Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

750K 11.8K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 35

6.7K 88 13
By Fandoms-Assemble

(Y/N)'s POV

When we arrived at the hotel it was about half ten at night, so we decided to go straight to bed since both me and Seb had press junkets during the day before going on alan carr in the evening. I woke up this morning a crawled silently out of bed so I didn't wake Chris, tip toeing I made my way to the shower and got in fighting the urge to sing whatever song I currently had stuck in my head as I didn't want to wake Chris. When I re-enter the room Chris is still fast asleep so I get dressed quietly and get myself ready for the press junkets, looking at the clock I had to be downstairs soon so I quickly wrote Chris a note to tell him where I was. Placing the note carefully on my pillow when he could see it I look over at his peaceful face leaning over to gently place a kiss on his forehead before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

Once in the room where the press junkets where happening I made myself a cup of tea and waited to be told what I needed to do and where I was needed. While getting a mic attached to my top Seb joins me a glass of water in his hand, "on a scale from one to ten how tired are you?" I ask him taking a sip of my drink. He stares ahead tiredly and sighs "g" , I chuckle tiredly at his joke "well the sooner we're in the sooner we're out, plus were together for these ones so wouldn't be as bad as if we were on own on" I shrug. We were then led to our chairs and were waiting for the first interviewer, and when he arrived the process began. "so what initially drew you into this role?" one asked, "well I like the script and how it showed what schizophrenia it actually like, because quite often the first thought people have is of someone in an asylum and that's not the case at all" I explain, Seb agreeing with me. "what did you do to prepare yourself for the role?" another asked, "well I did visit and talked to people who has schizophrenia and learnt from them what it was like" Seb explains "and (Y/N), you talked to different charities and families who help the sufferer deal with what they have and find out how hard it can be on the family" he continued. Most of the questions revolved around this, a few asked about the avengers but not many, "so (Y/N), your fiancé Chris Evans joined you on set at one point didn't he" the guy from radio one asked "yes, he did" I nod, "since he is also a director does he ever give you tips and pointers when he watches you" he asked. I shook my head "no he didn't, all the directions I got were from the director, and Chris obviously respects his view, and to be honest when he did watch he was so shocked and taken back at the scenes we were doing he couldn't really say much anyway" I laugh.

We had finished the press junkets at around 2pm in the afternoon, and since Chris had yet to appear downstairs I made my way back to the room to see if he was still asleep or not. When I enter the room I do find him awake but on his laptop going through emails, "hey munchkin how was the press junkets?" he asks smiling up at me. I move to sit next to him on the bed "alright I guess they all pretty much asked the same questions" I sigh "thought you would have made an appearance at one point" , he looks up from his screen and over at me "sorry munchkin ,but I thought it would be a good time to sort through my emails and stuff" he say. "no need to apologise gorgeous, to be honest I thought you would still be asleep" I chuckle, he shrugs his shoulders "well an hour ago that was true so" he slides his laptop of his lap and hold his arms out to me. Smiling I move myself into his embrace resting my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me kissing the top of my head before resting his head on top of it. "did you really only wake up an hour ago?" I ask him, I feel him nod his head "yep, and if I'm honest I wasn't doing emails, I was being distracted by america's funniest home movies" he chuckles.

