Fanboy (boyxboy)

Da Maggiebert

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For Eli Warren, loving a Bieber was practically a family value. His mother was a Belieber so it only made sen... Altro

Author's Notes
I Need Your Love
Just for Now
Always Be
Dear Agony
Second Chance
Rootless Tree
Ten Days
Your Battlefield
After You
Unsteady Ground
From Where You Are
Closer to the Edge
Wait it Out
Heartbreak Coverup
Break Myself
Angel's Son
Give Me Love
So Much
Song Beneath the Song
If This is It
Remind Me
Broken Together
Still Into You
Say Something
Circle the Drain
A World Alone
Shatter Me
Don't Let Me Down
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Impossible is Nothing
I See Fire
Elastic Heart
Break My Fall
Dust Clears
Alter the Ending
Constant Craving
The Morning After
Coming Home
Wonderful Unknown
Secret Love Song
All My Heart
Stingray Affliction
"Now we wait."
"I want to believe you."
"Your hands are shaking."
"This is my love language"
"You're Not My Fan, You're My Husband."
"You did what, exactly?"
"Do you want me to Google it?"
"Yeah, I did that for you."
"As if anything could really be so wrong?"
"I hate it when you look at me that way"
"I'm not any worse than I already was."
"The list of what's right is much shorter."
"Adam, where is our son?"
"I thought I deleted that."
"I promise, this would fix everything."
"Did you think you could just keep it a secret?"
"We have a situation."
"I have this theory."
"Please don't do this, Bryce."
"I want to show you something."
"We had a deal."
"That's like a modern day fairytale."

Come On

103 9 2
Da Maggiebert

Christmas came and went and Adam found himself packing for yet another world tour. He'd expected to have more time before the band toured again but the schedule only worked if they left in January and even so, Adam and Cole would still be touring at the same time.

"I still cannot believe you spent Christmas with his family two years in a row," Monroe fussed to Adam one afternoon on the tour bus. "I know you're not really my child but I think it would only be fair to alternate."

"You'd better get used to it, Dad," Jeff teased. "I have a feeling we've been B-listed."

"We can spend, um, flag day with you," Adam offered. The look on Monroe's face was one Adam wanted to remember forever. Everyone on the bus cracked up, laughing hysterically as the story spread through the rest of the bus.

"Hey," Cole came over to sit with them. "Father's Day is all yours. In all seriousness."

"Oh," Monroe got very quiet.

"Thank you, Cole, you have no idea what that means to us," Jeff put his arm around Monroe.

"I have some idea," Cole shrugged. "I'm sorry to steal Adam from you, I really am. If we could talk my mom into moving to California then maybe we could work it out."

"Why doesn't she live closer?" Adam suddenly realized how weird that was. Cole's mom was wrecked every time one of their visits ended and Adam didn't blame her. But if she kept thinking every time she saw her son was the last why wouldn't she move to the same state if not the same town?

"Like I said, we have to talk her into it," Cole gave Adam a look. Adam figured that meant he would explain later, when they could talk alone.

Cole stayed on tour with Adam for as long as he could. He flew back to L.A. for work but never left Adam for longer than a week. As much as Adam loved it, he couldn't help but feel nervous about what that meant. Was Cole just around because he wanted to be or because he was scared they were running out of time?

To make things worse, Adam kept catching Cole ending his phone calls as soon as Adam walked in. He never said anything that helped Adam relax either - it was always an abrupt end, like Cole knew Adam was about to walk in at any second. Adam tried to ask but Cole always changed the subject before he gave a real answer. It didn't help that Cole wouldn't let the doctor who visited the band while they were on tour do any of his regular blood tests.

Adam found himself creeping around, hoping he might finally hear enough of a phone call to know if Cole was talking to a doctor and which one. Cole was never fooled. He always knew the second Adam walked into a room.

"You look as sad as I feel," Cole said the next time Adam caught him on the phone. "I have so much to catch up on, Justin wants me to stay home for two weeks this time."

"Really?" Adam really wanted to believe it was work and not something else.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay," Adam went to sit on Cole's lap. "I'm going to miss you a lot."

"I'll miss you too. Wanna go out tonight?"


"Wanna go anyway?"

"Why?" Adam put his head on Cole's shoulder.

"I need some good memories to get me through two weeks. We can find a friend for the night."

"I'll get dressed," Adam got up immediately, earning a laugh from Cole.

"You're the best. I love you so much."

"I love you too," Adam paused to look at him. "Are you okay?"

"Actually, I'm kind of fantastic now that I'm thinking about tonight," Cole grinned. "It's been way too long since we had this kind of fun."

Cole was right, like he so often was. Adam felt better saying goodbye when he had a lot of happy memories instead of spending their time alone, thinking about how sad he would be when Cole wasn't there. The first week went by faster than Adam expected.

Adam got on the tour bus after a show one night, the first one out of the showers, and found Maddox alone, scribbling some thoughts down in his famous notebook. It didn't look like song lyrics from where Adam was standing.

"Dear Diary," Adam teased. Maddox laughed but snapped the book shut. "No, really, what do you write in there?"

"Whatever I need to," Maddox didn't seem to mind the question at all. "Music, drawings, thoughts. Notes for Brent."

"He reads your diary?" Adam laughed. He'd always assumed Dax's notebooks were more secret than government files.

"It's not like a diary," Maddox narrowed his eyes. "But yeah, he reads them."

"So you don't really keep secrets from him?" Adam sat down next to him.

"Not really," Maddox shook his head. "Just the usual stuff, like what I'm getting him for his birthday and whatever."

