Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 8

21.8K 410 79
By Fandoms-Assemble

A/N this one is kinda short but it's worth it i promise xx

(Y/N) 's POV

Today was the scene that I did with Chris for my screen test, I felt nervous as my feelings for him had only grown. Scarlett notices me staring of into space "penny for you thoughts?" she says nudging me, I break from my thought and turn to here " what would you do if you just had a really bad breakup, and then realise you liked a guy?" I say sighing, I try not to make it obvious who I'm on about. " do I know the guy?" she asks. " um... no" I say " how er how long should I wait to tell him how I feel?" she smiles at me " well I'll give you some advice I gave an old friend shall we say a while ago" she says smiling " don't wait too long and miss your chance" she gives me a hug and leaves me to think about it. I don't have much time though as I was soon called to start the scene.

We start the scene exactly as we did before, I hold back the tears before letting them fall as I vent out my lines. Chris stands up and I know the kiss is coming "Jennifer I would never do anything to hurt you in any way" he says softly I want to look up into his eyes but I can't "I love you too much to do that" I snap my head up to look at him in his eyes "what?" I say gazing deep into his blue eyes, I open my mouth as if to speak but get interrupted by his soft lips landing on mine. We soon move our lips in sync and move our hands to close the gap between up, I let my hand move to his hair and neck deepening the kiss, not wanting it to end. I feel his hands on the small of my back, his warmth enveloping me. All too soon he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine, I slowly flutter my eyes open once again loosing myself in his eyes. "I love you" he whispers his breath mixing with mine " I love you too" I whisper back, its only when I say those words that I know it's true. I am utterly and hopelessly in love with Chris Evans. We remain in each other's arms slowly breaking away when cut is shouted, we don't break eye contact at all. It was when Mack and Seb come up and pats us on the back that we break away from each other and start talking to Mack and Seb. I excuse myself from the conversation saying I needed to go to the toilet, when truly I couldn't stay there without blurting out my feelings. I'm halfway down an empty corridor about to turn a corner when a large hand grabs my arm, I whip round to see Chris. "(Y/N) we need to talk" he says urgently, all I can do is nod, I pull him round the corner and down the corridor some more so it was private. We stand there facing each other backs against the walls. "I can't do this anymore (Y/N)" he says quietly, my mind goes into overdrive thinking that he didn't want to be friends anymore and hated doing these love scene. " no, no Chris please I can't lose anyone else" I say tears falling down my face "what no (Y/N) that's not what I mean" he begins before I cut him off "No, I know exactly what you mean" I shout " I knew this movie would ruin the friendship" I begin to sob and turn away and walk away from Chris. "(Y/N) don't go!" he calls, I whip round "why shouldn't I give me one good reason" I say angrily. He walks slowly towards me, "this" he says simply before crashing his lips on mine. I get over the surprise quickly and reciprocate the kiss, he pulls away and pulls me into a hug resting his head on mine. "(Y/N) from the day I met you back when we were 11 I have always liked you, as we got older those feelings grew but I was always too scared to ask you because I didn't seem like you liked me back" he says softly " and working with you has only made those feeling grow and grow. It killed me seeing you with Alex and not with me, I hate him for what he did to you knowing I would never do that to you. Because..... Because I love you (Y/N) and I will never stop loving you" I cry at his words knowing what I felt for him was the same. "I love you too Chris and I'm so sorry it took me 17 years to realise it" moving so that I was facing him, my arms around his neck. "Well lets correct that shall we?" he says smiling down at me "(Y/N) would you do me the absolute honour of becoming my girlfriend" I reach up and kiss him "of course" I say pulling away from the kiss. We lean in for another when we get interrupted by the Robert whooping. We look over to see the entire cast peaking around the corner watching us. Scarlett speaks first "fucking finally, it took you long enough" I laugh at the cast and notice Seb passing Mack a $50 note. Chris also laughing leans down and whispers in my ear " on my mark run" he whispers taking my hand in his "3 2 1" we run down the corridor and out into the lot where all out trailers were parked. We run for Chris's, I look behind to see if they were following. We must have lost them in the corridors. As soon as we get in we shut and lock the door, sitting down panting. Chris takes my hand and leans in and once more we kiss passionately only breaking away for air.

