Fanboy (boyxboy)

By Maggiebert

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For Eli Warren, loving a Bieber was practically a family value. His mother was a Belieber so it only made sen... More

Author's Notes
I Need Your Love
Just for Now
Always Be
Dear Agony
Second Chance
Rootless Tree
Ten Days
Your Battlefield
After You
Unsteady Ground
From Where You Are
Closer to the Edge
Wait it Out
Heartbreak Coverup
Break Myself
Angel's Son
Give Me Love
So Much
Song Beneath the Song
If This is It
Remind Me
Broken Together
Still Into You
Say Something
Circle the Drain
A World Alone
Come On
Shatter Me
Don't Let Me Down
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Impossible is Nothing
Elastic Heart
Break My Fall
Dust Clears
Alter the Ending
Constant Craving
The Morning After
Coming Home
Wonderful Unknown
Secret Love Song
All My Heart
Stingray Affliction
"Now we wait."
"I want to believe you."
"Your hands are shaking."
"This is my love language"
"You're Not My Fan, You're My Husband."
"You did what, exactly?"
"Do you want me to Google it?"
"Yeah, I did that for you."
"As if anything could really be so wrong?"
"I hate it when you look at me that way"
"I'm not any worse than I already was."
"The list of what's right is much shorter."
"Adam, where is our son?"
"I thought I deleted that."
"I promise, this would fix everything."
"Did you think you could just keep it a secret?"
"We have a situation."
"I have this theory."
"Please don't do this, Bryce."
"I want to show you something."
"We had a deal."
"That's like a modern day fairytale."

I See Fire

103 9 3
By Maggiebert

"Um, hello?"

Adam looked up from his phone to see Cole naked in front of him. He tipped his head to the side as Cole stroked himself.

"Sorry, what are you doing?" Adam grinned.

"Apparently masturbating since my husband can't be bothered to fuck me even though I'm only home for a few days," Cole turned his back to Adam and stomped over to his side of the bed.

"Cole, I told you when you got here today I stayed at Evan's last night," Adam put his phone down and scooted down the bed so he could slide his mouth over Cole's semi-hard cock.

"So? I know you, sweet boy, even if you came three times this morning you can still get off again now. It's been hours."

"I didn't say I wasn't interested," Adam slid his tongue over the head of Cole's cock, feeling the thick vein along the shaft. Cole sighed but it didn't sound like a happy, satisfied sigh.

"Now I'm not even thinking about you, I'm thinking about what you and Evan were doing that has you so bored with me."

"Imagine this," Adam pushed Cole's legs up so he could have access to all of him. "We drank two bottles of wine in his hot tub. It started out sweet, then got romantic."

"And then?"

"Then," Adam pulled his tongue free so he could speak. "I told him I was too buzzed to drive home and he said he knew, that was his plan all along. So I said," Adam paused to kiss Cole's cheeks before he grabbed the lube. "You'd better take me upstairs then."

"You are the slowest story teller."

"I'm building anticipation," Adam teased the tight pucker in front of him, earning a frustrated groan from Cole. "You love it. So he takes me upstairs and shows me where the guest room is."

"Yeah right."

"No joke, we each crawled into our own beds and went to sleep," Adam felt Cole's reaction before he heard it.

"Either you're lying or you really like him and don't want to tell me."

"I love you."

"Oh my god, stop," Cole dropped his legs and Adam pulled his finger out as gently as he could.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I was trying to-"

"No, you really like him, don't you?" Cole sat up. "Look me in the eyes."

"Cole," Adam took a deep breath.

"I can't believe it. I mean, I can," Cole scooted away. "Wow, that happened fast."

"Well, it's not something I have control over," Adam pointed out. His heart was pounding. He didn't have feelings for Evan at all. But Cole needed to think Adam was holding up his end of the deal.

That meant other people had to think that too. When Maddox asked, Adam lied and said he wasn't sure about his marriage to Cole but that he really liked Evan. It felt terrible, but he didn't know what else to do. The other option, the one where he actually met and fell for another guy was impossible.

"I know you can't control it, but, wow," Cole looked like he might cry. Adam moved closer to him, wanting to comfort him but Cole put his hand up. "I'm okay, just give me a second. I didn't think it would feel like this."

"Like what?" Adam hoped he knew what Cole was saying but he wanted to be sure.

"I'm fine, it's nothing," Cole shook his head. He grinned. "Sorry, where were we?"

"Um," Adam couldn't process that fast.

"Oh, nevermind, I'll take over from here," Cole threw himself at Adam and went to work.

As much as Adam wanted all his time while Cole was home to just be about Cole, Lucas was still being a pain. He skipped class more often than he actually showed up and even with Cole home he had no problem getting drunk or high. Adam couldn't figure out where he was getting the pot either.

"I swear, I've kept everything locked up," Adam insisted when they were talking about it two days later. "I don't even leave my pot in the house anymore."

"He's in high school, not kindergarten," Cole raised his eyebrows. "Where do you leave it? Your boyfriend's house?"

"Actually, yes."

"You're leaving your stuff at his place already?"

"I'm trying to keep your brother out of trouble!"

