Fanboy (boyxboy)

Od Maggiebert

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For Eli Warren, loving a Bieber was practically a family value. His mother was a Belieber so it only made sen... Více

Author's Notes
I Need Your Love
Just for Now
Always Be
Dear Agony
Second Chance
Rootless Tree
Ten Days
Your Battlefield
After You
Unsteady Ground
From Where You Are
Closer to the Edge
Wait it Out
Heartbreak Coverup
Break Myself
Angel's Son
Give Me Love
So Much
Song Beneath the Song
If This is It
Remind Me
Broken Together
Still Into You
Say Something
A World Alone
Come On
Shatter Me
Don't Let Me Down
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Impossible is Nothing
I See Fire
Elastic Heart
Break My Fall
Dust Clears
Alter the Ending
Constant Craving
The Morning After
Coming Home
Wonderful Unknown
Secret Love Song
All My Heart
Stingray Affliction
"Now we wait."
"I want to believe you."
"Your hands are shaking."
"This is my love language"
"You're Not My Fan, You're My Husband."
"You did what, exactly?"
"Do you want me to Google it?"
"Yeah, I did that for you."
"As if anything could really be so wrong?"
"I hate it when you look at me that way"
"I'm not any worse than I already was."
"The list of what's right is much shorter."
"Adam, where is our son?"
"I thought I deleted that."
"I promise, this would fix everything."
"Did you think you could just keep it a secret?"
"We have a situation."
"I have this theory."
"Please don't do this, Bryce."
"I want to show you something."
"We had a deal."
"That's like a modern day fairytale."

Circle the Drain

87 9 0
Od Maggiebert

Eli looked over Maddox's backyard and the chairs he and Maddox spent 2 hours lining up. The altar was set, lights were strung up and the planters where the flowers would go were all in place. They had all the heavy lifting for the wedding finished, all that was left to do was decorate and Eli wanted to wait until the morning of the wedding to do that. He checked his watch. His Dad and brother should have already landed.

"It looks so good," Brent called, crossing the lawn with his puppy in his arms. "Are you sure you don't need help?"

"I'm sure. The big stuff is done," Eli insisted. "Hunter wanted to do most of it last night."

"Just let me know, I'm happy to do whatever you need," Brent squeezed his shoulder. "I'm so excited for you."

"Thanks," Eli smiled and looked at his list again. "I think I have everything done for today, really. Pretty sure."

"Of course you do. Just take it in, Eli, it's gonna go by so fast."

"That's what everyone says. I'm trying," Eli nodded. "I guess I should go to the Bieber house so I can be there when my dad gets there."

"Yeah, Dax and Clara made cookies when we were over there earlier. They looked so good, I almost ate one," Brent rubbed his stomach. "You should have one for me."

"I can do that," Eli agreed. "Alright, see you later."

He went inside the pool house, where Eli was staying until the wedding, to grab his laptop and as he was leaving he saw Hunter walk into the yard.

"Hey," Hunter didn't smile. "Do you have a second?"

"Yeah, doesn't it look good?" Eli gestured to the yard. "I think I got everything done I can do today. We just have to add the flowers tomorrow."

"Right. That's what I want to talk about," Hunter took a deep breath. "Are you - wait, we should go inside."

"O-okay," Eli felt his stomach drop but he went back inside. "What's wrong?"

"Put this down," Hunter took Eli's bag. "Sit down for a second."

"Hunter, you're really scaring me."

"I'm sorry, I just," Hunter took a deep breath. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Do...what? Get married?"


"Oh my god, Hunter, yes I'm sure," Eli's chest was so tight he wasn't sure how he was breathing. "Aren't you?"

"I was, I thought I was, but today I'm just-" Hunter shook his head. "I'm not sure anymore. What if we rushed into this?"

"Hunter, we've been together over 2 years. That's not forever, but it's not exactly quick. What is this really about?"

"I don't know, I'm just realizing like, this is permanent, you know?"

"Yes, I know. That's the point."

"That doesn't scare you at all?" Hunter's eyes were wide, like he was freaking out.

"I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't sure," Eli insisted. "Why did you ask me if you didn't know for sure you were ready? I mean we're supposed to get married tomorrow, Hunter, shouldn't we have had this conversation months ago?"

"Months ago I thought I was ready. Now I don't know, I mean," Hunter took another deep breath. "I should have told you when it happened but I was afraid you would be mad. It's not really a big deal, but, um, remember how I told you I always wanted to walk in on Dax and Brent?"


"I did. The day before Jordan started," Hunter looked so guilty. "Remember the day we had phone sex, like, two hours after I left the house and I told you it was just because I hadn't gotten enough the night before?"

