I'm A Mess ~ Camren

By Dantanafantasy

128K 3K 612

Drama? Crush? Flirting? Love? Teen Pregnancy? Member of a girl group? How does one balance all of that? "I'm... More

On The Road... AGAIN!!
49 (Final)
Sequel is ready!!


2.2K 47 23
By Dantanafantasy

"I'll drop by in the morning before we leave." Clara says to Lauren as she takes Rey for the night.

Lauren kisses her mother and Rey as they walk out the door.

She planned a dinner date with Camila for the night, because she felt they needed it after everything got so crazy between them. Plus neither one of them felt like cooking.

This time they were doing a casual dinner at the Cheesecake Factory at the Grove.

Lauren walks into the bathroom where Camila is just finishing up , brushing her hair.

She comes from behind her and runs her hands up and down Camila's sides, caressing her breasts.

Camila turns around to face Lauren.

"I'm glad that I have you back." Camila says.

"Me too, me too." Lauren says swinging Camila's arms.

"Let's go." Camila says as she wraps her arm around Lauren's neck.

The two head out , using the rental car.

"Are you sure you can drive? it's only been two days since "the incident"." Camila questions.

"Yeah, as long as I'm not like lifting weights or opening a jar or anything I should be fine." Lauren declares.

They buckle up and head off.


"So you have therapy tomorrow?" Camila asks as she twirls her straw in the glass of water mixed with a lemon.

"Yeah...and I think maybe you should come with me." Lauren says.

"Really?" Camila asks.

"Yeah..I think it will help me with communicating better with you." Lauren says.

"I agree." Camila says.

Silence falls between the two as they both begin looking at their phones.

Lauren is texting Ally, who agreed to set up their bedroom in a romantic style for their special night.

On the other side of the table, Camila's knee was bouncing in anxiousness of getting back to the apartment.

Their food had finally arrived and they eat up.

"Dude I am stuffed." Lauren announces as she stretches her arms.

"Same, I'm good for the next month at least." Camila says.

They wait for the check, which Lauren happily covers.

"After you." Lauren says as she holds open the door for Camila as they exit the restaurant.

She walks up to get a grasp of Camila's hand.

"You wanna walk around a bit before heading back?" Lauren asks her.

"Yeah I'd like that." Camila says with a soft smile.

As they walked around , both of them felt like they were taken back to their first date. Everything was calm between them but at the same time both of them felt a slight nervousness as if they just met.

"How are you?" Lauren suddenly asks Camila.

"I'm good I guess." Camila responds sounding confused with the sudden question.

"No I was just asking because everything has been centered around me recently and I just feel-" Lauren says but is cut off.

"If you're good I'm good." Camila simply says.

Lauren smiles.
"I'm glad to hear that." Lauren says.

The two continue to walk around, stopping at a few shops along the way.

Suddenly Camila's attention is taken by a nice looking dress.
"I really like that dress." Camila says pointing at the pencil skirt type of white dress.

Lauren assess it, "You should try it on." Lauren suggests.

"Okay I will." Camila says as she takes it off the rack.

The two head to the back of the store to the dressing room.

Lauren gets occupied by her phone , texting Ally to see if she successfully set everything up.

"Is everything ready?" Lauren types onto the screen.

A few seconds later, Ally replies.

"Yes girl I hooked you up, everything is perfect." Ally tells her.

Camila opens the door revealing herself in the curve fitting white dress.

Lauren stands in awe over how beautiful and sexy her girlfriend looked in the dress.

Camila bites her bottom lip, "Does it look okay?" She asks sounding un-confident.

"You look like a sexy glass of milk." Lauren says.

"I do? I mean my boobs are so ehh." Camila says picking on herself.

"Screw your boobs, this brings out your best ASSet." Lauren says emphasizing the word asset on purpose.

Camila giggles lightly.
"I'll buy it for you, my treat." Lauren says.

"You don't have to-" Camila starts off saying but is interrupted.

"I want to, I owe you the world after my messiness." Lauren says.

"True that." Camila says sassily.

Lauren lightly slaps her as she heads back into the dressing room to take off the dress.

Camila exits the dressing room, handing the dress to Lauren as they head to the cash register.

The lady rings up the item and then they're on their way.

"Thank you." Camila says nicely to Lauren as she hands her the bag.

"No problem babe." Lauren says as she places a kiss on Camila's cheek.

Her phone buzzes, she unlocks it to see that Ally sent her a picture of the set up confirming that she did her job.

The two head to the car, and begin to head back to the apartment.

The car ride starts off awkward due to the fact that both of them know what they want but they don't know how to initiate it.

