Fanboy (boyxboy)

By Maggiebert

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For Eli Warren, loving a Bieber was practically a family value. His mother was a Belieber so it only made sen... More

Author's Notes
I Need Your Love
Just for Now
Always Be
Dear Agony
Rootless Tree
Ten Days
Your Battlefield
After You
Unsteady Ground
From Where You Are
Closer to the Edge
Wait it Out
Heartbreak Coverup
Break Myself
Angel's Son
Give Me Love
So Much
Song Beneath the Song
If This is It
Remind Me
Broken Together
Still Into You
Say Something
Circle the Drain
A World Alone
Come On
Shatter Me
Don't Let Me Down
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Impossible is Nothing
I See Fire
Elastic Heart
Break My Fall
Dust Clears
Alter the Ending
Constant Craving
The Morning After
Coming Home
Wonderful Unknown
Secret Love Song
All My Heart
Stingray Affliction
"Now we wait."
"I want to believe you."
"Your hands are shaking."
"This is my love language"
"You're Not My Fan, You're My Husband."
"You did what, exactly?"
"Do you want me to Google it?"
"Yeah, I did that for you."
"As if anything could really be so wrong?"
"I hate it when you look at me that way"
"I'm not any worse than I already was."
"The list of what's right is much shorter."
"Adam, where is our son?"
"I thought I deleted that."
"I promise, this would fix everything."
"Did you think you could just keep it a secret?"
"We have a situation."
"I have this theory."
"Please don't do this, Bryce."
"I want to show you something."
"We had a deal."
"That's like a modern day fairytale."

Second Chance

69 10 1
By Maggiebert

"What? This better not be a joke."

Martin's angry voice interrupted their rehearsal. He was all the way out in the hall but it was terrifyingly easy to hear him over the music.

"Let's just take a quick break," Jeff suggested. "I'll go-"

"Oh, holy shit," Monroe gasped, looking at his phone.

"Did something happen?" Brent asked. He looked as nervous as Adam felt.

"Oh shit, Brent!" Tyler smacked his hand over his mouth. He had his phone out too. "Guess what, bro."

"No way, no fucking way," Jimmy looked over Tyler's shoulder. "Maddox Bieber is gay?"

Adam was 99% sure the entire floor moved under them. He wasn't sure where to look. Monroe and Jeff both looked anxious, giving each other looks but not speaking. Brent's face went white but then he glared.

"That's not funny," Brent accused.

"He's not joking," Jeff shook his head, grabbing a remote and turning on the TV. "It broke the internet. Twitter, Facebook, everything is down. He just announced it on Ellen. Fuck!" Jeff threw the remote down.

"Why is everyone upset?" Zack whispered as the news channel replayed Maddox's announcement.

"Oh my god," Brent was still pale. "This is not happening. I can't. I wasn't ready. This. I."

"Okay, relax," Jimmy laughed. "You still haven't met him. What if he's a dick? Or has a tiny dick?"

"Adam was right," Brent shook his head, staring at the TV. All eyes in the room suddenly turned to Adam.

"I, um, I was just trying to make Brent feel better, I didn't know," Adam insisted. As if they didn't already know that? How would he have known?

"Wait, go back to Zack's question," Tyler looked at Jeff. "Why is everyone upset? Is it bad that Dax is gay?"

"No, not at all," Monroe insisted. "It's just that we're trying to get you guys some attention and this is all anyone will want to talk about for a while. It's bad timing but, you know, we just have to get over it."

"I am so not getting over this," Brent was still staring. "This is too crazy to be real."

"Brent, kid, you gotta pull it together," Jeff warned. "We have to get back to work. This will pass soon enough."

"Either that or Brent will pass out," Jimmy snorted.

"I'm fine, it's fine," Brent shook himself off and got to his feet. "Let's start over."

They went back to work and as shaky as Adam felt, he actually thought they did a better job than they'd been doing before they got the news. He couldn't wrap his head around it. How could Maddox Bieber be gay?

It wasn't that the idea was so impossible, just that Adam hadn't expected it at all. Why did it bother him so much? It wasn't supposed to make a difference, but it sure felt like knowing Dax was gay changed everything.

