I'm A Mess ~ Camren

By Dantanafantasy

128K 3K 612

Drama? Crush? Flirting? Love? Teen Pregnancy? Member of a girl group? How does one balance all of that? "I'm... More

On The Road... AGAIN!!
49 (Final)
Sequel is ready!!


2.8K 66 11
By Dantanafantasy


"Your hotel rooms will be ready around 12 noon , here are the room keys." Will says as he hands them their room keys.
Lauren steps off the bus to call Noah to see if he can meet up with here either right then or after the concert the next day.
"Heyy!" Lauren says into the phone as soon as Noah answers.
"Umm would it be possible for us to maybe meet up today or tomorrow ?" Lauren nervously asks him.
"Yeah, yeah sure, why don't you come by my place right now , well if you're not busy." Noah suggests.
"No , no I'm not busy at all , I'll be by in a few." She says as she hangs up.
Lauren sits down and wonders if she should go by herself or bring Camila with her.

Lauren finds an Über and goes by herself.
"This is my issue , I need to be mature and face it ." Lauren recites in her mind.

Lauren gets to his doorstep and it takes her awhile to get the courage to knock.
She takes a deep breath and knocks away.

"There you are, it's been a while since we've seen each other." Noah says as he gives her a friendly hug.
Noah leads her in they sit on the couch.
"So last time things go a bit...." Noah trails off.
"That's.....what I kinda needed to discuss with you..." Lauren says looking down at her hands.

"Oh okay go on." Noah tells her.
"Remember what we did?" Lauren asks.
Noah nods.

"And you didn't exactly use protection..." She says hesitantly.
Lauren pulls out the sonogram photo and holds it behind her back.
"I'm -" Lauren starts

Noah cuts her off , "woah woah wait are you p-p-pregnant?!?" He asks as he stands up.

"Yes here's the proof." She says handing him the sonogram.

"I-i-i." Noah says not knowing what to say.

"No, I refuse to believe this is mine." He says shoving the photo into Lauren.
"But it is..." Lauren says under her breath.

"Get out of my place, get out of my life!" Noah yells at Lauren as he directs her out of his apartment.
"What?" Lauren asks in shock not believing the way he is behaving.

"I cannot be a father I am 19 years old!" He says excitedly.
"Well how do you think I feel?!" Lauren shouts back.
"I don't give a damn about how you feel !" He says back to her.

Lauren walks away giving him the middle finger as he slams the door behind her.

Lauren sits on the curb and begins to cry, after awhile she pulls out her phone and calls no one but Camila and asks her to get a cab or something and come get her

About 20 minutes later Camila arrives in a cab, "what happened are you okay? Well I mean you're crying what happened!?" Camila asks as she wraps her arm around Lauren helping her into the cab.

"He's a monster!" Lauren says in an angry tone.
"He doesn't want to accept the fact that his pull out game is weak as hell." Lauren continues.

Camila says some comforting words, and suggests that they order room service at the hotel and just chill.

When they get back to the hotel Camila calls the others and asks if they're up for dinner and a pajama party. A few minutes later they all meet at Camila and Lauren's room to head out for dinner.

"So Lauren what food are you up for?" Dinah asks.
Lauren is still upset from earlier, she didn't exactly tell the others what happened.
"Aye what's wrong?" Dinah says as she fist bumps Lauren's shoulder after noticing she seems out of it.

"It's just the hormones." Lauren says lying.
"No it's not ." Camila announces to the others.
"She's upset because she discovered that Noah's a dick." She tells them all.

"What happened? I thought you were telling him you were having his child?" Normani asks in a concerned tone.

"I seriously thought he would become my boyfriend, like ever since before we've been texting non stop." Lauren tells them as she starts crying.

"So what did he exactly do this time?" Ally asks.

Camila answers noticing Lauren's too upset to respond.

"She told him the news, uh then he flipped out, he told her he doesn't give a damn about her or the child in what not." Camila simply states.
"I knew he was a F- boy from the start." Dinah says angrily.

"Oh nah that type of stuff doesn't fly with us." Normani says.
"We must get revenge." Dinah says as she rubs her hands together.

"Guys we should just go back to the hotel, get some room service and console our girl." Ally suggests after noticing Lauren is really bawling.

The girls stop in their tracks and turn around and start walking back.

When they get back to the hotel , they practically have a party in the room. They completely clear Lauren's problems away, by the end of the night she laughing and smiling and everything.

"Come in." Ally says as she hears a knock at the door.
"Party's over, you all have a meeting with some Sony executives tomorrow about your second album." Will tells them all.

"Ughhh what time is our call time?" Camila asks as she throws her head back.

"5AM but you girls take like 2 hours just to get yourselves together so be up around 3AM." Will tells them.

They groan in harmony.
Will leaves the room allowing them to get themselves together and go to bed.

"You promise you're okay?" Ally asks Lauren as she's on her way out the door.

"Yeah." Lauren says letting out a big sigh and pushing her hair back.

"See you two in a few hours." Dinah says on her way out.

A few hours later Camila is woken up after she notices the light from the bathroom is piercing through her eyes.
Camila gets out of bed with her eyes still half closed, trying to see what is going on.

