Choni One Shots: Book 2

By ChoniLover982

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Choni One Shots, well this is my second book for the One Shots! (I decided to do a book 2, because i already... More

Love and Betrays
Edge Of The Dark
Secrets and Lies!
Rivals in Love!
Don't Say Goodbye, This is Not Your Time!
We Saved Riverdale?
Back, from the 50s!
I Will Save You Cheryl Blossom!
Do You Belive Me?
Skip the Sock Hop Dance!
Don't Worry, Darling!
Moment of Truth!
I Would Die, If You Choose Him!
Only You (And You Alone)
Sex Education! (Rated 18+)
Mission or Love?
Chaos and Getaway!
Don't Be Shy!
Soulmates, Until The Eternity!
I'll Always Protect You!
I Save You, Even In Your Dreams!
Love or Marrige?
Secret Love!
I Stay Because of You!
I Would Die For You!
The Make Out Party!
Your Touch Feels Different!
Don't Lie To Me!
Dark Truth, and Dark Deeds!
Our Love Story!
Repledge Our Love
Cheryl's First Time!
A Kiss Could Heal Me?
You Are Beautiful!
Never Leave Me!
You Are Sensational!
This Is The Moment!
She Would Never Leave Me!
Your Love Means The World, To Me!
Secret Movie Date!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 1!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 2!
Wish You The Best!
Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 1!
Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 2!
I Still Love You!
To Start Another Life!
Do You Know What It's Like?
Never Let Me Go!
I Love You, But Only You!
Reunited After The Comet!
Sexy Photoshoot and the Consequences!
Miss Riverdale Teen Queen!
Friday Valentine!
Do You Still Love Me?
Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 1-
Can We Save Riverdale?
A Bad Dream Could Come True?
Restored Memories!
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 1 -
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 2 -
Goodbye Riverdale!
Never Leave Us Behind!
Love At First Sight?
In Love With a Nerd!
Detectives In Love!
Can I Love You?
Can You Forgive Me? (16+)
You're The Reason!
Let Me Help You, Get Through This! - Part 1 -
Let Me Help You Get Through This! - Part 2!
Strangers and Betrayals (18+)
Forbidden Love! - Part 1! (+18)
Forbidden Love! - Part 2 (+18)
Primary Colors! (+18)
Do I Still Love You?
I Was In Love Once
Glimpse of Us!
Face With The Consequences! (+18!)
Hard Times, and Therapy Sessions! (+16)
Give Me Your Forever!

Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 2 -

123 4 3
By ChoniLover982

The Final Chapter!

TW: Smut!

Cheryl Blossom pov:

Before i could say anything, to Toni she kissed me passionatly while started to unzip my dress and i let her to do it... 

- Wait, are you sure it's okay? - asked Toni, after she helped me to take off my dress.

- More then okay. don't worry. - i said to her, then she kissed me again while i unbottoned her shirt.

- Do you have any experience in this? - she asked from me, while kissed down on my body.

- Not really. - i said to her, and she looked at me confused.

- My god Cheryl, i can't do this if you are not sure about this. - she said to me, but i just shook my head.

- Please, i would never let my fiancé touch me like you do. - i said to her, and she just sighed then gently started to lick my clit, while rubbing it.

- Oh my god. - i moaned, while she kept doing it.

- Cheryl, are you ready for something else? - she asked from me, and i just nodded then Toni started to finger me.

- It's hurt, Toni. - i said to her, and she kissed my forehead.

- Just a few minutes, and it's gets better i promise. - she said to me, and it's really started to get better a few minutes later...

Toni Topaz pov:

After she came, i licked her clean and breathlessly lay down while Cheryl put her head on my chest...

- Thank you, Toni. - she said to me, and i just smiled at her.

- Cheryl, you really don't want to get married with that guy? - i asked from her.

- Of course, not. - she said to me.

- Why? - i asked from her, and she kissed me gently.

- Because i don't love him, actually my mother and father wants to force this marrige because of the money. - she said to me, and i just sighed.

- As i said, i can't give you anything what he could. - i said to her, and she squeesed my hand.

- Don't worry about it okay? - she asked from me, and i just nodded then we continoued to lay in eachother's arms...

Third Person pov:

Archibald hired a group of guys, to find that girl and Cheryl to get her back...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

When i almost fell asleep in Toni's arms, i heard loud footsteps in the near...