"I feel like Cole is keeping secrets from me," Adam admitted. "I can't explain it, I just have this feeling lately," he shrugged and then ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at it to get it to dry the right way.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you, he hasn't said anything to me."

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid," Adam couldn't tell Maddox that Cole wouldn't tell him all his secrets. "This is pretty much the first time we've been away from each other longer than a week for our whole relationship. I don't know, it's harder than I thought it would be."

"Yeah, distance really fucking sucks," Maddox gave him a sad smile. "Want me to tell you a secret?"

"Okay," Adam raised his eyebrows. They could hear voices outside and Maddox leaned in to Adam.

"I'm working on a new album," Maddox whispered, right in Adam's ear. The bus door opened and Tyler and Zack walked on.

"Seriously?" Adam had never expected to hear that. He wanted to ask a million more questions but they weren't alone anymore.

"Yes," Maddox nodded.

"Tell me the secret too," Zack sat down on the other side of Maddox.

"It's not a secret. I think you're hot," Dax teased.

"Shut the fuck up," Zack shook his head.

"You asked," Maddox laughed, turning to put his legs over Zack's lap.

"Don't be weird."

"I'm acting like I always do," Maddox insisted. He leaned back, putting the rest of himself over Adam's lap. "Yep, totally comfortable right here."

"Whatever," Zack huffed but he didn't move. The bus door opened again and Brent got on.

"Jimmy wants to go out tonight," he looked at Tyler.

"I'm in," Tyler stood up immediately. "Sounds better than hanging around here where everyone's all over each other."

"We're not," Zack protested,

"Yes you are, it's weird," Tyler shook his head.

"Seems like just another Tuesday to me," Brent shrugged. "Dax, are you okay if I go out with them?"

"Yeah, I'm good here," Maddox agreed. Brent came over and gave him a kiss before he left.

"Wait, I want to go too," Zack decided. Maddox picked up his legs and let him go.

"Hurry back," Adam called after him, also joking. Maddox laughed as Zack left the bus. He turned to look at Adam.

"So now what?"

"You mean what are we going to do?" Adam looked down at Maddox. He grinned and pulled Maddox up. "I know what I want."

Adam pushed Dax off his lap and got up to get his guitar. If they were alone he could ask all his questions about Maddox's new album and if it meant he was going back to work.

"Here," Adam handed Maddox his guitar. "Play me one of your new songs."

"You've heard most of them," Maddox insisted but he took the guitar and started playing. He went through a few of the songs Adam hadn't already heard. It was so weird to think Maddox had taken a break at all. He sounded just like he always did in a lot of ways but the new songs were a little different too - still hauntingly beautiful and deep but not as dark.

"I think I'm going to like this album a lot," Adam decided as Maddox put his guitar pick down.

"Now you can wait like everyone else for the rest."

"Haha, fine," Adam laughed. "So what made you decide to go back?"

"It just kind of feels right," Maddox shrugged. "I don't know, I really never wanted to but I started thinking about it and realized I wasn't actually done. And going out to see my fans and sign books and stuff, it feels like home."

"Wow, I thought you just said all that stuff for interviews," Adam admitted. "I never knew you really felt like that."

"Yeah, I do."

"That's really cool. I used to feel like that, but it's been hard since-" Adam stopped when he realized he'd almost confessed Cole's secret. He tried to think up another reason, fast.

"Since what?"

"I mean since we went through that whole new image thing," Adam decided on the obvious answers. "It was supposed to be good for us, so we could be ourselves finally but I feel less like myself than ever. Especially watching Brent go through all that stuff before we left with the pills and how he's hiding that from everyone, like I had to keep acting like I was totally fine and happy when I was seriously worried about my best friend, I don't know."

"That makes sense."

"I miss how it was when we first started. We all wanted to be friends, and like, yeah, we had to act all innocent, but at least that kept our lives easy, you know? I didn't feel like a liar, I mean, once I broke up with my girlfriend anyway."

"Yeah, I've always hated faking it for the media," Maddox got up to put his guitar away. "It comes with the job though."

"I get that, I just feel like it's not as much about the music right now," Adam stood up and went to his bag. He was pretty sure he had a joint tucked away somewhere. "Whatever, I'm probably just tired from touring. We'll have tomorrow off and I'll feel fine again."

"It's okay not to love every second of it."

"Cole says the same thing," Adam smiled. "So, you've really never smoked pot?"

"Really," Maddox nodded.

"Do you want to?" Adam found the joint.

"No," Maddox shook his head. "But go on, if you really want to."

"What would it take to get you to do it with me?" Adam grinned. How much would he love to tell Cole what he'd gotten Dax to do?

"Hm," Maddox laughed. "I can think of a lot of things I'd rather have you put in my mouth than that thing."

"Oh can you? Would you rather take these 2 inches or my 8 inches?"

"I'm sure you barely have 7," Maddox rolled his eyes.

"Only one way to find out," Adam raised his eyebrows. So no one had told Maddox about his dick? That was interesting.

"Give me that," Maddox grabbed the joint out of Adam's hand.

"That's so not the choice I wanted you to make," Adam shook his head. Maddox snapped it in half. "Dax!"

"Oops," Maddox shrugged and gave the broken joint back to Adam. "Sorry, I'm so clumsy."

"Jackass," Adam sighed. "Just for that I ought to make you choke on my dick."

"Wow, that's so unbelievably hot," Maddox mocked.

"What happened to I can do it if I want to?"

"I changed my mind. You're better than that."

"How did you ever put up with Cole?" Adam zipped his bag back up. His back protested, as if he'd been lifting weights all day. If only he'd been allowed his pot it would have fixed that at least.

