𝐔𝐏𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆, ˡᵘʰ ᵗʸˡᵉʳ

By Mya2tact

864K 29.1K 63.7K

𝐈'𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐚 𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐚 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐡 𝐓𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚... More

The Sequel


12.8K 452 653
By Mya2tact

12:15 pm

"WELL OF COURSE it bothers me because I truly grew a soft spot for jakiyah, but then again she isn't my child and only her mother and Tyler can dictate who she's around" kaniyah shrugged voicing her opinion on the situation with who is allowed to be around her.

"Okay well, did Tyler at least say something to her about it. She basically making him choose between you and his child and that's not fair" desire spoke breaking a piece of her cheddar biscuit off and putting it in her mouth.

Kaniyah, Tay, des and krystal had decided go to red lobster for lunch since it was one of the only places opened on New Year's Eve. Tyler currently had jakiyah so kaniyah kept her word of staying away from her so he wouldn't loose his privileges.

"Well he offered to, but I told him to just leave it alone because it's not a road I wanna go down to be honest and it's not something he should have to go through. I would never make him have to choose between me and his child, that's evil." Kaniyah expressed twisting her fork in her fettuccine Alfredo.

"This is your brother all over again" krystal shook her head feeling the strong sense of deja vu. What she didn't want kaniyah to go through, was exactly what she was going through and it hurt her heart because she didn't deserve it.

Kaniyah sighed, "it's not like my life revolve around him or anything." She mumbled with a shrug and everybody looked at eachother before looking at her.

"You trynna convince us or you?" Krystal raised her eyebrows amused and kaniyah smacked her teeth. She didn't want to admit it was hurting her being away from him, but she knew firsthand about boundaries and she wouldn't dare overstep.

"Look, both of them is ha parents. Like you said they both can dictate who she around so clearly Tyler gets a say." Taylor shrugged picking up one of her pop corn shrimps and eating it.

"Yeah true, but I'm not gonna be the reason that she keeps her away from him." Kaniyah replied understanding what her best friend was saying. "I'm just gonna let him spend the day with her and go over later once Janelle picks her up. Problem solved"

"No it's not." Krystal budded in again. "What about jakiyah, that little girl loves you let's be real. You don't think she not gonna start getting curious about where you are?" Krystal asked.

"Face time."

"Fine, then don't address the issue head on and see how worse it gets. I'm telling you, I've lived this before. With you out of the way it gives her a mind set that she has wiggle room inside of y'all relationship and she's gonna do anything to make the relationship y'all have built together, go downhill. You don't want that do you?" Krystal asked and kaniyah shook her head.

"I trust him though." Kaniyah said honestly. Truly it crossed her mind at first once she was able to sit down and think of all the possibilities, but she stopped over thinking knowing Tyler would never. They were way too inlove.

"As you should." Desire spoke after sitting her cup down going to eat another biscuit— like kaniyah she loved them more than the actual food.

"So what y'all plan on doin later?" Taylor asked curiously. She could tell the conversation was worrying kaniyah more than they intended so she wanted to switch the subject and get her mind off of it.

"I really jus wanna watch a movie and cuddle with my man." Kaniyah shrugged making all three of them laugh at her. "What? What's funny."

"Okay miss my world don't revolve around him." Des joked making kaniyah smack her teeth waving them off because they didn't understand, she was very attached and she probably wouldn't be the person she was today without him. He was an important part of her life.

She didn't like to dwell on the person she was before him, but she liked to highlight the part where he helped her become something better. Someone with self confidence, someone who knew how to speak up for herself, someone who knew how to let him love her.

"It doesn't, but like he takes up like 90 percent of it?" She paused with her fork right at her mouth about to eat. "Yeah that's sounds right" she nodded continuing her motions starting to eat again.

"Enough of me though because, I feel like we always talkin about me and my man. Tay what you been up to?" Kaniyah removed the attention off her once again.

"Oh wait! I got relationship problems too. Wanna hear?" She asked holding a popcorn shrimp in her hand and the rest of them shrugged while kaniyah nodded.

"I would prefer if we talked about someone else's problems"

"Okay so I was talkin to dis girl, but we got into some petty argument cause ian wanna come over her house. Prollem is, ha parents and ha siblings don't know she gay so she wanted me to act straight. How I'm finna act straight— I'm a stud." Taylor started.

"You be acting straight any other time. What da hell you called yo self? A "city stud" I think" des used her fingers to quote tay making tay snicker.

"But that's only round yall, cause y'all the besties feel me?" Tay asked making them nod. "So basically we got in a argument cause I wasn't finna go over dere and act like something I'm not— plus y'all know I'm very outspoken and more out there" she explained.

