One sick love story

By Jade154

6.9K 218 10

After meeting the love of her life on a school trip, will he stay with her when she is diagnosed with Leukaem... More

The woods
A long day..
Our first moment
And it begins...
Intensive care
The diagnosis
Love and drugs
First date
Loss of identity
The truth hurts
Small steps
Ocean ward - Part 1
Ocean ward - Part 2
A new beginning
Dear diary...
Home sweet horror
Over the phone
Alton towers!!!
The contagious curse- part 1
The contagious curse- part 2
Looking for strength
Side effects
Nothing is fair!
Holiday spirit
Fly away
An official goodbye
New years resolution
One step closer...
The lost past- part 1
The lost past- part 2
Too close for comfort
Boy trouble
Death is calling
In this Together
A family on the mend
No boys and no Cancer allowed!
My last chemo!!!
New endings for new beginnings
Life can be beautiful
Where it all began...
Birthday wishes
My future starts today...
A year to remember
It's summer time!!!!
The Maldives
Summer freedom!
Could it be?
Knowing the truth
Those three words
Back to square one
New opportunities?
It's a match!
Dreading the life ahead
Damaging my future
Visiting my new home
The world of isolation
The transplant
New bone marrow, New chance!
Waiting and wondering...
When life gives you Cancer...
The breaking point
My murderous thoughts
My bucket list
When seconds count...
My death date
My last breath
Our final goodbye
Authors note, Thankyou!!!!!!!!!
Go check out my new story - My popular secret
SEQUEL 'Dont wait for me'
Rosewood - my new story

Let's celebrate

63 3 0
By Jade154

Authors note:
So sorry you've waited for a long time for an update. Ive been very busy recently, but hopefully you wont have to wait too long for the next part :)
(Bens pov)

I rush up to her room at a faster pace than I'm probably allowed to be going in a hospital. Oh well, im so excited, today is Tuesday and it's Darcy's 17th birthday. Everything is set up and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees what I have done for her.

I rush into the pediatric oncology ward panting, as I've practically ran up the stairs.
I'm about to walk into Darcy's room, until her mother stops me.
She has tears in her eyes, and looks like she hasn't slept in days.
"Sarah what is it?" I ask, terrified.
"She's 17, but she's not awake."
My heart drops to my feet. I thought just somehow she would wake up because it's her birthday. But no, Cancer doesn't work like that. It drags you down even at the happiest of times.
"Well will she wake up soon?" I say with hope still within me.
"The infection was just too bad ben. She's really struggling. Even if she was to wake up, I don't know if she'd be able to get out of bed."
My head starts to fill up with anger. Anger towards myself. "I caused this. She's not awake because of me."
"Ben please don't blame yourself for this. It's no ones fault-"
"No Sarah. It is, it's mine. I'm sorry, it was an accident and I never intended it to get this bad. I've ruined everything."
"Ben wait!" She shouts and follows me as I begin to storm out the doors.
Eventually she catches up to me.
" You've got to atleast see her on her birthday. It might not mean much to her now, but it will be nice to know you were there for her on her special day. It would crush her if you weren't."
I sigh, because I know she's right. It's just becoming harder each day to see her like this.
I start making my way back to her room. Her mum stands outside the door and waits for me to finish.
"Darcy. I'm sorry. If I didn't push you over... Uh, there's no point. I can't keep blaming myself, it's not going to solve anything. But if there was anything I could do, I would. Like this little celebration I've prepared for you. It won't cure you but I'm hoping it will help to heal all the painful wounds and memories, these last 7months have left you with, and get you to remember all the good times we've had. And all the people that still love you, and are here for you today to show you that. So please, please fight. I know you cant hear me, but please, all these people have come to see you today to tell you how much they love you. It would be great if you could wake up. I'm sorry. I know it's not that easy... I guess I've got to go now. I've got a party to set up... Love you." I kiss her on the forehead then Sarah comes back in and takes over.


We've waited for over 4 hours. It's now midday, and her family are beginning to arrive. At the moment they're just standing in a special but empty children's hospital room. It's a room usually used for really sick kid Cancer patients who need a celebration before... They you know... Take off.
But they said I could use It for darcy. She's become quite popular in this hospital.

