Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

750K 11.8K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 34

6.9K 88 11
By Fandoms-Assemble

(Y/N)'s POV

It was once again time to do the press tour, this time for the new movie as oppose to marvel ones. Which meant they were shorter and didn't have lots of big panels, I was currently backstage of the jimmy fallon show waiting to go on. Seb wasn't with me for this one as he was doing an appearance on a different talk show, but Chris was with me watching the show backstage. "hey you ready?" he asks pulling me out of the trance I was previously in "uh yeah i guess, it's the first one that I'm doing all alone, all the others I had someone with me" I say rubbing my hands nervously. Chris noticing this takes them in his "it will be fine, it jimmy he's fun to be with plus you got that box of lies thing and that will take up a good amount of time anyway" Chris reassures me "and I'm just back here okay? Ready for when you come back out to I can tell you how great you were. Every step of the way remember?". I smile up at him before giving him a hug "thanks Dorito" I sigh, "no problem munchkin" he says kissing my hair softly. Before I knew it I was being called to go on, "see you in a bit" I smile to Chris "see you in a bit" he waves.

"whoa, wait you did what?" jimmy asks laughing, "we were on set for the avengers movie and there was one of those box type things that had all the wires going in it, so I was talking to Hemsworth and we had paused at the box, me not being able to keep my feet still started to fiddle with the wires not realising I had wrapped them around my ankle. So when I walked off again with Hemsworth I pulled a bunch of wires with me meaning they had to spend half an hour or so putting them all back it delaying the shoot for quite a while" I laugh telling the story. "now talking of movies your new one is coming out this weekend, you star alongside your avengers co-star Sebastian stan, what was it like, how different was it to doing an avengers film?" jimmy ask. "very different, probably just as exhausting though" I say making jimmy raise his eyebrows "really because you don't have to do any stunts or stuff like you do for the avengers?" he say, I shake my head "physically it's not that bad, I'm not leaving the set with a nice set of bruises but the type of scenes that we did were defiantly emotionally draining" I explain. Jimmy nods his head "yeah, I've seen the movie already and its pretty intense, I also heard it was collecting some Oscar buzz, have you heard that?" he ask, I shake my head surprised "no I haven't actually, although I wouldn't be surprised if Chris started that" I laugh, earning a laugh from the audience and jimmy. "okay now, you're an actress" jimmy starts, I nod my head "yeah, I guess I am" I smile , "so you can be quite good at lying?" he continues I shrug my shoulders "I wouldn't say that per say but" I smirk. "well let's find out as we play box of lies" jimmy says introduces the game.

We get set up in the game area, I stare jimmy down gesturing that I was watching him. "okay you get the first choice of the box" jimmy says, I stand up from my stool and go over to the boxes "oo which one" I say eyeing the boxes. The crowd start to shout out numbers so I pick the one I hear the most which was 4, once sat back down I open the box and laugh at what was inside. "okay so its uh, oh god it a hulk head made out of macaroni pieces" I say telling the truth, I return my attention back to jimmy and try to do my best poker face. Jimmy raises a brow at me staring me down, I try to hold in the laughter "well, since its quite obvious that your trying not to laugh makes me think your lying but that could be a bluff and that you are in fact telling the truth" jimmy say, I shrug my shoulders innocently "I don't know I could be lying, I may not be." I smirk. Jimmy rubs his chin in thought "well I'm gonna say you lie" he states, I pull and annoyed face and drop my shoulders in defeat before pulling up the hulk face "haha no I tell truth!" I laugh. "dammit I thought I got it then!" jimmy laughs, "okay my go" he says grabbing a box. He opens it and nods his head in approval "okay so this is an bowl that has Sebastian stan all over an it's full of dog food" he tells me pulling a grimacing face. I raise a brow suspiciously "can I ask if it's wet food?" I ask, he nods his head "yep bunch of meaty chunks in jelly" he says. I shake my head "oh jimmy, jimmy ,jimmy ,jimmy. You forgot one thing, me and Chris have a dog and I know for sure wet dog food stinks like hell. So you're lying" I smirk. "no I thought I had that one!" jimmy says holding up the item which was actually a toy sausage dog in a hot dog bun, "haha thank you dodger" I call out. "well its two to you, wanna do the last one?" jimmy asks, I shrug my shoulder "sure why not, go big or go home right". I pick up my next box and open it, it was a fairly large toy horse head that was dressed up like thor. I decide to lie on this one, "okay so this is a horse's head" I start "what!? A horses head!" jimmy exclaims, "a toy one don't worry!" I say reassuring him "but its dresses up as Donald trump, wig and all" I say grimacing to add effect. Jimmy nods his head in acceptance, "seems plausible and I mean it would be a terrifying sight" he says "why do you think I'm not looking at it" I add, "okay so I'm saying that you're telling the truth" he finishes. "nope, its thor" I laugh holding up the head "a tiny lie, much nicer to look at" I hold up the head to my own to make it look like it was my head making jimmy laugh. "Voices is out in a couple of days, go see it and enjoy it. (Y/F/N) everyone!" jimmy says ending my segment, I wave goodbye before giving jimmy a quick hug and heading backstage.

