I'm A Mess ~ Camren

By Dantanafantasy

128K 3K 612

Drama? Crush? Flirting? Love? Teen Pregnancy? Member of a girl group? How does one balance all of that? "I'm... More

On The Road... AGAIN!!
49 (Final)
Sequel is ready!!


2.4K 64 13
By Dantanafantasy

"Good morning baby!" Clara says as Lauren opens her eyes slowly.

"We packed up your stuff, we're waiting for some documents and then you can go." She continues.

Lauren sits up slowly, she wipes her eyes, "Where's Camila?" She asks in her raspy morning voice.
"Eating breakfast downstairs , she'll be back in a few." Clara tells her.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower." She tells her mother.

Lauren steps into the shower and freshens up taking no more than 10 minutes.
"What time does our flight leave?" Lauren asks her mother as she steps out of the bathroom drying  her hair with a towel.

"11 but you know how security is so we gotta get there sooner rather than later." Clara tells her.

Camila steps back into the room, "Good morning , here's some cereal and a granola bar." Camila says as she hands the two breakfast items to Lauren.

A few minutes later the doctor enters the room.
"Hello everybody." He says acknowledging all of them in the room.

"You're cleared to leave , you just have to sign these forms then you're off." He tells her as she starts reading the papers and signs them.
Lauren and the doctor shake hands and then she leaves.

They hop into a cab and head to the airport, security is pretty slow since everyone is trying to get home for the holidays.
The flight to Miami takes nearly two hours, after they land Camila is greeted by her family. The two families exchange a few words and give each other gifts before they head their separate ways.

As soon as Lauren arrives at her house she collapses on the bed and sleeps for the next five hours.

2 days later....

Christmas was a success for all of the girls and their families.

"Canola!!!" Lauren texts Camila.
"I don't have a cool nickname for u :( " Camila replies back with.
"Guess what is in a few hours " Lauren types back.
"How could I forget :)" Camila says back.
"Where are we gonna go?" Camila asks Lauren
"Idk 😏 it will be a surprise." Lauren says back.

The two let the conversation end comfortably.
"Oh crap what am I gonna wear?" Lauren silently says to herself.
"Oh screw it, I'm the pregnant one." Lauren says to herself deciding to not worry about what she's gonna wear.

"Where are you heading out to? and without a bra?" Clara questions her daughter as she walks past her wearing a t-shirt accompanied by a plaid vest and some black jeans.

"Camila and I are going somewhere." Lauren tells her not going in to detail.

"Well, pace yourself , you don't wanna end up in the hospital again, don't you remember you're with child." Clara tells her.

"Oh how could I forget." Lauren says in a sarcastic tone as she walks out the door.

Lauren gets into her car and drives off.
Within minutes she arrives at the Cabello's house.

She's greeted by Sinu, "Hey there, Camila mentioned something about you two going out tonight." Sinu tells her.

"Yeah we're probably just gonna go to the mall and chill." She tells her.
"Come on in, I'm not sure what she's doing." Sinu says with a slight giggle.

Sinu heads to Camila's room to let her know that Lauren's there.
Camila comes to the front shortly after, going for the casual look similar to Lauren.

"Drive safely." Sinu says as the two walk out the door.

"Where are-" Camila starts saying but is cut off by Lauren kissing her.
"You'll see soon enough." Lauren says happily.
"And heyyyy you didn't tense up this time." Lauren tells Camila.

Camila smiles, "Your kisses are like butter." She tells her.
Lauren starts the car and starts to drive, they take the highway.

"I see you went for the braless look." Camila says as she notices Lauren's nipples making a tent in the shirt she's wearing.

"Oh my god stop." Lauren says with a laugh as she tries to cover it up.
"That's why I chose this place." Lauren says as they turn into the mall.

She parks the car," There's this new place here that serves everything with chocolate in some type of way and I've really been craving it lately." Lauren tells Camila before they get out of the car.

They slowly make their way into the mall, walking at a medium pace for Lauren's sake.

They head into the restaurant and are seated rather quickly.
After looking over their menus for a few minutes a server comes to take their orders.

"So what do people do on dates?" Camila asks considering that her past relationships never went well.

"Oh just the usual you just try to get to know them, but that's the good thing about us , we're best friends already." Lauren says with a smile as she picks at her nails not giving direct eye contact to Camila.

"I-I'm sorry , I'm just super nervous." Lauren says to Camila as she fans her face with her hands.