I sit in the hall watching all her family gather together and look around for the birthday girl.
I decide to call her mum.
"Hi Sarah, any news yet?"
"No ben. Afraid not. Everything alright?"
"Not really. Everyones starting to arrive and they're all asking me where the birthday girl is. I don't know what to tell them."
"Give it a few more hours. If she's not awake then. Ill come and speak to them myself."
"Uh, okay. I guess there's nothing else we can do."
"Sorry ben."
I end the call. Then I look up and notice a familiar face walking my way.
It's chelsea.
"Oh my gosh ben hi. It's been so long!"
She gives me a big hug. And I hug her back tightly as I could really do with some comfort right now.
"Hey chelsea." I say sounding really depressed.
"What's wrong ben? Where's the birthday girl. I'm dying to see me bestie!"
"Well.. Things aren't quite going to plan. She's asleep."
"Well go wake her up then."
"Chelsea! It's not that simple. She very sick. Her body is struggling to wake itself up."
She freezes and doesn't know what to say.
"Oh ben. I had no idea. I really need to see her, can I? Please."
"I don't know. Her mum is with her at the moment. If I let you go, then all these family members will want to go. We're going to give it a few hours. If she's not awake, then we'll have to call it off."
"Oh, okay." She sighs.
"If you could just keep an eye on everyone for me, I need to be by myself for a while."
"Er... Sure. You sure your alright?"
"Yes... I'm fine."


I sit alone. Then bella comes and joins me.
"I can't keep having the same chat bella. So there's just no point trying to talk to me."
"I'm not here for a chat. I know what's going on. Im her nurse remember, im the one looking after her."
"So what do you want then?" I say angrily.
"I came her to be alone. Just like you I guess. But seen as your here..."
She sits next to me, really close. She holds her arms out, and I just nod. I fall into her arms, and we hug it out. I can tell we both need it.
There's nothing else we can do for the moment than just wait.


Sarah told me to go home. It's 3 in the afternoon and people are starting to get fed up. Some don't seem to quite understand the seriousness of Darcy's situation.
I was getting too stressed out with everything so I said goodbye and left. Sarah is going to explain everything to everyone. I can't believe this day has been ruined.
I had everything planned out. And darcy will never know

It's about 4 now, and I've heard no news from sarah. Things are probably all being packed up now.
Ring ring... Ring ring...
My phone starts going off like crazy. It's Sarah. For a moment I have a little hope in me. Could this be it, is she awake?
"Sarah, what is it?"
"She's awake Ben she's awake, now quickly come because-"
I get straight on my motorbike and ride towards the hospital. I shouldn't really be going this fast considering my accident last week. But my mind isn't working properly, I'm just too excited to see her.
I sprint up to the ward, passing the hall along the way. Everyone's still in there, they haven't all packed up yet!
I reach her door. When Sarah stops me and gives me a massive hug.
"Now you've got to be gentle Ben. I know your excited but she's still quite sick remember."
I can't reply, I'm just too lost for words. Sarah stays outside and I slowly make my way in.
"Ben?" Her voice makes an attempt at speaking.

(Darcy's POV)

My eyes are still struggling to focus on everything. All I see is Ben , I think, slowly walking towards me. I'm struggling to think of why I'm here. Then it all suddenly comes flooding back and I start to freak out.
"But Ben, no, you were, you crashed you were sick , I was-"
"Darcy shhhh, it's okay." He grabs hold of my hand and glares deeply into my eyes. "I will explain. But first off all, I would like to be the first one to say... Happy birthday!"
"Wait what!" I try and scream but not much comes out."it's not my birthday  it's not for like another week."
"Darcy, you've been asleep for the past week. I know it's a lot to take in, but trust me, your 17."
Okay, wow. I wasn't expecting to wake up a 17 year old. Suddenly all these questions start taking over my mind. And I shout them all out to Ben at once.
He explains to me about the infection, and how they had to put me in a medically induced coma. And he said sorry like a thousand times.
"Ben it's alright. The infection wasn't your fault. You know that."
"I'm just so glad I'm talking to you. You won't believe how awful this past week has been for me."
"Oh Ben. I think I have a bit of an idea now." Even though I'm still in a lot of shock. I decide to speak to him about how his crash affected me, and how I now understand what it's like to be on the other side of things.
We hold a hug for longer than we ever have before. Then another voice comes beside me. "Darcy, oh Darcy" she joins In the hug.
"I love you mum. And I'm so sorry"
We have a catch up on what's been going on the last week, then suddenly, Ben jumps up. "Oh my gosh, I completely forgot." He says.
"Forgot what!"  I ask.
"The party."
"Wait what"
"Sarah, I've got to go to the hall and tell everyone what's going on. If you could get the nurses to tell her she's awake, then ask them to bring her down as soon as possible."
"Of course Ben."
"Can someone please tell me what's going on!" I say as loud as my voice will let me.
"Sorry darcy, explain in a bit. See you again In a sec." He lightly kisses me on the forehead then runs out of the room.
"Mum, I'm worried now."
"No honestly darling, there's nothing to worry about. It's more like something to be excited about. I'll go get the nurses, you wait here a second."
Well it's not exactly like I can go anywhere. He mentioned something about a party? Oh no, not a birthday party. I've literally just woken up and am still a bit confused on what has happened. I can't be with a bunch of people right now. But I guess... If Ben's organised it, and he looked so excited about it all, I'll just go along with it.