"So then she gone block me? Like what? So of course I made a stalker page and stalked her page and she was throwin all these slick shots by that damn lele quotes page. I hate that page bruh." Tay shook her head "everytime me and a girl go through it here go that page got the perfect quotes for our situation like leave me alone I'm innocent" she expressed feeling her stress all over again.

"You want me to talk to her?" Kaniyah asked. She didn't even know the girl but she was willing if it meant to clear up a misunderstanding which was exactly what it sounded like to her. She wasn't positive though.

"Oh nahhh, I'm through wit her. I'm not finna go through that wit someone who still in the closet. Show me off before I snatch yo wig off." Tay said calmly like it was normal— which it wasn't. To her it was and that's what mattered to her.

One thing about tay was she loved when her girlfriend would have a private relationship and just showed each other off from time to time. With this particular girl the privacy wasn't an issue because no one knew she liked females, but she would never post her— and since no one knew she was gay and assumed she was single it was a double homicide for tay, she had niggas coming from left and right.

"Well I feel you onnat." Des nodded at her friend. "See me and my girl— what girl?" Krystal cut des off taking offense because the kids told her everything and now des magically had a girlfriend.

"Yeah my girl ma," des laughed at Krystal's face seeing it had a look of disdain written all over it. "We been together for a few months but ion be sayin Nothin bout ha." Des shrugged.

It wasn't even a reason to it besides the fact when it came to relationships she was a really closed off person, she was like tay who liked having a private relationship with a post every once in a while to remind people, and that's exactly what her girlfriend did.

They were healthy so she didn't like involving other people and miscommunications start taking place or stuff like that. "Yeah my girl she be posting me and i understand the concept of the type of relationship you want. Just find somebody else because it seem like she not planning on tell no one especially her people, no time soon. She just wasting your time that you could be using to find someone for real." Des advised.

Kaniyah crossed her arms, "y'all make me feel like I post to much about my relationship" she admitted. "Damn nea everybody know our business." She finished with a playful pout and des laughed.

After kaniyah, des was definitely the most wise in their trio— tay was just all over the place. "Nah it ain't yo fault shordy, don't forget yo nigga a famous ass rapper. Regardless you don't be posting nothing about what y'all go through, you just post yall together or y'all having fun— sometimes a romantic gesture he did for you. It's cute." Des shrugged while tay and krystal nodded agreeing.

"Awww, y'all really my girls. I'm so happy y'all came into wooda life" krystal pouted after hearing the heart to heart they had. She didn't think she ever witnessed that with her jazz and bree no matter how long they were friends. She felt like it was an example of growth, development and how everything happens for a reason, like a domino affect.

What if jazz and bree never convinced kaniyah to go to that party? What if Janelle never cheated on Tyler resulting in him ending at the same party? What if he didn't perform at their school a year later?

It was all little small things that got them to where they were and if it never happened she wouldn't be where she was today. It honestly scared her to think about, she always wondering what if she never went upstairs at the party to get away? Or what if Tyler wasn't the person sitting on the room that night? There were so many possibilities.

"Are you gonna eat that." Kaniyah pointed at Krystal's half eaten platter of chicken tenders.

"Girl just get it." Krystal pushed the oval shaped plate towards her daughter who had an excited look on her face doing her little dance in her seat. It was adorable. "And miss girl I know you eat a lot— but yo eating has been out of hand lately. I have to go grocery shopping once a week now." Krystal Called out her mess making her laugh.

"Sorry, I don't know maybe I'm stress eating." She shrugged coming to that conclusion which made sense. All the stress in her life was so much, on top of her going to school trying to maintain her 4.0 so it could look good for college applications.

"Makes sense, mid terms jus passed and you was studying yo ass off" tay nodded reaching over to take one of the many chicken tenders left and kaniyah glared at her with the dirtiest look ever while krystal widened her eyes.

Kaniyah literally used to cry actual tears over someone taking her food since she was a little girl since food was her comfort, so it was surprising to see a different reaction than that.

"Do it again and watch" kaniyah mumbled lowly dipping one of her mothers French fries in the ketchup before eating it and swinging her feet under the table satisfied .

"So des you gone be with your girlfriend tonight?" Kaniyah asked her wondering and des nodded softly keeping her eyes on her food.

"And how bout you ma, when you been up to." Kaniyah looked at krystal who was eyeing her. "What?" Kaniyah asked catching her staring at her.

"Nothing I was jus thinking about something." Krystal lied effortlessly. "Anyway, nothing serious honestly. I was thinking about taking a trip after y'all graduation— matter of fact why y'all mamas ain't text me back in our groupchat. They fake" krystal looked between des and tay who shrugged

Krystal had made friends with the two other mothers bringing the friends even closer now that their moms had a solid friendship as well. They went on lunch dates, the had girls days with their kids and even a groupchat. Everything was falling into place for everyone.

