Ziam (Oneshots)

By Ziam2222

912K 7.1K 1K


Ziam Smut (Oneshots)
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Draw Me Like One Of Your Bradford Girls
The Green Monster
Shower Sex
New Sensations
The Porn Star ;)
The Porn Star ;) (Part 2)
Writing Assignments
Perks To An Early Start
Words Aren't Always Enough
The Pool Experience
Only Mine
Happy New Year
Untitled (Part 1 & 2)
So Innocent
Can I Fix My Hair Now?
Just You And I
Leave Your Mark
Save Me From Myself
Hold It Against Me
Your Love Is Wicked
Like Never Before
Too Darn Hot
THC & Confessions
Headlight Disco
The Ultimate Key To The Cause
No Use Praying
Under The Willow
You (Make Me Worthy)
Change His Ways
Crazy About
Among The Wreckage (yes, that's me)
Days With You (on repeat)
On Top Of The World
Even Though It's Wrong
Finding Someone To Stay
Finding Someone To Stay (Sequel)
Study Session
Physical Perfection
You're A Distraction
I'll Be Strong For You
in secret, between the shadow and soul
Breathe Though the Heat (or our desire)
Say That You Love Me
Yours Faithfully
Two Sets To One
Pick A Star (Part 2 of two sets to one)
I Don't Remember Falling In Love With You
I'll Always Have You
Just Outside Reach
Such A Flirt
Will You?
Window Payne
While The Rockets Burn
I'm the Drug in Your Veins, Just Fight Through the Pain
Fluffy Ears and Fake Tails
Your Dates is Blind
This is Mine (or Step the Fuck Off, Bro)
On the Mat (or Yeah, I'd Hit That)
Late night caller
Fly Me To The Moon
Paper Hearts
Twenty Pounds (Accompanied piece to Paper Hearts)
Lucky To Call You Mine
Eve of Destruction
You're My Favorite Story
Louis Tomlinson: Band Director
Good Morning
The Stars In Your Eyes
In which Zayn loves Liam
Remember How I Made You Scream
A Place To Rest
Phone Conversations
because it's nothing like we've ever known
Protect Me
the silence that tells it all
Silent Treatment
Breaking up & Making up
Saving for a rainy day

Seven Minute Mile

8.3K 79 17
By Ziam2222

Summary: Liam wants to work out. Again. Zayn is annoyed. Yes, his boyfriend has a cut, beautiful body, but Zayn just wants to spend some time with Liam. And there is no fucking way Zayn’s getting on a treadmill just so they can be together. Unless Liam can give him the proper motivation.

By: Zappowziamfeelsbomb.archiveofourown.org



Zayn flopped onto the couch with an overly dramatic sigh. He didn’t want Liam to go. “You’re going to the gym again?” He protested. “You’ve got to be fucking joking. Didn’t you just go this morning?”

Liam shouldered his gym bag and eyed his boyfriend. “That was yesterday, Malik. And yes, I am going again. Like I do every day.”

“What could you possibly need to do there every single fucking day? Wouldn’t you rather stay in? With me?” Zayn batted his eyelashes. “Watch a movie, possibly? There may be a blowjob in it for you.”

Liam smirked and let his bag fall to the floor. “So we’re negotiating are we?”

Zayn gave a wide grin. At least he had Liam’s attention now. “Sure. I’ve made my offer. What’s your counter?”

Liam crossed his arms and studied Zayn. “All right. You come to the gym with me, run with me, and I’ll give you a blowjob.”

“Ennnhhh,” Zayn made the sound of a buzzer. “Try again.”

Liam shook his head. “No. I think the way this works is that you make an offer, I make a counter offer, and then we alternate in the negotiations. So that means it’s your turn.”

Zayn nodded and sat up on the couch. He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. “Okay. We stay in and you can fuck me. I’ll buy the pizza. You choose the movie.”

“Been there, done that,” Liam said with a wave of his hand, and just a hint of a playful smirk.