"I only saw him high once. He never did that around me."

"Of course not, his precious baby," Adam shook his head. He had to remind himself it wasn't the same. "I know he just left, but I really miss him."

"When does he come out next?"

"Next weekend. It can't get here fast enough."

"I know how that feels. Sorry I ruined your joint."

"I'll just reroll it later," Adam shrugged, another twinge coming from his lower back. Maybe he could convince Dax to massage it for him. "It's fine. I'm gonna go lay down, my back is killing me. Want to watch a movie or something?"

"Sure," Maddox surprised Adam by following him to the back of the bus. The back room of Complexx's busses was really just a wall-to-wall mattress that looked like a very deep couch. It was good for watching movies or playing video games or napping.

"You have to pick," Adam told Dax when they got back there.

"I hate picking," Maddox sighed.

"Just close your eyes and grab one," Adam flopped down on the mattress.

"That's probably the worst advice I've ever gotten."

"Seriously just put something on. It's not like we're going to actually watch it."

"Oh really?" Maddox turned to look at him.

"It would be a miracle," Adam gave Dax his best attempt at a Cole imitation. "Have I mentioned how bad my back hurts?"

"Should we just skip the movie and get to the part where I offer to massage it for you?" Maddox raised his eyebrows. Either he knew what Adam was doing and didn't care or he was more easily swayed than Adam thought.

"I thought you'd never ask," Adam laughed.

"Take your shirt off," Maddox rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"To get the lube. Uh- lotion. I meant lotion."

"Right," Adam couldn't keep from laughing as he took his shirt off. He'd never dreamed he would see Maddox Bieber get awkward or stumble over his words but he liked it.

Maddox took his time, his strong hands working Adam's muscles so well that Adam found it hard not to moan. He knew he would be sore when Dax finished with him but by the end the tension in his back was gone and Adam knew it was worth any slight soreness he had the next day.

"Better?" Maddox finished by squeezing Adam's shoulder.

"You have no idea," Adam sighed because he knew he had to be polite and offer to do Maddox too, even though he wanted to go right to sleep. "You want a turn?"

"Alright," Maddox pulled his shirt off and lay down. Adam picked up the lotion and almost dropped it when Maddox moaned as soon as Adam started working. "Your hands are really strong."

"Thanks," Adam hadn't expected to get turned on while he was touching Dax but the more he worked, the more he heard soft gasps and sighs from Maddox and he had to keep talking to keep his head from going to dangerous places.

After a while Maddox stopped responding when Adam talked. Soon after that, Adam realized Dax was asleep. He looked so peaceful that Adam didn't want to wake him to put his shirt back on but it was chilly on the bus. Adam decided it was a little creepy, but he was going to curl up with Dax anyway.

Adam woke up to Zack putting a blanket over him. Dax was gone but Zack smiled when he saw Adam open his eyes.

"Sorry, I was trying so hard not to wake you," Zack sounded drunk. "Panda needs a pillow too."

"Come here drunkie," Adam groaned and reached for Zack. "Cuddle me."

"Mmm, okay," Zack lay down and pulled the blanket over both of them. "Brent posted a sad picture."

"Is he mad?"

"No, just pretending," Zack showed Adam the Instagram post of Dax and Adam curled up together. Brent's caption said 'wtf they didnt leave room for me' and it had a million likes. "Cole reposted it too."

"Of course he did," Adam yawned. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes, but I missed you."

"Oh we're back to that," Adam smiled as Zack put his arm around him. Zack didn't reply.

The next time they had a day off, Adam went for a run first thing in the morning and was surprised when he saw Brent on the trail behind him. He slowed down so Brent could catch up.

"You could have asked to go with me," Adam laughed.

"I was going to but you'd already left," Brent explained. "This is a nice trail, it's pretty out here."

"Yeah, it's a good one. How far are you going?"

"Only as far as I have to. I really just wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay," Adam was itching to run faster but if Brent wanted to talk that meant he had to stick to the slow and steady.

"I know you and Dax are close these days," Brent smiled. "And, uh, I know how this is going to sound so let me just explain before you write me off."

"Oh good."

"No, look, I know Cole and I talk a lot of crap but I was wondering if you had any interest in Dax. Like would you want to have sex with him if you could?"

"I feel like I'm not supposed to answer this question."

"Please do. I've just been thinking about everything I put him through with the drugs and I want to give him something, like a thank you," Brent cringed. "Okay, that sounds bad. I just know he's curious and I was thinking if you were curious too that maybe...this is so much more awkward than I thought it was going to be."

"You're trying to set me up with your husband, what did you really expect?" Adam laughed. "Maddox will never go for it but I've already told him I would fuck him if he ever wanted."

"Really? Yes!"

"Calm down."

"Sorry, wait, but would you be allowed to do it by yourself?" Brent bit his lip. "Like I don't think I could handle it if Cole was there."

"Don't look so nervous. Cole wants it to happen so bad he wouldn't care if he had to leave the country to make it happen. Dax is the one you have to convince."

"I can do that."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

Adam had almost completely forgotten about the conversation a few weeks later. Maddox and Cole were both visiting and the four of them went out every night. It was fun at first but that night Cole kept pushing shots on everyone and Adam was sad they had Dax and Brent with them because he really wanted to take someone back to the hotel with them.

"That guy would so go for it, just ask him to meet us," Adam pleaded. Cole barely looked at the guy.

"Drink up, sweet boy. It's not happening."

"Please? I want to know where those tattoos end," Adam licked his lips.