Adam couldn't get out of his head for the rest of the day, not even when they were in the car on the way home after work. He just kept going over everything in his mind. Before he'd moved to L.A. he'd never even met a gay person. Now he was living with a gay couple, his one and only friend, maybe even his best friend, was gay and the singer he'd always idolized was gay.

And then of course there was the conversation he'd had with Tyler at Brent's house before the Maddox Bieber concert. Was Tyler teasing? He had to have been teasing. But what if he was right and Adam really was gay? How did people even figure that out? Adam sighed.

"You okay back there?" Jeff asked. Adam looked up.

"I know this is one of those stupid questions, but is everyone gay?" he asked, expecting them to roll their eyes or get mad. Instead they both laughed.

"Damn, it feels like that, doesn't it?" Monroe shook his head. "Shit. I'd die to know how Justin took that."

"Right? Then again, he was always the first to insist Maddox was nothing like him," Jeff looked at Adam in the rearview. "Did you ever notice that, Adam? Are you a Justin fan too or just Dax?"

"Uh, no, I never really paid attention."

"Monroe and I used to talk about that a lot. Justin finds a way to say that in every interview."

"Like he says it too much, you know? He has to point it out, it's like a joke but..." Monroe trailed off. "God, I hope he's cool with it. I thought it was funny at first but now I'm worried."

"Aw, come on," Jeff took his hand. "I can't see Clara taking him back if-"

"Oh my god, Jeff, what if that's why they broke up?" Monroe gasped.

"No stop," Jeff sounded a lot like Monroe for a second. "That's how rumors get started, Roe."

"Think about it, Maddox was how old when they split up?"

"8," Adam could remember his mom sobbing over Justin and Clara. "My parents got divorced that year too and my mom was more upset about them than my dad leaving."

"Don't blame her," Monroe snorted. Jeff made a strangled sound like he was trying not to laugh.

"To answer your question, Adam, I know it seems like you're surrounded by gay guys but I promise there are way more straight guys out there than there are gay ones," Jeff met his eyes in the mirror.

"Are you sure?"

"You're looking at a small group, kid," Jeff smiled but Adam couldn't make himself smile back. "Hey, is this really about Maddox?"

"No, I don't know," Adam looked out the window but he could still see Monroe and Jeff look at each other.

"It seems like you and Brent are getting to be friends," Monroe said after everyone was quiet for a minute.

"Um, yeah, I think so," Adam willed his heart to start beating again. Why was Monroe talking about Brent? Did he see what Tyler seemed to see?

"I know you know that just because Brent has a crush on Maddox doesn't mean they'll actually end up together," Monroe went on. "But if they did, it would be okay. You could still be friends."

"I know, I'm not jealous, I'm just..." Adam stopped himself. Monroe gave him a good cover. Why was he telling the truth? But he couldn't keep himself from going on. "Maybe I'm getting mixed up, like maybe my dad was right about some of this stuff."

"Mixed up how?" Jeff and Monroe looked at each other again.

"I don't know," Adam's phone started ringing. "It's my dad. Why is he calling now? How did he know what I was thinking?"

"Oh, Adam," Monroe sighed but he turned the music down so Adam could answer the phone.

"Adam, this is your father."

"Hi Dad."

"We're having a prayer rally, Adam," his dad sounded out of breath. "This news has been very distressing. The pastor is calling for a boycott."

"The news?" Adam couldn't imagine his dad was talking about Maddox's news.

"Don't you pretend you don't know," his father's voice jumped in volume. "Every eye in the church is trained on you and what you're doing out there, Adam. Your stepmother and I have talked seriously about bringing you home after we heard about that Bieber boy."

"No, please," Adam begged. "I can't-"

"The church elders feel this is an opportunity for you, Adam. We won't be bringing you home," his father interrupted. "One hero has fallen from grace. This is your chance to step into the light, Adam. But you have to remain strong and steadfast. If you so much as consider turning homosexual, Adam, we will not hesitate to drag you home."

"Dad, no, I'm not, I wouldn't," Adam couldn't get the words out. What did they mean his chance to step into the light? And why did his dad call right that second when he was trying to sort through his feelings about Brent and Maddox? It had to mean something.