Zayn started to protest, then Liam got a mischievous smile that stopped him mid-sentence. Zayn lifted an eyebrow and studied Liam. “What’s that?” Zayn asked.

“What?” Liam replied with a cheeky grin.

“That smile. What is that for?”

Liam crossed his arms and leaned on the front door. “How about this? You go to the gym with me, get on the treadmill, and whichever one of us can run a mile in the fastest time gets to fuck the other.”

Zayn made a show of pretending to clean out his ears. “I’m sorry. Did you just offer your ass as part of these negotiations?”

“I did,” Liam said simply.

Zayn sat back on the couch and gestured in Liam’s direction. “You have my attention, Payne. Continue.”

“When did we start talking to each like we’re footballers?” Liam asked as he pushed away from the door, referring to the habit they’d gotten into lately of addressing each other by their surnames.

Zayn grinned. There was something incredibly sexy about calling Liam by his last name. It felt almost territorial. Or, even better, like a challenge. “I don’t know. But I like it.”

“Me, too,” Liam agreed. He dropped into the chair across from Zayn. “But as I was saying. Let me restate my offer. You come with me to the gym, we’ll both get on a treadmill, and whoever runs one mile in the fastest time gets said ass.”

“We really have to go all the way to the gym for this?” Zayn questioned. “Couldn’t we just do a thumb war? Here? In our pyjamas? Ooo or just in our pants? That would be even better.”

Liam tapped his fingers against the arm of the chair. “We go to the gym or no bet.”

“Killjoy,” Zayn teased. He bit at his bottom lip and thought about Liam’s offer. “So what’s your best time?”

Liam quirked an eyebrow. “Trying to scope out the field?”

“Maybe,” Zayn shrugged.

“A seven minute mile,” Liam offered.

Zayn considered this. Then asked, “Is that good?”

“It’s acceptable.”

“I don’t know if I even have shoes for a treadmill,” Zayn hedged.

Liam shook his head. “No excuses. Are you in or not?”

Zayn huffed. “I’ll do it, I suppose. Will you?”

Liam scoffed. “Win-win for me. I get you to the gym with me, I get to watch you sweat, and I get to tap that ass later. I’m in.”


Zayn made sure to complain the entire time he was getting ready. And then the entire way to the gym—which was exercise in and of itself he argued since the facility was so damn far away—and continued to complain as Liam grabbed them towels and scoped out the treadmills for two that were next to each other.

That Liam seemed completely unaffected by Zayn’s continuous stream of rants just made Zayn want to beat his smug ass even more.

Liam had no idea what kind of bet he’d made.

Zayn grinned.

“What are you smiling about?” Liam asked suspiciously.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

Liam looked at Zayn seriously. “I would. That’s why I asked.”

Zayn rolled his eyes. “Smart ass.”

Liam winked at him. “And your sweet ass is about to be mine.”

Zayn craned his neck, pretending to study his own ass. “It really is nice, right? Not as nice as Louis’ is, but for fucks sake no one on this earth should be allowed to have as nice an ass as Louis does. It’s criminal.”

Liam gave an appreciative nod. “Very true. Now. No more delaying. Are you going to stretch first?”

Zayn bent over, stood up, and rotated his arms. “I’m good,” he replied.

Liam snorted. “This is going to be too damn easy.”

Zayn waved at the treadmill. “Just get on your pointless hamster wheel of death already.”

They stepped onto the side-by-side treadmills. Liam’s finger hovered over the start button. “You press this first and then increase your speed using this button,” he said as he pointed to the gigantic green arrow pointing up.

“Thank god I have you here. Could’ve never figured it out on my own,” Zayn said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

“You are so getting it tonight, Malik.”

Zayn cracked his knuckles. “Bring it, Payne. Bring it.”

“And go!”

The belts on the treadmills churned into motion as Liam and Zayn started at a slow jog then quickly picked up the pace.

Zayn continued to click up the speed until he was taking two strides for every one of Liam’s. He looked over at his boyfriend and grinned as Liam huffed next to him trying to keep up. “You okay over there?”

