No Use Praying

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Summary: Nop. Too bad.

By: Fanficsof1direction


Liam’s never been allowed out late; even though he is sixteen and mature enough for his age, he’s had little free rights. He was raised in a strict way, full of rules and religious views that all members must follow. He didn’t dare to try and defy any rule in their house. When his eldest sister did exactly that, she was kicked out and he hasn’t seen her since. He was scared mildly, but it wasn’t something that put him in complete fear. Just extra careful.

He almost crossed that feared line when he came out to his parents a couple of years ago, but they grew to accept Liam for who he is, as they wouldn’t dare send him away; according to his father, Liam was “the last child to have some sense.”

It sounded settled, but it was shaken a little when they found out about his first boyfriend. They had him under a slightly stricter watch, but it wasn’t anything new with him; he remembers similar behaviour whenever he had girls visit. He found it a little bit funny, but wouldn’t laugh at it, if he knew the consequences right.

He didn’t have many love interests and, throughout his life, has only had two boyfriends. He wasn’t desperate to change it, until he saw the new boy at his school.

He didn’t know much about the boy, except for key facts: his name was Zayn, he’s moved from a different area in England, and looked like the human formation of the devil. He’s heard from a few students’ small gossip catch-ups that Zayn transferred after getting expelled from his previous school for being involved in serious fights. Liam’s never thought of himself to have any thoughts close to being counted as sexual; but if imagining himself and Zayn making out heavily, the latter being shirtless, counted, then now it’s all different.

He could seriously punch himself for betraying his innocent thoughts in such a way. Sure, he thought the new boy was quite good-looking but it doesn’t mean he’ll try anything… He’s probably not even gay, he thought. He can picture the boy with girl after different girl hanging on his arm, which was slowly urging on jealous feelings so he stopped with little difficulty, thank goodness.

“He’ll never take two looks at me, let alone go out with me.” Liam sighed. He knows no-one was listening; the little group of students have split off away from him and everyone else was busy. Just as he was leaving, he felt a strong arm curl around his waist, pulling him back, step by step. He turned and saw the recognisable features of Zayn and lost all speech he had.

“Hello there, my little admirer.” He growled into Liam’s ear, smirking as he saw his face redden with both subtle arousal and embarrassment.

“A-Admirer? Um…”

“Don’t bother lying. I’ve noticed your staring.” He spun Liam’s body around. He’s now fully facing Zayn and takes in his appearance, which in a way is quite appalling. His hair was gelled up in a perfect quiff with a noticeable blonde streak dyed in on the slight left; his eyes were a perfect shade of melting chocolate colour, mixed with a hint of caramel; his uniform was scruffy, as his shirt wasn’t tucked in and not buttoned up at the top, with his tie too loose to be acceptable. Liam should not be turned on by this, but it was turning him on.

“You’re staring now, mate.” He chuckled when Liam’s eyes darted back to his.

“Um, oh God, sorry. So sorry.”

“Don’t be. Just… Come with me, sexy.” He held Liam’s wrist tight and dragged him along to goodness-knows-where, which was later revealed to be the boys’ toilets.

“Zayn… Why are we in here?”

“Shh…” He pushed his finger onto Liam’s slightly pouted lips, silencing him. “What’s wrong with having fun?”

Ziam (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now