"So you lied to me about what got you horny and you think that means we shouldn't get married?" Eli tried to make the connection but couldn't. "I'm mad you lied but I think an apology would be good enough. Like how many times do you think I get horny and have no idea why? It's not like you hid in their room or something and waited on purpose."

"No, but I told them I wanted to see it."

"You and three billion other people say things like that to them all the time! What the hell, Hunter?"

"I just don't want us to make a huge mistake, Eli," Hunter's hands were shaking. "I love you and I don't want to see this end badly."

"But where is this coming from?" Eli frowned. "Why now? Why today?"

"Because," Hunter shook his head. "We got a new case today, Eli. This is the third case we've taken since I started working for Kelly and every single one has to do with someone's marriage falling apart."

"Okay," Eli reached for Hunter's hands. "That sounds awful, but why does that make you think we'll be the same way?"

"I don't know."

"Look at Dax and Brent though. They've hurt each other a lot and made a lot of bad choices, but they're still together. Why?"

"I really don't know that," Hunter sighed.

"Because they want to be together. They decided they wanted to be together more than they cared about all of that mess," Eli rubbed the back of Hunter's hand with his thumb. "People make choices Hunter. I chose you. Can you choose me?"

"I can today, but-"

"Today is the only day that matters."

"You're right. Okay," Hunter squeezed Eli's hands. "Okay, we can do this. I can do this."

"Alright," Eli tried to relax and gave Hunter a quick kiss. "I'm going to see my dad and Levi, want to come with me?"

"I have to go back to work, I just panicked and had to come see you," Hunter stood up. "Thanks for talking me down, I'm sorry I lost it."

"I'm glad we worked it out," Eli picked up his bag and followed Hunter out of the pool house. "What time will you be home tonight?"

"Kelly said she's kicking me out at 7:30."

"So generous," Eli bit his tongue to keep from saying more. Hunter just laughed.

"She's not a bad person, Eli. She's giving me the week off even though we just got this new case and I've only been working for her a few months now."

"I'm not complaining, really," Eli lied. "I'll see you later, okay?"

He went to the Bieber house and found his Dad sitting on the couch with Dax's niece Dylan half asleep on his lap and Scarlett tucked under his other arm, talking to Justin like they'd been friends their whole lives. Levi was on the floor with Aiden and Wes, showing them pictures of the trucks they'd repaired.

"Eli!" Clara was the first to see him walk in. "We were just wondering if you needed us to come help with anything. What can we do?"

"Nothing, it's all done," Eli insisted as she hugged him. "Hunter, Dax and I got everything done. There wasn't that much to do in the first place."

"Alright, if you say so," Clara smiled.

"Hey kiddo," Eli's dad gave him a hug smile when he walked in. "Come hug yer old man."

"Hi Dad," Eli leaned over to hug him, avoiding Dylan and Scarlett. Scarlett moved and patted the couch, telling him to sit down. She crawled right in his lap when he did. "How was your flight?"

"Long. You wasn' kiddin' 'bout them 6 hours. Levi ain't sit still the whole time neither."

"You was sleepin' you ain't know what I was doin'" Levi protested. "I slept too, the baby's gettin' teeth an' kep' us all up last night. Firs' quiet sleep I had since he was born."

"I can't imagine," Eli shook his head. "Hunter's already on me about having a baby, you gotta help me talk him into waiting."

"I tole' you they would have kids," Levi looked at their dad. "Din't I say that?"

"How's that work, Eli?" his dad frowned.

"We'll adopt," Eli explained. "Dax told us he's got a good lawyer to help with the paperwork and all. We just have to interview with the moms and they decide if they like us enough."

"Does he now?" Justin grinned, looking at Clara. "Go ahead and say I told you so. I know you won't sleep until you do."

"I don't have to, you already know," Clara gloated.

They talked until the kids got bored and wanted to go outside to play. It was amazing to see how natural it was for Eli's dad and brother to spend time with Maddox's family. Eli watched them in the backyard and felt a familiar ache in his chest.

"You missin' mama?" Levi nudged him.

"Yeah, I hate that she's not here."

"I do too. I used'a think it'd get easier but seems like the older I get the more I wish she was here."

"Exactly," Eli took a deep breath. "Hunter's having second thoughts."

"Only second? He ain't on third and fourth yet?" Levi laughed. "I think I got plumb out to 10th before I saw Nikki comin' down the aisle."

"Wait, so that's normal?" Eli felt his shoulders drop.

"Yeah, I mean it's a big step. You ain't nervous at all?"