Liam glared and increased his speed.

Zayn shrugged and sped his treadmill up another couple notches.

“Were we going for only one mile or for two?” Zayn asked casually, looking over at a very winded Liam.

“What?” Liam breathed out.

“One mile or two?”

“One! You know that was—” Liam stopped mid-sentence as Zayn hit the stop button.

Liam missed a step and nearly face-planted into the display before stabbing his finger into the button to bring his treadmill to a stop.

Zayn pointed to the digital read out on his own machine showing he’d actually gone 1.2 miles. “Face it, Li. You lost. I won.” Zayn wiped his brow—even though he’d barely had time to begin sweating— and flipped the towel over his shoulder.

Liam pointed at Zayn. “Not possible. You smoke, you drink buckets of ale thanks to Niall, you eat like shite also thanks to Niall, it’s been about a billion decades since you did more exercise than just flailing around a bit on stage and calling it a work out… and you smoke!”

Zayn shrugged. “Guess my body was just made for running. Long and lean.”

Liam started to protest, then stopped, and studied Zayn as he narrowed his eyes. “Hold up. How did you know how a great runner’s body is built?”

Zayn gave a guilty look. “Gay porn?”

“Malik?” Liam growled in accusation.

“Payne?” Zayn mimicked.

Liam glared.

Zayn crossed his arms. “All right. I ran for the field team in school. And you know those long jaunts to the coffee shop I take a couple times a week? I’ve been running.”

“You scammed me!” Liam yelled, making everyone in the gym turn in their direction. “Is that time good, he says. I don’t know if I have shoes, he lies. All lies! I can’t believe you, Malik.”

Zayn smirked. “Does that mean you’re backing out on your part of the bet?”

Liam pouted, his bottom lip visibly sticking out as he contemplated Zayn’s question. “No, I’m not backing out. Apparently I will spend tonight backing into your willy.”

Zayn fluttered his eyelashes. “Aw, you’re so romantic.”

“You cheated,” Liam accused as they started to gather up their stuff.

“Face it,” Zayn said as he smoothed his hands down the front of Liam’s t-shirt. “There’s a part of you that kind of wanted me to win. Otherwise you would have never offered the bet.”

Liam seemed to consider that. “Maybe?”


They walked side-by-side to the front of the gym and Liam held the door open for Zayn.

“You’ve really been out running?” Liam asked when they were on the sidewalk.

Zayn nodded.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come with you.”

Zayn stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Because of that. I love you, Li. You know that. But it’s a time when I’m able to pull a cap down over my face and no one pays attention to me. I get to be out and nearly anonymous. If I’d told you you would’ve wanted to come with me. And let’s face it, one of us can slip by unnoticed, but two out at the same time? It’s like the paps and fans have this extrasensory boyband perception and our signal gets stronger the more members of One Direction there are in one place. We’d be mobbed.”

“Can I make you a playlist for your next run?” Liam offered.

Zayn couldn’t hold back a smile. “Yes, Li. Absolutely. That’s very sweet. I would love that.”


Zayn bumped his shoulder into Liam’s. “I’m still fucking you tonight though.”

“Dammit,” Liam ground out, the frustrated affect only half-way lost to the sly grin spreading across Liam’s face.


Zayn had all good intentions to take it slowly when they got home.

But then Liam started to unlock the door and the key stuck in the lock for just a moment and the door didn’t quite open when Liam pressed on it, just long enough for Zayn to take a preemptive step forward into Liam’s space, the scent of Liam’s sweat filling his nose, Zayn’s body pressing up against Liam’s ass—oh my god that ass—and Zayn was done.

Fuck control.

Fuck slowly.

Zayn flipped the key in the lock, throwing the deadbolt open all the way and gripped Liam around the hips, pushing him into the kitchen and against the low counter.

