I'm A Mess ~ Camren

By Dantanafantasy

128K 3K 612

Drama? Crush? Flirting? Love? Teen Pregnancy? Member of a girl group? How does one balance all of that? "I'm... More

On The Road... AGAIN!!
49 (Final)
Sequel is ready!!


2.1K 53 10
By Dantanafantasy

"Lauren?" Dinah questions after seeing that she's frozen after she showed her the picture and video of her and Camila's aquatic make out session.

Lauren doesn't answer and covers her face with her hand and storms off to her room.

Camila doesn't bother chasing after her, "Everything I do goes wrong, ALWAYS!" She says getting frustrated.

Normani wraps her arm around a distressed Camila, "Let's take you to your room, wouldn't want another video circulating." She says as they walk towards the elevator.

The elevator takes them to their level instantaneously, they step off ; Ally and Normani agree to let Dinah calm the two girls down.

Camila opens the door to their room, they enter the room and find Lauren laying on her side with her arms crossed in tears.

"Are you okay...I mean I see that you're not , you know what I mean." Camila asks as she sits on the opposite side of the bed pulling the strands of hair out of her girlfriends face. Dinah takes a seat at the end of the bed as well.

Lauren rolls over and sits up, "I don't know, I just feel like I screwed up with being honest with the fans." She tells them.
"Well actually management is the one to blame." Dinah says . "Janelle was suppose to set up the live chat but it never happened." She adds.

"I mean I guess it kinda was their fault ." Lauren says.

"But I just feel so bad, and especially since they don't know the story." Lauren says sounding solemn. "I don't even wanna see what's happening online right now." Lauren continues.

"It doesn't effect me so let me check." Dinah says as she pulls out her phone.
"Yeahhhhh if I were both of you I would burn every trace of my social media life." Dinah says after she sees the first few tweets.

Lauren plops herself back onto the bed. "My vacation is ruined, I just wanna get back home as soon as possible." She says.

"Well it's still kinda early." Camila says.

"Yeah but it would be too much of a hassle to rush to the airport now and all." Dinah says.

Lauren uses both of her hands to rub her face.

"I'm sorry, I really wanted this trip to be special..." Camila starts but is cut off by Lauren.

"This is not you're fault, this trip has been amazing up until now." Lauren tells her. "Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before, you're a keeper." She continues.

"I just don't know what to do now." Lauren tells both of them.

"Well first off, you have to remain calm for that fetuses purpose." Dinah tells her.

Lauren looks down at her stomach and lightly rubs it, "Well she's been kicking like crazy since I came in here, I hope that doesn't mean anything." She tells Dinah.

"That always happened to my mom when she was stressed, it's the baby's way of telling you to cool down." Dinah assures her.

"Ah I know just the thing to relax all three of you." Dinah says as she tells the two of them to lay on the backs.

"Are either one of you familiar with ASMR?" Dinah asks looking at both of them.

They look at each other and shake their heads in a no motion.

"Okay well basically it's a brain thing where a certain sound will trigger you to either fall asleep or just feel calm." Dinah says giving them the short explanation of ASMR.

Dinah pulls out her phone and sends both of them a link to a video on YouTube that is supposed to trigger them to go to sleep.

"Dinah this is stupid." Lauren says immediately.
"Shhh , you see how fast it worked on your girl." Dinah says looking at Camila who dozed off right away.

Lauren gives it a try and shortly after she falls asleep as well.
Dinah quietly leaves their room.


After Dinah left Lauren woke back up, she pretended to be asleep so she would leave.

"Camz." Lauren says tapping Camila in attempt to wake her up.
"Mila." She tries again with no success in waking her up.

Lauren fully rolls her over and now she has awoken.

"Woah what was that for? And what time is it?" Camila says as she gets herself together.

"Don't worry about the time, I couldn't sleep , I wanted to talk." Lauren tells her.

Camila rubs her face, "Okay what's up?" She asks her.

Lauren repositions herself into a more comfortable position on the bed, "I was just thinking, you know about us." She starts with.