"You want me to get on her?" Tay asked knowing she would happily bother her mother.

"Yes I do." krystal said with a smile on her face at how tay was quick to jump to her defense. "But yes a graduation trip sounds good," Krystal continued.

" it sounds fun honestly, with just yall plus my man and Justin, my bestie...kam would of course come since he graduating too. I think our school going somewhere but i would rather just go somewhere planned with y'all."

"Plus y'all mamas cause it's gone be way more of y'all I would have to chaperone myself and not like the Bahamas " Krystal said making kaniyah nod.

"First off we all grown. Y'all went to the Bahamas?" Des asked and kaniyah nodded.

"Yeah back in June." Kaniyah nodded continuing to eat her food and it made the two nod while a phone started vibrating meaning someone was calling one of them since all their phones sat face down on table.

Kaniyah picked her phone up seeing an incoming FaceTime call from Tyler making her smile. "Guys imma be right back." She whispered scooting her chair out standing to her feet.

She bit one of her tenders one more time satisfied with eating, she slid over the button making her way out the dining area and building. Her eyes squinted as she moved her hair behind her ear watching the call connect.

Showing up on the screen Tyler was laying in his bed shirtless with kiyah asleep on his chest and he smiled at the sight of kaniyah leaving a goofy look on his face.

"Hello?" She asked getitng a clear view of the boy on her phone and his smile quickly dropped remembering why he was calling her in the first place.

"Where the fuck you at." He spoke with hostility as he skipped the introductions and her lips parted not expecting that as a greeting.

"Well jeez...what are you talking about?" She asked him while he squinted his eyes at her suspiciously.

"Nah cause yo phone on dnd, so I checked yo location and it say you at red lobster. Who the fuck you at red lobster wit." He frowned and she smiled shaking her head.

"Nigga my mother, plus des and tay." She spoke simply while he rolled his eyes mad because he wanted her with him. He didn't have a reason to call her so he made up an excuse which worked.

"Yeah yeah, when you coming over." He redirected the conversation trying to hold her on the phone for as long as he could.

"When is Janelle coming to get kiyah?" She asked earning a groan followed by him smacking his teeth at her question.

"Here you go."

"Yeah here I go. When is she coming?" Kaniyah repeated her question making him let out a loud and dramatic huff. He felt like this whole thing with Janelle and kaniyah was getting old and he put all the blame on Janelle, but kaniyah was making him mad because she was actually listening to Janelle. She can't dictate what jakiyah did and who she saw while in his presence just like he couldn't when she was in Janelles presence.

Kaniyah just had to attempt to be respectful even though they couldn't stand each other and In a way Tyler appreciated that even though it pissed him off.

Kaniyah helped him with a lot of things regarding kiyah like helping her calm down, playing with her when she wanted someone too, feeding her and more, like watching her when he took a quick nap. So for Janelle to do that just because she was bitter about the truth and how it was served made him mad. She was stopping someone who really cared for jakiyah from seeing her and he could see Janelle tended to do that a lot when things didn't go her way.

He was just confused on , what wasn't going her way this time?

"In like a hour and half." He mumbled with a sigh and she nodded.

"Okay I'll be free by then, text me so I can know i and I'll drive there okay?" She clarified and he nodded silently. "Okay well I have to go before my tenders get cold. I'm starving when was the last time I ate?" She mumbled thinking about it while he straight faced her.

"A hour ago." He said with pure boredom on his face and she covered her mouth to stifle her laugh.

"I gotta start going to the gym bruh." She shook her head knowing she was lying to herself. She would never, she would rather be on my 600 pound life than go to the gym. It's why she stayed in cheer and stuff, that was her way to manage her weight.

It was December so she was currently a cheerleader for basketball instead of football since the season was over. She was kind of sad because she had to pick between flag football and track next season and it was hurting her heart because she wanted to do both.

She was gravitating to flag football though.

"No you don't, stop sayin dat shit" he broke her out of her thoughts and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Ion know, I think I'm getting fat." She rubbed her lips together feeling the moisture from her lip gloss and the boy smacked his teeth at the her thoughts. He hated when she said stuff like that about herself.

"Stop thinking you fat." He shook his head and she smiled with a slight blush, "I mean you is, but just don't think about it." He said shortly after making her jaw drop at the switch out while he busted out laughing at her face.

"Boy you get on my nerves so much." She shook her head while he smiled from laughing, "I have to go but I'll see you later, I love you." She spoke looking back momentarily because she had been gone for a while.

"Aight ma I love you too." They said their goodbyes before she hung up going back in taking her seat again.

"Okay sorry bout that."

The group talked about way more stuff including their graduation that was approaching quickly in only five months. After that they all parted ways making their way back home.