“Fuck you, Payne, for offering this bet,” Zayn ground out as he rutted against Liam’s ass. “You drive me fucking crazy. Jesus, I want to fuck you until you can’t form a coherent sentence. But fuck, fuck, fuck,’ Zayn draped his chest over Liam’s back and kissed across his shoulders. “I want you inside me so badly, too.” Zayn pressed up on his toes so he was tall enough to put his lips to the shell of Liam’s ear and whisper, “Lucky for you and I, I know exactly how to make that happen. Wait here.”

Zayn slid his hands across Liam’s back as he walked away.

“Fuck,” Zayn heard Liam breathe out as Zayn disappeared into their bedroom.

Liam had to know that Zayn was going for something in their toy chest. But their sex toy selection was pretty well stocked after so many years, so Liam knowing exactly what Zayn was going to grab was unlikely.

Zayn pulled the drawer open under their platform bed and started rummaging through the bags and bottles. The ties and whips. The gags and cuffs. Until he found…

“If you bring back that pink thing I may just come on the spot,” Liam warned from the kitchen.

Zayn narrowed his eyes. There was no way Liam could see him in here. How the fuck did Liam know what he wanted to use? Zayn stared at the glittery pink wand in his hand that had nubs that got bigger as they went down to the sparkly base. Zayn loved when Liam used this toy on him, pushing it slowly into his ass until it was seated deep inside him. Then Liam would fuck him with it, the vibrating nobs torturously sliding over his prostate. But Zayn had never used it on Liam.

Well, Liam was going to be getting a surprise.

Zayn’s initial thought had been for Liam to use that on Zayn while Zayn fucked him. But now?

Zayn picked up the toy, tested the vibration setting to make sure the batteries were fresh enough, and then thwacked it across his hand.

“You have the pink thing, don’t you?” Liam’s voice came out choked from the other room.

Zayn grinned, grabbed a bottle of lube and a condom, and walked back into the kitchen.

He stopped dead when he caught sight of Liam who, while he was gone, had stripped completely down and was leaning over the counter as if he was just going to have a casual conversation with Zayn.

But there was nothing casual about the way Liam’s biceps flexed in anticipation. Or the way the veins in Liam’s neck and forearms were popping out as he tried to maintain control. And there was definitely nothing casual about Liam’s long, thick cock standing up proudly, just begging to be touched.

Fuck, his boyfriend was hot.

Zayn’s lips tipped into a smirk. He pulled his t-shirt off over his head, but left his trackpants on and kicked his trainers off his feet and into the corner by the door. Liam started to protest Zayn’s mess, and Zayn responded by turning the vibration on the wand up the highest setting. The buzzing filled the room and Liam smirked and stopped talking.

Zayn stood on the opposite side of the counter from Liam and twirled the vibrating wand in his hand. “I know you love the way this looks shoved deep inside me. But I’m thinking it will look much more beautiful in your ass.”

Liam dropped his forehead to the counter and groaned, but Zayn couldn’t miss the way his boyfriend’s erection twitched with Zayn’s words.

“You want that, don’t you?” Zayn said as he circled around Liam and set the toy on the counter. “You want me to spread you open with this and then fuck you?”

Liam widened his stance and lifted his ass. “Fuck, Zee. Why did I wait so long to do this? Just do it. Take me. Take care of me.”

Zayn swatted Liam’s ass cheeks with an open hand and Liam yelped but held his ground. Zayn made a tsk tsk noise as he massaged the red hand print that had blossomed on Liam’s perfectly round, muscled ass. “You’re being impatient, Payne. I’m not going to let you get away with being a power bottom. I want you submissive to me. Panting. Begging. It’s not often that I get to play with you like this, so I’m going to take my time. And you will enjoy every second of torture I give you.” Zayn patted the red spot again, making Liam flinch and then he leaned down and kissed it, licking a line up Liam’s ass and then nipping at the abused flesh.

“Now,” Zayn said as he pulled away and snicked open the bottle of lube and started to coat the pink wand. “It’s been a long time for you. So I’m going to be gentle. But only for a little while. You leave me at home, alone, just to work your stunning ass out every day. Every day, Liam James Payne. So it has to be strong enough to handle me. What was it you said earlier?You smoke, Malik, you drink, you eat like shite, you smoke.” Zayn pushed the rounded tip of the toy into Liam’s hole, just barely breaching the tight muscle, but he didn’t turn it on yet. Liam gasped but didn’t move. Zayn rubbed his hand soothingly down Liam’s back as he pressed the toy in farther. “Get ready, Li. It’s time for me to prove just how much stamina I have.”