"Oh no that's never good." Camila says in a panicked tone.

"No - no calm down." Lauren says slightly laughing.
"It's just , you know since this stuff came out there's no hiding us anymore." She finishes.

"I know, it actually gave me this high feeling like as if I was back in school hiding something from my parents." Camila says. "I'm mostly concerned about how the fans are taking this." She continues.

"Oh I think they're more than happy, we have the gayest fandom to ever gay." Lauren says slightly laughing at her own wording.
"I think my pregnancy is more of a shock for them, I just feel like I've let them all down." Lauren finishes sounding slightly sad.

"In what way, I mean I know, I just wanna hear your wording." Camila says sounding nervous.

"You're adorable when you try to explain yourself." Lauren says flashing a smile as she rubs Camila's knee.
"I feel like it's against everything we as a girl group stand for, it's something I don't condone but yet I did it...you know?" Lauren says to Camila.

Camila nods.
"I guess I shouldn't worry really, legally I can't say anything unless it goes through management and our publicists." Lauren says.

"Our flight leaves in a few hours from now." Camila says looking at her phone to see that it's about 4 AM.

"What time do we have to be there?" Lauren asks.

"It leaves at 8, so we should get there around 7." Camila says back to her.

Lauren wraps her arm around Camila pulling her in.
"Good, because I could lay here like this forever." She says in a soft voice.

"How do you feel about us? I don't wanna move too fast." Lauren asks, making sure Camila isn't feeling awkward about their interactions.

"I feel great about us, I'm happy." Camila says honestly. "You're the top , I'm the bottom." Camila continues.

"Woah-woah back it up...what did you just say?" Lauren asks.

"I'm happy?" Camila asks wondering if that's what she's referring to.

"No after that." Lauren says.

"I'm the bottom you're the top?" Camila asks.

"Yup that one, uhhh are you aware of what that means?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah it means you're the dominant role in our relationship." Camila clarifies.

"Okay but it also means..." Lauren says still trying to see if Camila really knows what it means.

"I'm not a child, I know it's a sexual thing." Camila says making a quotation gesture with her fingers.

Lauren raises an eyebrow.
"You weren't thinking about..." Lauren says trailing off.

Camila thinks for a minute to make sure she understands where Lauren's going. "God no...unless..." She says trailing off.

She sees a disappointed look in Lauren's face.
"No offense , I didn't mean to sound that harsh." Camila says.

Silence falls between the two of them.

"I-I-I've never done "it" with anyone." Camila confesses shyly.

Lauren doesn't seem surprised.
"We shouldn't rush it, your first time is supposed to be special." Lauren says to her.
"And you should cherish that, don't rush to give yourself away." She continues.

"I'm just thinking about how many more times are we gonna be completely alone like this and not be on a schedule." Camila says.

"Yeah true, but I don't know..." Lauren says trailing off.

"Aren't you supposed to be horny as hell right now?" Camila asks bluntly.

Lauren can't help but laugh at how open Camila is.

"I-I mean I kinda have been since the beginning of this pregnancy, but I just don't act on it, I keep my hands to myself." Lauren says being just as open.

Camila raises an eyebrow, "I can't keep my hands to myself." She sings jokingly as she moves her hands erotically along Lauren.

"Stop it." Lauren says in a baby voice.

"All this talk about sex has made the time fly by." Camila says, as she looks at her phone to see that it's a little after 5 AM.

"I'll go first." Lauren says getting off the bed to go take a shower.

After they shower, eat , and pack their things they leave picking up the other girls on the way.
They head to the airport, board the private plane and land in Miami in just under 45 minutes.

"I'm feeling kind of nervous, the last time I talked to my mother was after I blew up." Lauren says feeling her chest as they arrive at her house.

The other girls were dropped off at a hotel, to stay around for a few more days.

Camila and Lauren step up to the door of the Jauregui's house.
"I don't have my key." Lauren says searching around.

"Oh cut the act." Camila says as she gladly knocks on the door.