"Oh don't you dare tell me you're just doing it for my sake," Cole grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Please, I've seen the pictures of you two together. You're definitely not thinking about me when-"

"Are you serious right now?" Adam was ready to scream. "Of course I-"

"Look at that, he's calling right now," Cole pointed to Adam's phone.

"I'll call him back."

"No, please."

"Ugh, Cole," Adam went to hit ignore but then he saw Eli's name on his phone, not Evan's. "Just give me one second."

"Take all the time you need," Cole put on the fakest smile Adam had ever seen.


"Hey!" Eli sounded so happy. "How are you?"

"Fine, how are you?" Adam's first instinct was to ask if everything was okay but Eli sounded too happy for anything to be wrong.

"I'm good. I miss you," Eli laughed. "I guess I got used to seeing you every other day."

"I know, I miss you too," Adam agreed. He saw Cole roll his eyes and leave the room. "How's the tour going?"

"Good. I'm exhausted, but things are going well. I saw that Cole was home."

"Yeah, he's home for a few days before he goes off to South America. He's gotta see his doctor and check up on his brother and all."

"I'm pretty sure he's just there to see you," Eli laughed. "I mean, why is he back at the doctor's though? I feel like you say that every time he's in town."

"Um, yeah, they keep a close watch on him," Adam would have explained the whole thing to Eli if he knew for sure Cole wasn't going to come back in while he was talking.

"Does he have like, diabetes or something?"

"Or something."

"Oh, I had no idea. Why doesn't he have a doctor on staff then?"

"He does," Adam sighed. "They just like him to go to their office whenever he can."

"Has he begged you for a threesome with Evan yet?"

"No, and I honestly don't think he will."

"Oh, right."

"No, really," Adam glanced at the door. Cole hadn't come back. "How are things with Hunter?"

"Actually, they're weirdly really good," Eli sounded amazed. "He had to take a few out of town cases but he's been to see me a bunch of times and it just feels good again, like nothing ever happened."

"That's good," Adam pushed back the little pulse of jealousy he felt over hearing that. For one day he wanted everything with Cole to be so good he didn't get jealous of anyone else. Even if it was the only day.

"Anyway, I have to run, I just wanted to say hi while I had a minute. We'll be home in two weeks though, are you around? We should get coffee or something."

"That sounds great, I'd love that," Adam smiled. "I'll take you to my favorite place."

"Perfect, I can't wait to see you."

"Me neither," Adam got off the phone and saw Cole standing in the door, his arms crossed.

"Really? I'll take you to my favorite place?" Cole repeated.

"Yes, that's what I said."

"Where is that? Have you ever taken me?"

"Cole," Adam couldn't help the smile that took over his face. "Are you jealous?"

"Yes, okay? I can't take it," Cole lost it. "I hate this. You're so fucking happy and cute and it's not because of me."

"Aww, Cole."

"No, stop that," Cole glared. "I'm not being cute, I'm mad because this is my own stupid fault."

"Yeah, it is," Adam agreed. "What do you want, Cole?"

"I don't want to see your face light up like that when you're on the phone with another guy. I can't remember the last time you looked so excited to do anything with me. I just want..." Cole stopped and was quiet for a second. "I don't want to share anymore."

"Um, okay, wait," Adam felt his heart speeding up. "Do you mean because I was happy on the phone just now?"

"No, I mean, maybe," Cole looked confused. "I knew you were happy with Evan and maybe even falling for him but just now when you were on the phone, that was...that's too real. I need you to end it."

"Uh, well," Adam wasn't sure which part of Cole's confession to focus on first. He felt his cheeks warming up. "That need me to..."

"Please, Adam? You were right. Let's just be together while we can. You can go back to Evan when I die."

"Cole, I-"

"Please. I know that's horrible of me, but seeing you just now was-"

"I lied," Adam didn't want to hear about how he looked while he was talking to Eli. That was too weird and unexpected. "Evan and I aren't really together."


"When you said I had to find someone, I asked Monroe to help," Adam confessed. Cole shook his head.

"First of all, that's fucked. Second, you couldn't fake what I just saw, Adam."

"I wasn't talking to Evan, check my phone."

"Was it Brent?"

"No," Adam knew he had to be blushing. "That was Eli. I have a copy of the contract with Evan, I can show you."

"Eli?" Cole repeated. "That's...I'm sorry."

"Wait, what?"

"You really do have the worst luck with guys," Cole reached for Adam's phone. "Falling for a married guy, like of course you would."

"I haven't fallen for Eli, come on," Adam knew as soon as he said it that Cole was right. "Shit. I do like him."

"Yeah. I noticed," Cole opened the recent calls and then handed Adam his phone back. "Call your boyfriend and end it."

"Okay, but I'm going to do that in person so I can get my-"

"I'll replace it. I don't care," Cole interrupted. "And then I want you to promise that you're never going to lie to me like that again."

"So you're not going to make me look for my next husband anymore?"

"Nope. I want you to be all mine," Cole pulled the neck of Adam's shirt so he could kiss him. "Until the day the doctors say it's time. And even then, maybe I want you to wait until I'm really gone."

"I can do that," Adam closed his eyes. He felt lighter than he had in months. "I would love that."