Liam slumped onto the counter, his breathing heavy, his hands fisted by his head as if he didn’t know what to do with them.

He probably doesn’t, Zayn thought.

Liam was used to being the one in control.

Over the years the two of them had settled into roles that were comfortable for them both—usually with Liam as the top and Zayn as the bottom. But every now and then one of them would get an itch and they would switch it up.

It had been a long time though since Zayn had the opportunity to fuck Liam.

And fucking hell, Liam’s ass was like a gift from the gods.

Gods who were into really dirty, sinful explorations.

Zayn ran his fingers over the lubed toy, slicking his fingertips, then stroked the edges of Liam’s stretching hole. “Fuck, baby. This is so hot.”

Zayn pushed the toy farther, popping the second bead inside Liam.

Liam moaned and Zayn watched him flex his powerful thighs, but Liam didn’t push back.

“Just one more bead. Then I’m going to turn it on,” Zayn instructed as he reached under and rolled Liam’s balls in his hand. Liam bucked and let out a litany of curse words that their friends would never imagine could come from Liam’s mouth. Zayn couldn’t restrain an ear-to-ear grin. He loved that there were still things he knew about Liam that no one else in the world did or ever would.

Liam sucked in a ragged breath. “Push it in,” Liam ordered.

Zayn stilled. “I distinctly remember telling you that I wanted you panting and begging, but definitely not commanding.”

Liam’s jaw clenched. “Fuck, Zee. Please. Okay? Please. Fuck me, please. I just need a little more.”

Jesus fucking Christ, Zayn thought as he let go of Liam’s balls and palmed his own cock. He didn’t know how much longer he could last with Liam pleading in that gravely, desperate voice.

“Since you asked so nicely,” Zayn said as he pressed the third bead into Liam’s ass and twisted the toy on.

Liam’s arms shot out and he gripped the edge of the counter as if it was the only handhold left on a crumbling cliff. Liam cried out, dropped his head to the granite, his breath coming out in great gasps that fogged the stone surface.

Zayn continued to fuck Liam with the toy, slowly at first, then deeper, and with harder thrusts, drawing moans from Liam that grew more frantic by the second. Zayn knew from experience that the feeling of the wand vibrating against your prostate was intense. Overwhelming. Mind-numbing and nerve-shredding.

Zayn watched Liam draw closer to the edge—the shifting of his shoulders, the hardening of his arm muscles as he tensed and let go again, the pre-come that leaked from his cock that Zayn wanted to lick and swallow…

If it was all too much for Liam, it was definitely becoming too much for Zayn.

He needed to be inside Liam. To have it be his cock that was forcing those chest deep rumbles from Liam’s lungs.

“I’m pulling it out, Li,” Zayn said as he slowly popped the toy out, one bead at a time. “But you’re only going to have five seconds to get yourself back under control.” Zayn tossed the wand to the tile and dropped his pants to the floor in one quick movement. He slicked himself, rolled the condom on, and then emptied almost half the bottle of lube on himself before tossing that across the room, too.

Liam’s ass was going to be tight, even with Zayn stretching him with the toy, but Zayn wasn’t going to have the patience to take Liam slowly now. Hell to the fucking no.

Zayn lined himself up to Liam’s hole, gripped Liam’s hips in a fierce grip and drove inside him.

Zayn stopped breathing, frozen to the spot, seated deep in Liam’s tight heat.

“You want me to go to the gym with you tomorrow?” Zayn breathed out as he gripped Liam’s hips tighter. “Bloody fuck, I will go every day if we can finish like this.”

“I will give you anything you want, Zee. Just please, for fuck’s sake, please fucking move.”