"A little mystery in life is good for you," Cole kissed him. "Wow, am I really saying no? I am, I'm saying no. Maybe you have tamed me."

"No, please? I need to fuck someone tonight," Adam made eye contact with the guy again. "I'll do it myself if I have to."

"Hello? Remember me? Your husband?"

"Hey, I think we're ready to go back," Brent interrupted, his arm around Maddox.

"No, come on, let's go dance," Cole grabbed Adam and Brent and dragged them all to the dance floor.

Adam lost sight of the guy and didn't feel like dancing, which worked out because Maddox spent the whole time talking Cole into leaving. Cole gave Adam a bump of coke before they left the club and he forgot why he was in a bad mood.

"Wait, don't go to sleep yet, it's early," Adam protested, grabbing Maddox's arm as he started toward his and Brent's room. "Come play."

"I'm so tired," Maddox protested, leaning his head on Adam's shoulder as Adam guided him toward his and Cole's hotel suite. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know, keep drinking?" Adam suggested. "Cole has these pills that can-"

"No pills," Brent interrupted.

"I wasn't offering them to you," Adam glared.

"Yikes," Cole laughed. "Here, let me get that," he offered as they reached the door. "Drinks for everyone?"

"Yeah, yeah," Brent followed them into the room.

Adam walked Maddox over to the couch and sat down with him, never taking his arm away from his waist. He started rubbing Maddox's side as they sat there.

Cole brought them drinks and turned on the TV. There was a basketball game on and Adam realized very quickly it was March Madness. He'd forgotten all about the tournament but it was easy to get caught up as they watched the game.

"I'm going to lie down," Maddox announced a few minutes later and wandered into Adam and Cole's bedroom.

"Hey," Brent nudged Adam after a minute. "Go check on him?"

"One second," Adam watched until he saw the point guard sink a shot. "What now?"

"Go check on Dax," Brent raised his eyebrows. It took Adam a second but he remembered their conversation.

"He's probably too drunk," Adam tried to get Brent to calm down but he could tell from the look on Brent's face and Cole's that they were all thinking the same thing.

Maddox was lying on the bed and he'd taken his shoes off, but he was awake. Adam felt his nerves kick in as he got closer to the bed. Was he really going to try? Would Dax hate him for it? What if Dax was into it, would they really go through with it all?

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Maddox turned on his side and Adam lay down facing him.

"Are you really that tired?"

"Kind of."

"Too tired?" Adam could barely hear his own voice over the sound of his pounding heart.

"Too tired for what?" Maddox looked right into Adam's eyes, a tiny hint of knowing in his eyes.

"You know what I mean," Adam grinned, running his fingers over Maddox's jaw. Maddox smirked.

"Suddenly I'm wide awake."

Adam kissed him and felt Maddox kissing back just as hard. He heard Brent's gasp a second later and had to fight not to shoot him a smug grin. Instead, he pulled Maddox's shirt off, ignoring Brent as best he could.

"Fucking finally," Cole's voice ruined the moment. Adam looked over to see him standing with Brent in the door of the room. "Let's bring chairs in."

"Nope," Adam got up and shut the door. He pulled his own shirt off and got back in bed with Maddox. "This is just ours," he whispered and started kissing Maddox again.

"Mm," Maddox kept looking at the door.

"Pay attention to me," Adam snapped, grabbing Maddox's wrists and pinning them over his head.

"Sorry," Maddox smirked and Adam knew he was right when he guessed that Dax would like being dominated. "Let me get my hands on you."

"Earn it," Adam grinned at him and bit down on Maddox's lower lip, tugging it a little. "Make me beg for it."

"Oh is that how this is gonna go?" Maddox laughed. "Fine, just take your pants off for me," he ordered. Adam took his pants off and grabbed Maddox's wrists again so he couldn't use his hands. Maddox rolled his eyes but kissed Adam and then kissed his way down his stomach so he was right at his waistband.

"Do you want me to take those off too?" Adam offered. Maddox looked up at him.

"No, I got this," Maddox insisted, his lips brushing over the bulge in Adam's tight briefs. Maddox exhaled slowly as he slid his mouth down and started kissing through the fabric, teasing until Adam almost gave in and let him have his hands back. Just when he was about to let go, Maddox moved higher, grabbing the waistband of Adam's briefs with his teeth and pulling them down as far as he could.

Maddox kept going, kissing his way inside Adam's thighs. He put his mouth everywhere except Adam's cock, which was already starting to drip and ache from being ignored.

"Something you want?"

"Yeah," Adam jerked him off his knees and started kissing him again. He finished undressing Maddox roughly and threw him back on the bed.

"Slow down," Maddox laughed.

"I will not fucking slow down," Adam snapped. "Turn over."

"No, come here," Maddox reached for his hips.

"Do what I say," Adam slapped his hands away.

"I'd rather do what I want," Maddox dodged as Adam tried to grab him. Adam tried again but Maddox managed to grab Adam's thighs and close his mouth over just the head of his cock.

"Fuck," Adam groaned and stopped fighting so Maddox could have full access but he grabbed Maddox's wrists again as he did.

Just like the first time, Dax teased, never giving Adam quite enough of what he needed. Maddox definitely knew how to torture.

"Lay down. Or turn over."

"Not yet," Adam shook his head and pulled Maddox up to kiss him. "Put your hands on me," he whispered between kisses. Maddox slid his hands over Adam's smooth skin, his fingertips just brushing the ridges of his abs as he moved his hands down Adam's stomach and over his hips.

"I can't wait to get in here," Maddox dug his fingers into Adam's ass, massaging his tight glute muscles.