The nurses, including Bella, help me up and into a wheelchair. They said they could take me down on my bed if I want, but I said I don't want to be looking that sick Infront of all my family members.
I immediately regret my decision. I'm so wobbly. It's like relearning to walk again. But I do it anyway, it's my birthday, it's a special day, and I want to be able to celebrate.

I get wheeled down by bella and my mum to a large hall, where all the sick kids usually go. It's pitch black, until suddenly "surprise!" Everyone screams.
Oh my gosh, there are literally like 50 people here. Friends from my old school have even turned up. I never usually let them see my without any make-up on, let alone looking like this. I still have a drip attatched to my hand, I haven't had a bath in over a week, and let's not even mention what I'm wearing.
Suddenly all these people (some I don't immediately recognise) come rushing towards me. I get loads of kisses and hugs from loads of people, even my grandma showed up. You know... The one I told you about that had Cancer but never moaned, and is now moaning at me saying I shouldn't moan. So yeah... I hope I don't have to have much interaction with her.
"Darcy I'm so glad your awake!" Chelsea comes running over and squeezed me tightly.
"Wait, how did you-"
"Ben told me everything, and how sick you've been. I'm so so so sorry that I haven't been here for you more, it's just with college and -"
"Chelsea. Honestly it's okay. You've been a great friend to me, Thankyou so much for being here." I give her another hug, she leans in fast and squeezes me tighter. My lungs feel weak, I'm guessing the infection was pretty bad. But at the moment, I don't really want to know the full extent of it all.
And finally ben. He prances over like a little kid to me.
"Darcy, I'm just so... I couldn't be happier I've missed you too much."
He kneels down and stares me in the eyes, then we both lean in closer together, I can feel the heat bouncing off our lips. Then we collide. My body sinks down into his Arms as he wraps them around my waist. I needed this, it's been way too long since we've been able to show real affection towards eachother.
He finishes off, then grabs my hand. "Come on, there's something i need to show you."
He keeps hold of my hand whilst Bella  pushes me over to a large screen.
"Everyone gather round!" Ben shouts.
Everyone sits around the screen with their drinks, but still chatting to eachother. It's nice, not just for me, but for everyone to get together once in a while. It's almost like a family reunion, and ben set it all up. There's just one person that's missing, but I know even though I can't see my dad, it doesn't mean he can't see me. He's probably up there right now, having his own little celebration for me. I miss him too much. My emotions start to fluctuate, but then I'm distracted by the large screen turning on. "I hope you enjoy it Darcy" ben says then turns his attention to the screen with a smile. As the music starts ,everyone goes silent.

It's a montage of photos of me when I was younger. And lots of photos of my family too, I hug up close to my brother and my mum. They give me lovely smiles but we all cringe at the sight of our younger selves. It's a beautiful video, ben must have got someone professional to do it. The tears start really coming out when they show pictures of me and my dad.
I don't know what to say when it ends. I'm completely speechless. "Thank you so much ben. That was beautiful."
I kiss him on the cheek, and hold myself in his arms. Everyone goes up to him and tells him how beautiful the video was. Then suddenly, everyone goes rushing towards something.
"What are they all excited about?" I say.
"The buffea." Ben Says. "Now I know your not going to be up for much eating. But would you like something."
"Honestly not now ben. Maybe something later."

All my family walk over to the table laid out with all my favourite foods. I want to eat something so bad, but at the moment I feel like my stomach will completely reject it all.
Bella wheels me over to a table with the rest of my family.

It was was an amazing day. I woke up from a coma, then got a birthday party!
I got to catch up with loads of friends from college, and loads of family members.
When the last person leaves, ben sees them out, and then he walks over to me.
"What a Way to wake up from a week long sleep huh!" Ben says.
"Yeah, it was certainly unexpected."
"I'm sorry it's not a typical, 17 year olds, night club party."
"Ben, this is more special than any other party anyone could have organised for me. I can't thankyou enough."

I guess the next thing for us, is to recover from probably the most eventful few weeks we've ever had...

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