Niall Horan Preferences

By xoxoAdriana

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Just a bunch of imagines/preferences involving our favourite Irish lad, Niall :) More

1: coming back from tour
2: walking out on a fight
3: How you meet
4: First kiss
5: Coming home after a stressful day
6: Lucky charm
7: Suprise!
8: I choose you
9: Please dont leave me
10: He loves you
11: I love you
12: He wants to cuddle but you are busy
13: He breaks something of yours during a fight
14: He breaks something of yours during a fight (part 2)
15: Im here for you
16: He's sick
17: He has a crush on you
18: He gets jealous
19: Fighting over the remote
20: He hacks your twitter
21: You hack his twitter
22: Highschool Sweethearts
23: Your child hears the two of you fighting
24: How you sleep
25: First Fight
26: Road Trip. Pt 1
27: Road trip pt.2
28: Road trip pt.3
29: When he's mad at you
30: Decorating the Christmas Tree
31: You sleep talk (His pov)
32: Christmas morning with the kids
33: He sleep talks
34: "we are just friends"
35: "we're just friends" part two
36: Running into each other (Exes)
37: Running into each other (exes) pt.2
38: I don't need you
39: He asks you on a date
40: The date
41: He makes you cry accidentally
42: Who's hotter?
43: Sharing a bunk
44: He makes you insecure
45: Laughs
46: When you're mad
47: You realize you love him
48: He falls asleep/over hears you saying you like him
49: He realizes be loves you
50: The boys
51: It only beats for you
About me
52: Newborn
53: Come to me even if you're mad.
54: Age difference
55: Camping
56: He's a prince
57: He's a prince pt.2
58: He's a prince pt.3
59: He's a prince pt. 4
60: He's a prince pt.5
61: He's a prince pt. 6
62: He's a prince pt.7
63: You can't sleep
64: First fight as a married couple
65: Holy shitstickers (fabulous title)
66: Airport
67: Your daughter gets her period
68: 3:45 am
70: He missed your childs event
71: What if someone else can give you more?
72: Change
73: Change pt.2
74: You are an actress
75: He's a ghost
76: He's a ghost pt.2
77: He's a ghost pt.3
78: He's a ghost pt.4
79: He's a ghost pt.5
80: He's a ghost pt.6
81: First time staying the night
82: Stretch marks
83: I don't want to be like them
84: First interview together
85: Treat you better
86: Duet
87: Hair
88: Little Family
89: Little Family pt.2

69: You are a bet

3K 81 6
By xoxoAdriana

Today was fantastic. Summer was always your favourite time of year. You had spent the day out at the beach with two of your closest friends from high school. It was great to have girl talk with them and catch up on what's been going on. "So we've heard you are dating someone?" Your friends grinned. You had stopped to buy ice cream for the three of you and got cookies and cream. One of your favourites. "Yes. His names Niall." You blushed playing around with the charms on the bracelet Niall gave you for your 6 month anniversary. "Andddd?" Your friends smiled. "It's getting serious. He just asked me to move in with him." You smiled up at them. "That's great (Y/N)! Did you say yes?" They smiled. "I told him I'd think about it. Moving in together is a big step to me and I want to make sure I'm making the right choice. After we are done here I'm going to his house. I'm thinking about saying yes." You explained. Your cheeks hurt from smiling. "Wow he must be special." One of your friends said. "Yes. Very. He's really- um. He makes me speechless." You shrugged. Your friends continued to smile.
  After you finished eating ice cream with the girls you walked over to your separate cars. "I'll see you two soon." You smiled giving them hugs.

Once you got to Niall's house you let yourself in. A black Range Rover was parked in the drive way. Louis must be over.
You took off your shoes and walked over to the kitchen. But stopped as you heard the two boys talking. They must have not heard the door open.
  "Did you tell her?" You heard Louis say. "No." Niall said. You smiled at the sound of his voice. "She deserves to know." Louis said. "I know. But how the hell am I supposed to tell her she was a bet. She'd never talk to me again. I really lov-" Niall stopped as Louis looked in your direction. A bet? A frickin bet? Hurt and crushed a tear slipped down your cheek. Niall turned to face you. You shook you head whipping the tear away. You couldn't take the look in his eyes. "I'll um-bathroom." You stuttered walking away. "(Y/N)." Niall said. You walked into the bathroom and locked the door. A fantastic day? Nope. You slid down onto the floor. You're embarrassed. How dare I be so foolish. Stupid me. Why didn't I walk out the door.
  Sure you've had boyfriends before and they've all treated you badly. But Niall. He's kind, funny, romantic, family oriented, he gives great hugs and always gives you attention. He even told you he loved you. Was that for money? More tears ran down your face. You really thought he was the one.
You heard the front door close. "(Y/N)." Niall knocked on the door,  "Please open the door. I swear to you it's not what it sounds like. I swear please just open the door." He sounded sad. You wiped your eyes and opened the door. "How much money?" You asked looking at Niall's feet. "(Y/N)-" He said. "Answer me." You mumbled. "$30 when I got you. $10 every month." He says. More tears slip out of your eyes. "Wow. Okay." You said. You looked at your wrist. The charms. "I didn't take the money. I did at first but I broke it off. I really do love you. I meant it when I said it and I mean it now. I gave all the money back. I didn't know how to tell you I was going to break up with you within two months but I really liked you so I broke off the bet and gave the money back. I swear (Y/N) ask Louis. We were at the bar you were beautiful and he didn't think I could get you. That's all. I'm sorry." He explained taking a step towards you. You looked up and narrowed your eyes, "is this a bet too? 50 bucks if I forgive you? Maybe even a 100 bucks? I thought I was worth more then that." "Princess-" he started but you cut him off, "No. Don't call me that. I'm pissed right now." You said lost for words, "here I was a few minutes ago telling my friends how great you were and how I was ready to move in with you." You shook your head looking back down. Niall's finger reached to your chin. "Please don't touch me." You said. He didn't listen. "That wasn't a part of the bet. Asking you to move in. I wanted to ask you because I care about you." He said. "If you cared about me you would have told me sooner." You said back moving his hand away from you. "Please forget about this." He mumbled, "I broke it off (Y/N). I said no to the money and yes to you. I know you are worth more then the money that was offered. I didn't know you were going to mean so much to me. I promise to you." Niall said. "I forgive you. I just- I don't know if I can trust you." You said looking up at him. "You can trust me. I'll make it up to you okay? We can even start over if you like?" Niall offered. He's began to talk fast. Something he does when he's nervous. "I'm (Y/N)." You smiled reaching your hand out. Niall smiled back, "Niall." He shook your hand. The two of you look at each other for a few moments until Niall said, "let's speed this up." He leaned in and pulled you to him kissing you lips deeply. "I love you." He mumbled between kisses. "Me to you."
School started back up for me and it great to be back in Canada...I have a class with my crush whoop whoop.

Thank you for reading ☺️❤️

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