- Toni we have to go. - i said to her, while started to dress up.

- Why? - she asked from me, while helped me to zip up my dress.

- I think they founded us. - i said to her, after she finished to dress up.

- Then let's run. - she said to me, after we get out of the car and a few minutes later we started to run.

- Hey, stop! - yelled Archibald, and he followed us.

- Toni they'll catch us. - i said to her, while we rushed upstairs.

- Don't worry. - she said to me, but before we could reach the ship's deck a few guy already reached us.

- Finally. - said Archibald and pulled me to his arms.

- Let me go! - i yelled.

- Listen to me, this girl is a thief. - he said to me, while a guy take out my necklace from Toni's pocket.

- I would never steal from you Cheryl, you must belive me! - yelled Toni, while the guys ciffed her.

- Archibald say them to let her go. - i said to him.

- No Cheryl, she will stay in a cell until we reach our destenation. - he said to me, while the guys started to dragging Toni towards the cells.

- I hate you! - i yelled, then punched him but something strange happened...

Third Person pov:

The ship had a collision with an iceberg, and it's started to sink. While Cheryl helped Toni to take off the cuff, a lot of people rushed upsters and panicked...

- We have to go up. - said Toni, to Cheryl and after they reached the deck they saw that every crew member started to give everyone lifebelts.

- We don't have enaugh life boats, so we will take the womens and childrens first!  - yelled a crew memeber, then they saw that Archibald get in the first life boat with Cheryl's mother but two guy pulled him out of there.

- I can't stay here and die! - he yelled, while Cheryl and Toni could get in a life boat...

Toni Topaz pov:

- It's going to be okay, i promise. - i said to Cheryl, while she squeesed my hand.

- H-how do you know? - she asked from me quietly, while put her head on my shoulder.

- We are together, and i won't let any harm come to you. - i said to her, after the life boats were in the water and two guy started to paddle.

- Cheryl, promise me you'll survive even if something happens to me. - i i said to Cheryl, and she started to tear up.

- I promise. - she said to me, then sighed.

Third Person pov:

The weather was stormy, and the waves were really dangerous. Toni let Cheryl to hold her as tight as she wants, but at some point Toni couldn't hold on and fell into the cold water...

- TonI! - yelled Cheryl, while she saw her in the water.

- Miss, you have to calm down and stay seated! - yelled a crew member, and Cheryl started to cry when she didn't saw Toni anymore...

5 hour later:

At the bay, of New York City:

After the life boats could finally docked, Cheryl tried to find Toni desperately but someone stopped her...

- I'm sorry Miss, but i have to ask your name. - said  a man who had a notes in his hand.

- Cheryl Blossom. - she said to him quietly, while tried not to cry.

- Thank you Miss. - he said to her, then left...

Cheryl's mother after saw Cheryl she rushed to her and she hugged Cheryl tightly...

- Cheryl, oh my god. - she said to her, while Cheryl just bited her bottom lip nervously to don't cry.

- Mother, do you know if Archibald is alive? - she asked from her, and she just sighed.

- He died, Cheryl. - she said to Cheryl.

- I see. - she said to her, then walked to the docks but she heard yells in the near.

- Hey boys, there is another survivor! - yelled a guy and they get in a boat then paddled there to help that one person who survived and it was...

Toni Topaz pov:

A guy helped me to get in the boat, then they started to row, to the docks...

- How did you survived? - asked one of them, and i just sighed.

- I don't remember. - i said to him, and after they docked i get out of the life boat.

While i walked there, actually i saw a red haired women in the near...

- Cheryl! - i yelled, then started to run towards her...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I heard that, someone yells my name so i looked there and smiled...

- TonI. - i said quietly, then rushed to her and wrapped my arms tightly around her.

- I thought that you are dead. - i said to her, and she smiled.

- Don't worry, about me Cheryl. - she said to me, and after we pulled away from the hug she kissed me passionatly.

- I love you. - i said to her, after we pulled away from the kiss.

- I love you too. - she said to me, then we kissed again...

14 year later:

Third Person pov:

Cheryl Blossom left her family, and started a new life with Toni even if they couldn't be together publicly. They loved eachother so much, and Cheryl was finally happy because she don't have to get forced to a marrige what she never wanted...

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