I had just sat down on the sofa with Seb after being introduced by alan, "hi guys, what would ya like to drink?" he ask showing us the array of drinks. "I'm easy, what's something we don't have in America?" I ask looking at the selection, he picks up a green bottle "sours? Do you have sours?" he ask, I shrug my shoulders "if we do I haven't seen it before" I laugh "so sours it is". Alan take out a couple of glasses "Seb do you want sours?" he ask, "uh yeah sure why not" Seb smirks. When alan pours the drink my jaw drops "what is that bleach! Why is it green!" I exclaim making alan laugh as he passes me my glass "oh wow" Seb says taking a sniff of it out of his glass. I look at the drink in my hand "I feel like I'm doing a bushtucker trial" I joke, also sniffing it slightly. "oh well bottoms up" I call holding up my glass, Seb and alan following suit. I take a large sip of it and have to stop myself from spitting it out "oh god, that is something" I gasp once I get it down "I'm gonna stick with it though" taking another much smaller sip before putting the glass down. "okay so you guys know each other from the avengers, but now you're doing a film that's almost completely different, what was it like going from fighting bad guys to this?" he asks, "tiring, we had about 2 weeks off at home before we flew out to florida, and although it was a much smaller shoot, only taking about 2-3 months the days were very long." Seb explains. Alan nods his head "so how long like 6 til 9?" he ask, I shake my head "we would be on set at about 5am and finish at around 10 or 11pm, and while it was only slightly longer days than on avengers but we would do like 10 to 15 scenes all in one day, doing 2-3 takes on each on as oppose to like 5-7 takes" I explain. "oh wow, now one thing I wanted to ask you (Y/N) is that you made a couple of headline saying you didn't agree with feminism? Is that true how did that come about?" alan asks, I shake my head thinking back to the interview where it happened. "well I was doing an interview alone, and the person said about how I play two very strong feminine character and then asked if I would call myself a feminist. And I said no, I wouldn't and that it was a shame that there needs to be a thing called feminism. And what I meant by that was that I'm not sexist, I stand for equal right and I feel that we shouldn't need to label people who are standing for equal right feminist and instead just say those that don't are sexist." I explain getting a loud cheer from the audience. "but if course, they pick the headlines that draw the attention and it was completely taken out of context." I continue, alan nods his head smiling in agreement "very well said love" he smiles. "now" alan begins slapping his knees lightly "while you were on the set of the avengers you took a very impressive photo, here it is" he says gesturing to the screen. The photo showed me up on some rigging with almost the entire cast and crew standing below waving "how did you get that organised?" alan asks, "well it was out last day of shooting and everyone was there and I thought it would be nice to have a big photo of everyone, so I told everyone and they all agreed. So before I had to do this jump using one of those selfie stick things I took the photo with almost everyone, except of course the guys on the rigging that were stopping me from falling" I explain, "yeah it was really fun, everyone loved it and wanted a copy it really is like one big family" Seb adds. Alan then reaches behind his chair and pulls out a selfie stick with a phone on "so (Y/N), I thought it would be a nice idea for you to teach us how to get a great ensemble photo" he says passing me the stick, "with the audience?" I ask and he nods his head. "ah okay so let me think I think if we stand here" I say walking over so that I could get the majority of the audience in "then you two come either side" I gesture for them to follow. Once either side of me i say "now you all need to pull an epic face, like yeah look how awesome this is" turning to the audience, holding the phone up I start taking pictures "yeah they look awesome" I smile. We go and sit back down and they pull up the photos onto the screen "aw yeah they look cool don't they" alan smiles "now Sebastian I have barely spoken to you" , Seb shake his head smiling "fine by me, I'm happy to let (Y/N) do all the talking" he says reclining into the sofa. We continue the talk for another 15 minutes or so talking about the new movie and other random stuff sharing a couple of laughs. We finished the show with all the other celebrities coming on and watching the musical act, once finished I make my way backstage with Seb to meet up with chris. "hey guys that was really good" Chris smiles hugging me before hugging Seb and patting him on the back "yeah (Y/N) gave some real good answers out there, you were on fire" Seb points out as Chris comes and stands by my side putting an arm around my waist. "well lets head back to the hotel shall we? I'm pretty tired so you guys must be" Chris laughs, I nod my head "yeah I'm exhausted I can't wait to go to sleep" I stifle a yawn, "yeah me too, the hotel bed is calling me" Seb agrees. We make our way back to the car that was taking us to our hotel saying goodbye to alan as we pass him, "it was lovely to have ya" he smiles waving.

Once back in the hotel, we say good night to Seb and make our way up to our room. In the elevator I get a text from Nathan:

From Nathan: hey sis, saw you on chatty man it was really good, loved the selfie bit. We still up for meeting up tomorrow?

From (Y/N): thanks, yeah we're still on, where shall we meet you?

From Nathan: I'll come to your hotel and we can go from there, cool?

From (Y/N): yeah that's great, what time?

From Nathan: half 10? I'll be generous and give you a lie in

From (Y/N): greatly appreciated, we'll see you then

"who you texting?" Chris asks glancing over slightly at my phone, "Nathan, just about meeting up tomorrow, he said he would meet us in the lobby at half ten" I tell him putting my phone away. Chris wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a hug resting his head on top of mine "can't wait, were do you wanna go tomorrow?" he asks. "well one place we didn't get to go to last time was Harrods" I say, Chris nods his head "did we go to Madame tussards last time?" he ask pulling away slightly to glance down at me. "no, the others did but we stayed in because of all the paparazzi" I recall, "oh yeah" he says remembering now. The elevator doors open onto our floor and we walk towards our room "we should get those cool ice creams again" Chris smiles opening the door, "yeah, there was so many different flavours I so wanted to try them all." I smile following him into the room. We get changed into what we wear to sleep in and climb into bed, "c'mere" Chris sighs holding out his arms. Smiling I shuffle towards him curling up in his embrace "who are you on Graham Norton with tomorrow" he asks, "Seb" I begin and he laughs "obviously", "benedict and Jennifer Lawrence. I'm really looking forward to it" I continue. Chris hugs me slightly tighter sighing in content, "not surprised, best get some sleep we have a long day ahead, night munchkin" he says softly "night Dorito" I murmur back letting myself fall asleep in his embrace.