"(Y/N) that was great, you were hilarious!" Chris says hugging me, "aww thanks you really think so?" I ask smiling up at him "of course I do, and who'd have known dodgers smelly food would help you win a game" he chuckles. I laugh with him "I know, shall we head off? We have that flight to London tomorrow morning" I suggest, Chris nods his head in agreement "cool I just have to get my mic taken off then I'm ready to go, I'll be just a sec" I say before going over to the backstage crew to have my mic removed. The stage manager thanked me and said farewell as I left to return to Chris, who was on his phone "anything interesting?" I ask him. He moves his attention away from his phone "just checking twitter, and I just tweeted about you on the show saying how funny you were" he says showing me his tweet which showed a photo he had taken on one of the screen of me holding up the horse head. I laugh at it "c'mon let head to the back to the hotel" I smile, Chris takes my hand "yeah lets go, we can grab a pizza on the way as well" he smiles down at me. He leads us to the car that was arranged to take us back to the hotel holding the door for me to get in first "could you swing by a pizza place on the way?" he asks the driver, "of course no problem" the drivers smiles.

We get back up to our hotel room, I instantly change out of the dress I was wearing and into my pj's which consisted of a white vest and shorts. We sat down on the bed and pulled up Netflix on my laptop pulling up a series we had been watching together, I was lost in thought watching the programme intensely that I didn't even notice Chris trying to get my attention. That was until he slapped me across the face with a slice of pizza, I pause the programme and slowly turn to face him "did you really just hit me with a piece of pizza?" I ask knowingly. He tries to hold back the laughter by biting his lip "what I couldn't get your attention, and it was the first thing I thought of" he reasons, "but now my face is all greasy" I whine trying to wipe away the triangular patch of grease. "but pizza grease is the best kind" he says laughing, "not when it's on your face!" I state back, "oh c'mon it can't be that bad" he laughs. I raise my brows at him and pick up a slice of pizza "do you wanna find out?" I asks, he shakes his head "uh nope, no thanks I'm good" he laughs slightly backing away. "well too bad" I say lunging out to slap him with the pizza, he' s too quick and expected it so was of the bed and on the other side of the hotel room before I could get him. I shake my head getting out of bed and running over to get him, he laughs as he runs away in a desperate attempt to get away from the pizza. I somehow manage to pin him onto the bed, laughing in victory as I slap him with the pizza slice. I place the pizza back in its box not getting off of Chris, but I didn't notice him slowly reaching to grab a slice of pizza. That was until I noticed him smirking and then his hand inside a pizza box "oh no you don't" I say getting off him as quickly as I could. The nearest place to escape to seemed to be the door to the corridor, deciding that I was decently dressed enough I make a dash for it. I manage to get the door open a couple steps into the corridor when Chris grabs me around the waist lifting me up and back into the room, me in a fit of giggles getting a funny look from an elderly couple who were further down the corridor. Back in the room Chris throws me on the bed and hovers over me dangling a piece of pizza teasingly, "please no I only got you once!" I giggle. Chris looks at the slice and back at me, he slowly puts the pizza in the box and moves the boxes and laptop of the bed still hovering over me. "okay fine, but I get... to" he started before he begins to tickle my sides making another squeal of giggles erupt from my mouth. He laughs as he quickly moves his fingers across my body, In a desperate attempt I begin to tickle him as well. He laughs louder and I take the opportunity to flip us over so I had him pinned down, using the new advantage I tickle him with no mercy only stopping when we both had to take a breath. While we caught our breath I smile down at Chris as he smiles up at me, I lean down and begin to kiss him. His lips were warm and soft against mine as they worked in unison with each other, as we continue to kiss Chris moved us so he was now hovering above me again rubbing his hands up and down my torso. Soon his tongue swipes gently across my lower lip for permission to enter, I allow him and our tongues explore each other mouths. His hand which was rubbing my sides makes its way down to my shorts but before he could remove them I stop him "sorry Chris, I'm don't really want to tonight" I say. He smiles down at me "no need to apologise sweetie, I can keep on kissing you though right?" he smirks, to answer him I lean up and kiss his softly. He smiles and moves to lie next to me resting on his side facing me with one hand resting on my stomach at other propping up his head, he continually presses sweet kisses against my lips gently rubbing my stomach. "I love you" I murmur against his lips, "I love you too" he murmurs back.

