Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

By Fandoms-Assemble

742K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
*Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 5

23.7K 469 193
By Fandoms-Assemble

*Already 1 quarter of the way through filming*


The Russo brothers decided that they wanted to film the majority of the film in chronical order to help the actors develop their characters throughout the movie but mostly starting with action scene. Today was a fight scene so we were mostly all on the green screen stage fighting air. The next thing I had to shoot was being thrown backwards into a building, I decided that I would do this stunt since it was fairly low risk. I was getting strapped to the rigging and stood in position, there was an actor in a motion capture suit since we were fighting robots in this scene. Soon the cameras started rolling and we started going through the fight sequence leading up to this robot kicking me hard in the chest. I feel the cable attached to my back pull me back into the crash mat that was already placed, it was scary at first but fun at the same time. Soon cameras stopped and I was unhooked by the crew, I get up and get ready to fling myself into the wall for the following shot. The cameras start again and I crumble to the floor after hitting the wall, Chris runs over in costume "Jennifer you alright?" he says pulling me up "I could do this all day" I reply taking a stab at his signature line. We then run back into the fight as the shot ends. The Russo brother call lunch and we all head into the catering tent, all us actors sit at the same table I had Chris one my left and Scarlett on my right. I also had Chris Hemsworth sat opposite me, Robert took the head of the table obviously. Soon enough we were joking around as if we had known each other for years, this being true for the majority of the cast. I look over and see Mack and Seb messing around with each other's food, Scarlett, mark and Jeremy are talking away to each other. I look to also see Elizabeth and Paul also talking to each other, I still couldn't believe I was part of this. I pull myself into the conversation with the two Chris' , it was always hard getting one of theirs attention since as soon as you shouted Chris both looked at you. In the end I ended up calling Chris captain Chris to make it easier. Soon enough we went back to filming, I watched as Captain Chris do his scene, he had to catch his shield before slamming it into a 'robot'. But as he went to catch it he stepped too far back and tripped over a prop, he didn't go straight down but stumbled as if he was falling on ice. The cast and crew were laughing their heads off as he stood up and did jazz hands. Filming was typically like this, each one of us pulling jokes and intentionally messing up the scene to make the other actors laugh. Once me and Scarlett were fighting together and just finished both panting but before the camera stopped rolling she pulled me in for a fake dipped kiss, me pretending to look flustered when she stopped. This earned a howl of a laugh from the boys, Chris almost on the floor in tears.

Soon we all made our way back to the hotel exhausted, but this didn't stop me from pulling a prank on Chris. I had managed to pull cast members aside throughout the day to explain the plan, I had Scarlett, RDJ, Mack, Seb, Elizabeth, Jeremy and Chris H on board. The plan was to place a large fake spider throughout the set where Chris would find it seeing that he was scared of them, I would set it off placing one under his duvet cover. I had managed to steal his spare key last night while we were all hanging out in his room, hopefully he hadn't noticed it had gone. The only thing left to do was to plant it, luck seemed to be on my side "hey guy I know we are all tired but how about we all hang in my room again" Chris asked the group. I winked at Scarlett and she took the cue "sure we would all love to right?" she said making eye contact with our associates. They all nodded in agreement and said things along the line of yeahs and sures. We all made our way up to Chris's room, RDJ soon popped out the alcohol. We all drank a small amount since we were all flying to San Diego for comic con in the morning. While I was there I made sure I set up the go pro that I brought hiding it in the TV stand where the recording light could be easily mistaken for the standby light. I sat myself back on the bed before making the excuse I was cold and hiding under the covers, Chris being Chris started to attack me from above trying to pull me out. I managed to place the spider on his side of the bed, evident by the pillow crease before I came back out. At around 11pm we all said our goodbyes and head back to our rooms, mine was next door so it wasn't too far of a walk. Once inside my room I open up the go pro app to watch the prank unfold, luckily I missed him changing into his pjs. He turns to his bed and lets out a big yawn before yanking back the covers and screaming at the spider in his bed. I do my best to hide the laughs as I watch his reaction, but not well enough as I see him leave his room to knock on my door. I slowly creep to the door and look through the spy hole to see if anyone was there, but the corridor remained empty. I open the door in confusion to be tackled by Chris, "you cheeky little humph" he laughs as he throws me onto the bed. I can't help but laugh, remembering his reaction. "Mark my words (Y/N) I will get you back" he said pointing his finger at me, drawing out more laughs before he leaves my room chucking the plastic spider at me for good measure.

On the plane ride there I was sandwiched between the two Chris's, due to lack of sleep last night and knowing I would have to be energetic on the panel I tried to sleep on the plane. I didn't realise I had fallen asleep on Chris's shoulder and his head on top of mine asleep as well until I heard the unmistakable sound of a camera phone. I look over trying not to wake Chris to see Hemsworth trying to stifle a laugh as he cuddled himself, I shake my head and let myself fall back to sleep on Chris. I didn't even feel us land until Chris woke me up, not in a nice way though by tickling me and making me scream with laughter. I see people look over at me and I go red in embarrassment " that's not even the revenge (Y/N)" Chris whispers.

