I'm A Mess ~ Camren

By Dantanafantasy

128K 3K 612

Drama? Crush? Flirting? Love? Teen Pregnancy? Member of a girl group? How does one balance all of that? "I'm... More

On The Road... AGAIN!!
49 (Final)
Sequel is ready!!


2K 53 36
By Dantanafantasy

"No sit yourself down." Clara says causing Lauren to sit down.

"I'm not homophobic or anything it's just the fact that you have so much going on and now you add Camila into the mixture?" Clara says.

"I have you all, but at the same time I was feeling lonely and ever since the tour I've been feeling differently about Camila." Lauren says.

"You really need to think about where you're priorities are at." Clara says under her breath.

"What was that?" Lauren asks in a sarcastic tone.

"I SAID ! You really need to think about your priorities." Clara repeats raising her voice.

"What exactly are my priorities?" Lauren asks sounding slightly angry.

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you're a rising star and everything you do is dissected by the media!" Clara says loudly.

"So you're saying I shouldn't be with Camila because of the media? " Lauren asks.

"NO! I'm saying that you already have this pregnancy bombshell shadowing over you , it really doesn't make sense to add a coming out thing to the pot." Clara clarifies still sounding angry.

"Mom ! I am 19 fu**ing years old! I know what I'm doing!" Lauren says now fully yelling at her mother.

"Hey!" Clara starts off causing Lauren to tense up.

"Don't use that language around me! And you need to think about how blessed you are! Most teens in your situation are struggling financially or their families don't care." Clara says.

"Well I think I'd be doing better if you just shut the f**k up for once! You're always bothering me!" Lauren yells.

Clara's eyes get glassy, "I don't even know you anymore." She says as she leaves her daughters room.

Lauren is left confused not knowing why she chose to speak to her mother like that.
"What have I done...?" She says to herself as she breaks down crying.

That night she doesn't go to sleep she sits up all night in a frozen state not doing anything.

"Did I hear some yelling last night?" Mike asks Clara not sure if he was dreaming.

"Yes! You're daughter is not the girl she used to be." Clara tells him.

"What happened?" Mike asks.

"I was trying to ask her about where she disappeared to yesterday, then I sort of snuck the Camila incident in there then she just started getting louder and louder until she told me that she's grown and she told me to shut the f- up ." Clara says to Mike.

Mike rubs his head , and lets out a breath.
"I-I'm a guy but don't you think you're being a bit much with her? Don't you remember when you were in her shoes? You were a hormonal mess, everything made you cry or mad." He tells her.

"Plus she spends more than half of the year without us." Mike adds.

"I don't know, I guess I should cool off and I need to let her cool off for a few days." Clara suggests.

"But you do have to nip it in the bud about her using that language around us at least." Mike adds.
Clara agrees.

Mike kisses her as he heads out the house for the day.

Lauren still hasn't fallen asleep but she has opted to lay down on her back staring at the ceiling with her hands crossed over her stomach.
She's disturbed by her phone vibrating with a new text from Camila, she chooses not to respond.

After a while she gets up and gets her famous notebook and starts writing.

"Who am I? I don't even know anymore. I'm not the same as I was in the past, I'm growing up so very fast. I'm struggling to express how I feel..." She writes but is stuck after that.

Shortly after her phone lights up with another text from Camila, she declines it.


Once again Lauren had another sleepless night.

*tap tap*
The sound Lauren hears coming from her window. She looks up to see its none other than Camila. She gets up and lifts the window up so they can talk through the screen.

"Hi." Lauren says looking down sounding horrible.

"You look like shit." Camila says being straight forward.

"Thanks, you're a keeper." Lauren says sarcastically.

"But seriously what's good with you?" Camila continues.

"I haven't left this room in like 2 days." Lauren says as she rubs her eye.

"Why what's going on? You've ignored my texts and calls." Camila says.

"Apparently my mom caught us the other day after our binge hour." Lauren says.

Camila moves her hand in a motion urging Lauren to get to the part for why she's upset.

"She caught us kissing, then after our beach thing when I came back she asked if I was with you I ended up telling her yeah, then we got into a big argument for no reason and I told her to shut the f**k up." Lauren explains.

"Oooo that's pretty bad." Camila starts off with.

"I know, I don't really know what happened." Lauren tells her.

"I feel like I'm losing myself..." She says.

"I haven't slept properly since 3 days ago, and after that argument I think I had an anxiety attack." Lauren says timidly.

"That's not good and what makes you think you had an anxiety attack?" Camila questions.

"My heart started racing then I threw up." She tells her.

"Yeah I can tell by the drift I'm getting from your breath." Camila says as she covers her nose.

"Sorry." Lauren says.

"I just feel like I'm getting depressed, I'm stuck in a vicious loop, I never thought I would say this but I'm ready to go back to doing concerts and stuff." Lauren continues as she rests her head in the palm of her hand against the window.

"What can I do to break that vicious cycle?" Camila asks.

Lauren is about to open her mouth.

"Actually , I have an idea! I'll get back to you in a day or so." Camila says as she leaves.

"Oh no." Lauren says not knowing what to expect from Camila's vivid mind.


"Mila?" A voice questions on the other end of the line.

"Chancho!" Camila shouts out.
"I haven't heard from you since we were all at the hospital, what's up how was your Christmas?" Dinah asks.

The two spend at least 20 minutes talking about their holidays and what they got.

"I was calling you because I need to tell you something." Camila starts off

"So you know how you were always teasing Lauren and I about dating each other? Camila asks.

"Yeah..." Dinah says not sure where Camila is going with that.

"Well at the hospital when she was all high she called me her girlfriend, then when she wasn't high she kissed me ... On the lips and long story short we went on a date here in Miami and now she's my girl...friend." Camila says nervously as this is her first time using the words "girlfriend" referring to Lauren.

"MY SHIP IS SAILING!! " Dinah says excitedly on the other end.

"But seriously that's great! I always felt like you two would be good together." Dinah says.

"So here's the thing, she got into a fight with her mom and now she's feeling a bit down, I'm trying to round all of us up before the new year to go to the Bahamas." Camila says to Dinah.

"What do you think?" Camila asks.

"I'm all for it!" Dinah says.

"Great now I gotta contact Ally and Mani." Camila says.

"Don't worry about it I'll round them up for you, go tend to your boo." Dinah says.

"You will? Thanks!" Camila says as the two hang up.

Camila doesn't tell Lauren what she's doing.

About 5 hours late Camila receives a 4 way call from Dinah , Normani and Ally.

"That's great with you two being together, I hope it won't cause any conflicts." Normani says causing them all to laugh.

"Anyways we've booked our flights we'll be in Miami tomorrow." Ally tells Camila speaking for all of them.

Camila looks at the clock seeing that it's only 9 o'clock , she decides to get back in contact with Lauren.

"Okay I'm getting back to you like I said I would." Camila says as Lauren answers the phone.

"Can you be up by... hmmm I don't know 6AM tomorrow?" Camila asks Lauren.

"6AM?!" Lauren questions in an alarmed tone.

"Yeah! I have a surprise for you!" Camila says.

"Don't worry about it you'll see soon enough." Camila continues. "Sleep well, you'll need that energy tomorrow." She tells her.

"I'll try." Lauren says as the two end the call.

I've been looking at the cover of this story recently and I didn't put no effort into it whatsoever lol it's literally a pic off of google. Anyways if any of you have some skills or know of someone send me some covers to @chermelp_music on Twitter (my identity is out 😭)

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