The two wait for a minute, Taylor opens the door.

"You're back!" Taylor says excitedly as she embraces Lauren tightly.

The three exchange words for a few as they step into the house.

"How did mom seem wh-while I was away?" Lauren asks her sister sister hesitantly.

"She was mad when she found your note but then she got calm." Taylor says.

Lauren throws her head back, not knowing what to expect from her mother.

"Stay here with Tay, I'm gonna feel her out." Lauren tells Camila as Lauren heads to her room to put her stuff down, then to her mother.

Lauren peers into her mothers office, she sees her grading papers and reviewing lesson plans.

"Mom." Lauren says softly but just loud enough for Clara to hear her.

Clara turns around and takes off her glasses; in the moment Lauren doesn't know what to expect.
"How was your vacay?" Clara asks as she hugs Lauren.

Lauren feels relived a bit,"it was great." She simply says.

"I have something more important to tell you." Lauren starts with, "While I was away I had a lot of time to think and I wanted to say... I'm sorry for using inappropriate language around you and yelling at you , I - I don't know what happened to me, and I guess you were right ... About the priorities thing." Lauren says to her mother.

"Apology accepted." Clara says as she hugs her for a second time. "It was probably just the hormones." Lauren's mother says, causing Lauren to cringe at the word even though it was true.
"And what made you realize that I was right?" Clara asks.

"Let's just say it involves Twitter and a picture and video." Lauren tells her mother.

Clara rubs her forehead.

"I'll explain it later, anyways wait just a minute I'll be right back." Lauren tells her as she leaves to go get Camila.

"You can come now" Lauren says grabbing Camila's hand, causing Camila to raise an eyebrow.
"Get your head out of the gutter." Lauren says to her.

"Hello!" Camila says happily as she enters the office.

Clara greets Camila,"Let's go into the living room instead, I'll fix us up some coffee." Clara says to both of them.

Clara makes the coffee as Lauren and Camila get comfortable on the couch.
"Stop bouncing your leg." Camila says to Lauren as she places her hand on her knee cap to stop her from bouncing it.
"I'm just nervous." Lauren tells her as she runs a hand through her thick hair.

"Don't be, she already knows, we're just telling her out of courtesy." Camila says reassuring her.

Clara makes her way over to them with a tray with the coffee, they each grab a mug.

Camila takes a sip, then she looks to Lauren who edges her on to start the conversation.

Camila clears her throat, "So over these past few years, I've really gotten to know Lauren very well on every level." She starts with, "I mean not like that." Camila says realizing that she might have insinuated something.

Lauren takes over , "Over the past few months we've both started to catch feelings for each other, Camila has been by my side since day one of me discovering this pregnancy." Lauren says, "She was there that night that I took that test, she went to my first appointment, she picked up my tears when Noah screwed me over, she's just been there like no one else has . Lauren ends with.

Camila picks it back up, "When she was in the hospital, well actually before that I'm the one that brought the attention to take her to the hospital I saw that she wasn't herself, but anyways on that day when you had me walk with her in the hallways, she kissed me and I wasn't sure if she was drugged of if it was for real, turns out it was for real." She ends with.

"Then we discussed our feelings towards each other, then we went on a date when I got back here and it went well so bringing it to present day, we're officially dating." Lauren says sounding nervous.

"Well let me say , this was very mature on both of your parts to sit and talk with me." Clara starts with, "and honestly as long as both of you are happy I'm happy, and I trust you with my grandchild if you two last that long." Clara finishes.

"Mom! Don't jinx us." Lauren says.

"What I'm just keeping it real , anything could happen." Clara says.
She gets up and hugs the two girls.

"Wow I feel so relieved in one way." Lauren says holding her chest.

"Now we have to deal with this Twitter thing." Camila says .

I think this is the longest chapter so far lol
Anyways do you guys, readers want me to take long breaks to make long updates or do you want consistent chapters that are short?
How do you all feel about a smut chapter in the future?

Thnx for reading!

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