"Laur-" Camila can't even finish her name because she's interrupted by a yawn.

"What are you doing up?" Camila questions Lauren who is sitting on the bathroom counter swinging her legs back and fourth.

"Couldn't sleep, this nausea is so bad." Lauren tells her as she buries her face into her hands.

"What time is it?" Lauren asks.
"Like 1 something." Camila tells her.
"I'm not gonna be able to fall asleep I'm just gonna stay up." Lauren says quietly.

"Do you want me to get you something like medicine or something , well if you're allowed to take it?" Camila asks nervously.

"No I guess I'm good , plus nothing is probably open at this hour." Lauren replies back.

"W-What are you doing?" Lauren asks as she notices Camila getting on the counter to sit beside her and resting her head on her.

"If you're gonna be up and miserable all night then so will I ." Camila says with a slight smile.
"Aww that's so sweet of you." Lauren says as she rubs Camila's back.

After awhile the two girls fall asleep on each others shoulders. Before they know it, it's time to get up.

Camila wakes up first, but can't move because Lauren's face is in her breasts. She proceeded to tap Lauren to wake her up.

Lauren's face gets flustered and red , "oh my- I'm s-sorry." Lauren says stumbling over her words.

"No worries." Camila says with a giggle.
"Uh I-I-I'm gonna go lay down on the bed while you get yourself ready, I-I mean together." Lauren says to Camila still being flustered from their position.

Camila brushes her teeth, washes her face with some Clean and Clear then she gets into the shower taking no more than 5 minutes.

"Your turn!" Camila says as she slaps Lauren on the back waking her up.

Lauren gets up slowly and is once again flustered at the sight of Camila dripping wet in nothing but a towel. Lauren quickly erases the thoughts from her mind.

Lauren goes into the bathroom taking way longer than Camila.

"You almost ready?" Camila says in a concerned tone after noticing her band mate is taking triple the length of time she took.

Lauren opens the door, "yeah I'm ready." She says stepping out fully dressed.

The two girls knock on Normani and Dinah's shared room then Ally's room. They all go down to the lobby waiting for Will to escort them to their ride to the meeting.

The car ride is mostly silent , due to the fact that the sun has not yet risen.

When they get to Sony's headquarters there's a spread of breakfast available for them and their team .

Lauren sits at the table and rests her head in her hand choosing to not eat anything.

The others grab everything they possibly can.

Before long, Janelly steps in and announces that the team is ready to meet with them.

"Good morning everybody!" They say in unison.
The meeting starts, throughout it they discuss album number 2 , more tour dates, appearances and sponsorships.

"When will we see a vacay?" Dinah says suddenly interrupting everybody.
"A what?" One of the managers say.

"A vacation , a break, no work." Normani clarifies.

The guy knew what Dinah meant , he was just shocked to hear it come out of her mouth.

"I don't know girls, there's so much that has to be don-" Janelly says being interrupted by Lauren.

"We're still teens, we are human beings, the human body can only take but so much." Lauren rants on.
"And since everyone's here, I kinda have something I need to tell you all...." Lauren says shyly.

The girls eyes open wide, not expecting Lauren to really man-up and say this so soon.

Lauren reaches for Camila's hand subtly , she feels more comfortable when Camila's by her side as of recently.

"Okay, what I'm about to tell you might come across as a shock. A few of the people in this room already know, now you may think this will ruin the future of Fifth Harmony, but I do not believe it will, I've been very mature about this whole thing so long story short , I'm pregnant...." Lauren says trailing off.

The room is silent, you could hear a pin drop.
Janelly steps out, preventing herself from having an outburst and saying something she'd regret.

The rest of team just overlooks it, one guy says congrats, in attempt to break the silence, Lauren gives a slight smile and says thanks.

Camila pats Lauren's hand and mouths "it's gonna be okay."

Lauren goes out into the hallway to find Janelly,
"Look, I would've told the team sooner but..." Lauren says pausing at the end.

"But what?!!" Janelly says in an angry voice turning to Lauren.

"I was lost and confused , I didn't know who to turn to, I knew what I did was ...wrong I guess, but I just , I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I'm so f***ed up, I'm running from state to state 24/7 , I practically live in the air, my sleeping patterns make no sense, I-..." Lauren rants on and begins crying.

Janelly pulls Lauren into a hug "I'm sorry for overreacting, I was only looking at the business side of things." Janelly tells her.

Lauren and Janelly enter back into the meeting room after talking things out in the hallway.

"Okay here's what we've come up with , you have a show in Miami in the next few days then some other Florida shows , after that your in NYC then the tour is done, instead of doing the promo stuff like planned, we'll let you all have a week and a half break." Janelly tells them hoping they're okay with that.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Dinah says in excitement.

"During that time while you're off, Lauren and I decided that by the time you all come back , it would be the perfect time to let the fans know she's pregnant, I'm gonna arrange a exclusive sit down interview with someone so you all can just be honest with the fans about the situation." Janelly tells them.

"Sounds good." Ally says.

"Meeting adjourned , go enjoy your day, tomorrow morning you head out to the wonderful Miami!" One of the men tell them as the girls get up from their seats.

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