"I'm nervous but I'm not gonna call it off," Eli insisted. "He was asking me if I was sure and all."

"Psh, ain't no thing, Eli. Isaiah had the runs for a week 'fore his weddin."

"That's just nerves though, I mean, Hunter was like serious."

"Nah, don't worry. You know men ain't like talkin' feelins. He's jus' scaret," Levi patted Eli's back. "This time tomorrow it'll be all over with an' you'll be on a one way trip to poundtown."

"Mmm, married sex."

"Enjoy it while you kin. You better know righ' now, soon as Hunter makes up his mind he wants that baby he's gonna git it. I was all set to say no when Nikki asked for another one an' then she jus' fluttered them eyelashes at me and I was sayin' yes."

"I'll keep that in mind," Eli laughed. "Hunter can be pretty persuasive when he wants."

"Jus' wait. Come Christmas I won't be the only one sayin' there's a new baby on the way."

"She's not pregnant yet?"

"Naw, but it ain't for lack of tryin, I promise you that."

Clara made everyone a snack when she fed the kids their dinner and still managed to put together a huge dinner for the rest of the family. Maddox, his older sisters and their husbands and boyfriend were all there. Hunter was the last to arrive but he walked in with a huge bouquet of flowers for Eli.

"They're to say sorry for earlier. I really am sorry I'm such a wimp," Hunter told Eli when they had a second alone. "I'm so lucky I have you to talk me down or I would have made the biggest mistake of my life."

"Thanks for letting me," Eli kissed him. "I'm gonna miss you tonight."

"I know. But tomorrow it will all be worth it."

Eli was up at 6 the next morning, unable to sleep. He couldn't decide if he was nervous or excited but he did know he wanted to start decorating as soon as possible. Waiting for Dax and Brent to wake up was the slowest part of the day.

Before Eli knew it, he was getting dressed. He'd let Dax, his dad and Levi stay with him in the pool house but he sent everyone else back to the main house so Hunter wouldn't be there alone. Hunter's parents had all but ignored him when he told them he was getting married so they never had any hope they might show up.

"It ain't right. I cain't unnerstan' it myself," Eli's dad shook his head. "I gotta lot wrong in my life but I ain't never not bin there for one a my kids. You bring 'em in the world, you gotta stan' by 'em."

"Even if they come out like Gideon," Levi laughed. "Damn, Eli, are you gittin' married or posin' for the GQ?"

"Right? I'm so glad I hired you a photographer," Maddox tugged Eli's collar into place. "So fucking hot, we may not get a wedding at all. We might get a show."

"I tole you, us Warren boys clean up rill nice."

"You do clean up pretty good, kid," Eli's dad nodded. "Not bad at'all. Course you allus did look more like yer mama then like me. I cain't believe she ain't here to see this. She'da bin so proud of you, jus' like I am."

"Thanks, Dad," Eli choked down the lump in his throat.

"Love you, Eli. You ready?"

"I think so," Eli took a deep breath and turned to look in the mirror. He did look really good in his suit. "Is it time?"

"Almost," Maddox squeezed his shoulder. "Let me check with Brent and see if everyone is ready."

When everyone was in place, Eli left the pool house to meet Hunter behind the rows of chairs. They'd ended up with 30 guests, but even with the small group they agreed they wanted to walk down the aisle together instead of separately. When he saw Hunter walking toward him, Eli was glad they'd agreed to see each other for the first time that day behind the group of people instead of in front.

"Hi," Eli whispered. "You look so good."

"You do too," Hunter whispered back, taking his arm. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The ceremony was over too fast. Eli was so sure that everyone was exaggerating when they said the day would pass quickly but before he knew it, their wedding was over and soon he and Hunter were headed off to their short honeymoon at the resort where Maddox and Brent got married.

Maddox insisted the resort gave the 3-night stay to him and Brent as a free gift to say thank you for having their wedding there but Eli didn't believe him. That didn't mean he cared enough to turn it down either. As soon as they saw the gorgeous suite, Eli was glad he hadn't refused the gift.

"This is bigger than our apartment," Hunter looked around.

"Shh, I don't care," Eli reached for Hunter's tie.

Their honeymoon was much shorter than Eli wanted it to be. They spent 3 nights at the resort and the rest of the week at their own apartment before Hunter had to go back to work. Eli could have taken more time off but since Hunter was working, he decided to work too.

Eli spent a lot more time working with Mack those days. Mostly they spent all their time turning down offers for Maddox to be on different TV shows or in movies. Dax had agreed to do two things - he'd written a book and he was going to shoot an ad campaign for Dolce and Gabbana. So that gave Eli a little work to do while he waited to hear back about his college application.

