I'm A Mess ~ Camren

By Dantanafantasy

128K 3K 612

Drama? Crush? Flirting? Love? Teen Pregnancy? Member of a girl group? How does one balance all of that? "I'm... More

On The Road... AGAIN!!
49 (Final)
Sequel is ready!!


3.5K 76 3
By Dantanafantasy

"Okay I can do this." Lauren says under her breath giving herself a little pep talk.


"You sounded really good tonight"  Lauren tells the
lead singer of Exist Elsewhere, Noah Benardout.
As soon as he hear the ladies of Fifth Harmony would be in the L.A. area he immediately found a way to get them to his groups concert. The others declined because they knew the group , Exist Elsewhere was just a little upcoming group with F-boys. Ever since Brad and Lauren fell through the cracks , Lauren has been super vulnerable and literally at this point will get all googly eyes over anybody.
"What are your plans for tonight?" Noah shyly asks scratching the back of his head.

"I had off today and tomorrow so I can do anything." Lauren says back
"Ever been to Katsuya?" Noah asks.

"No but I hear all the celebs hit that place." Lauren says back.

"Well we shall go there." He says giving her a smirk.
"Maybe your group members want to join us." Noah tells her.

"Yeah I'll give them a ring." Lauren says clearly mad because she was hoping it could just be her and Noah, but out of courtesy she does contact the others since the opted not to go to the concert.

"Yeah as long as there's food involved we'll be there !" Normani and Dinah shout into the phone.

"See you then." Lauren says as she hangs up.

"Are they coming?" Noah asks.

"Yeah they should be here any minute." Lauren says with an awkward smile.

They all arrive at Katsuya , the girls all greet Noah and take pictures to post on social media.

"So Noah tells us about yourself." Dinah asks.
"Well I'm part of a duo called Exist Elsewhere , we're kinda just starting out , we play at local places. Also we post stuff on vine and YouTube. " Noah explains.

"F-boy alert." Dinah texts Normani.

"Well it was nice meeting you all" Noah says as he shakes each of their hands and they part ways.

The car ride back to the hotel is full of awkward silence.
Lauren is texting with Noah.

Noah: do u have the room to yourself at the hotel?
Lauren: no but I can arrange that
Noah: text me when your by yourself
Lauren: Kay

"Normani," Lauren says
"Yes boo" Normani responds back.

"I was wondering if I could have the room to myself for a few hours." Lauren asks shyly

The girls never really got into each others business so Normani just simply agreed instead of asking why.
"I'll go hang with DJ or something." She said as she walked out with her phone in hand.

Lauren: I'm alone
Noah: I'm in the lobby I'm coming up
Lauren: Ooo a sneaky guy I see, me likey
Noah *wink emoji*

Lauren puts her phone down as she hears a knock on the door. Lauren mentally tries to calm herself down. "Okay take it slow , don't jump into this too fast " Lauren says in her mind.

"Well hello" Noah says.
"So what did you have in mind?" Lauren asks in a flirty tone.
"A movie?, dancing? Hitting a-" Lauren gets cut off .
"Sex" Noah says abruptly
Lauren's eyes open wide.

"I-I just had a pretty bad breakup not too long ago with another musician." Lauren says
"I just don't-" Lauren is cut off again.

"I just, this happened before and it felt wrong" Lauren says.

"Oh come on girl, don't be like that" Noah insists
"You know you want it." He says pointing at his genitals.

Lauren continues saying no, but Noah continues to pressure her. Lauren starts sweating rapidly , chocking on air.

"Well I have been deprived for quite a while" she says while wiping some sweat off her face.

Lauren starts to unbutton her jeans but pauses and asks , "do you have protection?"

"No my pull out game is so strong they call me the Condom Man." Noah says

"Wow how corny, but you better not be lying." Lauren says

"I'm not " Noah says as he starts kissing Lauren's neck causing her to turn red.

"I'm just really nervous and scared , it's kinda been a while... A long while." She tells him being completely honest.

"I won't be you know fast, I'll take it gentle just for you." He says

They begin to go at it, making out all throughout it.
Lauren admits that she hasn't had this high since being with Brad. She knows it's wrong but at the same time it feels so right.

"Whoo girl I made you so wet" Noah says as they finish up.

"That was so good." Lauren says smiling leaning up to kiss him.

"We'll keep in touch, you ain't gotta worry about me being one of those one night stand kind of guys." Noah tells her.

