Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

chapter 19

9.4K 169 40
By Fandoms-Assemble

Chris POV

(Y/N) still has good and bad days, the bad days seem more common. While she seems perfectly fine inside, as soon as someone suggests leaving she seizes up and panics. There have been many days where I walk into the room and find her mid panic attack, they take her by surprise as soon as she lets her mind wander. Even though she never goes outside the paparazzi still wait and make up ridiculous stories about her. She began to refuse to eat, and I only managed to get a small amount of food in her. I watched as she visibly became unwell, dark circles under her eyes the tone of her muscles fading away. She even lost weight that she really did not need to lose, I got her to talk to someone about it but it didn't really help her. "it seems she has developed Agoraphobia and moderate anxiety from the traumatic experiences" the therapist says once out of ear shot of (Y/N) "I suggest trying to take small steps in getting her back outside" he continues before leaving the house. Since (Y/N) didn't go out much anymore, her brother helped me move her stuff into my house so she way more comfortable. Her parents came over occasionally and so did mine, they would bring over treats and fun things to do to get her active. They would try to get her to come outside by suggesting she came over to see the kids or go watch her old dance team, but she would always kindly refuse saying she wasn't feeling up for it.

It was now February and we had to start getting ready to start filming the avengers movie in May, I had begun to work out and get my body ready for learning the fight sequences and the training I would have to do. I occasionally managed to get (Y/N) to work out on some of the equipment I had at home, but never got her to come to a gym with me. We sat and went over lines occasionally, but more often than not she didn't want to. I watched from the door to the lounge as (Y/N) sits in a ball watching TV, I have an idea to get her back outside. I pick up my phone and dial Robert, "hey Evans what can I do for you?" he answers, "hey RDJ what's up?" I ask lightly as (Y/N) glances over her shoulder at me. I move away from the door and into my office, "Robert I need your help" I say quietly. "What do you need?" he says, "I think I have a way of helping (Y/N) but I need the crew" I say. "I'm in, and I'm sure everyone else is if it's for (Y/N)" Robert say, I had kept the cast up to date with how (Y/N) was as they were all worried. Scarlett and lizzie had visited a couple of time but made little progress. "good now here's what I think will work" I say before giving the details of my plan. I sat on the phone with Robert for another half an hour, soon more and more people joined to conversation working out how best to execute my plan. Once we had the plan set in stone, I slump back in my chair and wait for the week to roll by.

The week leading up to the surprise had been mostly bad days, for 2 days (Y/N) didn't even get out of bed and just laid there looking out the window or asleep. She had a nightmare almost every night, she woke up panting and remaining that way before I was able to calm her down half an hour later. I had woken up early to put the final things in place for the surprise, I had a text last night from Robert saying everyone was now in Boston and ready. I waited for a while before waking (Y/N) and persuading her to get a shower and dressed. I sit in the lounge with (Y/N) watching tv when Robert calls, "I'll be right back okay?" I say softly kissing her forehead before heading to my office, "Robert you in position?" I ask quietly, "yep scarletts at the door ready to knock, as we are all the positioned all the way to the bottom on the drive" Robert whispers back "good you can give Scarlett the signal to knock" I say before putting down the phone. I hear the door being knocked, I wait a moment before calling out to (Y/N) "that should be my mom, do you mind getting the door please?" I slyly watch as she makes her way to the door. I watch from a distance as she opens the door and sees Scarlett, she hugs her and then notices lizzie a few steps behind Scarlett and runs out to hug her as well. I follow (Y/N) as she notices each cast member as she goes down the line, she reaches Robert who was stood outside of the gate on the sidewalk. I smile as she makes her first steps outside, the whole cast join me in smiling at her. "(Y/N)" I sigh quickly "you did it, you went outside all on your own" her eyebrows furrow her facing dropping when she realises where she was. "(Y/N) you're okay, nothing happened and nothing will" I promise her, she looks up at me still scared at where she was. "(Y/N) we are all here for you" lizzie says, "yeah I flew from Australia for you!" Hemsworth says patting (Y/N) on the shoulder. "ALRIGHT GROUP HUG!" Mackie cries and we all pile in embracing (Y/N).