Much to Eli's shock, he actually got into college. He called Hunter to tell him the good news and he didn't answer so Eli called his dad instead. His father was so excited, almost more excited than he'd seemed about Eli getting married. Fortunately his dad was at work and could tell the rest of his family right then.

After that call ended, Eli called Maddox. He was at the studio, helping with Brent's new album, so Eli knew he only had a few minutes to talk.

"I'm sorry, I'm just in the zone," Maddox explained. "Like I'm so close to getting this right. I can already hear it, you know?"

"Yeah, I don't want to bother you," Eli promised. "I just-"

"Hang on, sorry."

There were some muffled sounds on Maddox's end of the phone and Eli wondered if he was taking his headphones off. Then he heard a door slam and someone yelling. It took him a few more seconds to realize it was Brent.

Eli couldn't understand any of the words, but he felt a sick feeling. Brent wasn't the type to yell. He barely had an aggressive bone in his body. If he was shouting then something was really wrong. He heard another door slam.

"Sorry, Eli," Maddox apologized a minute later and heaved a big sigh. "I am really sick of this diet Brent's on. The mood swings are just too much."

"Wait, you mean he was yelling like that and the world wasn't ending?"

"No, he and Jimmy just had words and he had to scream about it," Maddox laughed, setting off alarm bells in Eli's head.

"Oh, I've just never heard him yell like that," Eli wasn't sure what it meant that Maddox was laughing.

"I'm telling you, he's so moody these days. It's driving me nuts, like if he would just eat a sandwich he'd probably be normal again."

"Right, yeah. Oreos or something."

"Exactly. I'm texting Jordan to stock up on oreos. Maybe I'll tie Brent up and force feed him."

"Or just tie him up," Eli raised his eyebrow, trying to picture what it would look like to see Brent strapped down. He tugged at his pants.

"Mmm, that's the only thing I can't complain about. The sex is so damn hot these days. I mean, it's always been good but lately, yum."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep. I don't miss the muscles if this is the trade off," Maddox sounded like he was making that sexy smirk of his. Eli grinned. "Anyway, what were we talking about?"

"I don't even remember," Eli lied. He could wait until another day to tell Maddox his news. "I'll let you get back to work."

"Alright. Let's hang out soon, I miss you."

"Me too."

Eli got off the phone with Maddox and did a quick google search. He had a really bad feeling that Brent's mood swings didn't have anything to do with his diet at all.


"I never imagined I'd ever say this and mean it, but I really don't want to go without you," Cole sighed as he folded clean laundry, putting most of it directly in his suitcase.

"I'm going to miss you a lot," Adam nodded, pulling his clothes out of the laundry pile as Cole uncovered them. He and Cole weren't the same size and didn't usually wear the same colors so it was pretty easy to tell which clothes were his.

"We should go away. We never took a honeymoon, you know. Let's plan something."

"Um, okay," Adam had no idea where they would go, or when.

"Have you ever-" Cole started to ask a question but when he shook out the t-shirt he'd just picked up, a pair of black lace panties fell out, landing right in front of Adam. "Are those yours?"



"Of course they're not mine," Adam huffed. "Why would you even ask that?"

"Because you never stop surprising me," Cole held up the panties. "These might fit you."

"No, they won't."

"Try them."

"That's gross," Adam protested. "Give them here."

"Only if you're going to put them on," Cole held them out of Adam's reach. "Promise me."

"I'm going to give them back to Zack so he can give them back to Collette. Or...whatever."

"Please? Just for a second," Cole pleaded. "Don't make me put it on the bucket list."

"You cannot use your list against me," Adam grabbed the panties from Cole. "You'd better take all the pictures you want, I am never doing this again."

"Oh my god."

Adam pulled his pants and boxers off and pulled the panties on. He tried to ignore how soft and silky they were on his skin and focused instead on how awkward he felt. Even when Cole motioned for him to turn.

"Happy now?" Adam turned his back to Cole and bent over a little, showing off his ass.

"Not yet," Cole adjusted his pants. "Touch yourself."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. Stroke yourself through the lace."

"This is the only time," Adam repeated.

He tried to relax enough to enjoy what he was doing but it wasn't until he saw how much Cole liked it that Adam started to get anything out of it. After that it was just a short time before Cole was yanking the panties off him and the whole thing turned out to be worth the few minutes of awkwardness.

"I'm going to enjoy this video my whole trip," Cole grinned as they were lying in bed after they finished, showing Adam that he'd recorded the whole thing.