"No son of mine would," his father roared. "You get this right, Adam. Do you understand me? Do not even so much as think one homosexual thought. If you dare to bring shame on me I will find you and I will-"

"I won't, I promise, I'm not..." Adam tried again. Why couldn't he say it? He'd never had a problem saying it before.

His father jumped in, continuing his rant. The more worked up he got, the more Adam panicked. Why now? He'd told Tyler he wasn't gay just two weeks earlier. It was easy.

"-and if you ever even think about lying to me-"

Was that it? Was it easy to tell Tyler he wasn't gay because Tyler had never threatened him about lying? Was it a lie? Oh god. He had to make the yelling stop.

"Dad, I'm-" Adam couldn't even say straight. What on earth? His dad tried to start up again but Adam couldn't take it anymore. "Dad! I have a girlfriend!"

The air in the car disappeared. Monroe and Jeff were silent. His father was silent. Adam could only hear the throb of his racing heart. He felt sweat break out of what felt like every pore in his body. His mouth tasted like soap. He'd never lied to his dad before.

"You...have a girlfriend," his father repeated. "We haven't seen any pictures of you with a girl."

"I, um," Adam struggled to breathe. In the front seat, Monroe started texting furiously. Jeff's eyes stayed fixed on the road but otherwise it was the first sign of life he'd seen out of either of them since he'd answered the phone.

"Where did you meet her? Is she a Christian? Has she been saved?" His father kept shooting questions at him, not even pausing to breathe let alone give Adam time to answer. "Adam, are you staying pure?"

"I am, I haven't-" Adam's mind flashed to jacking off in the shower that morning and he stopped before he told another lie. Monroe handed his phone to Adam.

"Why haven't we heard anything about this girl, Adam?"

"I, um," Adam took a slow breath, the first one he'd been able to manage since he answered the phone. He read what Monroe had typed for him. "I was waiting to say anything because I wasn't sure how serious it was and I didn't want to worry you that I was being,um, tempted. There are no pictures of us because I needed to tell you about her before the media found out. We met at church-"

"You've been going to church?" his father interrupted.

"Yes, I told you that," Adam reminded him. "You said you thought they were too soft on sin but it was better than nothing."

"Oh. Right."

"Um, but, so, that's how it happened," Adam went back to Monroe's note. "I can send you pictures if you want?" his panic set in again. Why had Monroe written that? It was all okay until the part about the pictures.

"Sure, okay," his father still sounded confused. "I'm not sure what we would do with them."

"Um, show them at church?" Adam suggested, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. "I could write a letter to thank them for praying."

"Yes, do that," his father's tone went back to its usual vicious bent. "You need to show some gratitude, Adam."

"I do," Adam handed Monroe's phone back to him. He was definitely grateful to Monroe for saving him, even if he had no idea how he was going to come up with the promised pictures.

His father roared a few more orders at him before hanging up. Adam dropped the phone when the call was over, his hands shaking. He tried to talk another slow breath but ended up gasping for air.

"You're okay," Jeff insisted. Monroe unhooked his seatbelt and Adam realized they were sitting in the driveway. He kept gasping until Monroe opened the car door and knelt on the edge of the seat next to him.

"Can I hug you?"

"Y-yes," Adam managed to choke the word out and a second later he was wrapped up in what he was sure was the most comforting hug he'd ever gotten in his life.

Even as shaken as he was, Adam couldn't ignore the difference in the two interactions. His dad was...impossible. But Monroe was safe. Steady. And loving. So loving.

"It's gonna be okay," Monroe whispered. "It doesn't feel that way right now, but it will be."

"Let's go inside, okay?" Jeff suggested.

Adam wasn't sure where to go and thankfully Jeff led them into the family room. Monroe sat next to Adam on the couch.

"Do you want to start from the beginning?" Monroe asked.

"I heard him, right?" Adam already knew the answer since Monroe was able to write the exact right response to his dad's questions.

"We heard everything," Jeff took a deep breath.

"We'll fix it, Adam, we'll find you a girlfriend," Monroe promised. "You don't have to like her, she'll just be an actress, someone to keep your dad happy."

"You can do that?" Adam wasn't sure why that made him feel better but it did.

