Order of Shadows | Sebastian...

By SallowsKeeper

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Everything changed that night. Anne was cursed. Sebastian lost the warmth in his eyes when he looked at her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Author's Note + Voting
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Author's Note
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Author's Note and New Story

Chapter Sixty One

469 29 8
By SallowsKeeper

"Ready when you are!" One of the Weasley twins shouted to the other, causing everyone's attention now to shift up towards them. That is, besides two people who were scrambling up from the floor, red in the face.

The other Weasley twin nodded, grinning, and suddenly one last firework was tossed into the air. Gold and red once again, but this time the fireworks created the illusion of a dragon. Smoke billowing out of its nostrils, it came down soaring towards the Headmaster. Everyone watched, overjoyed to see Umbridge screaming and running in a panic towards the exit. However, she was no match for a dragon because as she crossed the threshold into the Entrance hall, the dragon's jaws came down and swallowed her. The remaining explosives followed the dragon, wreaking havoc and destroying the hundreds of Educational Decrees that had been hung up on the wall.

Glass shattered along with the wooden frames as everything tumbled to the floor. The Weasley twins soared out of the Great Hall again, out to the open courtyard as Umbridge was left a screaming mess from all her placards falling around her. Most of the students rushed passed the Professor to see the Twins out, waving their arms excitedly, and clapping.

As Séraphine walked out with Sebastian, Ominis, and Luna, she looked over to see the Professor's torn appearance. Overhead in the sky as the Twins flew around was a flaming 'W.' Even Professor Flitwick looked overjoyed for a moment before regaining his composure. Luna whispered to Ominis everything that was going on with a bright smile on her face.

The French witch looked over to Umbridge, grinning smugly. "Carpe Diem, non?"

Dumbledore's Secret Weapon

Séraphine spent the next few days holed up in the Undercroft, avoiding anything to do with the sociopathic headmaster. It was ridiculous how many new rules had been placed and now witches and wizards weren't able to be seen interacting with the other gender. As if anyone had the power to keep her and Sebastian apart.

There was assigned seating, but Sebastian had received detention for the week exclaiming loudly in front of their year that Séraphine's assigned seating was his face. She had bursted out laughing, surprising everyone twice because they thought she'd be embarrassed. Non. But now unfortunately she had to rub a healing salve onto the back of Sebastian's hand since he was forced to use the Blood Quill every night.

There had been a lot of failures with the potion, more than she expected. She was down to the last few drops of Acromantula venom when she'd had a breakthrough in the worst way.

The last potion mixture had been successful in destroying Dark Magic. The residual magic from the Dark Lord on the first Blood Quill was gone. However, the potion ate away at Dark magic... And that was what flowed freely through Séraphine's veins.

When Sebastian found her on the ground, convulsing and having a seizure because of the effects from the potion, he'd about lost his bloody mind, and grabbed Hermione for help. The bright witch had told Sebastian what likely happened.

The same potion that could kill the Dark Lord could kill Séraphine. From then on it was Hermione handling the potion with Séraphine giving her specific instructions and bouncing ideas off of each other. Draco had been less than pleased to find out that Hermione was handling such a delicate potion, but he didn't have to worry. She wasn't as corrupted as Séraphine from the continuous use of Dark Magic.

Draco and Ominis had to avoid the potion as well for they'd killed people while performing the Dark Arts.

Everything was going smoothly until Draco bursted into the Undercroft, surprising = Sebastian, Séraphine, Ominis, and Luna who, in particular, had finished bottling four Dark potions. Using all their resources, four measly vials was all they could produce sparingly.

"You all need to get to the Headmaster's office before she starts looking for you." Draco spat angrily, "Potter bloody screwed up this time. I'm gonna go round up more of the Gryffindorks before they bludger anything else."

Séraphine blinked and looked at Sebastian questioningly. He shrugged, but they all made their way towards the Headmaster's office to see most of Dumbledore's Army already in the back. Harry was sitting in a seat across from the Headmaster.