"You didn't tell me you were taking a video, I thought it was just pictures."

"Relax, our faces aren't in it," Cole pointed out. "Besides, I don't lose my phone every other day."

"Still," Adam sighed and stretched. "Are you sure you have to leave?"

"It's just a week. I'll be back before you know it."

"If you say so."

Cole left the next morning and Adam tried not to be sad as they said their goodbyes before Adam went to the studio. He texted Brent to see if he wanted to go for a run together but Brent never replied. It wasn't like Brent to ignore a text, but Adam tried not to worry.

"Hey, did you get my text?" he asked as soon as he saw Brent at work that morning.

"Yeah," Brent shrugged. "Sorry, I'm not running anymore. Cardio is eating too much of my muscle."

"Okay," Adam tried to process the fact that Brent really had ignored his text. It was the first time Adam could remember it happening. "You could have just said so."

"No one's perfect, okay?" Brent snapped. "Get over it."

Adam stared at his best friend for a few seconds before Brent turned away. Had Brent ever snapped at him that way before? Adam definitely couldn't think of a time, not when they hadn't already been fighting for some reason.

Jeff motioned for them to come into the editing room where Maddox was working. Adam followed the rest of the guys in so they could listen to the song Maddox had corrected. He'd started with the song that seemed to need the most work so Adam wasn't sure what to expect but as the song played he knew they were right to let Dax take over.

"I know I fought you on this, but you were right," Tyler was obviously impressed. "It sounds so much better now."

"Seriously, it's amazing," Zack agreed. "And I'm not just saying that."

"Thanks," Maddox grinned at him.

"We've got to get to rehearsal for the video," Jeff reminded them. "Thanks, Maddox."

"No problem," Dax nodded and reached for his headphones.

Brent kissed his cheek and Dax turned to give him a real kiss before Brent left, brushing past Adam on his way out of the room. Adam started to follow him but paused.

"Hey Dax?" he turned back to Maddox.

"What's up?" Maddox barely glanced at Adam.

"I know you're busy, but," Adam looked behind him to make sure they were alone. "I'm just kind of worried about Brent and I was hoping you would tell me what's going on."

"What do you mean?" Maddox frowned, as if he had no idea what Adam was talking about.

"You don't have to pretend, okay? I'm his best friend. I can tell when something's up. He's not acting like himself."

"Yeah, I think there's just a lot going on. In case you haven't noticed, he's the only one getting shit from the media anymore."

"Of course I noticed," Adam rolled his eyes. "And it's not just that, like yeah he's tired and cranky, but it's like he even dresses different lately. We went running a few days ago and he had to stop after 3 miles."

"He's afraid too much cardio will burn up his muscles," Maddox shrugged. "That's what he told me anyway, that he was cutting back."

"Maddox," Adam felt like screaming. He couldn't tell if Dax was covering for Brent or honestly wasn't worried.

"Dax?" Jordan, Dax and Brent's new assistant, stepped into the room. "Oh, um, should I come back?" he glanced at Adam and then back at Maddox.

"Yeah, just give us a minute," Maddox told him. Jordan nodded and left the room. "Thank God Hunter's gone, this would look so weird to him."

"You think Hunter didn't tell your new assistant all about our drama?"

"You're right, we probably shouldn't be alone much longer."

"Oh, you think I really want to be alone with you?" Adam raised his eyebrows. "I don't even want to look at you let alone talk to you."

"Harsh," Maddox laughed.

"Well, I guess I don't mind looking," Adam grinned and swept his eyes over Maddox's body.

"Wow, Cole has taught you well," Maddox turned his deadly smirk on Adam.

"You have no idea what I've learned from him."

"Are you sure about that?" Maddox took a step closer to Adam.

"Guess not," Adam stepped closer to Maddox too. "Too bad there's only one way to find out," he loved how easy it was to seem confident when back when Adam first met Dax he'd been so nervous around him all the time. That was when the door opened again.

"Maddox?" Brent looked confused.

"Babe," Maddox stepped away from Adam.

"I just had to check," Brent glanced at Adam and then back at Maddox. "Were - uh, are you two flirting?"

"Are you insane?" Adam tried to make it sound like it was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard. "You're as bad as my husband."

"Ew," Maddox made a face.

"It just looked a lot like flirting?" Brent was still looking back and forth between the two of them. "I guess as long as you two aren't killing each other."

"No, we're done here," Maddox put his headphones around his neck.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, we're good," Adam nodded. "I just wanted to apologize to Maddox."