"Ugh, I'm such a sap. I hate that I'm relieved right now. I should be so mad at you," Cole laughed. "But I'm just so glad you're not really in love with Evan. And it's sad but I think it's kind of funny you fell for Eli."

"I don't know about that, I don't think Eli counts," Adam protested. "I love you so much, Cole, this is everything I wanted when I said I wanted our marriage to be different. Thank you."

"Do you know what we should do?"


"We should get married again. With our friends here this time."

"Are you serious?" Adam started to laugh but Cole pulled him closer. "I mean, we can."

"I'm totally serious. It doesn't have to be a huge fancy thing but let's do it."

"I just have one condition," Adam kissed him.


"Lucas has to go."

"Ah. Okay. I'll tell my mom when I tell her she has to come for our second wedding."

"Really?" Adam was almost afraid Cole would take it all back. He almost felt like jumping up and down. "Um, okay. Then I'll text Evan and then Pastor Ben and we can, um, set something up for when you're home next."

"Perfect," Cole grinned and put his hand on Adam's cheek. "You, sweet boy, make me so happy."

"You're not mad that I lied?"

"I'm too relieved to be mad, honestly. Plus it really is funny that you have a crush on Eli."

"That's...we're not talking about that," Adam really didn't want to think about it. He was too excited that Cole finally agreed with Adam about waiting until Cole's death to look for a new guy.

"So did you even have sex with Evan? Or were the pictures and stuff I saw just fake?"

"Mm, no, we just messed around for the pictures," Adam admitted. "It felt like cheating to me."

"That's a damn shame."

"Not really."

"Yeah, it is," Cole laughed. "I should at least get some good stories out of this whole mess."

"You did, just not the story you wanted," Adam kissed Cole one more time before he started texting everyone on his list.

They scheduled their vow renewal ceremony for their two year anniversary. Adam was surprised to feel more nervous the second time than he'd been the first - maybe because he knew more about what he was getting into. Maybe because he'd already had two years of marriage with Cole and they had no way of knowing how many they would have.

Cole and Adam agreed to surprise most of their friends with the ceremony so only Jeff and Monroe and Cole's family knew why they'd invited everyone to their house that night. Brent and Maddox were the last to arrive, bringing Hannah with them.

"Should we have dressed up?" Brent asked as soon as he saw Adam.

"No, you're fine," Adam assured him. "Come on, we're out back."

"We?" Maddox repeated. "Is this a party?"

"Sort of, you'll see," Adam was so excited he almost gave it away. Instead he led them through the house to the backyard.

They kept the vows short, promising not to keep secrets or bring other people into their marriage and to learn to compromise. Pastor Ben still talked about the hard road they had to face in the future and the struggle of the unknown, but Adam walked away from the altar with Cole feeling like they were strong enough to get through anything.

"Okay, this was cute," Monroe hugged Adam afterward. "Next time you two do this, I think you should do a destination ceremony. There's the most adorable resort-"

"How many times do you think they're getting married, Roe?" Jeff interrupted, laughing.

"I'm just saying."

"And I really am done with weddings," Cole laughed. Monroe hugged him, one of the only times Adam had ever seen it happen.

"That's okay. It'll be baby time soon and I'll be distracted."

"You're having a baby?" Adam gasped, looking at Jeff and then back at Monroe.

"No, are you kidding? You two should have one though. I want grandkids for sure," Monroe went on, like he hadn't noticed Adam's awkward reaction.

"I think I liked you better when you were telling us never to have kids," Cole put his arm around Adam.

"I was wrong. You two are obviously going to last forever after all."

"Till death do us part," Cole kissed Adam's cheek.


Eli walked through the door of the apartment he shared with Hunter and realized for the first time in a year he was happy to be home. Better still was the fact that Hunter was home and lighting candles. He looked up and broke into a huge, happy smile.

"Welcome home."

"Hi," Eli put his bags down and went to kiss Hunter. "It's way past dinnertime."

"These are just here to help me welcome you home," Hunter put his hand on the small of Eli's back and pulled him in close.

"You're too cute."

"I missed you like crazy," Hunter kissed him again before kissing Eli's neck. "Do you want a drink?"

"No, just lose your clothes," Eli felt every ounce of stress and exhaustion melt away as Hunter kept kissing his neck. He couldn't believe that he felt so much closer and more in love with Hunter than ever before. Even after everything they'd been through.

Maybe it was because they'd fought to stay together. Eli couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so wanted - not since they were just getting together. It was the best feeling in the world watching Hunter react as he undressed Eli.

"I love the new tattoos," Hunter kissed each one. "You've been lifting again, haven't you?"

"With Dax, yeah," Eli admitted. "Is it working?"

"It's working," Hunter traced the cut between Eli's arm muscles. "Damn is it working."

"Good," Eli reached for Hunter's shirt.

Much to Eli's delight, Hunter didn't move them from the kitchen. They fucked at the kitchen table, Eli on Hunter's lap facing him. With all the candles around and Hunter insisting they take it slow, it was more romantic than Eli expected.

"Where to next?" Hunter kissed Eli before he stood up. "The shower?"