Draco came in not long after, shoving Neville into the room. "Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl."

He positioned Neville next to Hermione, in an effort to keep close to her. Ominis was pissed as a wand was being held against Luna on the other side. None of the other Slytherins threatened to hold a wand against Séraphine, knowing that Sebastian was extremely protective of her.

"You were talking to Dumbledore, weren't you?" Umbridge accused with a smile on her face, glaring down at Harry.

Confusion swam through her. Didn't the Headmaster escape? What was Harry doing?


Harry began when a slapping noise reverberated around the room. Everyone, including the Inquisitorial squad jumped at the sound. She smacked harry.

Right. Across. The. Face.

"You sent for me, Headmistress?" A quiet, monotoned voice interrupted.

"Snape, yes!" Umbridge straightened out, smiling even brighter at the other Professor. "The time has come for answers whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?"

"I'm afraid you've used up all the stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang." Snape replied calmly, doing well not to look at Harry for a reason unbeknownst to Séraphine. "Unless you wish to poison him... which I would have the littlest sympathy if you did, I cannot help you."

There was a moment of silence between the two professors before Snape chose to turn around and leave. He was almost over the threshold when Harry suddenly shouted.

"He's got Pad-foot!" Pad foot? Séraphine looked up to Sebastian for an explanation, but he looked just as clueless. Harry repeated himself, "He's got Pad-foot at the place where it's hidden!"

"Pad-foot?" Umbridge repeated, looking wildly between Harry and Professor Snape, "What is a Pad-foot? Well? What is it? What's he talking about, Snape?"

Snape turned slowly, eyes slightly wide. His voice cool and collected. "No idea."

"Very well." Umbridge was stiff in her movements, turning towards the group of students behind her desk. You've given me no choice, Potter. A-As this is an issue of Ministry security, you leave me with... with no alternative. The Cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue."

Ron's face dropped as Hermione took a step forward, "That's illegal."

One of the inquisitorial squad pulled her back roughly, causing her shoulder to connect with the back wall. Draco's' jaw clenched visibly as he stared with murderous intentions into Crabbe's face. The other boy flinched and quickly let go of her, muttering an apology under his breath.

"Yes, well, what Cornelius doesn't know, won't hurt him." She replied callously, placing the photo of the Minister face-down on the table.

Umbridge pointed the wand at Harry, the curse on the tip of her tongue when Hermione screamed out, "Tell her Harry!"

"Tell me what?" Umbridge looked over at the Gryffindor witch with malice in her eyes.

Hermione glared back, "Well if you won't tell her where it is, I will."

"Where what is?"

Seeing the uncertainty in Hermione's eyes, Séraphine quickly interjected. "The secret weapon?"

Hermione nodded in agreement, catching on. "Dumbledore's secret weapon."

Feeling someone pinch her side lightly, she knew it was Sebastian. After all, she could understand his hesitation. She'd only gotten a new second hand wand yesterday and she still wasn't very familiar with it. The last thing she needed was to fight a crazy witch off.

"Where is it?" Umbridge asked, dismissing everyone from the room except for Harry, Hermione, and Séraphine. Sebastian was stubborn to leave until the Professor threatened him, "I won't cast the curse on you if you don't leave."

Meaning she'd torture Séraphine for his tenacity. Smart move on her part, threatening Séraphine to get to him.

"The Forbidden Forrest." Hermione replied instantly, causing Séraphine to glare at her.

Although Umbridge misconstrued the anger at using the Forbidden Forest for an excuse as giving up a viable secret. It only cemented in her twisted brain that there was a secret weapon to be weary of.

And wouldn't Séraphine be a glutton for punishment? "The path is only revealed after dark. Most people wouldn't dare enter the Forbidden Forest after the sun has set."

Professor Umbridge nodded and gestured for them to sit down. "Then for the next few hours, you three can write down lines as we wait. You will write, 'I MUST NOT TELL LIES.'"

