Niall Horan Preferences

By xoxoAdriana

294K 6.8K 930

Just a bunch of imagines/preferences involving our favourite Irish lad, Niall :) More

1: coming back from tour
2: walking out on a fight
3: How you meet
4: First kiss
5: Coming home after a stressful day
6: Lucky charm
7: Suprise!
8: I choose you
9: Please dont leave me
10: He loves you
11: I love you
12: He wants to cuddle but you are busy
13: He breaks something of yours during a fight
14: He breaks something of yours during a fight (part 2)
15: Im here for you
16: He's sick
17: He has a crush on you
18: He gets jealous
19: Fighting over the remote
20: He hacks your twitter
21: You hack his twitter
22: Highschool Sweethearts
23: Your child hears the two of you fighting
24: How you sleep
25: First Fight
26: Road Trip. Pt 1
27: Road trip pt.2
28: Road trip pt.3
29: When he's mad at you
30: Decorating the Christmas Tree
31: You sleep talk (His pov)
32: Christmas morning with the kids
33: He sleep talks
34: "we are just friends"
35: "we're just friends" part two
36: Running into each other (Exes)
37: Running into each other (exes) pt.2
38: I don't need you
39: He asks you on a date
40: The date
41: He makes you cry accidentally
42: Who's hotter?
43: Sharing a bunk
44: He makes you insecure
45: Laughs
46: When you're mad
47: You realize you love him
48: He falls asleep/over hears you saying you like him
49: He realizes be loves you
50: The boys
51: It only beats for you
About me
52: Newborn
53: Come to me even if you're mad.
54: Age difference
55: Camping
56: He's a prince
57: He's a prince pt.2
58: He's a prince pt.3
60: He's a prince pt.5
61: He's a prince pt. 6
62: He's a prince pt.7
63: You can't sleep
64: First fight as a married couple
65: Holy shitstickers (fabulous title)
66: Airport
67: Your daughter gets her period
68: 3:45 am
69: You are a bet
70: He missed your childs event
71: What if someone else can give you more?
72: Change
73: Change pt.2
74: You are an actress
75: He's a ghost
76: He's a ghost pt.2
77: He's a ghost pt.3
78: He's a ghost pt.4
79: He's a ghost pt.5
80: He's a ghost pt.6
81: First time staying the night
82: Stretch marks
83: I don't want to be like them
84: First interview together
85: Treat you better
86: Duet
87: Hair
88: Little Family
89: Little Family pt.2

59: He's a prince pt. 4

1.8K 77 22
By xoxoAdriana

"Good morningggg!" Rosa sings. I jump in my bed causing her to laugh.

"That was a rude way to wake me up." I laugh.

"Oops. Let's see your leg." She says. I laugh at quickly she changes the subject.

I kick the blankets off me and Rosa unwraps my leg. "That's great, it looks all closed up. But I'm going to keep the stitches in for most of the day. You relax okay?" She says, wrapping my knee up again. "Okie dokie." I smile.

I'm starving, I think once Rosa leaves.

A knock is on my door. Darla walks in. "I literally have 5 minutes. How are you?" She asks giving me a hug. "I'm good. Hungry but good." I say. "Oh well someone is bringing you food." She grins. "Who's the someone?" I ask raising an eye brow. "You'll see." She says. Before I have time to say anything else she leaves me. Interesting. That was less then 5 minutes.

I lay in my bed counting sheep. I'm bored out of my mind, but it hurts to walk.

Another knock taps on my door. Prince Niall walks in with 2 trays. I'm happy to see him and not only because he has food. "Good morning." He smiles. I smile at him. He's wearing a white tshirt and jeans. Wow, he doesn't look like a prince today. He sets the trays in the chair he was sitting on yesterday. "Be right back." He says. He's literally gone for two seconds and when he comes back he has clothes. "I asked Darla to give me some of your clothes so you can change." He says setting the clothes down on the bed. "Thank you. But you didn't have to." I say. He's the prince he has so much more better things to do. I sit up on my bed and Niall's hand touches my back, helping me. "I'm fine." I say sternly to him. He moves his hand, "sorry." He steps away and hands me my tray with food. "God bless you." I mumble. He sits down in the chair and eats his food.

"Don't you have other things to do?" I ask. "Kinda but it can wait." He shrugs smiling. "I don't mean to sound rude but why do you care so much?" I ask. "I don't know. I just like you." He says looking at me.

I don't know what kind of like he means but I answer with, "I like you too." He smiles and looks down at his food. " I was going to bring board games." He says. I laugh, "you seriously don't need to spend the day with me." "I'm not spending the whole day with you." He says taking my empty tray.

I smile, "Okay." I get up and Niall watches me. I walk over to the window blinds and try to open it. I'm too short to reach. Niall is by me in seconds. He opens the blinds. I give him a look that says "thank you but you don't have to." That must be my new motto.

"I'm going to go before my dad comes looking for me." He smiles.

"Okay." I wave. He laughs and walks out.
I spend the next few hours sleeping.

Niall comes back with my dinner.

"I should have brought brownies." He says. "You should have but its okay thank you." I smile. "I can't eat right now because my dad needs me. I'll see you tomorrow." He says, he leans down and kisses my forehead again. I really hope I don't get too used to that gesture.
"I'm back!" Rosa smiles. Is she always so happy? I smile at her. She unwraps my knee, and takes out my stitches. "I'm going to have a scar aren't I?" I ask. "Yes. And it looks like a lightening bolt. You're a wizard (Y/N)." She giggles.

I laugh so hard I almost fall out of bed.

"There I'm just going to wrap your leg back up and if you want you're good to go to your room." She smiles.

I nod, "actually do you think I could contact my parents?"

"Ya sure. Don't think about leaving though. It might crush Niall's heart." She teases, handing me a phone from her pocket.

I roll my eyes, "thank you." She walks out leaving me with the phone. I dial my home number. "Uh yello?" My mom says. "Hey mom." I smile. "Hey (Y/N)!" My mom says. "(Y/N)!? My sister!?" I hear my sister say. I laugh, "I'm just asking quickly to say hi."

"How's the prince!?" My sister shouts. "He's lovely." I smile, looking down at my hand. "Ooooooo." They tease. "I got stitches." I say. "What how?" My mom asks. "It's a long story but it's all good." I laugh. "Oh okay." My mom says. "How are you?" I ask. "We are doing good. We were just getting ready for bed." She says. "That's good. Sleep tight love you both." I say. "We love you too." Mom says, blowing me a kiss.
I walk back over to my room with Darla and Summer but I don't walk in. There's no way I'm going to be sleeping tonight. I've slept all day.
I walk around for awhile until I see Niall. He's sitting on a small couch that is lined against a wall. I've walked past the couch so many times but I've never thought someone would actually sit on it. He sees me and I notice he has his ear buds in. He smiles and pats the spot next to him.

"How are you?" He asks taking out an ear bud. "I'm good. You?" I sit down. "Good." He says. "Why can't you sleep?" I ask. "Not comfortable and I just like to think." He shrugs. "Think about what?" I ask, his shoulder leans on mine. "Life and what it would be like if I wasn't a prince." He says. "Oh. You shouldn't think about not being a prince. It is what it is." I say. "And you shouldn't think about yourself as just a maid. Of course I haven't known you that long but I know you're more then that." He says. "Why are you so nice to me?" I look at him. "Because you seem like a great person and I want to get to know you." He looks at me. I nod, and he hands me an ear bud. I take it and we spend most of the night listening to Chasing cars by Snow Patrol.

Part 4!!! It's a little shorter then the other but I hope you all enjoy :)

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