Camila puts her hand on top of Lauren's "Awww , don't be, like you said yourself this should be easy since we basically know everything about each other already." She says.

"I feel like everything has been about me recently, let's talk about you." Lauren says.

"What's going on in your life?" Lauren asks Camila.
"Nothing much , you're the interesting one." Camila says with a smile.

"My mother just always hovers over me, I'm surprised she's not here right now." Camila says to Lauren causing her to laugh.

"How many girls have you dated?" Camila asks Lauren abruptly.
"None actually." Lauren starts with.

"I don't like labels so I don't go by "bi" but I guess that is what I am. You're the first girl that has really stuck to my mind." Lauren tells her.

"I guess I'm "bi" too but like you were saying , I don't like labels either, why can't anyone just love anyone?" Camila tells Lauren.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Lauren says as Camila hi-fives her.

Their food finally arrives;They dig in right away.

The time has finally come, who will pick up the bill?

"No put that away, I will pay." Lauren says stopping Camila from using her money.
Camila doesn't bother arguing because she's learned that those hormones make Lauren emotional over everything.

As they head into the mall, they take a seat for a few minutes allowing their food to digest.
"So what stores do you wanna hit up?" Lauren asks Camila.

"I love Forever 21!" Camila answers back excitedly.
"The best deals are right now , at all the stores since Christmas just passed." Camila continues.

"I really need to hit up Victoria's Secret or a maternity store because my boobs are getting bigger by the second." Lauren says to Camila.
Camila laughs a bit.
"Let's go now." Camila says as she assists Lauren in getting up.

They head to Forever 21 first, Lauren can't help but admire how perfect Camila looks just walking around the store.

"Okay , you ready?" Camila asks as she walks out the store with a few bags in her hands.
Lauren nods and comfortably holds Camila's hand.

"I'll stay out here." Camila says as they arrive at Victoria's Secret.
"No come in, I'll need your opinion on the bra's." Lauren says as she urges Camila to come in.

Camila doesn't resist and gladly goes in with Lauren.
They circle around the store for awhile , with Camila picking out one every few seconds asking her if she likes it.
After awhile Lauren has a whole stack of them.
The two head to the register and walk out.

"I'm sorry." Lauren says abruptly.
"For what...?" Camila asks confused.
"For such a lame date." Lauren clarifies.

"It wasn't lame, it was actually kinda relaxing." Camila tells her .
"It's just that, I really like you and I've never felt this way about a girl before a-a-and I'm just so hormonal and I just don't wanna send mixed vibes to you." Lauren says without taking a breath.

Camila pulls Lauren in from the side as they're walking to the car.
"It was perfect, remember what I told you after we went to that first doctor appointment?" Camila asks.

Lauren thinks for awhile but doesn't remember.
"I told you I would be right there for you, throughout this journey." Camila says.

"Tonight was great, I'm really flattered considering that you have so much on your mind right now that you managed to make time for me." Camila tells her happily.

"It's something about you that just makes me calm, like when you're in my presence I don't think about all of that." Lauren tells her.

Lauren starts the engine and drives them home.

When they arrive at Camila's house Lauren gets out to make sure Camila gets all the way in.
"You know you really don't have to do this, you've been on you're feet a lot ." Camila tells Lauren in a concerned tone.

"I know, but I want to." Lauren says as she takes Camila's hands and swings them with hers.

Camila pulls Lauren in for a kiss.
"So what does this make us?" Lauren asks.

Camila looks up in a sarcastic way like she's expecting Lauren to ask something.

Lauren clears her throat, "Will you be my girlfriend?" She asks nervously.

"Lauren, I've always been yours since that night we went to the back of the bus and you discovered that you were pregnant, I will be right here for you." Camila says as Lauren's eyes start to water up.

The two embrace in a tight hug but quickly stop when Sinu opens the front door.

"I thought I heard someone out here." Sinu says as the two look at her in an uncomfortable manner.

"Goodnight babe." Lauren says as she heads back to her car.

Hope everyone had a happy holiday!! So CAMREN is a thing now hahaha don't worry this story is still just beginning there will be twists and turns!!! And I'm gonna take this story slow surrounding the pregnancy, most fics usually rush it where it's like chapter 1 oh you're pregnant , chapter 3 im having the baby lol I'm gonna try to make it seems as real as possible. And side note let's make their anniversary the 27th

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