"Oh, good," Brent smiled. He walked over and kissed Maddox before he turned back to Adam. "Well let's go, everyone's waiting for us."

"I'll be right there, go on," Adam motioned for him to leave, praying Brent didn't yell at him again. Brent gave him a look like he wasn't sure but he left the room.

"Uh, so," Maddox cleared his throat.

"Yeah, anyway, so, can we be good? Like, can we be friends do you think?" Adam asked. "It would make this a lot easier."

"I know," Maddox sighed. "I guess we can try, I don't know. I kind of always thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you, Maddox," Adam shook his head. "Sometimes I think it's just the opposite, really."

"Shut up," Maddox rolled his eyes.

"No, listen," Adam took a deep breath. "I've always been jealous of you and yeah, I've been mad at you a few times but mostly I just kind of want to be you."

"You really don't want that," Maddox insisted.

"Maybe not, but I wish I could be more like you," Adam admitted. "I guess that's a weird thing to say, I don't know. I should go. But, please, can you just promise you'll tell me if you figure out what's going on with Brent? I really am worried."

"Yeah, but you have to tell me if you figure anything out too, okay?" Maddox raised his eyebrows. Adam nodded. "Uh, do you want a hug?"

"No, I think maybe we'd better not. I'm not ready."

"Okay, me neither. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later," Adam left Maddox to his editing and rushed to the rehearsal room.

He watched Brent for the rest of the day but Adam didn't see anything else out of the ordinary. Their rehearsal went well so everyone was in a good mood when they wrapped up for the day. Adam and Zack ordered pizza for dinner that night and watched two movies before Zack insisted on showing Adam his new video game.

"I swear if there's a panda in this game," Adam warned.

"There are no pandas, promise," Zack grinned. "But have you seen the video where-"


"Ugh. Okay then."

"So do I get a controller?"

"No, it's a single player game. Just watch until you get bored okay?"

"Alright," Adam put his feet up. "Can I smoke first?"

"Can you not? Like I really don't think spending time with me is that bad," Zack rolled his eyes. "I mean, I hope not anyway."

"It has nothing to do with you, I just miss Cole," Adam confessed. "Like I honestly don't know if I can sleep by myself anymore, you know?"

"No, I don't."

"Well, it sucks when you're used to sharing a bed."

"I'll leave the door unlocked," Zack winked.

"Jerk," Adam elbowed him. "Just for that I'm going to get in bed with you."

"Really though, if you need to, you can sleep in my bed," Zack shrugged, taking his eyes off the TV for a second to look at Adam. "I don't mind."

"We'll see," Adam wanted to shrug it off but then he saw the glimmer of hope in Zack's eyes and remembered the night of Brent's wedding. Zack begged him to stay that night too. Maybe Cole was right to think Zack wanted more from Adam.

"Alright. So this level I just-" Zack was interrupted by a knock on the front door. He looked at Adam.

"I have no idea, don't give me that look."

"You might as well go get it, it's always for you when this happens."

"One time," Adam protested but he got up to answer the door anyway.

Though he had no idea who to expect, Adam was shocked when he saw Dax through the windows in the door. At first he thought it was a joke, but when Adam opened the door the look on Dax's face told him it was serious.

"Maddox? What happened?" Adam looked behind Maddox to see if he was alone.

"Can I come in? It's Brent, I just," he stopped talking and Adam moved out of the way so Dax could get inside. He looked like he was about to cry and on top of that, Dax had a big duffel bag with him, like he was planning to stay a while.

"Yeah, um, are you okay?" Adam knew it was the stupidest question in the world. If Dax were okay he wouldn't be at Adam's house. But what he really wanted to ask was what Brent had done and he knew he couldn't ask that outright.

"Not really?" Maddox admitted. "You're right, something's wrong but I don't know what it is and he won't admit it."

"He won't tell me either," Adam led Maddox into the kitchen. "Zack, can we have the room?"

"Come on," Zack groaned. "I thought Cole was gone all week."

"He is," Adam waited for Zack to look away from his video game.

"Oh, hey, Dax," Zack smiled and sat up a little straighter. "Wait, why do you two need to be alone?"

"Because, reasons. And none of the ones you think."

"I didn't think that," Zack insisted too fast. "But why isn't Brent here?"

"Just go," Adam shook his head. Zack sighed and turned his game off. He turned the TV off and started to leave the room, pausing to hug Maddox.

"You just looked like you needed that."

"Thanks," Maddox managed to smile at him. Zack looked like he wanted to say more but he didn't. He grabbed a drink from the fridge and left the room.