"No, our bed," Eli took Hunter's hand before turning to put the candles out. "I'm too tired to go anywhere else."

Neither one of them had to set an alarm for the next day. They lazed around in bed for a while, waking up slowly and having more sex before Eli was too hungry to stay in bed. He decided to cook breakfast but it was much harder to do than usual because Hunter refused to let go of Eli for more than a few seconds.

"This is going to sound crazy, but do you think we can work in an appointment with the adoption lawyer while you're home?" Hunter was behind Eli, peeking over his shoulder at the frying pan.

"The adoption lawyer?" Eli felt his knees get weak. "Hunter, I don't know."

"Well, there aren't that many weeks left in Dax's tour," Hunter pointed out. "We had a timeline."

"Mmm, don't prey on me when I'm weak, Hunter."

"I'm not preying on you, I want us to move forward and put the past behind us."

"Yeah, but a baby?"

"We can handle it, Eli," Hunter ran his hands up and down Eli's arms. "I've never felt more ready in my life. Didn't you just tell me last night that you've never been more in love with me than now?"

"I did, and it's true," Eli took a deep breath. "This is just a really big step and after what we just went through I'm not sure it's the right time. Would it be so bad if we waited until next year?"



"I need this, Eli. It's the only thing missing from our life. I need it to be. I picked you and I want what we have to be better than anything I could have with David," Hunter kissed Eli's cheek. "I want to make sure you know I never wonder if I made the right choice."

"And I love that, I do," Eli turned away from the stove so he could look Hunter in the eyes. "I'm just not sure why you need a baby to show me you're happy."

"It's not that, it's just that it's so important to me to be a dad and we're finally at that point in our lives where we can do it and I don't want to wait. I want us to take the next step."

"Maybe we should talk to our counselor about this," Eli decided.

Hunter agreed and they brought it up at their next appointment. To Eli's disappointment, their counselor didn't say one way or another. He gave them a list of things to think about and, of course, Hunter felt like they had all of them handled.

"Can we at least go look at houses?" Hunter took Eli's hand as they walked through the grocery store. "We'll need the house whenever we get a baby anyway."

"A house is a good next step," Eli felt better about buying a house than adopting a baby. It was still terrifying but a little less so than the idea of being responsible for another human. A tiny, helpless one at that.

"Yes! Let's go right now."

"Hunter, we're buying ice cream."

"We can come back for the ice cream, I want to go while-" Hunter cringed and reached into his pocket for his ringing phone.

"Damn," Eli realized he was more excited about house shopping than he'd first thought. Instead of waiting to listen to Hunter's side of the phone call he rushed to get the last few things on their shopping list and get in line to pay.

"New York," Hunter caught up with Eli in the checkout line. "This one is really bad."

"I'm sorry," Eli put their groceries on the conveyor belt. "Do you want me to come with you? I could work from the hotel room, stay out of your way."

"No, you know I'll be too busy to spend time with you," Hunter rubbed Eli's back. "I'll be back as soon as I can and we can go look at houses."

"I'm gonna miss you," Eli hadn't even been home for a full week. "You're missing Dax's birthday party too."

"I know, this whole thing sucks. I don't want to be away from you."

Eli bit his tongue to keep from pointing out that he'd offered to go with Hunter. Instead, he paid for their groceries and took Hunter to the airport.

Maddox's birthday party was a few days later. Just like every time he was at their house, it was hard to tell who was more excited to see him - Hannah or Maddox. Hannah kept Eli busy, showing him her new book and telling him about her morning.

"Am I interrupting?" Adam had two beers in his hands when Eli looked up. "I thought you might want, um, a drink."

"And a grown up to talk to, yes," Eli hugged Adam, forgetting that they'd never really hung out together in front of other people. He caught the surprised look on Brent's face but ignored it.

"Welcome home. Where's Hunter?"

"New York."

"Boo. Cole should be here any second," Adam grinned. His eyes lit up and Eli realized they were completely clear for the first time in...maybe years. He couldn't actually remember the last time he'd seen Adam sober.

"Aww, that's exciting," Eli nudged him and Adam blushed. "You seem so happy now that you two worked it out."

"I am, I finally have what I want," Adam nodded. "For now, anyway."

"Shh, let's just pretend it can be good forever," Eli knew that wasn't how life worked but he wanted to believe it. Especially since Hunter wanted a baby so bad.

"Yeah, let's go with that," Adam took a sip of his drink. "Okay, so when are we getting our next tattoos? I have ideas."

"Well, I shouldn't," Eli admitted. "We're gonna buy a house so I should save my money."

"Ooh, that's big news," Adam smiled. "So you two are good now?"

"Yeah. For now," Eli repeated Adam's words and they both laughed. "It's good, but scary. I feel like I'm waiting for something to go wrong."

"Exactly! Yes!"

"I hope that feeling goes away. Maybe with a little more time, I don't know."

"Yeah. But how cool is it that we did it, Eli? We both got what we wanted," Adam looked so happy that Eli almost leaned over to hug him.

"We did, that's pretty awesome," Eli caught himself looking at Adam's lips. He made himself look away just in time to see Cole walk through the door. Adam didn't even notice until Cole was right in front of them.

