I'm A Mess ~ Camren

By Dantanafantasy

128K 3K 612

Drama? Crush? Flirting? Love? Teen Pregnancy? Member of a girl group? How does one balance all of that? "I'm... More

On The Road... AGAIN!!
49 (Final)
Sequel is ready!!


2.1K 62 18
By Dantanafantasy

Camila brings her hands to her mouth in shock as she walks to the other side of the car to see the small amount of water making a stain in Lauren's sweatpants.

"Oh my god!" Are the only words Camila can think of.

"What do I do!?" Lauren questions in a panicked tone.

"I don't know!" Camila says freaking out just as much as Lauren.

"It's too early!!" Lauren cries out.

"I know- I know!!" Camila says back.

The two stand there for a few moments going back and forth not knowing what to do.

"Okay-okay-okay uh lets go inside." Camila says calming down, moving her fingers through her hair as she guides Lauren into the house.

When they first enter they see Taylor sitting at the counter eating a slice of leftover pizza.

"Where's your mom at?" Camila asks.

"Grading papers." Taylor simply says leading Camila and Lauren to know that she's in her office.

"What's wrong ?" Taylor asks looking at both of them seeing that they're in distress.

"Did you piss your pants?" Taylor asks noticing the stain accompanied by a laugh.

"My water broke." Lauren says.
Causing Taylor to squeal in excitement.

Camila and Lauren continue to walk to Clara's office.

"Mom my water just broke." Lauren says trying to sound calm and looking around her premises making sure she wasn't leaking.

"What really!?" Clara asks.

The two nod confirming the statement.

Clara stands up from her desk, taking her glasses off.

"Okay, wow I didn't think this would happen this soon, she's gonna be premature..." Clara starts with taking a deep breath .

Lauren gets a worried expression across her face.

"But no, don't worry everything will be fine." Clara says trying to assure her.

"First , why don't you take a shower, I'm pretty sure you're feeling icky." Her mother suggests.

"Oh and be careful where the water goes." Clara adds.

Lauren heads into her bathroom following her mothers suggestion.

"Is there anything I should do?" Camila inquires.

"Yeah actually, you can get some clothes out for her." Clara suggests.

"I'll put the bag in the car." Clara says as she goes to get the bag and heads to the car that they'll be using.

Camila ponders around Lauren's clothes , at last she picks out a pair of loose sweats for her.

After doing that Camila takes a seat on Lauren's bed waiting for either Clara or Lauren to return.

"I feel like a leaky faucet." Lauren says as she enters her room with a towel around her after taking a quick shower.

"Here , I already laid you're things out for you." Camila says as she exits the room to give Lauren privacy.

"Thank you, and you don't have to leave." Lauren says to her.

Camila comes back in and sits down as Lauren puts on her clothes.

"Why are you so offended by the anatomy?" Lauren questions Camila.

Camila turns slightly red in the face.
"I-I don't know, like if it's not my own nudity I just feel weird and uncomfortable ." Camila explains.

"Well honey in a few hours you're gonna see a whole lot more than what you asked for, so get use to it." Lauren says in a humorous tone.

Lauren's remark causing Camila to crack a smile.

"So do you want me to tweet something out to the fans?" Camila asks changing the topic.

"Yeah sure, well actually lets take a pic." Lauren says as she slips on her shirt and pants.

They get into position; Camila cradles Lauren's stomach as they take the selfie.

Camila takes Lauren's phone , opens Twitter and captions it with, "Baby Jauregui is a coming 🚼" Leaving out Rey's name since she didn't announce it to the fans yet.

Clara comes back into the room after preparing the vehicle and alerting the rest of the household.

"Now what?" Lauren asks.

Lauren's mother extends a hand to her daughters stomach, "Have you noticed your stomach hurting any?" She asks feeling around it.

"No..." Lauren says.

"Well if we go to the hospital now, they'd have you come back here most likely until you start feeling contractions." Clara explains to her.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! I have to leak like this for the rest of the night?" Lauren questions.

"It should slow down soon; when it does you'll feel the contractions." Clara says.

"How long were you in labor when you had me?" Lauren asks.

"Very long." Clara says laughing.

"11 hours to be exact." She clarifies.

"Oh god." Lauren says as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"Actually I can call the hospital and see if you should come in now or later." Clara says as she once again leaves the room.