"For the record, I disagree with the whole thing," Jeff rolled his eyes. "But yes, we can hire a girlfriend for you."

"Don't say it like that," Monroe huffed. "You make it sound like we're hiring an escort. This is an image thing, not a sexual thing."

"Would that be part of it? I mean, would we kiss and stuff?" Adam couldn't imagine it.

"Well, the 'and stuff' part is between you and her," Monroe laughed. "But in public I think a kiss on the cheek here and there is probably about all Martin will tolerate."

"I don't know about any of that," Adam was starting to feel hopeless again. How had everything gotten so messy and so fast?

"You don't know about what?" Jeff raised his eyebrows.

"Right now, anything," Adam closed his eyes. "How does it work? How do you know you're gay?"

"That's not really an easy question to answer, Adam. You're asking two guys who've known their whole lives they were gay."

"But how did you know that?"

"I have to imagine it's the same way you know you're straight," Jeff looked at Monroe, a confused expression on his face.

"That's the thing, I don't know," Adam finally broke. He hadn't cried all day, but he was so tired and the conversation with his dad had him so overwhelmed. "I've never known, it's just that my dad said I can't be gay so..." he took a shaky breath. "I have to know. Right now. I need to know.

"Adam, that's way too much pressure to put on yourself," Jeff moved to the couch on his other side. Monroe rubbed Adam's back. "I know it seems like the most important thing in the world right now, but I promise, it isn't. The sun will come up in the morning. You will still be you. Life will go on for all of us no matter how you label yourself."

"But my dad-"

"Isn't here," Monroe cut him off. "Look, Jeff and I are not going to say bad things about your dad and what he believes. But I will say that you have to live your own life. Your dad can tell you what to do, but he isn't the one who has to live your life."

"If he finds out," Adam had no idea what would happen but he could only imagine it would be awful. "I can't be gay."

"Do you think that's possible?" Jeff asked. "I know it was a shock for you to learn about Maddox, but him being gay doesn't change who you are."

"I-I know, I just," Adam looked at the floor. "I don't know what's normal. Like at my audition there were so many guys and they all looked so perfect which I thought maybe I shouldn't notice things like that but then Jimmy said I had pretty eyes so maybe straight guys do notice those things?"

"Sure they do."

"I don't think girls are gross," Adam added.

"I don't either," Monroe said. Jeff gave him a look. "What? It's just true. I don't think women are repulsive or scary. I just don't feel anything more when I look at them."

"So maybe having a fake girlfriend will help me figure it out," Adam imagined.

"Maybe, but maybe it's a bad idea to hope someone else is going to figure that out for you," Jeff looked at Monroe again. "I have to say again, I think hiring a girlfriend is a bad idea."

"I promised my dad," Adam protested.

"I'm just saying."

"We'll work it out," Monroe insisted. "Adam, have you ever thought about getting married? Having kids?"

"Not really."

"Okay," Monroe took his hand off Adam's back. "You don't have to answer this out loud, but do you ever have dreams about being with someone? Kissing or maybe other things like that? Because if you do, that might help you know who you'd rather be with."

"Oh," Adam could feel his face burning. Of course he knew exactly what Monroe meant and it wasn't just in his dreams. He did enough daydreaming and imagining when he was wide awake. It was such an obvious suggestion he wondered exactly how he hadn't thought of it himself.

"Please, just know you don't have to have an answer right this second. You can take as long as you need, Adam. Years even," Jeff changed the subject just enough that Adam could keep from wishing there was an easy escape route.


"He's right," Monroe insisted. "There's no rush. We'll keep your dad happy, at least until you turn 18 and get all your bank accounts sorted out, and you can feel free to take your time and get to know yourself."

"I don't want it to take me years," Adam hated that idea more than the idea he might not be straight.

"Maybe it won't."

"It probably won't," Adam could feel his face getting hot again. He just kept imagining Brent's face.

"I'm going to text you some links," Jeff said. "In case you have questions you don't want to ask us."

"But also, please know we'll always be here for you, Adam," Monroe put his hand on Adam's back again. "Whatever happens, okay? We're not legally your parents, but I want you to know that you have us. No matter what."