"I should have known I'd find you two together," Cole laughed after he'd kissed Adam.

"What?" Eli felt his heart stop. Had Cole seen him looking at Adam when he walked in?

"Someone has a crush," Cole nudged Adam.

"No, I don't. It's called being friends," Adam rolled his eyes. "You would know that if you had any."

"I have friends," Cole protested. "Look, here comes the birthday boy."

"Hey," Maddox sat down next to Eli. Brent leaned on the arm of the couch behind him.

"Let me get you a drink," Cole kissed Adam again. "Anyone else?"

"I'm good," Eli pointed to the bottle of beer Adam brought him earlier.

"Shh, no, I'm bringing you all drinks," Cole walked away before anyone could protest.

"You two seem happy," Dax said to Adam.

"Yeah, everything's going so well," Adam smiled. "Did you see my ring?" he held his hand out for Eli to see the new wedding ring Cole had bought him.

"Wow, it's so pretty. Ugh all you happy couples make me miss Hunter so much."

"Sorry," Maddox smiled. "He'll be home soon, right?"

"Yeah, not soon enough," Eli shook his head. "Do you two still think having a baby made you fall more in love?"

"Yes," Maddox nodded.

"Absolutely," Brent squeezed Maddox's shoulder. "It was definitely the right time for us."

"And Hannah's so perfect," Adam looked around. "What is she doing?" he frowned when he saw her behind Maddox. Hannah was squatting down behind the chair Clara was sitting in.

"Oh, she's pooping," Brent laughed. "I'll be back."

"She hides behind a chair to poop?" Eli tried to fight back his own laugh.

"Yeah, that's a new thing," Maddox shook his head. "It's like she's embarrassed about it so she hides behind something and then cries when she's done because she hates having a dirty diaper."

"That's the cutest thing I've ever heard."

"It's a little weird," Adam gave Eli a look.

"Yeah, that's Hannah," Maddox shrugged.

"Sounds like it's time to potty train her," Justin spoke up. Eli realized he'd moved a lot closer while they were watching Hannah.

"Dad, she's not even 2," Maddox protested.

"Oh, excuse me," Justin held up his hands. "You want to do what the internet says, go ahead. Or you can listen to the man who trained 6 kids already. Totally up to you, Daddy."

"I mean," Maddox watched as Hannah stood up, sniffling, and held her arms up to Brent so he could take her to change her diaper. She seemed so upset and Eli could tell it bothered Maddox a lot. "Maybe we should start talking about it."

"Or you can let the master step in," Justin shrugged.

"We'll figure it out," Maddox hadn't taken his eyes off Hannah as Brent carried her out of the room. Justin laughed.

"I'll be expecting your call," he walked away.

"I so can't see Justin Bieber potty training anyone," Adam said exactly what Eli was thinking. "I know he's your dad, but I can't picture it."

"Apparently he trained all of us and Kylie's kids," Maddox looked just as skeptical. "I'm not sure I want to admit Hannah is old enough for that."

"Yeah, but no more diapers," Eli figured that had to be the best thing ever. "That has to be nice."

"I guess, but we'll have another baby someday and it'll be right back to all of that."

"I still don't know how you learned all of this," Adam glanced at Eli.

"Seriously," Eli agreed.

"You'll figure it out," Maddox looked over at Adam and frowned. "Did you cut your hair?"

"No, it's just a wreck today," Adam made a face.

"You look different," Maddox leaned a little closer.

"He's not high," Eli laughed as he realized what Dax was seeing.

"That's right, you can actually see those sparkly blue eyes of his today," Cole was back, his hands full of drinks. "He looks like the gorgeous guy I fell in love with again." Eli had to agree but he kept it to himself.

"That makes sense," Maddox took a drink from Cole.

"Yeah, it's been awhile, I guess," Adam shrugged. "I didn't realize I was doing it so much."

"But now he's so happy and in love who needs pot?" Eli joked. "Just be high on life."

"Well, yeah," Adam gave Cole a shy smile. "I am happy."

"Me too," Cole kissed him. "Finally."

"Okay, you're gonna make me sick," Eli gagged.

"Your husband needs a new job," Adam poked his ribcage. "So you can stop ruining everyone else's fun with your jealousy."

"Sorry, sorry," Eli hoped he hadn't made it too obvious. "I'll try harder."

Brent and Hannah came back a few minutes later and Hannah climbed in Adam's lap so she could see the kids playing outside. Eventually she fell asleep there and Adam had to carry her to her crib.

"Now is our chance," Brent whispered when Adam walked away.

"What?" Maddox laughed.

"Come with me," Brent stood up. "Come on, quick."

"What are you doing?" Maddox let Brent pull him to his feet.

"Let's sneak out to the guest house and fuck," Brent grinned.

"In the middle of my party?" Maddox laughed. "No way."

"Hey, we have a house full of babysitters," Brent gestured to everyone around them. "Cole will cover for us, won't you?"

"Totally, go on," Cole grinned. "Better yet, I'll come stand by the door. You know, to make sure no one walks in on you."

"Right," Maddox snorted. "This is a terrible idea."

"Oh, just go," Eli gave Maddox a shove. "It's your birthday. No one cares."