"Sorry, Cole bought a house but he has like all these things he wants done before we can move in," Adam explained, wishing they had more space in the house so Zack wouldn't have had to even know Dax was there. "So it's going to be like 6 more months before we get out of here."

"Why didn't you move into his apartment?"

"Because he didn't want me to," Adam sighed. "Not every relationship is perfect like yours, Maddox."

"Right, because mine is so amazing," Maddox rolled his eyes.

"You really have no idea," Adam shook his head. "Whatever, Dax, if you think your life is so fucked up you should just try someone else's for 10 minutes. You'd want your imaginary problems back immediately."

"I don't think my life is fucked up, and my problems aren't imaginary," Maddox snapped. "Is this thing with Brent all in my head?"

"No, fine," Adam sighed. "I don't know how to help him."

"I don't either. I can talk to my therapist but I think he needs a therapist of his own and I don't know how to get him to realize he needs that."

"So you have no idea what's wrong? He's really not on anything?"

"No, no drugs," Maddox insisted. "I know he's on this crazy diet, maybe he's not eating enough."

"He eats all the time," Adam shook his head. "That's why I thought he was on something, cause he's gotten so skinny but he eats a lot. Tyler's on that diet too and he doesn't act like Brent."

"Then I have no idea," Maddox looked so lost that Adam couldn't help but touch him.

"We'll figure it out," Adam put his hand on Maddox's arm. "You can stay as long as you want."

"Oh, um," Maddox got a confused look on his face.

"You have a bag with you, I just assumed," Adam dropped his hand. "Are you sure Brent's okay alone?"

"No. I'm not sure I'm okay with leaving him alone either but he's been keeping secrets from me and I had to make him see it's not okay."

"You mean more than whatever this is?"

"Yeah, I shouldn't say anything," Maddox sighed. "It's probably bad enough that I came here anyway, I just wanted to talk to someone who would understand."

"I get that," Adam nodded. "I want him to get better too, Dax. Don't worry, Brent will understand why you came to me. We'll figure out what to do for him. "


"You can sleep in Brent's old room though, if that's not too weird," Adam offered, glad he and Cole had stripped the bed after their last threesome. "We've been using it for storage, but the bed is still there."

"That's fine," Maddox followed Adam up to the room even though Adam was sure he already knew where it was. Adam cleared off the bed for him and got him some clean sheets.

"Let me know if you need anything, or just help yourself," Adam reached into his pocket for his phone. "Have you heard from Brent at all since you got here?"

"No, actually, I haven't," Maddox checked his phone.

"Me neither. I'm going to text him something stupid and see if he answers."

"Alright," Maddox put his bag down and started making the bed.

"He answered right away. Like nothing's wrong."


"At least he's okay," Adam texted Brent and asked what he was doing, just to see what he would say. He watched the typing bubble appear and disappear before Brent's answer came through. "Don't get upset."

"Maybe you shouldn't have started with that," Maddox looked even more upset than before. "Why?"

"Because he lied," Adam turned the phone around so Dax could see. "I asked what he was doing and he said he was watching TV, with you."

"I can't," Maddox closed his eyes. "Whatever, I guess I should be glad he's not telling the truth because I'm sure he's pissed at me and wouldn't have anything nice to say."

"That's one way to look at it," Adam nodded. "Um, do you need anything else? Towels?"

"Yeah, please."

"Do you want to be alone or would you rather have company? I could send Zack in."

"No, I'm fine. I'm going to go to sleep."

"Alright, I'll get you a towel and be right back," Adam was glad to be out of the room. What could he even say to Maddox?

"Hey, what's going on?" Zack whispered when Adam went by his room.

"Um, Dax is going to stay with us for a bit."

"Did he and Brent have a fight?"

"I guess, he didn't really say," Adam made sure he'd turned his back to Zack before he answered, just in case. Cole always said he was a terrible liar.

Adam left Maddox some towels and went to his own room, hoping he could talk to Cole before he went to sleep that night. They got to talk for longer than he expected and Adam avoided saying anything about Maddox. He wasn't sure how to explain.

He and Cole hung up and Adam thought about getting in his bed. After looking at it for about 5 seconds, he knew it wasn't going to work. The bed was just too big and it wasn't warm enough. Adam went to Zack's room. The door was open so he closed it behind himself.

"What's going on?" Zack was sitting at his desk and looked confused until Adam pulled the covers back.

"You were serious, right?"

"Yeah," Zack closed his laptop. "Uh, just let me get ready for bed."

"Take your time," Adam opened Instagram while he waited.

Zack got into bed a few minutes later, plugging his phone in before he lay down. Adam put his own phone away and turned off the bedside table lamp. He scooted over and put his arm around Zack.