"Who said I'll let you?"

"I've got a feeling you'll actually beg for that," Maddox told him as Adam started kissing his chest and stomach, licking and sucking as he went. "No marks."

"Hm?" Adam gave Maddox a taunting look as he sunk his teeth into a soft spot near Maddox's hip, as if he hadn't understood.

"Ow, fuck!" Maddox protested, trying to push Adam away.

"You should be proud of that," Adam pulled free, leaving a nice purple mark. "Not many people are so lucky."

"Right," Maddox huffed.

"Are you pouting?" Adam laughed. "Ooh, did Maddox Bieber not get his way?"

"Shut up," Maddox rolled his eyes. "Put this in your mouth," he pushed his hips forward.

"Only because I don't want you to cry," Adam said before he sucked Maddox's dick into his mouth.

"Mm, Adam," Maddox gasped. He reached down to stroke Adam's head. "Oh, yes, that's it."

Adam was careful to make sure he teased Dax every bit as much as Dax had teased him. He loved the look on Maddox's face. Dax could barely keep his eyes open as Adam worked him in and out of his mouth.

Out of nowhere, Maddox grabbed Adam's hair and pulled him away. He shoved Adam onto his back. Adam struggled but Maddox had caught him off guard and managed to flip him onto his stomach.

"Wait," Adam protested but Maddox ignored him, kissing his back and holding him down. He wanted to warn Dax he wasn't used to bottoming but he didn't get a chance.

"Relax," Maddox ordered as he leaned forward, spreading Adam's cheeks and sinking his tongue into him.

"Ohh shit," Adam moaned. "Oh my god."

"I know," Maddox flicked his tongue over the sensitive nerve endings there. Adam squirmed, not wanting to stop him and lose the feeling but in such agony he couldn't hold still. His hard cock was digging into the bed and the more he moved the harder it was to keep from losing it and humping the bed.

"Dax, please," Adam gasped after Maddox had been at it a while. "I need more."

"Uhuh," Maddox stopped for a second and then Adam felt a finger at his entrance.

"Mmm, Maddox," Adam reached back to hold Maddox's hand so he could relax. He decided if it was his one and only chance with Dax he might as well let him top, at least for a little while. Brent and Cole had shared just enough to make him curious.

"Fuck, you're tight."

"Be gentle. But please, I need you."


"Yes, please," Adam pushed against his hand.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to fuck me," Adam wasn't in the mood to play any longer and gave Dax exactly what he wanted. "I need you to fuck me."

"Okay," Maddox pulled his hands away from Adam. "Condoms?"

"Right here," Adam pointed to the nightstand. Maddox grabbed the lube. "Hurry."

"You told me to be gentle, remember?" Maddox laughed at him but Adam didn't care.

"I know," Adam groaned. "Come on, Dax, please."

"Relax," Maddox kissed his back. Adam held his hand again as Maddox eased into him. "Holy fuck," he gasped.

"Slow," Adam begged. "But go hard."

Adam was so glad he'd decided to let Dax fuck him when Maddox proceeded to fuck him exactly as Adam asked. Every thrust was perfectly timed, plunging deep inside him with just enough force. Adam couldn't get enough.

"You like that?" Dax bit his shoulder.

"Fuck, yes."

"Me too."

The hotel sheets tasted stale, almost like paper as Adam bit down on them to keep from making too much noise. He and Dax had already filled the room with moans and gasps, the last thing Adam wanted was to have to stop because whoever was unlucky enough to have the room next door called to complain. Adam felt Dax's fingers dig into him and couldn't take it anymore. He was too close.

"Dax, if you don't stop," Adam pushed him away with a warning. "Please, I want to fuck you."

"Yes," Maddox pulled out and Adam made himself get up to prep Dax and grab a condom.

"Dax," Adam moaned just minutes later when he'd buried himself deep inside Maddox.

"You can go as fast as you want," Maddox told him.

"I plan to," Adam whispered, kissing him hard. He started to move slowly at first but hitting hard each time and gradually picking up speed. After a short while, Adam realized Maddox was watching their reflection in the mirror and then he was lost in watching the scene. It seemed to make every touch that much more intense.

Maddox cried out and Adam bent forward to kiss him some more. It wasn't going to take much more before they both lost control and it was all over. Adam tried to pace himself but it was impossible.

"I'm so close," Adam gasped.

"Not yet," Maddox begged. "I want to watch you."

"You first," Adam grinned and sped back up. He started moving hard and fast, pumping furiously.

"Oh fuck," Maddox let his head fall to the side and grinned. Adam looked and saw Cole and Brent standing in the doorway, just staring. "I'm cumming," Maddox gasped.

"Yes, cum for me," Adam begged and Maddox looked up at him again. Maddox grabbed Adam's arm and came a second later. "Me too," Adam pulled out and tossed the condom aside, shooting onto Maddox's chest a second later. "Jesus, Dax," Adam gasped before he collapsed onto his chest. Maddox put his arms around Adam and kissed him.

"I can't believe it," Maddox whispered.

"That was unreal," Adam whispered and kissed him again. "Oh my god."

"I know," Maddox closed his eyes.

Adam woke up still in Maddox's arms the next morning. Sun was streaming in through the windows and according to the clock it was almost noon. Maddox was awake so Adam kissed him.

"Thank you for staying."

"I really passed out," Maddox yawned. "But if you wanted me here then I'm glad I was."

"Yeah, I think it's better," Adam traced Maddox's jawline with his finger. "Now it doesn't have to be weird when we see each other later today. We can just be normal around each other, like always."