Lauren takes one hand off the wheel and uses it to rub Camila's inner thigh.

Camila doesn't say anything since she's wrapped up in her phone.

Lauren continues to drive until they reach the apartments.

She parks the car and the two sit there for a minute.

Lauren slumps back and looks at Camila, "Tonight was nice." She tells her.

"I agree, it was better than our last outing." Camila says.

"It felt like we were brought back to where we started, and I like that." Lauren says.

The two exchange glances, Lauren leans over to place a nice kiss on Camila's lips.

Their eyes close as they disconnect their lips.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you." Lauren says as they open the car doors.

Lauren wraps an arm around her girlfriends neck and they enter the apartment building.

Camila heads straight to the bed room to put away the dress that Lauren had brought her.
Lauren follows behind her with a distance.

"Woah-what happened in here it's so.." Camila says as she freezes at the door frame.

Lauren smiles smugly.

She comes up behind her and wraps her arms around her waist.

"You did this?" Camila asks.

"Yeah with some help from the little sunshine." Lauren says referring to Ally.

"It's so romantic looking." Camila states.

Lauren begins placing a trail of kisses along Camila's neck in various places.

"You like it?" Lauren whispers .

"It's everything I expected.. Well at least what I see in movies." Camila says happily.

"Good because tonight is gonna be fun." Lauren tells her.

As she continues to kiss Camila's neck, Camila let's out a trill but quickly covers her mouth in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." She whispers , apologizing for her involuntary noise that exited her mouth.

"That's supposed to happen." Lauren whispers back in her husky voice with a smirk.

Camila flips around and crashes her lips into Lauren's.

The kiss sends Lauren straight through the roof. It was always her initiating a kiss between the two, this was a new step for Camila.

This was probably the longest kiss they've ever had in general and in quite a while. You could hear the saliva being exchanged with every breath in between.

Lauren begins walking forward , causing Camila to step backwards entering the bedroom.

The bedroom was decked out with a few scattered rose petals, which filled the room with a rosy scent. Candles were lit, one placed on one nightstand and another one on the other. The lighting was dimmed but lit well enough for them to still see each other.

Lauren places Camila onto the bed.
She hovers over her, while taking a minute to admire her .

"You're so beautiful." Lauren says as she pulls a strand of hair out of Camila's face.

"I think that's the first time you've told me that." Camila says as a smile fills her face.

"That's what I like to see." Lauren says referring to her girlfriends smile.

"Lauren?" Camila questions in a soft voice.

"Yes." Lauren says acknowledging her.

"Now what?" Camila asks because honestly she has zero experience with sexual relations.

Lauren busts out in laughter.

"Mood killer." Lauren says jokingly.

"Communication is key for the first time, so just say something if you don't feel comfortable or anything, okay?" Lauren tells her.

"Okay." Camila says agreeing to communicate.

"Ready?" Lauren asks.

"So ready." Camila says.

Those two words gave Lauren the permission to explore her girlfriends body.

She bends in and starts kissing her again. A few minutes in she begins to roll Camila's shirt up a bit.

"You okay?" Lauren asks, checking on her to make sure she isn't making her uncomfortable.

Camila nods her head followed by an , "Mmhm."

She finishes taking Camila's shirt off, and in front of sits her breasts covered by a lacy hooked bra.

Lauren isn't ready to get there just yet, so she goes down to Camila's firm abdomen and leaves a trail along it kissing it and massaging it.

"Does that feel good?" Lauren asks .

"Ooooh yeah." Camila says in a sexy tone.

"It's an erogenous zone just like here." Lauren explains as she sticks her hand inside Camila's bra, circling around her nipple.

Camila let's out an "Ahhh" as Lauren moves to her other erogenous zone.

Lauren begins to unhook Camila's bra until the brunette stops her.

"My boobs are so tiny." Camila tells her as she cups them in her hands holding the bra up.

"The world would be boring if everyone had gallon sized boobs." Lauren tells her.
"Plus I'm an ass liker." She continues.

"But if you don't want me to see them in the nude I'll respect that." Lauren says moving on from her breasts respecting her girlfriends wishes.

Lauren proceeds to take off her own shirt to make Camila feel more comfortable. Out of her own instinct , Camila gets a hold of Lauren's breasts and begins fondling them in her hands.

Lauren smirks at her.

They begin making out passionately , again.

Camila pulls away for a minute, in Lauren's mind she's thinking , "What is it now?"

"I feel a feeling- and I don't know what it is." Camila says with her heart racing.

"It's like little butterflies inside of me." She continues.