"See? Let's go," Brent was still smiling and Maddox sighed but went outside with Brent.

"I just hope Hannah didn't wake up as Adam was putting her down or one of us will have to go out and get them," Eli realized as soon as the guys were gone.

"Gladly," Cole sounded like he was joking but the look on his face didn't seem very happy. "I'm sure Adam does a great job with her."

"Yeah, he's always been great with Hannah. He'll be a great dad," Eli wasn't sure about the second part but he hoped it was what Cole wanted to hear.

"He really does have a crush on you, trust," Cole nudged Eli.

"Um, okay."

"Do you like him back?"

"I'm married."

"That's not what I asked," Cole grinned. "I think you like him back."

"It's, um, we're just friends, you know?" Eli felt guilty all over again.

"For now."

"Wait, no," Eli protested. "Hunter and I are monogamous, we don't-"

"So are we now. Relax," Cole still had that smug grin on his face. "I'm not going to get involved, I'm just asking a simple question."

"That's not a simple question."

"It would be if you weren't into him."

"Where did they go?" Adam was back just in time.

"They snuck off to fuck out back. Want to join them? I bet we could find a room." Cole took a sip of his beer.

"And leave Eli by himself? No," Adam smiled and Eli felt his throat closing.

"Um, you can, it's fine, I don't need-" Eli started to protest.

"You have no chill," Cole shook his head. "I need another beer. Anyone else?"

"Please," Eli agreed.

"You can ignore him," Adam pulled his phone out. "Can I ask you something though? Like, away from the crowd?"

"Okay," Eli followed Adam to the foyer, his heart pounding.

"Have you seen this site?" Adam handed Eli his phone.

"Free Brent," Eli started to relax but only for a second. "It's been around a few years. It's mostly a Maddox hate site. "

"Yeah, pretty much," Adam looked sick. "I see fans talking about it a lot and figured it was stupid but this is a lot bigger than I expected."

"It's pretty dumb," Eli handed the phone back. "Your fans are assholes."

"I'm wondering if I should tell anyone."

"Nah, it'll blow over. I'll give Tim a heads up that it's gotten bigger and if he thinks we need to talk to Jeff and Monroe I'll handle that."

"Thanks," Adam shook his head. "Sorry about Cole, he's just..."

"Cole, I know," Eli shrugged. "I should be used to it by now."

"Do you have time before you go back to the tour? We should hang out," Adam smiled. "Cole's going back to Japan in the morning."

"That's a long flight for such a quick visit," Eli tried to do the mental math. "11 hours or so?"

"Blood test," Adam shrugged. "I tried to talk his doctor into flying out there but they won't even trust the lab in another hospital let alone another country. Stupid."

"That's a lot of drama for diabetes. Should he be drinking like he does?" Eli caught a glimpse of Cole biting into a cookie.

"He doesn't have diabetes," Adam stopped smiling. "It's um, a little more intense than that."

"Sounds like it," Eli checked the calendar on his phone. "Okay, so tomorrow I have stuff all day but the day after that I have time."

"Great. We can grab lunch."

"Speaking of lunch, I'm getting food," Eli decided. Adam followed him to the food table and they each got a plate. Cole joined them a second later and they went back to where they'd been sitting earlier to eat.

They were still sitting together when Brent and Dax walked back into the house. Eli looked Dax over and raised his eyebrow. Maddox never looked more delicious than he did right after sex and when you added Brent to that it was overwhelming.

"Dax, I swear," Eli shook his head. "I'm so glad you can't hear my thoughts."

"Your face says it all," Brent teased, grinning at Eli.

"You two are still the hottest couple I know," Eli wasn't even ashamed to say it.

"Hey, really?" Cole made a face.

"Yes, really. You and Adam are okay, but Dax and Brent?"

"Whatever, we could beat them," Cole looked so offended.

"It's not a contest, calm down," Adam took Cole's arm. "Besides, Eli's always gonna be in love with Dax."

"I'm not in love with him," Eli laughed.

"Oh, here we go again," Brent rolled his eyes. "I'm getting another drink."

"Maybe you should go surprise Hunter," Maddox sat down next to Eli, giving Eli a chance to breathe in the smell of sex.

"Don't tempt me," Eli had to adjust his pants. Adam gave him a look - one that almost made him squirm - and of course Cole flashed Eli a smug grin, as if he'd noticed his reaction to Adam's look.

Fortunately Maddox changed the subject to the new Complexx album and Eli had a chance to fight off all his thoughts about sex. The guys were right, he needed to see Hunter or he was going to lose his mind.

As always, Eli was one of the last people at the house that night. He helped Maddox and his mom clean up the house while Brent put Hannah to bed and Justin kept the rest of the kids entertained. When Brent came back, he went right to Maddox to kiss him.

"You want me to stay in case Hannah wakes up?" Eli offered as everyone else was leaving.

"She's pretty much out, she should be good until at least 5," Maddox checked the time.

"Should," Eli laughed. "But you two are still all over eachother. It seems like you could use a night off."

"That would be great," Brent said before Maddox could answer. "We'll owe you."

"I'm counting on it," Eli grinned as Brent started pulling Maddox toward their room.