Half an hour later we were still in his trailer just sitting there enjoying each other's company, this was all we needed. "Chris?" I say looking up at him, "hm?" he says eyes closed "can we keep this a secret just for a while, you know so we can do actually couple stuff and so it doesn't just seem like publicity for the film?" he opens his eyes and raises an eyebrow at my request. " you do realise the whole cast know right?" he say smiling, " of course I know that, but surely they can keep it a secret and respect our privacy, I mean they left us alone for a good half an hour and it's not like we're hiding in the air ducts" he laughs at my words " of course sweetheart anything for you, speaking of the cast we should probably head back and make sure they haven't already blabbed" he kisses my head and stands up holding out his hand to help me up. " we can tell our families right?" he asked "because my mom will know somethings up and get it out of me" I laugh at his remark and place a hand on his chest " of course" I lean up and kiss him quickly before taking his hand and walking back to set. As soon as we get there joe comes jogging up to us "hey (Y/N) you okay, Scarlett said you got an important call and Chris went to see if you were okay?" he asks, I glance over to Scarlett and she winks at me. "yeah I'm fine, my mom was getting all panicked because I didn't call her last night like I was supposed to and wasn't picking up my phone all day." I lie. He breaths out heavily, "good glad you're okay, we were worried that it was bad news, anyway now that your back its back to filming" he claps his hands together and runs back over to Anthony. Me and Chris both sigh relieved that he didn't know and walk over to sit with the cast, "guys what you know about me and (Y/N) is a secret okay?" Chris whispers "As far as everyone is concerned, and I mean everyone" he makes eye contact with Mackie, Seb and RDJ " we are just really good friends nothing more okay?" the authority in his voice reminds me so much of captain America and realise they are very much a part of each other in a way.

*last day of filming*

Chris's POV

Me and (Y/N) have been going out for a month or so now, it was hard as we had little alone time. But that's what's it's always like filming, you never get any alone time. Today was the last bit of filming and it was the final scene of the movie, we were all still suited up and were walking around the avengers' facility talking. "so do you think that's it? I mean we defeated thanos last year Ultron before that, and Loki before that, AND just fought HYDRA again, surely we deserve a break" Robert says plopping himself down on the sofa, we all sit down in the lounge. I sit next to (Y/N) with my arm around her shoulder and her hand on my chest. "you must realise this now stark, there will always been someone fighting against us." She say "but I don't want to think about that now", I look down at her " oh yeah and what are you thinking now then doll?" I say softly. She waits as the camera pans into her face. She sighs before speaking and looks up at me "I'm home." We all sit there silently before the brothers call cut and say that's a wrap. We all stand and clap for each other; I look down at (Y/N) as she had tears of joy in her eyes. I pull her in for a hug, "group hug!" Robert calls as the rest of the cast piles in around us. Taking the moment on secrecy behind the mass of bodies, I lean down and kiss (Y/N). "Well done" I whisper as she looks up at me "well done Chris" she whispers smiling before leaning up and kissing me.

We were all standing in the car park of the airport as this was the last place we could all say our goodbyes as we set off in different direction. The girls were all stood in a tight circle wiping away their tears as they all hugged each other goodbye, I turn to face RDJ and Hemsworth giving them a manly hug and saying goodbye to them all. (Y/N) joins me and hug them all goodbye kissing each of them on the cheek. Soon we all stand in a circle having the last couple of laughs before setting off, "c'mon group hug" Robert calls. We all pile in for one last hug, I look down at my watch and notice me and (Y/N) had to leave if we wanted to catch our plane. "Alright guys, we need to set off to catch the flight back to Boston but will see you in a couple of months for the press stuff!" I say, we call back goodbyes as we turn away from the group and into the airport. We finally get through the airport and board the plane; luckily it was just me and (Y/N) in our row. " Chris, I was thinking I should probably try and get my own place back in Boston" she says, I almost spit out the water I was drinking at the words " can't you just stay with me?" I ask worriedly. "I would love too but surely it would get suspicious if I lived with you the entire time, somebody may just click on" she says this time the worry is in her (E/C) eyes. "well how about instead of getting a new place and pay rent there why don't you live with your family for a while, since they live in Boston?" I suggest, she ponders my suggestion for a while. " if your worried about living back in your family home for a while don't be, I'm actually thinking of buying a house anyway" I say "so would have to live at my parents for a while" she looks up at me "why do you want to move?" she asks, I smile back at her "well dodger kinda needs a garden and it's a pain taking him downstairs just to pee, plus I think it's a good time to move out of my bachelor pad" I say taking her hand in mine. She smiles up sweetly, before fake yawning and leaning into me. Soon enough we both fall asleep on each other the same way we did on the way to San Diego


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