All of the cast stayed for the week, they stayed in our house pairing up on the 4 spare rooms we had. (Y/N) made amazing progress while they were here, she was almost back to how she was before London. There were more and more good days, and the bad days only seem happen for an hour or so before turning into a good day. We all hung out together, we played in the pool. i had brought a water polo goal and we all played that, on one team was RDJ, paul, Scarlett, mark and Jeremy on my team was (Y/N), Hemsworth, lizzie, seb and Mackie. We began chucking the ball back and forth aiming at the goals, I had the ball in my hand and chucked it at Jeremy who was in goal. It got intercepted by Robert who proceeded to throw it at our goal, Mackie didn't save it. "c'mom falcon big butt pull your weight!" I call to him smiling, "oh shut it captain little ass!" he yells back "sexy seabass catch!" he chucks to ball to seb who catches it easily "oi mackattack!" he shouts as he passed it to (Y/N). I swim/run over to her, "(Y/N) on 3 chuck it" I whisper and she nods her head. "1,2,3!" I say as I pick her up by the waist so she has a clear shot at the goal, she gets in in and scores the winning point. She hold her arms up in the air in victory, I raise her onto my shoulder and the rest of the team crowd around to celebrate. "rematch!" Jeremy shouts, holding up the ball "what so I can whip your ass again?" (Y/N) shouts back smiling. She was smiling like normal again. When we all got out of the pool and were drying off mack decided to whip me with his towel, "oh you're gonna get falcon big butt" I warn starting to twist me towel. "bring it on captain little ass!" he simply goaded back, it was war seb and Jeremy then joined it. Jeremy took it a step further and dipped the end in the pool, god did it hurt. Seb accidently got Chris in the cross fire, inviting Chris to join in aswell. Robert and paul were the only boys that stayed out of it, I was prepping my towel to get Hemsworth but then feel a sharp whip behind the knees. "JESUS CHRIST!" I shout, turning around to see (Y/N) smiling towel in hand prepped for another whip. I break out in to a wide grin, she was defiantly doing better. I don't have much time to think about that though before she whips be across the stomach, "oh I see" I smile as I drop my towel and chase after her. She quickly turns dropping her own towel and running onto the grass, I chase her around the garden and behind the trees. I think back to when we did this on set, I almost get her a couple of times. I stop briefly to catch my breath and see that she was stood by the edge of the pool, this was my chance. I go in for the tackle, but she anticipates it and side steps at the last moment leaving me to crash face first into the pool. I come to the surface and see the entire cast laughing including (Y/N), she stops laughing enough to offer her hand to me. I of course use it to pull her in the pool as well, she coughs and sputters slightly before splashing me in the face with water. I pull her into a hug and kiss her passionately, overjoyed that she was pretty much back to normal.

After finally drying off we all decided to go out for a meal before everyone went back home, I book us all table at a nice small Italian restaurant. (Y/N) was hesitant to go but she was persuaded into is by the girls, who told her how well she was doing and saying everything would be fine. We all dressed smart casual, I had on my blue shirt (Y/N) liked and jeans. I step out of the bathroom to see (Y/N) putting on the necklace I brought her for Christmas, it complemented her dress perfectly. She was wearing a blue skater dress with sleeves down to the elbow, her hair was slightly curled and flowing down the back. "(Y/N)..." I say softly "you look stunning" she turns around and smiles shyly. "so do you but just one thing needs improving" she smiles as she walks towards me. She begins to roll up my sleeved exposing my lower arm, my skin tingles at the touch I watch her work before looking at her face. Once she was done she leaves her hand on my arm and looks up at me, we stand there for a moment and begin to edge forward closing the gap between us. I slowly place my lips onto hers tasting her sweet soft lips once again, we move in sync once more not wanting to part. She pulls away slowly biting her lip slowly, making me want more. I'm about to crash my lips onto hers again when there's a knock at the door, "guys it's time to go" Scarlett calls from outside. I sigh slightly and hold out my arm for (Y/N) "milady" I say poshly, she grins before linking her arm onto mine "why thank you kind sir" she say in the same tone back.