"Um, pick any room you want," Maddox called before he got too far away.

"Have fun," Eli picked up the baby monitor to show Dax and Brent he was listening.

It was the first time Eli really thought about what it would be like if he had a baby. He took a shower but had to keep sticking his head out of the shower to check on Hannah. The same thing happened as he was talking to Hunter.

"I know Dax and Brent are right across the hall but I still keep thinking she's going to wake up and I'll miss it," Eli admitted.

"You're so cute."

"I'm not being cute, I'm just trying to do a good job."

"Which is really cute. I can't wait to see you be a dad," Hunter's voice got a little softer. Eli closed his eyes.

"You know, I want that. I want us to have a family, Hunter. I just don't know if we're ready."

"Does anyone ever feel ready though?"

"Maybe not," Eli tried to think back to what it was like when Dax and Brent were getting ready for Hannah. He couldn't remember them ever looking like they doubted what they were doing.

"I would stay home, you know that, right? I've already talked to Kelly about local cases and trying to keep normal hours."

"That helps," Eli agreed. "I just need to think."

It was all Eli could think about after that. He'd always imagined that he would know when he was ready, almost like how he knew he wanted to marry Hunter. In some ways he felt ready but in the back of his mind he wondered if he could really trust Hunter. He'd never dreamed that Hunter would cheat on him, never seen a warning sign or anything. As much as he wanted to believe he could trust Hunter, it was hard to imagine he would ever completely relax again.

One morning, Eli got a text from his brother Levi, saying he was about to be an uncle again. Instead of texting back, Eli decided to call him.

"Don't start, I know," Levi groaned when he answered the phone. "No, we din't plan for this one."

"Ah, oops," Eli laughed. He should have guessed since they'd just had their second baby a few months earlier. "Congrats though."

"Thanks, and no I ain't gettin' snipped. Ain't no one messin' around down there on me," Levi insisted before Eli could say anything else.

"Uh, right, well 3 kids is still a good number," Eli pointed out. "Dad had 5, don't let him give you shit."

"Naw, it ain't him. He loves his grandbabies. Wants to move outta the house so we kin have more space," Levi sighed. "I bin savin up though, think I found some land where we kin build a place."

"That sounds great," Eli smiled. "Hunter and I are going to look for houses as soon as he gets home. I'm kind of excited."

"Yeah? That's good."

"Yeah. We've been talking about having a baby," Eli held his breath as he waited for Levi to respond.

"It's about damn time," Levi laughed. "You scared outta your mind?"

"Pretty much."

"Listen, kiddo, you got this. It's the most terrifyin' thing I've ever done but I promise, it's worth every minute."

"So I'm not gonna wake up one day and feel ready?"

"Nah. You'll probl'y feel worse 'fore it's all over with. I ain't never felt so useless in my life. But there's nothin' like that moment when you walk in the room an' that lil face lights up like you jus' hung the moon, you know?"

"I kind of do," Eli had seen Hannah look at Dax and Brent that way.

"It changes everythin'. I ain't gonna lie. It's hard but you got lots of help out there, Eli, you kin do it."

"Thanks, Levi."

"Anytime, bro."

Eli's conversation with his brother was still fresh in his mind when Hunter got home later that day. Before Hunter could get too carried away and start pulling his clothes off, Eli took his hands.

"I think you're right."


"About the baby. Let's do it, Hunter."

"Are you serious?" Hunter's smile changed into the expression he got when he was excited. "Yes, Eli! Oh my god, yes!"

"I'm so nervous, but I think this is as close to ready as I'll ever get."

"I love you so much. I'm calling right now," Hunter kissed Eli before he pulled his phone out. "This is almost as good as the day we got engaged."

"Almost," Eli watched as Hunter called the adoption lawyer, never letting go of Eli's hand.


"Okay, wait, you two hang out?" Brent had the strangest expression on his face but Adam couldn't tell if that was his reaction to learning Adam was friends with Eli or because they were getting close to their 7th mile.

"Yeah, it happens all the time," Adam pulled his shorts down just low enough that Brent could see his tattoo. "We got tattoos together."

"What? That's not fair," Brent huffed. "You got your first tattoo without me?"

"It wasn't planned, I just did it."

"This is weird, Adam. You and Eli don't even get along."

"We do now," Adam felt his face warming up as he thought about his crush. "Okay, I might be done here. I'm getting overheated."

"Same," Brent slowed to a walk. "You and Eli are the weirdest friends ever."

"It's definitely weird. Do you remember how much he hated me?"

"I do! I'm glad he's over that though, it makes it way easier for the four of us to just hang out."

"Yeah, all it took was my marriage almost falling apart," Adam rolled his eyes. "Cole gets home tonight. I can't wait. I'm tired of being alone in that big stupid house he made us buy."

"You could have a baby, that fills up the space real fast," Brent grinned. "I think our washing machine runs 24 hours a day."

"Really? Because I love doing laundry. That's a major selling point, you should have told me that."

"Stop, you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do. But I can't have a baby just because I'm lonely."

"True. Did I tell you we're going to start potty training Hannah? We got her this book about it and now she makes all her toys use the potty," Brent pulled out his phone to show Adam a video.

