Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 31

6.7K 98 24
By Fandoms-Assemble

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up facing Chris, we had move apart slightly in out sleep but Chris still had one arms outstretched with his hand resting on my side. I watch as he sleeps peacefully lips slightly parted as his chest slowly rises and falls. I watch him sleeping peacefully not wanting to wake him until he slowly begins to stir, he moves his head slightly more into the pillow moaning slightly as he does so. Slowly his eyelids flutter open and I watch as his beautiful blue eyes adjust to the light, once his eyes look onto mine and he sees me awake he breaks into a small smile. "morning munchkin" he says in his deep morning voice "morning Dorito, sleep well?" I smile. He yawns slightly and nods "yeah I did but I'm a bit cold right now and I miss my human hot water bottle" he smirks reaching out like a baby would for its bottle. Raise a brow at his and smirk not moving towards his though "pwease?" he pouts, he shows off his puppy dog eyes that matched with his pout was an undefeatable opponent. I shuffle in towards his and bury my head in his cheat resting my head so I could hear his heartbeat, it was always a calming sound to me whenever I was stressed I would curl up into his arms listening to his heartbeat relaxing to it. He wrapped his arms around my torso and rested his head on top of mine, our legs intertwine and we continually rub our feet against each other's. Our moment of peaceful silence was interrupted by the knocking on our door, "yeah?" Chris calls out. We here the door creak open slowly and Mackie appears hands over his eyes "you decent right?" he asks, I chuckle at him "yeah nothing to worry about, what did you need?" I ask. he slowly moves his hand away smirking "just thought I'd let you know that Chris has breakfast all cooked and stuff if you want it" he says before turning and leaving our room. "you wanna head down?" Chris asks, I nod my head "yeah sure, best get something to eat before the others eat it all". I slowly slide out of bed and slip on one of Chris's jumpers while he slides on a top, "ready to head down?" I ask Chris nods and walks over to take my hand. We walk to our bedroom door when Chris stops abruptly "wait we did forget something" he says, "what did we forget?" I ask slightly confused, he smirks turning to face me "this" he says before leaving a sweet kiss on my lips. He then takes my hand and leads me out of the room and downstairs.

When we enter the large kitchen we find everyone sat enjoying breakfast with the exception of Hemsworth who was stood at the oven cooking "ah morning love birds" he chuckles taking the pan off the heat and placing some bacon on his plate "do you both want bacon, I could do some eggs as well?" he offers. I shake my head turning down the offer "no it's fine I'll have some cereal" I say walking over to the fridge to get some milk out before going to find a bowl and the actual cereal " cereal is in the tall cupboard, bowls in the one you're standing in front of and spoon in the draw" lizzie say. "ah thanks," I say grabbing the items, Chris sits down at one of the stools "I'll have some bacon though, and eggs if you're offering" he says, Hemsworth points at him with the thongs "no problem Boston bro" he chuckles adding eggs to a different pan. Soon enough everyone was sat eating breakfast together, Chris takes the first bite of his food "aw man this is wicked good" he say patting Chris on the back "what's in it?" he asks. Hemsworth just taps his nose "it's a Hemsworth family secret" he smiles, Chris smiles and shakes his head before returning to the food in front of him. "oh guys by the way, our room is that the master one?" I ask, lizzie nods her head "really I thought one of these two would have taken it" I say pointing to seb and Mackie, "oh they were, almost turned nasty as they fought their way into the house, since they couldn't come to an agreement we said neither of them could have it and that you and Chris would" lizzie explain. "ah well thanks guys, and by the way it is amazing" I smirk making both the boys frown "so what room are you guys in?" I ask, seb sighs slightly "we have a twin room, single bed each in the same room" Mackie nods along with him "I though just sharing an apartment was bad but sharing a room with this one is hard".

We were all on set today as we had to do a couple of group scenes, the set was the tower again which was fine as not much had changed. We were setting up for a scene in the lab set that contained all of us, the scene started with Bruce and tony explaining what we were all looking at. Prior to the scene I had been talking to mark and he was helping me pronounce one of the long scientific words that he had to say for fun. So when Hemsworth asked what was happening without realizing I spouted out the line "it's Deoxyribose Polymorphism" I everyone looks at my confused including Mark "I read your notes on it, while you weren't looking" I say improvising. Mark furrows his brows "yeah like jen said its deoxyribose polymorphism to it should give us the info we need to track this guy" he says making the scene continue. When the scene stopped I shake and drop me head "I'm so sorry it just slipped out" I look towards the directors and see them laughing "no it fine it was actually quite funny, I think we have that scene down now so take a break" joe say. As we were told we went to another part of the set, the living room area. We were sat on the sofa's chatting when we got called for the next part, Chris was walking behind me and Hemsworth was just ahead. "hey Chris" I say getting both of their attention but looking to face Chris "I think I'm pretty happy here don't you think" I continue. Chris gets the idea and stops next to me, but Hemsworth doesn't "c'mon we need to go guys" he says gesturing for us to go but I shake my head "make us" I taunt. He shakes his head and grabs my hands and begins to pull me forward but I plant my feet, despite my best efforts I am still dragged along, Chris deciding to help hold onto my waist and also tries to stop us from moving but ends up being pulled along too even if it was at a slower rate. Hemsworth noticing the b camera looks at it "I will get these kids working, you can bet on it" he says making me and Chris laugh. I finally relent and let go of Chris's hand, which in turn makes him stumble a bit forwards but he manages to catch his balance before he went to the floor.