Zayn let loose a feral grin and pounded into Liam, driving his cock over that sweet spot over and over again, with more force each time.

“Jesus, I’m so fucking close. I just need something more,” Liam ground out, then, as if just remembering Zayn’s order that he had to beg for it, added a hasty, “please.”

Zayn realized he’d pitched the lube half-way across the room so he curled over Liam’s back and pushed the bottle of olive oil on the counter over until it was dripping into a pool onto the stone. Zayn swiped his hand through it, coating his fingers, then fisted his slick hand over Liam’s cock.

He thrust into Liam’s ass, using the force of the movement to push Liam’s dick into his hand, swirling his fingers around the sensitive head.

“So good, Zee. Fuck. Fuck me harder,” Liam begged, his words forced out between moans every time Zayn hit just the right spot.

Zayn drove into Liam harder, deeper, setting a brutal pace as he used Liam’s body.

Then Liam’s body was tensing under him, and Liam was crying out, yelling Zayn’s name as he came into Zayn’s hand. It was impossible for Zayn to hold out even one second longer. He pushed as deep as he could into Liam’s pulsating body and let himself go, spilling inside the condom as he fell onto Liam’s back and wrapped an arm around his lover’s waist.

Zayn kissed Liam’s ribs, then along his spine, holding onto the condom as he pulled out, and collapsed against the stove as he tried to catch his breath.

Liam was still sprawled across the countertop, his legs spread wide, his body twitching with the last of the waves of his release pulsing through his body.

“Fuck, Li. You look so fucking beautiful spread out like that,” Zayn praised.

Liam chuckled and pushed up from the counter. He scrubbed his hands through his hair and carefully stood up.

Zayn watched the set of Liam’s shoulders go tense as Liam surveyed the kitchen, his eyes flitting between the counter, the door, the floor, the wall, and the cabinets.

Only then did Zayn notice how thoroughly he’d soiled not only his boyfriend’s body, but also most of the surfaces in and around the kitchen.


Liam threw his hands up in defeat. “What the bloody hell did you do to my kitchen, Zayn? Your clothes in a heap? Olive oil dripping off the counter? Lube splattered on the wall and cabinets?” Liam’s voice jumped up another octave as he pointed under the table. “And an ass wand vibrating over the floor?”

Zayn put a hand on his hip that promptly slid off from the slippery mess of olive oil, lube, and come on his hand. Zayn held back a smile as he huffed, “A) this is our kitchen. Mine more than yours in truth since I’m the only one who cooks. But that doesn’t matter, because… B) you’re welcome.”

Liam’s head snapped around. “What?”

Zayn gave a cheeky grin, and spoke slower this time. “You. Are. Welcome.”

Liam stared at Zayn for only a split second more then broke out into hysterical laughter. “I’m never negotiating with you again, Malik.”

“I do always get what I want,” Zayn said as he sidled up to Liam.

Liam pulled Zayn into his arms. “I think we both won in this case.”

Zayn rested his head against Liam’s chest and sighed. “Agreed.”

“So you’ll go to the gym with me tomorrow?” Liam asked as he rested his chin on Zayn’s head.

Zayn pushed away, laughing. “Hell no. Everyone yells out stupid things they don’t mean in the heat of passion.”

“Fine. But you go out on one of your runs while I go to the gym. Then we meet back up here.”

Zayn narrowed his eyes. “That sounds suspiciously like the first offer of a negotiation, Payne.”

Liam gave that dark, seductive smirk only Zayn ever had the pleasure of seeing, then captured Zayn in a breath-stealing kiss. When Liam pulled away he cupped Zayn’s chin and lifted it until their eyes were locked. Liam’s brown eyes sparkled. Literally fucking sparkled.

How was that even possible?

“Bring it, Malik,” Liam challenged, getting that mischievous glint in his eyes again. “Wonder which one of us could do more chin-ups?”

Zayn pretended to consider the odds. Inside he was already doing a really sexy victory dance though.

Zayn shrugged. Played it cool.

Liam had no idea what kind of bet he was making.

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