Once at the restaurant we have a large circular table near the back just in case, but everything seemed fine there were no paparazzi outside and the house of the restaurant. We all ate and talked about what their home life was like at the moment, we all said how excited we were for the movie to start filming and how the movie was going to pan out. (Y/N) didn't really speak much but was smiling the entire night invested in the conversations around us. We had both ordered a superfood salad with chicken, (Y/N) seemed really hungry and devoured it all. "so this Paralympian was on the news talking about his training and stuff and getting ready for the Olympics" Chris started "and it was the end of the interview and the presenters just out of habit went to give him a hand shake, when he had no arms!" we all said how shocking and embarrassing that must have been before moving onto another anecdote. Once it got to deserts me and (Y/N) shared a piece of chocolate fudge cake, since we were both supposed to be getting in shape for the movie. A couple of occasions we would put a mouthful of cake in each other's mouths, (Y/N) was just offering her fork to me so I went to take a bite but she quickly pulled it away and put it into her own mouth. "well if that's how you're gonna play, you're not getting any more cake" I say taking the plate and turning my back on her. I eat another bite when she taps me on the shoulder, I turn around slightly as she reaches round the other side and gets a forkful and puts it in her mouth before I could stop her. "oh you are sly aren't you" I laugh putting the plate back on the table. We all finished our meals and were trying to split the bill, a very tricky task when there are 11 people trying to find out how much they owe. Once we finally paid we made our way out of the restaurant, and straight into a swarm of paparazzi. I hold (Y/N) tight and begin to navigate the way to the car, I can hear her panic. I manage to make the way to the car and help (Y/N) into the back, Robert and Scarlett jump into the front while the rest of the cast make their way into the other taxi's we ordered. I slide in beside (Y/N) and hold her tight and reassure her as she has another panic attack. The smiling version of her that I have seen grow over the past week is crumbling in my arms, the panic attack goes on and on and only just starts to stop when we get back to the house. I help her out of the car, her knees go weak so I pick her up and carry her into the house. Robert and Scarlett follow sorrowfully, I notice Scarlett follow me the bedroom door while Robert stays at the front door. I place (Y/N) carefully on the bed, "okay (Y/N), it okay you're at home now" I say softly wiping away another tear. "let's get you ready for bed okay?" I suggest and she simply nods, I look up to Scarlett for help and she instantly gets the message and grabs make up remover. She bends down and helps (Y/N) remove her tear stained make-up while saying comforting words, I grab on of my shirts for (Y/N) to sleep in. I kneel in front of her and help her remove her dress and jewellery, I slide my top over her head as she sniffles. Dodger had made his way into the bedroom and was resting his head on her knee, he followed closely as we made our way into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once she was ready to go to sleep I lead her into bed and kiss her on the forehead and promise I would be right back. I look back into the room as I leave and she her snuggled up to dodger, who was gently licking her hand.

I sit down in the lounge and put my head between my hands, we were so close and the paparazzi took it all away. "Chris are you okay?" Scarlett says sitting down beside me patting my back, "no, we were so close you saw how happy she was today" I sigh "and the fucking paparazzi took it all away, why can't they just stay away?" the cast look at each other knowing there wasn't an answer. I put my head in my hands once more and let all the emotions I had been holding in bubble out, I cry into my hands. I feel Scarlett hugging me, trying to comfort me but it doesn't work. Only (Y/N) could possible help and I couldn't even help her. "um I have an idea" Robert says quietly, I glance up at him I see him look at my tear stained face sympathetically. "remember when a bunch of us did that ad to get people to register and not vote for trump? The save the day thing?" he continues. I look up at him confused as to how that was going to help "that worked didn't it, our fans helped stop someone that was ruining someone else life" he continues, the penny drops for some but I still don't understand. "well why don't we all do the same thing but with (Y/N), tell the fans what has happened and what damage the media has damaged her. And maybe just maybe the fans will help us stop the media" I think about it, it was worth a shot. "alright Director RDJ what do we do?" I ask.


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