We were starting the next scene and as always there was some disagreement going on within the team that got more and more heated as the scene went on. In the scene I stayed out of the argument and was the one to put an end to it, I had my cue to interrupt "guys!" I yell but they carry on arguing "guys! Shut up and listen okay!" I shout even louder. The cast turn to look at me "look I ....uh shit I forgot my line, sorry what was it?" I laugh looking at the directors, they repeat my line to me "oh yeah I remember now, from the top?" I ask looking around the cast and crew. They all nod and we take it again, I remember the line this time but Robert decided to mess the scene up when it came to his line that was after mine. "yeah... uh shit forgot what I was going to say, FRIDAY what was my line again?" he says in character making everyone laugh while a shake my head at him glaring playfully. we do the scene a couple more time until we were released to shoot another scene, me and seb weren't in this one so we decided to go over some of our lines for the new movie we were in. I was just leaving the room we were in when Chris calls out "hey (Y/N), where you off to?" he ask glancing between me and seb, I turn and walk back over to him "me and seb are just going to go over some lines, have fun filming your scene and I'll see you in a bit okay" I say reaching up to peck him on the lips "you too munchkin, don't get to carried away with those scenes" he warns playfully. I slap him slightly on the arm "oi you cheeky monkey, I'll see you soon" I laugh giving him another kiss before making my way back to seb who was waiting by the door for me.

"okay so what pages do you want to do?" seb asks when we sit down in one of the empty rooms, I shrug my shoulders "I think we've gone over most of them" I say flipping through my script " we haven't done page 46 yet though, wanna do that one?" I ask. he finds the page and nods his head "yeah looks good, works well in this room as well ready to start?" he stands up holding out his hand to me, "yep lets go" I smile taking his hand and standing up. "okay so it says we just walked in from a date so maybe if you have your hand around my shoulders when we enter" I say reading over the directions, seb nods his head and puts his arm around me and we start the scene. "thanks jake I really enjoyed that" I smile at him, seb leads me towards the space in front of one of the couches "anything for you sarah, although it was a bit disappointing that we couldn't dance" he sighs. I turn to face him and put my hands around his neck "who says we can't now?" I smile, he returns the smile and wraps his hands around my waist. We begin to sway slightly, at one point seb spins me out leading to a laugh from both of us, as he pulls me back in as he turn as well causing us to land on the sofa him holding his self above me. "what?" I say when he just stares at me, he shakes his head "nothing, just seeing how beautiful you are sarah, and just think how much I could..." he trails off before beginning to tickle me in the sides causing another wave of laughter. Once he stops I look up to him "nothing going to come between us right jake?" I say in a serious tone, "nothing god could throw at us could take away what we have right now" he reassure. After that seb gets up off of me and helps me up "that went well don't you think?" he smiles and I nod my head "yeah I think it's going to be a good movie just by the look of the script" I say. "um thinking of that, the kissing scenes should we just leave that to the day right?" seb says "since your with Chris and all" he adds quickly, I just nod my head "if I'm honest, I don't mind but whatever you're comfortable with" I smile glancing at the clock "they probably need us soon so" I trail off. "uh yeah best get going" seb mutters before leaving the room. I stand there for a few moments sensing the awkwardness in the room before following out, when I get back to the rest of the cast I stand with Scarlett glancing over at seb noticing he was now keeping his distance.

The rest of the day in fact seb kept his distance and it was starting to worry me, when we got back to the house I found him sat on the sofa reading a book so decided to talk to him about it. "hey seb can I talk with you for a moment?" I ask, he looks up from his book and nods moving his feet so I could sit down next to him. "are you okay you seem a little distant, since well since we practised that scene." I say sitting down, "yeah I'm fine he say" smiling slightly. "seb for an actor you are terrible at lying" I smile "has it got something to do with the scene?" he shifts slightly in his seat unsure as to what to say "I guess I'm just worried about certain scenes?" he admits, I raise a brow at him "I'm guessing the kissing ones?" I ask. he nods his head "I don't know i'm not usually like this but I guess because you're marring one of my best friends and we have to kiss multiple times, I'm just worried how it may affect our friendship" he sighs looking down. "seb just think of it as it is, a job, you've done this plenty times before and I promise it won't ruin our friendship. I'm actually really looking forward to this whole thing, just us hanging and having fun in Florida. So stop thinking about your worries and think of all the fun we'll have getting tans and stuff okay, it be our buddy trip" I say reassuring him. He looks back up and smiles "now there's the sexy seabass I know" I chuckle, "thanks Mrs America" he laughs back "glad we had this chat" I smile hugging him before standing up "now I hope Chris has finished in the shower because god do I need one". He pinches his nose "I wondered where that smell was coming from" he smirks, I slap him slightly "hey I don't stink, if you can smell something it's probably your feet" I laugh leaving the room.


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