"I guess now is a good time to call the girls." Lauren says thinking out loud.

Camila nods agreeing.

"Who should I call?" Lauren questions.

"Go with Dinah." Camila says.

Lauren picks up her phone and takes her time going to the contact.
The phone only rings for a few seconds before it is answered by an ecstatic Dinah.

"BABY JAUREGUI IS COMING ?!" Dinah asks instantly before Lauren even has the chance to say anything.

Lauren can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm.
"Yes, my water broke so anytime now." Lauren clarifies.

"YAYYY, I'll tell the others!" Dinah says.

"I'll throw you a text or call or something when we go to the hospital." Lauren says ending the call.

Clara renters the room.
"Okay so they said to not come in until the contractions are 10 minutes apart for an hour." Her mother says.

Lauren throws her head back at the idea of how long that will take.

"Anyways I called the girls already, so that's one thing." Lauren tells her mother.

As she's about to get up off her bed, she's suddenly hit with a wave of pain. "Fffffff**k." Lauren says as she grabs onto her stomach.

Clara doesn't even bother to reprimand her for her choice of words.

"Great you're making progress." Clara says as Camila presses the start button on the contraction timer app.

"Now breathe in and out nice and slowly." Clara instructs her.

Lauren does as she says and it passes within no time.

"That was horrible!" Lauren explains.

"What did it feel like?" Camila asks curiously.

"Think of the worst and I mean worst possible cramps you could have." Lauren says.

"Yep that's gotta hurt." Camila says after visualizing it for a moment.

After two hours had passed, It was finally time to get Lauren to the hospital.

"Come on!" Camila says after noticing Lauren stopping in the doorway staring at the empty house.

"What are you doing?" Camila asks sounding annoyed.

"This is the last time of the house being this way." Lauren says referring to the current state of silence.

"When I return there'll be a whole new aura about this place." Lauren says as she takes a deep breath and successfully exits the house.

They take two cars, one with Mike , Chris and Taylor and the other car with Clara , Lauren and Camila.

The whole ride there , Camila tries her best to comfort Lauren by rubbing her back and saying things to make her feel good.

"Hi- yeah my daughter here is in labor." Clara says as they arrive to the receptionists desk.

"Has the water broken?" The lady asks.

"Yes." Clara says.

"Okay right this way." A nurse says as they put Lauren in a wheelchair to take her to a birthing room.

Camila stays by Lauren's side the whole time as Clara heads back out to bring the rest of her family in.

The nurses assist Lauren in getting into the bed, next they ask her a few basic questions and check her out, similar to what had been done at all of her appointments.

After the nurses clear out and hook everything up, Lauren and Camila are finally alone.

"This brings back memories." Camila says waving her finger around referring to the hospital in general.

"How could I forget." Lauren says with a cocky smile.

"Except this time my life will be over with when I leave...." Lauren says trailing off.

"What? No that's crazy talk." Camila says as she voluntarily takes a seat on the small narrow hospital bed.

"Camila , I'm - so - scared." Lauren says as bursts into tears.

"Shh-shh you're gonna be okay, what are you scared of?" Camila says in a calming voice.

"EVERYTHING!" Lauren says still continuing to cry.

"I can't raise a human being, I'm still trying to raise myself." She explains.

"Sure you can." Camila says as a silence drops in the room.

"Lauren, you are such a strong person you are such a woke individual , I don't even know what I'm saying right now but I'm trying to say that you're capable of doing this." Camila says to her.

"You really think so?" Lauren asks as she clears up her tears.

"Yes I know so." Camila says confidently.
"This is just a new beginning." She adds

Lauren stops crying as Camila leans in to plant a sweet kiss on her lips.

Shortly after Clara and Taylor step into the doorway.

"Yass get it Lauren!" Taylor says obnoxiously.

The two quickly break from their make out session and turn to Clara and Taylor.

"You didn't have to stop, that might speed things up." Clara says.

"MOM!" Lauren says reacting to her mothers suggestion.

"What it worked for me, anyways we'll be just down the hall in the waiting area." Clara tells the two girls.

"If you see the girls send them in, if they make it in time." Lauren tells her mother.

"Will do." Clara says.


"Lauser!" Dinah says excitedly as she and the other two girls enter the room .

They crowd around the bed and take a moment to talk to Lauren.