"Nope, no," Zack shook his head, pushing Adam off him. "I'm the big spoon."

"That only works if you can sleep on your side, which I can't."

"I usually sleep on my stomach."

"Same. So you want me to stay on my own side?" Adam made a face.

"You took my side, actually, and no, it's fine," Zack sighed. "I know you're all about your cuddles. Come here."

Adam was surprised by how comfortable it was having Zack hold him. They talked a little but Adam could barely keep his eyes open past the first few minutes of their conversation. He caught himself drifting off not long after that.

What Adam hadn't thought about was how long Maddox might end up staying at their house. But he kept coming back after that first night and Adam wasn't about to tell him he couldn't. Especially because Dax cooked every meal and, though he hated it, Adam had to admit he'd never had such good food outside of a restaurant before.

He also couldn't keep from admitting he liked sleeping in Zack's bed. It wasn't as strange as Adam thought it might be since he and Zack had shared rooms so many times on tour. Zack didn't even pretend to be annoyed when Adam kept crawling in with him.

Cole came home a week later. Adam waited up for him and ended up falling asleep on the couch because it was almost 2 before Cole got there. He woke Adam up as he was carrying him to bed.

"You're not this strong, put me down," Adam protested.

"I'm pretty sure I am, since we're already on the stairs," Cole laughed and kissed his cheek.

"I love you," Adam sighed and grabbed onto Cole though he clearly didn't need to since Cole had gotten them so far.

"I love you too, and missed you like you wouldn't believe," Cole nudged the door open, turning so they could get through. "Are you still mostly asleep?"

"No, I'm awake."

"Good, because I have a question," Cole set Adam on his feet next to their bed. He turned to pull back the covers. "Where have you been sleeping this whole time?"

"Um, what?"

"You haven't been sleeping in our bed, so where have you been sleeping?"

"Well, uh, why do you think that?"

"Because I left you this," Cole pointed to the post-it note on Adam's pillow.

"Oh my god," Adam reached past Cole to grab it but Cole took it before he could reach. "That's mine!"

"Sure it is. I'm just going to save it for next time I go away instead since you didn't read it this time."

"Cole! We don't do that," Adam protested. "In case of death, remember?"

"I'm going in three weeks, I think I can make it."

"You'd better."

"So," Cole grinned. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No," Adam sighed. "I was with Zack."

"With Zack or with Zack?"

"I just slept in his bed because I don't like sleeping alone anymore," Adam shrugged. "Nothing happened."

"I know I've raised you better than that," Cole shook his head. "Alright, get in bed. I'll be right there."

"Did you just tell me you're leaving again in three weeks?"

"Yeah, I'm going to Atlanta to record a song," Cole pulled off his shirt. "I'll be gone a few days, maybe a week at most."

"Ugh," Adam made a face but then he remembered something. "Oh, wait, I have an idea," he went to their closet.

"I was hoping you could just come with me."

"I hope I can too," Adam reached onto the top shelf and pulled down something he'd hidden there and almost forgotten. "But if I can't go, I'm going to make you a thing to take with you."

"Is that a bong?" Cole laughed, taking off his pants. "I think I'm good."

"No, this is a mold of my dick," Adam presented it to him. Cole took it and looked inside.

"My dear, sweet boy. How long have we been married?"

"Um, almost 6 months."

"And somehow this is the first I'm hearing about the fact that you have the ability to create replicas of the most perfect penis that has ever existed. I think this is probably grounds for divorce."

"You can have any color you'd like. I can even get a vibrator thing to go in it," Adam offered.

"Did you even hear me?" Cole handed it back to him. "All this time. Such a big secret. Think of the lives we could have changed together."

"Okay, what are you talking about?"

"Picture this. As I escort our latest companion for the night to the door, I tell him we don't do repeats but if he wants to relive the magic he can," Cole explained. "And then I place one of your dildos in his hand and send him on his way. Our little way of saying thank you."

"You're a sick man," Adam shook his head. "Just for that I'm going to make it pink and glittery."

"What I'm saying is I want one of each please, vibrator and no vibrator," Cole grinned and kissed him. "But I really do want to take you with me next time I have to go away."

"I hope I can," Adam set the mold on his dresser and got back in bed. "I missed you a lot."

"I guess you did. Sleeping in Zack's bed. I bet he loved that."

"He didn't say, but I liked it," Adam admitted. "It was nice."

"I wouldn't hate it if you two got together," Cole went to his side of the bed. "Okay, so next question."


"Why is Maddox's car here?"


A/N: I love you all.

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