"That's hysterical."

"I know. Watching her figure stuff out is the best thing. I swear she's smarter than me," Brent looked so proud that Adam didn't have the heart to point out that Hannah making her stuffed toy camera use the training potty probably meant she had more to learn. "Have you and Cole thought about it?"

"Thought about it, talked about it, completely agree."

"So, soon?"

"Someday," Adam had to keep his answer short so Brent wouldn't start pushing. "What about you? Do you still want like 9 kids?"

"I'm ready for another one," Brent smiled. "We're trying to figure out the timing."

"Yeah, we're gonna have to tour again when this album is done," Adam realized. "I'm kind of excited, I miss being on stage."

"I know the feeling."

Adam went home after they finished their run and started getting ready for Cole. He wanted everything to be perfect so he'd even been careful about what he ate. It took him a few hours to prep and set up everything he wanted but he got everything done just in time.

The sun was setting when Adam heard Cole's car pull into the driveway. He rushed to finish lighting all the candles he'd set out and waited on the stairs in just his tight boxers. Cole's expression when he walked in and saw Adam waiting was worth every second of the work Adam had done.

"Well, hello," Cole pulled his shirt off before he took another step. Right away Adam noticed how exhausted Cole looked but he ignored it.

"Hi. Welcome home."

"I can't decide if this is cute or just hot as fuck," Cole kissed Adam as Adam unhooked Cole's pants.

"Sit down."

"Yup, hot as fuck," Cole sat on the towel on the stairs and reached for Adam's boxers. "You're already leaking and everything."

"And everything," Adam agreed, taking one of Cole's hands and putting it on his ass so Cole could feel he had a plug in. "Fuck me, Cole."

"I should leave the country more often, holy fuck," Cole found the lube and replaced the plug with his cock in a matter of seconds.

Adam wrapped his legs around Cole, holding him as close as he could. It was the first time since they'd gotten married that they were finally getting do the things Adam imagined they would be able to do. With the whole house to themselves, why not fuck right there in the foyer?

"I missed you," Adam whispered.

"Me too. Like you wouldn't believe. Fuck."

"Go harder."

"You're too close."

"Don't torture me," Adam knew Cole would anyway. He dug his fingers in, arching his back.

"But you make it so fun, sweet boy."


"I love this side of you," Cole held him tighter and sped up. "Fuck."

"Oh my god," Adam was about 10 seconds away from being a shaky mess.

Cole barely paused after they came. He scooped Adam up and carried him up to their bedroom. Adam normally would have protested but he was still too weak to care. Fortunately he'd thought to put out fresh towels and was happy to wrap up in one after their shower.

"Feel free to welcome me home like that every day. Or every other day," Cole kissed Adam's neck.

"Don't get used to it," Adam laughed. "There's food in the fridge too, by the way. We just have to heat it up."

"You thought of everything."

"I tried."

"Mmm, I am so happy to be home," Cole reached the stairs before Adam. "Ugh, is that my phone already?"

"Ignore it," Adam could hear it too.

"Happy to," Cole nudged his discarded pants with his toe, his phone slipping out of the pocket. "Oh, it's just my mom."

"Ah, that's better," Adam kissed his cheek and started for the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom, sorry I- what's wrong?" Cole looked up at Adam, his smile fading. "Of course it's Lucas, what now?"

Adam paused, watching Cole's face for clues about what Lucas had gotten himself into. Cole's face went blank for a second and then Adam saw his eyes watering. He rushed up to him, thinking the worst.

"No, no, don't let him push her into it," Cole protested. "You're right, we could - I mean, Adam and I can take it."

"What?" Adam didn't mean to interrupt but his heart was ready to jump out of his chest. Cole's mom was so soft spoken he could never hear her through the phone.

"Well, I know it's not the best but it's better than making her do something she doesn't want- I know, Mom, but we can handle it," Cole insisted. "Yeah, of course. I'll talk to Adam but I'm sure he'll agree."

Their conversation went on that way for almost another hour. Adam eventually walked away to turn on the oven but he kept going back to hear what Cole was saying. He couldn't imagine what Cole was promising but it sounded serious.

"What have you gotten us into now, Cole?" Adam asked as soon as Cole hung up.

"I know it's going to sound crazy but please just listen," Cole took his hands. "Lucas got some girl pregnant and-"


"Listen, please," Cole squeezed his hands harder. "I know you want to be a father, and I know it's asking a lot, but this baby is the closest we could get to having our own baby. You could have a little piece of me, even after-"

"Cole, it's not fair."

"The longer I live, the sooner I'm going to die. There's a good chance the baby will never even remember me."

"Then that's not fair to me."

"We have so much to give, Adam, we should do this for my mom so she can have a relationship with her grandbaby. She doesn't want strangers to raise it or risk losing contact all together."

"It's not that simple, Cole," Adam felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach.

"I already said yes. We're taking the baby, Adam."


A/N: Okay, I clearly didn't get back on schedule last week and I'm traveling this week and next week so let's just go ahead and say the next chapter comes out Monday. I promise to go back to 2 chapters a week ASAP but I have too much on my plate this month. Sorry y'all! <3 you. 

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