile welling up slightly. Chris just smiles back at me welling up slightly too "(Y/N), from the day I met you I knew that I had found someone I never wanted to let go of. As we got older the feelings I felt for you only grew from the seed of friendship we had planted when we were 11. I have seen you grow and become this amazing woman stood in front of me right now, and when I look at you I still see the bright smile from your 11 year old self. I promise I will love and protect you for the rest of our lives, I will love all your funny and random moments, I will wipe away all the tears you have and help you thought whatever life my throw at us because I can't wait to grow old with you starting today" he says making a couple of tears fall, he reaches up and wipes them away. "may we have the rings" the vicar asks, miles stands up from his seat and passes Chris the rings, Chris passes me a ring "do you Christopher Robert Evans take (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) to be you lawfully wedded wife for better or for worse in sickness and in health?" the vicar ask. "I do" Chris smiles sliding on the ring "and do you (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) take Christopher Robert Evans to be your lawfully wedded husband for better or for worse in sickness and in health?" the vicar asks turning to me "I do" I smile sliding the ring onto Chris's finger. "and now pronounces you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" the vicar smiles stepping back slightly, Chris just smiles as he leans in and kisses my sweetly. We turn to see the guest standing and clapping making me smile up and Chris and kiss him again.

The reception was great and I really enjoyed the food we had chosen and I was now time for the speeches, my dad's was amazing and made me cry slightly and it was now time for scott to do his best man speech. "okay I have known Chris my whole life, quite literally as I was stuck with him straight away." He starts getting a laugh from the crowd "but (Y/N), I met (Y/N) probably a week after Chris did and she was great and I could tell Chris had made a great friend for life and I could only hope I would find a friends like that. Chris and (Y/N) were so close they rarely spent more than a few days apart, the summer (Y/N) went to Africa for a whole month Chris was quite obviously lost as he couldn't tell his best friend what he was doing or go see all the cool new movies that we coming out with her. When (Y/N) came home Chris was so excited he couldn't wait to go over and visit and find out all the amazing things she did. I always thought that after college they would drift away but they didn't I would often see Chris on the phone or skyping (Y/N). I was one of the first to try and push Chris into asking her out and I'm so glad he finally did even if it was a few years after I had hoped he would, because I couldn't think of a better pairing, to the bride and groom" he finishes lifting up his glass. "okay my turn" Scarlett says getting up "I met (Y/N) and Chris at college and honestly I thought they were already a couple by the way they behaved towards each other, and was shocked to find out otherwise. After college me and (Y/N) did drift slightly but we still kept contact with each other and I was over the moon when I found out she was coming into the marvel universe. It was from then on that I saw Chris and (Y/N) become closer than they ever had before, whenever (Y/N) was with Chris she had a smile on her face that only Chris could make. And that goes for Chris too who also seemed more him when he was around (Y/N) and I'm sure all of the cast from avengers can see the difference (Y/N) has on his life. To the bride and groom" she toasts. She doesn't sit down though "and just one more thing to add, this is a little present from all of us, from the cast and your friends and family" she says directing our attention to a screen. Seconds later a slide show starts of pictures and videos from our childhood, college and work "that's why she asked for a projector" I sigh smiling at the memories. The slideshow finishes with a video of me and Chris from the set of my movie where we were singing at the piano that one time "and if you ask any of us that's when we knew they liked each other" Scarlett says raising her glass again.