"True," Maddox nodded. He kissed Adam again. "I really want to shower."

"Me too," Adam pulled away from Maddox, both of them groaning as their skin peeled apart after sleeping that way so many hours with all their dried cum between them. "Sorry," Adam laughed, poking Maddox in the hip where he'd marked him the night before.

"You're such a jackass," Maddox shook his head. He let Adam help him up and they went to shower together.

"Here, put these on," Adam handed Maddox some clean sweats and a t-shirt after they'd dried off.

"Thanks," Maddox got dressed. "So we're good, right? This doesn't change things?"

"No," Adam shook his head. "We're good. Everything's the same as it was yesterday."

"Good," Maddox smiled. Adam sat down on his bed. "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, whenever I wake up again," Adam yawned. Maddox bent over to kiss him. "Mm, bye Dax."

"Bye," Maddox grinned at him and kissed him again.

"Wait, don't go," Cole's voice startled them both. He had his phone in his hand like he'd been taking pictures. "Isn't it time for round two?"

"Goodbye, Cole," Maddox was still smiling as he brushed past Cole to leave the room.

"Well, consider that checked off my unwritten bucket list," Cole sat down with Adam. "Tell me everything."

"You have an unwritten bucket list?"

"Of course. That's where I put all the crazy stuff like seeing you and Dax fuck," Cole stretched. "I booked massages for us today, hope you're alright with that. After sleeping on that pull out couch I'm in no shape for anything else."

"Mmm, yes, but I'm gonna need you to take care of my glutes," Adam put his head on Cole's shoulder. "Dax did some work on my ass last night."

"You let him inside you?" Cole sounded stunned.

"I did," Adam nodded. "Is that okay?"

"Well, yeah, if it's what you wanted it's fine with me," Cole rubbed his back. "I bet that was so hot, shit."

"It was unbelievable. All of it. I kind of feel like it was a dream, to be honest."

"It was! My dream come true."

They spent the whole day being lazy. Adam couldn't have designed a more perfect day off if he tried. Without even thinking about it he posted one of the pictures Cole had taken that morning to his instagram account. Mostly because he knew the fans would lose their minds. Brent texted him a second later, begging for the rest of the pictures so Adam knew everything was still okay.

Zack came over after dinner and he and Cole put on a basketball game while Adam looked at furniture for the house. Cole wanted him to pick it out but Adam kept getting distracted by other things.

Brent and Maddox showed up partway through the game. Cole got up to let them in and of course he had to make a comment.

"Back for more?" Cole teased. "Feel free, I promise to watch the entire time this time."

"You're so creepy," Maddox accused but he smiled at Adam.

"Come look at this couch online," Adam motioned for Maddox to come sit with him so he could show him the furniture website. "Cole loves it but I think it's hideous."

"It's modern art," Cole protested. "Anyway, Brent, this is the guy I was telling you about last night. Watch his outside shots," he dragged Brent over toward the TV, going on and on about the different basketball players. Maddox stared at them.

"I know, it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen," Adam whispered, figuring Dax thought it was as weird as he did. He put his arm around Maddox's waist and kissed his cheek. "Anyway, Cole got the keys to our house. We're hiring a decorator because neither one of us knows a damn thing about this stuff but he wants this stupid couch."

"It's really ugly," Maddox agreed. "What about the couches he already has?"

"He decided to replace them," Adam sighed.

"What the fuck?" Zack demanded. Cole stopped mid-sentence and Adam looked up at the TV. There was nothing going on so Zack wasn't reacting to the basketball game. Zack turned away from his phone a second later, glaring at Dax. "What the fuck is this?"

"Whoa, calm down," Brent laughed, looking over Zack's shoulder.

"No," Zack stood up. "This isn't okay."

"What is it?" Maddox looked confused.

"This!" Zack held his phone out, showing Maddox that Adam had instagrammed the picture of them kissing. "What the fuck, Dax?"

"I don't know, it just happened," Maddox shrugged. "Why are you so upset?"

"Did you fuck him?" Zack demanded, turning to look at Adam. "You did, don't even lie to me. You two fucked."

"Hey, back up," Cole put his arm out between Zack and Adam. "Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters," Zack insisted. "You're married, all of you. You can't just run around fucking whoever the fuck you want."

"Oh, but it's totally fine to hook up with your fans backstage?" Maddox glared. "Whatever, Zack, it's none of your business anyway."

"Of course it is, it's not fair!" Zack gasped. He seemed to realize what he'd said a second later and his shoulders dropped. "Whatever, you're right, it doesn't matter at all," he went into the bedroom.

Adam realized a second later that everyone was looking at him. He stood up, not really sure what to do but he knew he was supposed to follow Zack.

"You didn't tell me Zack was into you," Maddox whispered to Adam.

"Um, well," Adam glanced at Cole but he knew he'd put it off too long. He had to confront Zack about his feelings. "Sorry, I should, um," he wasn't sure how to finish his sentence but he followed Zack.

"Whatever you're gonna say, don't," Zack barely looked at Adam when he walked in. "I get it, okay?"

"You don't know a damn thing, Zack," Adam went right up to him. "Can I kiss you?"

Zack answered by kissing Adam hard. He moved fast, pushing Adam to the bed and pulling at their clothes. Adam only got a break when the door closed and distracted Zack.

"I could wait outside, if you want," Cole was giving Zack his best grin.

"No, get over here," Zack ordered.

Adam would never have guessed Zack had it in him. He hadn't realized Zack had ever even been with a guy, but that was just one thing Adam learned about his roommate that night. Zack surprised Adam over and over again - right up until the next morning when Adam woke up and Zack was already gone.