"That's good to know " Lauren says as she walks him out the door.

"I'll see you around, I think I'll be back in town like two months from now" Lauren tells him.

"Bye " They both say to each other.


A few weeks after that Lauren began feeling weird, but dismissed it as a cold or flu , considering they've been running through different seasons and times on this tour.

*Present time*

"So now that I've got all that out." Lauren says while pausing assuming she would get a reaction out of Camila.
She continues after realizing Camila is kinda slow at catching onto things.

"Camz, I think I might have sorta got myself knocked up." Lauren says shutting her eyes tight.

Camila heard what she said, she's just kinda blown away so she just doesn't really have a reaction.

"I know you're expecting me to say something else, and I will but uh why did you choose to tell me this?" Camila asks.

"You know, like you just are more I don't know non reactant." Lauren says.

"Let me go down the list, Ally would have gotten the holy water out, Normani would give me the stank look and Dinah would go on a whole rant about F boys.

"Have you heard from Noah first of all?" Camila asks.

"Yeah...but I didn't mention this whole situation because...." Lauren says looking at the ground.

Camila gestures her hands encouraging Lauren to continue.

"I'm scared, I'm so fu**ing scared " Lauren says as she begins to cry.

"I'm such a pussy I didn't even take a test yet or go to a doctor." Lauren babbles out.

"Wait the other day when you came into the dressing room and you shoved that thing into your bag...was that a pregnancy test?" Camila asks.

"Yes , yes it was " Lauren says still crying uncontrollably .

"Want me to go grab it?" Camila asked.

"Why?" Lauren asked.

"I'm gonna make you take it NOW." Camila says.

"It's in my bunk but don't be noisy about it." Lauren tells her.

Camila tries to be as quiet as possible.

"Here you go" Camila says as she enters back into the lounge.

"If you don't mind me asking, h-how late are you?" Camila says with her hand behind her head not giving Lauren direct eye contact.

"About a month and a half." Lauren says holding her head down.

"Camz? " Lauren says

"Yes Jauregui." Camila says back

"Could you do me a favor and read through the instructions while I go take a piss on this thing." Lauren asks.

"Of course I will." Camila tells her.

While Camila has her head bent down , Ally peeks through the doorway , Camila quickly notices and hides the box.

"What are you doing ?" Ally asks.

"What me? Nothing Lauren and I were just gonna Um play a game , we couldn't sleep" Camila tells Ally.

Ally leaves and waits for Lauren to leave the bathroom.

Lauren almost had a heart attack when she sees Ally standing across from the bathroom.
Luckily Lauren knew to hide the pregnancy test up her sleeve.

The two girls exchange awkward glances.

"Did you read the instructions?" Lauren asks while sounding out of breath after being scared to death by Ally.

"Yeah you have to wait five whole minutes for a proper result." Camila says

Lauren bends over with her hands covering her face.
"If this comes out positive what's your game plan?" Camila questions Lauren.

"I guess , I'd find a doctor next to be completely sure , then I'd tell Noah I suppose , then I'd probably tell the others and save my parents for last." Lauren says .

"Ughhhhh these five minutes are taking forever!" Lauren says while letting out a growl.

The test finally lets out a beep signaling that the results are ready. "I can't " Lauren says handing it over , telling Camila to read it to her.

"You are.... PREGNANT!" Camila reads out loud.

"FU*K" Lauren says out loud in anger punching the pillow.

"Just calm down, this doesn't have to be a bad situation." Camila tells Lauren in hopes of calming her down.

Lauren inhales and exhales slowly a few times trying to calm down.

"We have off tomorrow but I believe we arrive in Arizona mid day so maybe you can get an arrangement with a doctor then." Camila suggests to Lauren.

"I say we get some shut eye now , so we can be alert tomorrow, now that you've told someone you should be a bit relieved ." Camila says to Lauren

"Yeah, and thank you so so much , I never really got the chance to see this serious side of you, it's kinda cool." Lauren tells Camila.

Okay so Lauren is pretty much pregnant!

And the Noah guy is that guy who she was seen with for her 19th birthday, I did my research, he really is part of a duo called Exist Elsewhere.

The next chapter will be the doctors appointment and maybe some drama amongst the girls , if I can think of some drama to write :p oh and the pic I used just felt right for the whole mood of this chapter idk lol

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