I woke up the next morning with one hand resting against Chris's cheek as he slept, I glance over at the clock the table beside Chris and see we needed to start to get up. I gently start to rub my thumb over Chris's beard starting at his cheekbones and making my way down to his jawline, "morning" he mumbles voice still deep from sleeping his eyes still closed "you look beautiful". I chuckle slightly "you aren't even looking at me right now" I tell him, he smirks "I don't need to, I can just tell" he then opens his bright blue eyes which immediately lock onto mine "and I was totally right" he adds. I smile at him "thanks gorgeous, you look handsome as well, even in your hair is sticking up in every direction" I move my hand to run it through his messy hair to sort it out slightly. He keeps his gaze on my eyes while I sort his hair eventually letting my eyes fall onto his, he smiles at me before leaning over and kissing me. I then hear my phone ringing behind him, I glance over to see who it was calling me. "oo its Nathan!" I say climbing over Chris to grab my phone to answer it, "Nathan hi how are you?" I ask as I get off Chris and the bed. "I'm good, just wanted to check you're in London this week aren't you?" he asks. "yeah leaving for the airport soon, why?" I ask glancing over at Chris who was staring at the ceiling smirking, I go over and kiss him making his smirk turn into a grin. "well I'm actually over in London at the moment" he explain, "huh? What? How?" I ask his confused. "work sent me over, and I haven't seen you since your birthday so I thought it would be nice to meet up" he says. I smile "that would be great, I do wish you lived closer to boston" I tell him, "yeah me too but I do really love DC, and that's where work is" he sighs "at least it isn't LA" he continues "no I guess not, well Nathan I'll text or call when we land in London, but I have to finish packing to leave so I have to go bye" I tell him "bye (Y/N)" he replies as we end the call. I turn round to face Chris and see him on his phone scrolling through twitter "c'mon lazy bones we have some packing to do" I say swiping the phone from his grasp. He looks over at me and pouts "but I was on twitter" he whines, "I can see that, but I also see a man who needs to help his fiancée pack, or at least get in the shower as she does so" I say point the phone at him. He sighs "okay fine, I'll help pack what do you need me to do?" he ask getting up and grabbing our bags and putting them on the bed, "well get out what you want to wear on the plane, then go get a shower and do all that type of stuff. Then make sure your carry on it ready and everything you want on the plane is in it" I tell him. He nods his head and grabs his outfit which consisted of a pair of jeans, black top, navy jacket and his nasa hat. Happy with his choice he goes into the bathroom for a shower, not before chucking his boxers into my face. "thanks for that Chris" I grumble slightly putting them into the bag "you welcome, I knew you would love it" he calls, even without seeing him I could tell he was smirking.

When we arrive at the airport there were some paparazzi waiting but we just ignored them and carried on into the airport. I had my backpack on and was pulling my suitcase along behind me holding Chris's hand as he also had his suitcase and backpack on over one shoulder. We were able to go straight pass check in and towards the lounge where we would wait to board out plane, as we went up the escalator I moved so I had my back to the cameras while Chris faced me. Before we reached the lounge we passed over our suitcases to members of staff who were taking them to the plane, while we went through security. Once we reached the lounge we had an hours wait due to a couple of delays since there was a small amounts of bad weather in London, I spent the time going through some emails and other boring adult stuff while Chris read one of his books. A short while later Seb joined us in the lounge and started talking to Chris about the book he was reading and how much he enjoyed it. when our flight was called we were one of the first to board as we were in first class, our seats were in a group of three. Seb was by the window, I was in the middle and Chris had the aisle seat. The flight as a whole was fairly uneventful, there was barely any turbulence meaning that Seb actually fell asleep. I did have to try and remove his book from his chest without waking him though, as I knew he wouldn't be happy if he lost his place. I looked over to Chris to see him reading his book, I turn in my seat to face him and just watch as his facial expressions changed minutely as he read the book. After a while he does then notice me watching him "that's actually really distracting" he sighs glancing over at me, I look at my watch "well it wasn't distracting for the last half an hour to an hour" I smirk. "you've been watching me for that long and I didn't notice?" he asks raising a brow in surprise, "seems like a good book, I was watching how your facial expressions changed, it's really obvious you're an actor." I tell him. He smirks at me "really? I would have thought being captain America and sitting next to golden hope and the winter soldier would have been a pretty big clue" I slap his arm playfully "you know what I mean" I smile. He smile back at me before kissing me gently "why don't you try and get some sleep you have tv appearances to do later" he suggests, I nod my head in agreement and move my chair so I was lying down in it. I curl up slightly and look up at Chris who was smiling down at me "you get some sleep to okay?" I say, he nods his head "I will don't worry munchkin, now get to sleep" he says softly reaching over to stoke my cheek. The warm touch make my eyes close and I then feel his lips on my temple before he continues to stroke my cheek as I fall asleep slowly.

When I wake up I see Chris now also asleep next to me with one hand intertwined with mine and the other resting underneath his head. One of the air stewards walks past "miss we will be landing soon so if you could return your seat to the sitting position and get your company to do so that would be great" he informs me before moving on down the plane. I gently wake Chris up watching his eyes flutter open "Chris we're landing soon so we need to sit up" I tell him, he tiredly nods and moves his seat up. I turn over to face Seb and begin to wake him up, he wakes with a slight start "sorry Seb, but we're landing soon so I needed to wake you up" I explain. He nods his head and yawns "its fine don't worry (Y/N), I'm just surprised I actually fell asleep, you looking forward to doing the uk press part?" he ask. I nod my head "yeah, I'm really looking forward to going on graham Norton and alan carr, they seem really nice" I say as he nods his head in agreement "do you know who else is going on the shows?" her ask yawning again, and I shake my head to answer.


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