Her hand was on fire as she left the Castle with Hermione and Harry. Umbridge had confiscated their wands, but Séraphine was relatively confident that Draco and Sebastian were following behind somewhere. Hermione kept talking loudly in an effort to let them know they were all okay.

"It had to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally." She explained.

While the Headmaster was distracted, looking around wildly, Harry leaned forward in between them. He whispered harshly, "What're you doing?!"

Hermione looked at him worriedly gazing between him and the French witch, "Improvising."

Séraphine snorted inwardly, "Then you couldn't have picked a French Restaurant or perhaps somewhere without spiders?"

The three students and Headmaster came across a large tree. Séraphine took notice of a large rope that had been wrapped around the tree and was snapped off at the end. Whatever was being held there against its will was strong enough to break the thick bindings. A fierce nervousness set in and she wished that they were back at Hogwarts. Being Crucio'd sounded a lot better than aimlessly roaming the Forbidden Forest with spiders.

"Well?" Umbridge pointed her wand at all of them, "Where is this weapon?!" When no one answered, her face fell. "There isn't one, is there? You were trying to trick me." She began to circle the lot of them, "You know.... I really hate children."


The ground seemed to rumble as everyone looked up towards the hillside to see roughly twelve Centaurs lined up. No one looked more afraid than Umbridge who practically started shaking in her bright pink shoes.

She pointed to them, tremors in her arm. "You have no business here, Centaur!" As they walked closer, she continued, "T-This is a M-Ministry, matter!" Arrows were now pointed at the students as Umbridge hid behind the three of them, "L-Lower your w-weapons! I warn you as creatures of near human intelligence!"

An arrow went flying towards the three students which Séraphine diverted with wand-less magic.

"How dare you, filthy half-breed!" Umbridge declared, pursing her lips angrily.

Exasperation shot through Séraphine. Right. Antagonize and insult the sentient beings who outnumbered them, and were known to kill humans.

"Incarcerous!" Ropes shot out of the Headmaster's wand, successful binding one of the Centaurs in a sadistic manner. The ropes were getting smaller and choking the life out of the being.

Hermione knelt first as Séraphine tried to undo the bindings. The Muggle-Born witch cried out, "Please! Please stop it!"

"No! Enough." She shouted loud enough for her voice to echo amongst the trees, "I! Will! Have! ORDER!"

Without any warning, Séraphine heard a scream which broke her focus at trying to undo the magical ropes. She looked over to see a half-giant picking the Headmaster up like an ant. It was at the same moment, the Centaur was able to break free of the ropes with a sharp rock Hermione used.

Now released, he along with his other comrades raced towards the half-giant and the Headmaster.

"It's not his fault! He doesn't understand!" Hermione shouted, but didn't dare get closer to where the Centaurs were trying to maim the half-giant and get to the Headmaster.

Looking full of remorse, the half-giant dropped the Headmaster onto the ground, and backed away in fear of the Centaurs.

"Do something! Tell them I mean no harm!" Umbridge cried out, terrified.

Séraphine smirked, "Non."

Harry nodded in agreement, "We must not tell lies."

The three students watched the headmaster be dragged out into a thick haze, disappearing from sight. Hermione and Harry went to help the half-giant who was picking arrows out of its arm like little slivers.

As for Séraphine, she smiled brightly when she saw two figures Apparating in front of her. It was Sebastian's turn not to hesitate, throwing his arms around his witch and picking her up off the ground in a bone-crushing hug.

She wheezed, "Can't...Breathe...'Bastien."

He grimaced, letting her go. "Sorry, darling. But I missed you."

Séraphine's smile fell back on her lips. As far as dying went- and she'd had a lot of brushes with death as of late- dying from one of Sebastian's hugs didn't sound like a terrible way to go.


We have a certain battle coming up soon o(^◇^)o

How do you think everyone's going to fair?

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment!

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