"I think I turned you on." Lauren says softly.

Camila grabs Lauren's hand and places it on her waistband , "Do me right." She says looking her in the eyes.

This gave Lauren the "okay" to start removing Camila's pants. Suddenly she started to feel a nervousness, she had her share of having sex with females and males but she had never taken anyone's virginity, so the pressure was on . She wanted to make it perfect.

Camila helped Lauren with sliding her pants down, revealing her purple Calvin Klein panties.

"I wanna feel your ass." Lauren says as she hoists Camila onto her waist , kissing her, while kneeled on the bed. She gets a hold of her plump cheeks and begins to fondle them.

"Your ass is a wonderland." Lauren says as she begins to grab her butt with a tighter grip.

Camila grabs one of Lauren's hands off her butt and places it near her center from the outside of her panties.

"You made me wet." Camila whispers, panting with every word.

"You're familiar with your anatomy right?" Lauren questions.

"Slightly.. Honestly I've never explored...myself." Camila answers.

"Why not?" Lauren asks looking her in the eyes.

"I was scared. Of what? I don't know." Camila explains sounding pitiful.

"I admire that about you." Lauren tells her honestly. "Our generation and kids these days are so fast to jump at sex and stuff." She continues.

Lauren begins to move her finger in a circular motion on the outside of Camila's panties.
She goes back to kissing her, their lips being pulled by each other with every breath in between.

"I don't know what you're doing but it feels so good!" Camila shouts out as she rocks her hips into Lauren's fingers.

She begins to circle her finger on Camila's center faster and faster until Camila slumps back in ecstasy.

"Oh. God. Oh. God." Camila says breathing rapidly as Lauren removes her fingers from her.

Lauren lays beside her facing her and grabs her butt with her hand and starts to massage it.

"That felt so good." Camila tells her still trying to compose herself.
"Was that considered an orgasm?" Camila asks.

"Probably, especially the way you collapsed it defiantly was." Lauren tells her.

"I wanna do the same to you." Camila says shyly.

"I'd like that a lot." Lauren says giving her permission.

Camila rolls over onto Lauren , connecting their lips as she attempts to take Lauren's place in taking the dominant role.

She tries to copy what Lauren did to her, she removes Lauren's pants . Camila takes a minute to stare at Lauren's body. Then she puts her hand inside of Lauren's panties.

"Oh taking a new step I see." Lauren says cheekily.

Suddenly she is overcome with a sensation as Camila sticks her middle finger right on her center. She grabs her hand guiding her to move it in a circular motion.

"Don't. Be. Afraid. To stick them in." Lauren says between her panting breaths.

Camila hesitates at first but gives in. She slowly slides her two fingers inside of Lauren while her thumb continues to circle her center.

"Faster- faster." Lauren demands Camila as she throws her head back.

Camila does as she says an begins to thrust her fingers in and out as fast as she can without breaking them.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Lauren shouts out in a state of ecstasy.

"I'm gonna c-" Lauren says but is cut off as soon as she releases herself right in Camila's hands.

"Oh . Shit." Camila says as she removes her hand from Lauren and looks at it.

"I need to kiss you again." Lauren says as she's still trying to get over her slight orgasm.

Lauren pulls Camila in and practically puts her lips inside of her mouth.

"Oh my god my butt!" Camila shouts out as Lauren claws at her butt while making out with her.

"It's okay-it's okay." Lauren says.

The two break apart after going at it for a few more minutes. They lay there in a state of happiness , even though they didn't have full blown sex, they were both satisfied with what happened between them.

"Tonight was a fairytale ." Camila tells Lauren.

"I know it wasn't really full on sex for you but I just-I don't know." Lauren tells her.

"Look I have nothing to compare it to so for me it was the best thing ever." Camila says. "It was like I was sitting on the clouds."

"You weren't too bad yourself." Lauren says. "For that being your first time, you hit the right spot on me right away." She continues.

"I think you did a pretty banged up job on my ass." Camila says as she rubs her butt a little.

"Yeahhh you're probably gonna feel that in the morning...sorry." Lauren says.

"At least I have a souvenir ." Camila says jokingly but in literal terms.

"True that." Lauren says agreeing.

"I should probably go and wash my hand." Camila says awkwardly as she gets up.

As she gets up Lauren stares at her butt and sees the marks she made. Tonight was the happiest she had felt in a while.


Like I said in the last chapter, this wouldn't be heavy smut but it was a start. I did a bit of research to write this part, plus I tried to add that element of awkwardness because that's what I assume a first time is probably really like.  Anyways book two is getting closer, I already have a few ideas for it:)

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