That did Adam in. He started crying again and before he knew it, he had both Monroe and Jeff's arms around him. It took a humiliatingly long time for him to get control but Adam managed. Jeff got up to bring him the tissues.

"Thank you," Adam hadn't realized how late it was but he caught a glimpse of the clock. "Sorry I kept you up so late."

"I can't think of anything more important to be doing," Monroe rubbed his back.

"You're gonna be really good dads someday, whenever you get a baby," Adam told him. Monroe's face changed and Adam could see a flicker of pain in his eyes. It disappeared a second later.

"Who needs a baby? I have a boyband," Monroe laughed, but it wasn't his usual laugh. "But thank you."

"Um, so how does this girlfriend thing work?" Adam could guess from the way Jeff wouldn't look at Monroe that he should change the subject.

"Ah, I texted some friends who manage other artists and actresses and asked if anyone needed a beard," Monroe recovered fast, pulling his phone out. "That's what we call someone who's covering for someone else. And actually..." he scrolled through his texts. "I have a few options."

"Why?" Adam could taste soap again.

"People do this for a lot of reasons," Jeff yawned. "I think I'm going to bed, if you two are done talking."

"Do you want to see pictures?" Monroe offered.

"No, just pick someone," Adam shook his head. "I um, I think I want to go to bed too."

"Okay," Monroe gave him another hug. "Thanks for talking to us tonight."

"Um, sure," Adam didn't know what to say to that. Why was he saying thank you? "Thank you for helping."


Adam went to his room and managed to sleep better that night than he had in a long time. Remembering the two conversations when he woke up the next morning made him feel a little stupid and definitely embarrassed. He went to the shower, determined to put the whole thing behind him.

That was, of course, until he started washing and his body decided that meant it was time to jerk off. It was kind of a routine. Adam tried not to think about it but as he started stroking himself he could hear Monroe's suggestion that whoever he dreamed about was probably a clue. Monroe hadn't come right out and said it, but Adam knew that meant whoever he thought about while he was touching himself was included in that.

"Fuck," Adam almost never swore but he couldn't hold it back. Not only did he NOT want to be thinking about Monroe or his advice but he kept seeing Maddox's face too. It did the job but it was definitely not what he wanted. So on top of everything he felt guilty because he knew Maddox was Brent's.

The good news was that Jeff was right. Everything seemed back to normal at work that day. He had a math quiz and Adam actually got a 90%. Then again, he kind of liked doing school the way they were doing it.

"Today we're just recording," Monroe announced when they were finally allowed to start work for the day. "But first, you four have a lunch break. Adam and I have an appointment."

"Dentist? Man, it was nice knowing you," Tyler put his hand over his heart.

"Actually I think it's a date," Monroe grinned, nudging Adam.

"What?" Zack demanded. "How come you get to go on a date in the middle of the day?"

"It's not a date," Adam protested.

"Yeah it is," Jimmy laughed. "Get it."

"How did you meet her?" Brent frowned. "You never said anything about a date."

"Um," Adam couldn't breathe. He couldn't lie to Brent, they went to church together so Brent would know it was a lie.

"Okay, pipe down. It's a first date," Monroe stepped in again. "Adam will fill you in later. We'll be back at 2."

"Stay safe," Jimmy called after them.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking," Monroe apologized as soon as they were out of the room. "We can say you met her at the grocery store and found out later that she goes to your church."

"I have a lot of lies to remember," Adam sighed.

"Well, you can tell them the truth but they might want to know more than you're ready to talk about," Monroe offered. "It's up to you. They do have to keep your secret though."

"I think I need to tell Brent," Adam followed Monroe to the car. "You didn't tell me this would happen so fast."

"You look great, don't be nervous," Monroe teased. Adam couldn't laugh but he managed to smile until he started getting texts from Brent.

Brent: trying not to be mad but why didn't you say anything?

Brent: you know you can talk to me about girls right?

Brent: idk why but i'm kind of hurt you didn't tell me

Adam sunk down in his seat. He didn't even know what to say. On the one hand he liked knowing Brent cared but on the other he hated that he'd upset his friend.