"So yeah after we parted , as soon as we pulled into the driveway." Lauren starts with as she's explaining the scenario to them.

"I shifted to get out of the car and then it just popped." She finishes.

"Are you nervous?" Ally asks her bandmate.

"Don't go there , she had her breakdown already." Camila announces.

"Yeah, but Camila gave me the best advice." Lauren says.

"And what would that be?" Normani asks.

"She said to think of this as a new beginning instead of the end of my life." Lauren says as she gives Camila a loving look.

"You two are so adorable." Dinah says as if she's a proud parent.

"Have you gotten any rest?" Ally inquires.

"I tried but ehhh I can't." Lauren says.

"I need to take my mind off of this and the pain." Lauren says.

"I have a few decks of card games." Dinah admits.

"We capsule play something if you want." She adds.

Dinah pulls out three different card games from her bag, one being Uno the other being Go Fish and the last one being War.

Lauren starts laughing, "Should I even ask why you carry those around?"

"This is how I make side cash." Dinah says.

Lauren continues to laugh at her.

"Let's play Uno." Lauren says.

Dinah hands the deck to Camila allowing her to shuffle them and distribute them.

They successfully play a few rounds until Lauren's contractions start to get worse. The girls clear out allowing Camila and Lauren to have time together in the moment.

Camila presses her forehead against Lauren's
"You're gonna be okay, you're so strong." Camila repeats multiple times.

Shortly after a nurse enters to check Lauren's stats.

"You've dilated two more centimeters , you'll be ready to push very soon." The nurse tells her nicely as she leaves the room removing her gloves.

"Can you get my mother?" Lauren asks Camila.

Camila nods and goes to get Clara.

"It's almost time huh?" Clara says as she comes into the room.

Clara sits down on the bed and says some inspirational words to both of the girls.

"Oh god - oh god!" Lauren says suddenly as she's hot with an intense amount of pain.

"Do you feel like you need to push?" Clara asks jumping off of the bed.

"Yes - I don't know - maybe!" Lauren says with the pain in her voice .

Camila presses the button and seconds later a team rushes in.

They hoist up Lauren's legs in some stirrups and roll up her gown.

"You're just about ready." The doctor announces.

"On three you're gonna push as hard as you can." The doctor says.

"1-2-." He says.

Lauren pushes as hard as she can with a loud scream.

"God damn - god damn - God damn!!" Camila screams out in pain from Lauren squeezing her hand so tightly.

"I can see the head!" Clara announces.

"About two more pushes and you'll meet your little girl." The doctor says encouraging Lauren to continue.

"You can do it , you can do it!!!" Camila screams out.

Lauren uses all her mite .

The once panicked room is suddenly silenced by the cries of a new form of life.

The doctors place the newborn on Lauren's chest and begin to rapidly wipe her off.

"Oh my god." Lauren says as she's overcome with tears.

"I'm literally shaking." She says.

She looks to her left to see her mother crying then to her right to also see that Camila is also overcome with tears.

"What's her name?" A nurse who is filling out the birth certificate asks.

"Reyven Spelled R-e-y-v-e-n ." Lauren says happily.

"Who will cut the cord?" The doctor asks waving the scissors between Clara and Camila or himself.

"Camila , you deserve to." Lauren says as Clara agrees.

"Me?!" Camila asks sounding shocked.

"Yes of course." Lauren insists.

Camila takes the scissors and cuts straight across , severing the ties between Lauren and Rey.

The doctors and nurses take the newborn and clean her up.

Camila takes Lauren's camera to record Rey while the doctors work on her.

"I'm so proud of you." Clara says as she kisses Lauren on the forehead.

"I can't believe this is real, I feel like I'm in a dream." Lauren says.

After the doctors successfully clean Rey up, the bring her back to Lauren.

"She was born premature , she's a bit underweight and has a slight respiratory problem so we're gonna have to keep her for at least a week to monitor her." The doctors explains to Lauren.

Lauren's so caught up in the moment that it doesn't even affect her, she's just so happy to have her daughter in her arms.

After awhile Lauren's family and the girls come into the room to see the newborn.

"Mama Jauregui!" Dinah states as she rubs Lauren's shoulder looking at Rey.

So yeah I didn't know how to end this chapter, but anyways REY IS HERE!! Did you guys like the chapter?

I'm so excited to continue this story I have so many ideas!!!!!!!

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