"He went to get us breakfast," Cole yawned, pulling Adam in closer.

"Oh, good," Adam relaxed. He hated to think Zack figured they wanted him gone, like he was just another one of their one night stands. Then again, Adam didn't really know what Zack was.

"What now, sweet boy?" Cole kissed Adam's cheek. "Can we keep him?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure I like him that way," Adam admitted. "And are you going to tell him about the Ashby-Rhodes? There's a lot to figure out."

"I don't know about all that, I just want him to suck my dick again."

"We have to know soon."

"I love you but sometimes you're too serious," Cole kissed Adam's shoulder.

"I love you too but sometimes you don't think things through," Adam got up to pee. On his way back to bed he heard the sound of a key swipe at the door so he went out to see if Zack needed help.

Zack came in with his hands full of coffees and a bag of food. He paused when he saw Adam and gave him an awkward smile.

"Um, is this weird? I'm not sure how it works when you fuck your roommates and like, really, really, want to do it again," Zack raised his eyebrows.

"This works for me," Adam smiled and took the food so Zack didn't have as much to carry.

"Okay. It's weird though, isn't it? Not the coffee, I mean, that I had sex with a married couple."

"I wouldn't know, I've never done it."

"You sound like Cole when you say things like that."

"I do spend a lot of time with him."

"So, uh, we can do it again?" Zack followed Adam into the bedroom. "It doesn't have to be a regular thing."

"Nothing's ever regular when Cole's around," Adam pointed out. "But you know where I live, stop by whenever."

"We'll leave the door unlocked," Cole promised.


Eli scrolled through Hunter's instagram feed, looking at picture after picture of Washington, D.C.. Every caption made it sound like Hunter was having the time of his life. He'd never seen someone fall in love with a city, but Hunter obviously had and it broke Eli's heart.

When those pictures got to be too much, he went back to his main feed. That's when he saw the picture of Dax and Adam kissing and his heart stopped. How? And why? Hadn't Adam already done enough?

Without even stopping to see what time it was where Maddox and Brent were, Eli called his best friend to tell him exactly how he felt about the whole thing. From the sound of his voice when he answered, Maddox had been asleep but Eli didn't care.

"Maddox Drew."

"What? What's wrong?" Maddox sounded confused.

"What's wrong?" Eli hissed. "You tell me, Maddox, didn't I warn you about Adam?"

"Oh. Yeah, you did."

"You said, 'oh don't worry, Eli, he's a good person'," Eli went on. "And look what happened."

"Listen," Maddox yawned. "Do you know what time it is in Quebec?"

"I don' give a fuck what time it is in Kay-beck," Eli ignored the slip of his accent.

"Right, well, I'll be home tomorrow, okay? Can you yell at me then?"

"You're coming home?" Eli's heart stopped again. That was bad. Really bad. "Oh, god, Maddox, I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, I'll see you then, probably around 3 your time."

"I'll be there," Eli promised. "What should I bring? Ice cream? Tequila?"

"I don't know, we'll figure it out," Maddox yawned again. "Love you, bye," he mumbled before hanging up on Eli.

For a few seconds, Eli just stared at his phone. When it started ringing he almost dropped it.


"No, it's me," Hunter's voice had never sounded so good. "What's going on? I saw the picture."

"I don't know, he's coming home."

"He's leaving the tour? Oh damn."

"I know, he's asleep right now so I didn't get the full story. I have no idea what to think, Hunter, but if he's leaving Brent it can't be good. He doesn't have anything on his calendar now."

"Are you sure? I'm going to call Jordan."

"If he had anything on his schedule, I would know," Eli reminded his husband. "Are you coming home?"

"No, I can't leave in the middle of a case. And I can't just show up unless I'm invited, I mean, you should know that," Hunter laughed.

"I know, but you'll come if you're invited, right?"

"Of course," Hunter sighed. "I miss you, Eli. Like you wouldn't believe. It sucks being here alone."

"I miss you too," Eli closed his eyes. "It, uh, looks like D.C. is interesting though."

"I love it here, this is definitely my city. I want to bring you out here sometime to see it. I think you'd like it too."


"Definitely," Hunter got quiet. "Sorry, Eli, I have to go. I love you. Call me as soon as you hear from Dax."

"I will. I love you too," Eli hung up and tried to distract himself. It was just past midnight so he knew he could just go to bed but he didn't feel like sleeping.

That was when it hit him - it was past 3am in Quebec and in DC. So why was Maddox asleep and Hunter wasn't? More than that, what was Hunter even doing that he had to get off the phone?

Eli took a deep breath and looked at their wedding picture on the wall next to their bed. He'd spent hours looking at it over the past weeks. Never once had he imagined being married and lonely. They seemed like complete opposites.

Then again, if Maddox ever decided to go back to music, Eli wouldn't think twice about taking his old job back. Did it make him a hypocrite that he hated Hunter traveling but would have no problem doing it himself? But if they both traveled all the time then maybe Eli wouldn't hate Hunter's schedule so much.

Somehow Eli eventually did fall asleep. The next day he made sure to get to Maddox's house by 3 so he could be there the second Maddox walked in the door. He checked to be sure there was plenty of tequila and ice cream ready so Dax would have whatever he wanted.

While Eli waited, he thought about what might happen. If Maddox cheated, was there any chance Brent would stay married to him? Or would they head right for the divorce? And could Maddox be convinced to sue Adam for posting the picture?

All those thoughts stopped the second Maddox walked in the door. He looked tired, but happy and relaxed. Better than Eli had seen him look since Brent started rehab.