We did as planned and spent the day around London, going to harrods, getting the cool ice cream and visiting madam tussaurds and taking picture with the wax works there. After saying goodbye to Nathan we spent a couple of hours at the hotel before we left to the studio where graham Norton is filmed, soon enough it was time to go on the show. The first person out was benedict followed by Seb then me then Jennifer. Once we all sat down graham started with the show "now we have an array of super people on the sofa tonight, as all of you are super heroes, yet none of you are here for that" he smiles "jen you're here for you newest movie, same with Sebastian and (Y/N) for your movie voices and benedict is here for the newest series of Sherlock" he explains to the audience "so do you guys all know each other from these movies?" he asks. "well these guys all do, I've met jen before but not benedict, tell a lie I did see your wax figure today" I say turning to face benedict "oh you seen it?" he ask, "yeah me Chris and my brother Nathan went to madame tussards today and saw all of them, it's so weird how accurate they are" I explain. "so you and jen have met before?" graham asks me, "yeah it was during one of my embarrassing moments" jen laughs, "it wasn't that bad" I laugh "it was kinda my fault". Graham looks at us wanting more so jen explain "I had met (Y/N) at this party and jimmy fallon was there as well, we got to talking and I told her the j-low story, so (Y/N) suggested we did what I did to j-low to jimmy, and I was like omg yes! So we were dancing and had it all planned out and thinking that jimmy was behind us we did the move, but as we got to the 'dance with us part' jimmy had moved on and standing there was johnny depp who just looks at us and carried on walking" she say laughing at the memory. We continued on with the show talking about different stories from what we had been working on and other funny anecdotes "so (Y/N), you now work very close to Chris Evans now, so close in face that you guys are engaged" graham says "congratulation by the way, what's it like working with Chris?" he asks. "oh it's great, he's great and I'm not just saying that because I'm dating him, but honestly he's the nicest guy I have ever met, he's funny, caring, a big credit to his parents who raised him right. Like his smile just lights up the room and his laugh is so bloody infectious, I could be having a really bad day and I would hear his laugh and I would end up laughing as well. He's so hard working as well, I'm so proud of him and where his career has taken him and where it will take him, he's only going to get better" I smile getting a slight aww from the crowd "I can picture him right now, going red at all the things I just said, but he's not on camera so its fine, sorry love ya Chris" I add at the end. "yeah, (Y/N)'s completely right, Chris is a great man, and everyone on set loves him" Seb adds. "that's so nice, isn't it?" graham says, "now for the red chair, first person please, what's your name?" he says turning to look at the screen where a lady just sat down in the seat. She looks oddly familiar "susan, and I'm from san diego" she tells us, I still can't pin where I know her from "wow that's far, okay tell us your story" graham tells her. "well I was at the san diego comic con this year, and went to the sighing panel for the avengers" she begins "I was dressed up as the winter soldier, and I had drawn a big canvas of all of the avengers together" and it dawns on me why I remember her "YES! I remember you! Omg that painting was so good, like amazing we all signed it for you" I exclaim, susun nods her head "and you said it was really good, something you would have in your house, so I painted another for you, and Seb if you want one" she tells us. "have you got them on you?" graham asks, she nods her head "okay so someone's going to bring you to us so you can give it to them" he say. A few moments later susan appears holding two canvases, she comes onto the stage and hands us our gifts, we both hug her and she gets a hug from both benedict and jen as well. I notice a few happy tears falling as she smiles with joy, I hug her again "you are so sweet, don't cry" I tell her passing her a tissue. After susan left to go backstage we continues the red chair segment tipping a couple of people. Once the show was done the four of us together headed back stage, benedict stopping me for a moment to exchange numbers "it was lovely meeting you" he smiles, "thanks it was really nice meeting you too" I smile back as we catch up with jen and Seb. While we were chatting backstage before leaving, I notice susan walk pass and I call out to her "hi susan, I realised that you got to see us four would you like to see Chris?" I ask, she nods her head "if he's okay with it then yeah" she smiles. I lead her back to the group "Chris I have a fan for you" I saw making him turn around to see susan "hi, those picture are really good" he smiles "do you want a picture?" he ask. susan nods and takes out her phone, I offer to take the photo of her and Chris then hand the phone to a crew member so we could all take a photo with her, "um would I be able to get you to sign my ticket?" she asks us nervously. I smile at her "of course does anyone have a pen" I ask the crew, someone passes me one "ah thanks" I say before signing the ticket and passing it on so everyone can sign it. "thanks guy, thanks so much" susan says before saying goodbye and leaving, "she was sweet" I smile Chris smiles down at me "yeah she was, and you were right" he says. "right about what?" I ask confused, "that I was going red when you said all those thing" he says looking at his feet. "aww Chris, that so cute, you know it's all true right" I say standing in front of him making him look at my face, "thanks munchkin" he sighs leaning down to kiss me. Just as our lips touch I hear jen shout " oh cover your eyes PDA alert" we both laugh and turn to face the 3 others watching us, "oh believe me, these guys are constantly like this on set, even when Chris isn't in the movie!" Seb smirks. I shrug my shoulders "hey I can't help it" I smirk grabbing Chris's now surprised face and pulling it down onto my lips for a much longer kiss, much to the others dismay.


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