"Here we go," Monroe pulled up to a restaurant and Adam had to stop staring at his phone. They'd been driving for 20 minutes and he still couldn't think of what to say to Brent.

Adam: can we talk later? i will explain

Adam: or try to im not very good at that

Monroe led him into the restaurant. It was almost empty but there was a woman sitting with a girl Adam's age and she jumped up immediately when she saw Monroe.

"Baby!" she gave Monroe a huge hug. "How are you? Are you okay?"

"Hanging in there," Monroe sighed. "Tris, meet Adam."

"Hey, Adam," Tris smiled at him. "This is Ainsley."

"Hi," Ainsley looked him over as she stood up so Adam felt like he could look at her too. She was short with long blonde hair like most of the girls Adam saw at church. It took him a minute but he finally remembered he'd seen her on the Disney Channel before.

"Hi, I'm Adam," he said even though Tris had just introduced him. He thought about what Monroe had told him the night before. Ainsley was definitely a girl and that was all Adam really saw.

"This will work perfectly," Tris nodded. "Let's eat."

Adam wasn't sure what to do but Ainsley sat down again and he took the seat next to her. She smelled pretty and her bracelets clinked together as she took a sip of the water already at her seat.

"So, Adam is in a new boyband," Tris told Ainsley. "Their first album comes three months?"

"Six weeks," Monroe sighed. "And we leave on our first tour in August."

"Perfect, Ainsley finishes filming this movie at the end of July so she'll be available for visits until we start the new season," Tris clapped her hands. "Okay, can we talk contracts? What questions do you have?"

"What are the rules?" Ainsley made a face.

"You know the rules," Tris rolled her eyes. "Same as always. When you're alone we don't care what you do as long as no one finds out. In public, you can hug and hold hands all you want but only short kisses, nothing longer than a second."

"Cheek kisses," Monroe insisted. "If this goes longer than 6 months we can move on to a little more. And we need you to go to church with Adam."

"Church? Like...real church?" Ainsley turned to look at Adam and he tried to prepare himself for the moment she refused. "What do I wear?"

"Normal clothes," Adam knew at least that much. "Just, you know, modest stuff. Like what you're wearing now is okay."

"Okay. I can do that," Ainsley nodded. Adam relaxed.


"Yeah, I've never been but it seems like people either love it or hate it so," Ainsley shrugged.

"You've never been to church?" Adam couldn't help himself.

"No, my parents raised us to pick out our own religion," Ainsley explained. "I don't really know anything about it."

"Oh. I, um, wasn't raised with it really but my dad got saved after he and my mom split up. He's um, really serious about it and I had to get baptized so I could live with him. And, um," Adam wasn't sure how much he should tell her but Monroe nodded at him. "He's kind of the reason I'm here, uh, with you I mean, he lost it yesterday because of Dax, I mean, Maddox....Bieber and so-"

"You need a girlfriend," Ainsley finished for him. She looked around before she leaned in and asked, "Are you dating Maddox?"

Adam didn't even get a chance to answer. Monroe and Tris started laughing so hard it was almost terrifying. When his heart re-started, Adam shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Adam, your face," Monroe was gasping, trying to get control of himself.

"I guess that's a no," Ainsley smiled.

"No, I'm not dating anyone," Adam choked the words out. "I just need proof that I, um-"

"You're not gay," Ainsley filled in the answer again. "I get it. Your secret is safe with me."

"I told him I had a girlfriend so he would leave me alone," Adam explained. "And that we met at church."

"Yep, got it. And I need a boyfriend my own age," Ainsley glared at Tris.

"One who isn't married," Tris added.

"You're-" Adam wanted to ask if she was actually dating a married man but he didn't get a chance.

"We have an open relationship, he won't get jealous," Ainsley promised. "So don't worry about that. I just need a lot of cute pictures so his wife isn't like, suspicious. The church thing helps."

"This is great," Tris insisted. Adam wasn't so sure, the whole thing felt like a really bad idea, but he had a feeling it was too late to change his mind.

Monroe and Tris went over the contract while they all ate lunch. Ainsley was easy to talk to and, maybe she was just acting, but she seemed interested in everything Adam had to say. She asked a lot of questions about church and the band, telling Adam little things about herself as she talked.