"would you please welcome Mr and Mrs Evans to the floor for their first dance" the DJ we hired announces, Chris takes my hand and leads me onto the floor where we begin slow dancing to 'all of me'. I look up at Chris and just smile as I gaze into his bright ocean like eyes as he smiles down occasionally pecking my lips with a kiss "you realise I love you right" he smiles, "well if you didn't I would be slightly worried" I laugh making him laugh to "you know what I mean" he sighs burying his head in my neck "I know and I love you too" I sigh smiling. We continue to sway and dance to the music until it slowly comes to an end Chris looks down at my smiling before kissing me while everyone claps, the DJ begins to play more music and everyone else joins us on the dancefloor. The party was so much fun, almost everyone was dancing and when it came to the typical dance songs my old dance team took lead and led all the moves. I spent as much time as I could going round and talking to the guests "jen! Aw so nice to see you how's the movie going?" I ask going over and hugging jen "aw it's great, you look great, this is all so great" she smiles. We continue talking until Chris Pratt comes over "(Y/N) hi you and Chris are so great together I'm glad I finally got to meet you" he says shaking my hand "aww thank you so glad I got to meet you too, I've been such a big fan of your work" I tell him, "aw that's so sweet thank you, I loved you in the movies you've done and well done on your Oscar by the way it was so well deserved" he smiles. My dad then come over "sorry excuse me but I do believe I haven't danced with my daughter yet" he smiles, I excuse myself and go and dance with my dad "I can't tell you enough how proud I am of you, I always knew you could do it and I'm so glad you found someone like Chris who you can lean on as well as be a support for him too" my dad tells me as we dance "thanks dad, I can't help but love him" I sigh looking over my shoulder at Chris who was talking to a few of his mates but kept on looking over at me and smiling. "you know what's weird" my dad starts making me look back at him "what's weird?" I ask laughing "that when I look at you and Chris I still see the kids that used to hang out all the time and play in the backyard, who'd have thought that I would end up giving you away to him" my dad smiles. I pull my dad into a hug "thanks dad, for everything" I sigh smiling, my brother then comes over "dad do you mind?" he asks. My dad steps away "yeah sure, seems like for once you're actually getting on" he jokes, both me and Nathan just laugh before we start dancing and talking "when you told me you were dating Chris I knew it would lead to here" he smirks. "really?" I ask him smiling, he nods his head "oh yea for sure, you guys are great together, like the way you both helped me when me and grace broke up". "Speaking of which have you found anyone yet?" I ask him, he shakes his head "no not really I've been on dates but they've gone so badly that it's never gone anywhere, there is this one girl though who I met a few time and I seemed to lose the ability to talk" he tells me, I smile at him "well then go for it, and if your nervous it only takes 20 seconds of confidence" I tell him "what's she like around you?" I ask. he sighs looking of behind me "she really smiley and laughs and does seem to want to talk to me" he tells me "does she make eye contact with you and play with her hair slightly?" I ask and he nods "well it seems like she may like you too so just go talk to her and suggest you grab a coffee or something like that" I tell him. He smiles down at me "thanks sis, maybe one day soon you'll be at my wedding" he smirks "yeah hopefully". The song ends and a more upbeat song starts playing, I look to see that Chris was dancing with stella and miles. I make my way over and start dancing with them too, stella was holding onto Chris's hands while miles held onto mine. Both the kids were laughing and enjoying themselves as the four of us danced along to the music "you having a nice time miles?" I ask him, he nods his head "yeah I really wike it auntie (Y/N)!" he laughs. "okay now it's time for the bouquet toss, so all eligible ladies take to the floor" the DJ announces, I get passed my bouquet and I move in front of the group and get ready to throw "ok no cat fights guys" I call. I chuck it up over my head and I can hear the squeal as they grab for it, I turn round to see that holly had managed to catch it. I go over laughing "if that isn't a hint to peter I don't know what is" I laugh hugging her "yep well if he gets it, then you'll defiantly be my maid of honour for sure" she smiles. I notice Chris sat on one of the chairs drinking his beer so I go over "you alright gorgeous" I ask him, he smiles and pulls me so I'm sitting on his lap "I am now" he say. I rest my forehead against his and our hands intertwine with each other as we just enjoy this moment in each other's company, I notice the flash of a camera from the photographer we hired Chris noticing to then places his hands on my cheek moving my head so our lips connected "I love you wife" he sighs "I love you too husband".

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