"You look great," Eli tried to interpret what he was seeing. "Tell me everything, what's the plan?"

"I'm going to pass out," Maddox hugged him. "And when I wake up I think I'll eat dinner in bed and maybe marathon a season of some TV show."

"Okay," Eli nodded. None of that helped him. "Do you want me to stay with you? Or should I give you some space?"

"Just stay with me," Maddox headed to his room "How are you? You look tired."

"I didn't sleep much," Eli followed him. "Don't worry about me though, seriously. Do you want me to hide your wedding pictures?"

"No," Maddox started taking his pants off but froze a second later. "Oh, god, Eli, I'm sorry."

"No, no, just tell me what to do, I'm here for whatever you need," Eli looked at Maddox's half-open jeans and tried to make a joke. "Except sex, of course. That's the last thing you need right now."

"Brent and I are fine. We're not even fighting, actually, we're really good."

"I don't think I understand," Eli sat down on Maddox's bed.

"Right, yeah. I'll explain everything," Maddox slipped his jeans off and got in his bed before he told Eli the entire story.

"Ew, no," Eli shook his head as soon as Dax admitted to sleeping with Adam. "Dax, no."

"Yeah, it was so good," Maddox smiled.

"No," Eli covered his face for a second. "Seriously, why can you not just be with Brent? I don't understand. You two love each other so much and you're so good together. Isn't that enough?"

"It doesn't mean anything, Eli," Maddox shrugged. "It's just sex."

"I don't get why you always say that," Eli crossed his arms. "I was standing right next to you at your wedding, I heard you both promise not to be with other people. What happened to that?"

"Nothing happened to that, it was Brent's idea!"

"Right, because he's made so many good choices lately," Eli huffed. "That doesn't sound like Brent at all to me."

"Well, it really was his idea and he's really still okay with it. And really, it is just sex. I know that sounds stupid but there's such a difference between just fucking someone and actually being in love with them. Like with Brent it's about the connection and us being together and how close we are but like, I dunno, with Adam it was just like this feels good and it's hot and kind of wrong which makes it even better."

"Whatever, Dax, I'm never going to understand it," Eli decided. "I'm going home."

"Okay, fine," Maddox sighed. "Don't be mad at me though, I didn't hurt anyone. Except maybe Zack."

"Zack," Eli laughed.

"No, I really fucked up there," Maddox explained how they'd found out that Zack had feelings for Adam.

"Shit, what the hell happens on that tour bus?" Eli asked. "I could never work with all that drama happening."

"You don't even know half of it," Maddox told him.

"Are you really sure Brent's okay with what happened?"

"Yes, call him yourself," Maddox insisted.

"Maybe I will. You should probably call Hunter and tell him though, he's been bugging me about the kiss picture. The fans are kind of crazy."

"I didn't think about that."

"Obviously you don't think about a lot of things," Eli rolled his eyes.

"Don't be a dick," Maddox glared.

"Whatever, you know I hate Adam and I hate anything that risks your relationship with Brent. I'm never going to be cool with this."

"No one asked you. And it was just the one time, I promised never again."

"I'll only believe that when I see it."

"Fine, stick around," Maddox pulled out his phone. "I'll be happy to prove it."

"Please do."

Eli listened while Maddox told Hunter the whole story. It sounded like Hunter asked a lot of the same questions Eli had asked but the volume on Maddox's phone was down so low Eli couldn't hear anything Hunter said.

"Hunter said to tell you hello," Maddox gave Eli a smug grin when he hung up, as if he'd won something.

"Alright, well if your marriage really isn't falling apart I'm gonna go," Eli stood up.

"Or you can just hang out."

"No, I have stuff to do."

"Are you mad?"

"I guess I'm not mad, I don't know," Eli shrugged. "I just cannot understand it, Dax, you have everything you ever wanted. Why risk it?"

"It wasn't really a risk, I mean," Maddox paused. "Yeah, okay, so it could have gone wrong. But it didn't."


"No, seriously, let's call Brent right now," Maddox reached for his phone. "I promise, we're good."

"Maybe you are today," Eli pointed out. "But you don't know what's going to happen after a few more days when you've both been thinking about it."

"Fine, okay," Maddox put his phone down in his lap. "But I really don't think we're going to change our minds."

"We'll see," Eli shrugged and gave Maddox a hug. "I'll call you later, we can do dinner or something."


Eli shut the door behind himself as he left Maddox's bedroom and called Hunter on his way out of the house. Hunter answered immediately.

"I don't get it. I would never."

"That was never a question in my mind," Hunter laughed.

"Good, because never," Eli insisted. "I love you, can you come home now?"

"Uh, not today," Hunter cleared his throat. "Tomorrow doesn't look good either. Let me get back to you on that."

"Worth a try," Eli tried to keep his voice light, like he'd been joking all along. "I'll let you go. I just wanted to say that."

"Thanks. I'll give you a call later."

"Alright, bye," Eli plugged his phone in and backed out of the driveway.

Something about the call felt strange and Eli couldn't figure out what. It wasn't until Eli was halfway home that he realized what it was: Hunter hadn't said he loved him back. Eli couldn't think of a time that had ever happened before.

Just as he was starting to get upset, Eli made himself take a deep breath. He reminded himself that Hunter was at work and it wasn't the only time they would talk to each other that day. That was the most obvious explanation and he was probably just paranoid because of Dax's latest drama.

With that settled, Eli decided to stop and get himself a frappachino. He'd definitely earned it after the day he'd had. 


A/N: Happy Monday! Next chapter -  what is Cole up to with all those secret phone calls?

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