"Okay, so we need to get a few pictures of you two together," Monroe said as they were finishing lunch. "Tris and I can get up and you can sit across from each other."

"No, um," Adam cringed. "Sorry, I know this is stupid, but um, we shouldn't be dating alone."

"Good to know," Monroe nodded. "Okay, so, stay there and let me take the picture and...okay, there's a mirror there so I'll just make it a really crappy picture and get myself in it."

"Thanks," Adam hoped his face didn't get all red right before the picture. He'd never thought his dad's church's rules about dating would ever be important so he never paid attention but he suddenly wished he had. Then again, maybe that would give his dad something to focus on instead of the idea he might be gay.

"Alright, can you take a selfie together?" Monroe asked after he'd taken the picture.

"Yeah, I think so," Adam nodded and waited for Monroe to hand his phone back but he didn't.

"Okay, so Adam scoot toward me and angle your shoulders," Monroe coached them both into position so Ainsley was looking over his shoulder at the camera. "Alright, now smile."

"I thought we were taking a selfie?"

"You really are new," Ainsley laughed, but it didn't seem like a mean laugh. It was kind of a nice laugh, when Adam thought about it. "Pictures from the front camera are like, terrible quality. This way it's super crisp and pretty."

"Tada," Monroe turned the phone around so Adam could see the picture. If Adam didn't know better, he would have thought it was a selfie from the angle.

"That's crazy," Adam shook his head.

"We make a stupid cute couple," Ainsley grabbed his phone. "Oh my god, where are your editing apps?"

"Uh, what?" Adam frowned.

"Ugh, boys," Ainsley rolled her eyes. "I'm texting myself these pictures."

"Oh, um, I should get your number," Adam realized. Ainsley looked up, smiling.

"That's why I'm texting myself, Adam," she pointed out. "You're like too adorable."

"Oh...go-sh," Adam caught himself before he said golly but he felt his cheeks get hot anyway.

"Alright, Ains, we have to go," Tris insisted. "Monroe, thank you so much."

"Thank you," Monroe gave her a hug.

"Hang in there, okay? Maybe Jeff will change his mind about the baby," Tris added. "You never know."

"Thanks," Monroe didn't sound as confident about that. He looked to Adam. "You ready?"

"Yes," Adam stood up. "Um, it was nice to meet you."

"You too," Ainsley slid out of the booth after him. "Hold my hand."

"Oh, okay," Adam took her hand as they walked out of the restaurant. He hadn't expected the whole touching bit to start right away but apparently Ainsley did. Was she going to kiss him too? Adam was suddenly very glad the rules were that they could only kiss on the cheek.

Which was exactly what Ainsley did before she let go of Adam's hand. It was over so fast Adam couldn't figure out how he felt about the whole thing. So much for the idea that having a girlfriend, even a fake one, would help him figure out if he liked girls.

"So, I picked okay?" Monroe asked when they were alone in the car.

"Yeah, I think so," Adam nodded. "I can't figure her out though. She seems nice but what if she's just acting?"

"I've never met her before, so I don't know, but Tris promised Ainsley was a good person. She just fell for this older guy and can't get over it, even though she knows it's wrong," Monroe sighed. "Maybe you can help her figure that out. If you two end up friends, I mean, which I hope you do. Just so this is easier."

"Did I do okay?" Adam asked. "I don't know how to be a boyfriend."

"Ainsley will teach you," Monroe laughed. "You're not supposed to know either, remember? Your dad has to believe this is real and the real Adam doesn't know."

"The real Adam."

"Right. Don't lose him."

"Okay," Adam pulled out his phone. Ainsley was already texting him edited versions of their pictures. She'd saved her name in his phone with the kissy face emoji next to it.

But the texts from Ainsley reminded him that he still had to explain everything to Brent. And exactly what was Adam going to say to the rest of the band? It felt like "the real Adam" was already getting pushed into a forgotten corner.


Oh, sweet Adam. Sigh.  I have to say that I love writing Jeff and Monroe too because when I wrote Haunted they were always just Brent's evil managers and now we'll see their side. Well, not now, because the next two chapters are both from Eli's POV.

Thanks for reading. I miss hearing from you!

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