Soon enough we arrived at comic con and were being prepped on how the panel would go, I look over to see Chris nodding along taking in everything. Once we had the run down on what to say and not to say we were given a 20 minute break before we went on. Since there was a good amount of time me and Scarlett left to go to the bathroom, once we returned I saw Chris in a corner head in his hands. "Hey Chris you okay" I say as I approach, once I got closer I noticed how rapid his breaths were and realised his anxiety was taking over. I immediately sit next to him and rub his back "Chris it's okay, I'm right here okay" I say in a soothing tone " look if there are any questions you don't really like I'll take over, I'll be there every step of the way" he looks up at you his breathing slowing down "hey that my line" he says with a slight smile. I knew he felt better he wouldn't have made a joke otherwise, "I don't usually get this bad" he says sighing. I looked at him with sympathy, "it's probably lack of sleep" I suggest " but at least you slept a little on the plane, so much so that Chris took a photo" he laughs at the comment " you were a very nice pillow" he says looking into my eyes

"I could say the same thing about you captain" I say with a smile. I pull him into a hug as he buries his head into my shoulder, his clean shaven face was a shock to the system. Soon enough we were called to go on stage, RDJ going first followed by mark, Jeremy and Scarlett. I went on next, dancing along to the music being played before hugging Scarlett. Chris followed me waving to the crowd before standing next to me. After Chris were Stan, Mack, Elizabeth, Hemsworth and Paul. We all sat down and prepared for the next half an hour of question. " So (Y/N) what's it like joining the cast?" the moderator asked starting it all off. "It's like I've known them my whole life, it was so easy to fit in and start messing around with them and giving the Russo brothers a hard time" I say smiling. " Yeah (Y/N) has already over taken Chris in pranks" Hemsworth adds. " Oh really what types of pranks do you do(Y/N)?" the moderator asks, I ponder for a few seconds "ah well a good prankster never reveals there pranks" I say eying Chris. The questions then began about the movie its self asking what it was about and what's the relationship between Jennifer and Steve. The majority of the questions were directed towards you and Chris being the major focal point of the movie. The half an hour flew past and we were saying our goodbyes. We all piled into a minivan and were driving to the hotel for the night. As Chris got in and went to take a seat I noticed Stan had slipped the plastic spider on his seat. As soon as he sat down Chris bolted straight back up and stumbled back slightly once he caught sight of the spider. The entire cast laughed their heads off at his reaction, his face red with embarrassment. "Aww Chris you a little embarrassed?" I ask hugging him as walked past to get a seat. When we arrived at the hotel Anthony held the keys to our rooms, we all walked up to collect them me and Chris going last. When we went for our keys we noticed there was only 1 left, confused we look at Anthony and Joe. " Sorry guys but it looks like you guys will have to share, the hotel messed up and booked one room less than what we asked." Joe said. I look up at Chris to see his reaction to see him looking down at me, without a word we walked to our room hoping for twin beds only to find a king-sized bed. " Head to toe?" Chris asked as he placed his bag on the floor. I think for a while of possible solution, realising there was none " no its fine we've known each other for what 17 years now" I say looking up at him, "yeah but we've never shared a bed before" he says quietly. " It will be fine, now why don't you go through the bathroom and I'll get changed in here and swap once we're done okay" I say stating the plan, he simply nods and walks to the en-suite. Once I'm changed I wait on the end of the bed until I hear Chris knock on the bathroom door " hey you finished out there?" he asks "yeah" I reply walking towards the bathroom. Once in there I begin to remove the day worth of makeup and start brushing my teeth. Once I was done I slowly open the door to find Chris in bed, he was laying with he back to me and as close to the edge as possible. " I'm not gonna bite if that's what your worried about" I say smiling at his actions " come on I'm not that fat" I say as I pull him away from the side and onto his back, he looks up slightly embarrassed but not returning to his position. I climb into bed and fall asleep facing him.

Once awake I notice we had both moved in the night, not further away but much, much closer together. I had my head on his chest one arm around his waist, while he had both arms around me protectively and both our legs intertwined. I look up to see if he was awake, to see his eyes still shut and face relaxed as he slept. I slowly reach up trying to wake him and pinch his nose, it takes his a few moments until he coughs and splutters awake. I try to hold back the laughs as he looks down to see me still in his arms, redness growing in his cheeks he slowly releases me muttering sorry in the process. Once washed and dressed we headed back down to the lobby to meet with the rest of the cast. Chris was trying to keep his distance, he must have still been embarrassed about what happened last night. I was completely fine with what happened, if I'm honest I felt somewhat at home in his arms. I look over at him again taking in all his features as if this was the first time we met, I push my feelings to the side and think about Alex my boyfriend who I wouldn't cheat on ever.


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