Kaniyah took a long shower and put on some casual clothes before packing a bag for tonight. She let out a satisfied breath flipping on her bed picking up her phone from the incoming FaceTime.

Seeing it was no one other than kenzie she answered and the call connected. "Girllllll!" Kenzie dragged with her hand over her chest and she was breathing heavy making kaniyah laugh.

"Ion got nobody else to tell so imma just spill it to you right now. I got some good news for real." Kenzie nodded her head explaining and kaniyah nodded.

This happened every once in a while.

"Aight so you know ion do relationships right, so I had a lil sneaky link and he was cool cause we agreed no feelings and shit. But I think he started liking me because I didn't like him if that makes sense" kenzie started.

"Yeah like niggas don't be wanting no relationships and then when they see you ain't trippin over them, then they want you." Kaniyah said understanding.

"Yes! Exactly like that. So bitchhhh I think he trynna trap me" she revealed and a gasp slipped from kaniyahs lips. "But I took three pregnancy tests today and they all negative." She let out a breath. "Hallelujah god is great." She praised.

Kaniyah started laughing at how relieved she was. "I think I gotta go find a new sneaky link though cause baby no." She shook her head. "I can't even go through that fear again." She said honestly. Her heart was literally pounding.

"Well what led you to think you were pregnant besides him?" She asked and Kenzie let out a breath shaking her head.

"I missed my damn period, almost had a heart attack."

Kaniyahs face quickly dropped at the mention of periods now trying to think of when she last had hers. "Girl— why yo face jus dropped" Kenzie asked while kaniyah swiped out the face time going to her period tracker.

Just as expected her eyes widened and she sat up slapping her palm against her mattress. "Kenzie! I was posed' to get my period eight days ago."

"I- uh- damn..."

"BAEEEEEE!" Kaniyah dragged excitedly leaping her body onto Tyler's and he caught her stepping back a little into his condo so he could kick the door closed with her in his arms.

"Wassup ma," he finally chuckled gripping her tighter. They had saw each other earlier yesterday but it felt like for ever since they last saw each other.

"I miss you" she pulled her head out his neck and pecked him on the cheek making his cheeks heat up.

He walked over to the couch flopping with her still wrapped around him leaving her to straddle his lap. "I missed you too but we jus talked" he referred to their face time around two and a half hours ago when she was at red lobster.

She sighed with her face in the crook of his next before sniffing. "Stop smelling wooda what I told you bout that." He mumbled shaking his head and she smiled.

"But you smell good." She spoke keeping the smile on her face.

Hearing Quincys throat clear Tyler instantly rolled his eyes, "they don't see us?" Quincy looked at Justin.

Kaniyah lifted her head now noticing the pair on the opposite couch. Justin shrugged, "you see me?" Quincy asked Justin.

Justin smacked his teeth, "yes I see you , you see me?"

"Hell yeah I see you, bofa us sitting here like two big Barney's we see each other" Quincy spoke again before averting his attention back on the couple while kaniyah smiled really big looking at them.

"Guys, hiiii." She waved while laying her head down on Tyler's chest comfortably.

"Oh okay I thought so, wassup best" Quincy said in approval while nodding his head at kaniyah and she waved again.

"I seen yo simp ass on Twitter earlier, and what's good wit yo new Twitter name bruh" Quincy laughed remembering his reaction when he saw it.

"Whatttt? You don't know dat song where it be like, 'she jus changed ha Twitter, to party gets me wetter' you don't know dat?" She asked and he shook his head no.

"What it said?" Justin asked clueless as always.

"Lemme show you."

Justin shook his head at the couple and their Shenanigans. "Y'all a mess bruh.". He said with a lazy smile. He was so high he couldn't even laugh properly.

"Y'all jus mad. Dey hatin, ain't Dey bae" Tyler asked softly rubbing her back and she nodded agreeing.

"Mhm what my man said." She agreed with him making him use his free hand to bring her chin down and give her peck on the lips.

"Yeah das my cue to fuckin go." Quincy stood up.

"Yeah I'm tired, I'm out" Justin agreed knowing where it was leading. It always started with a peck, he would know since he stayed with Tyler for so long.

"Imma fuck wit you bestie." Q came up dapping the girl up half doing their hand shake since some of her arms were occupied.

"Aight ty, bye niyah." Justin followed Quincy out the door making sure to twist the lock on the doorknob.

"They so dramatic." She shook her head and he nodded agreeing before they sat in silence.  "How was your day? You ready for new year?" She started a conversation with him him.

His tongue darted out licking his lips before he started speaking, "shit, kiyah wore my ass out." He spoke softly and lowly.

"Des, tay and my mama wore me out. Mostly tay who kept saying stupid stuff" she giggled thinking back on it.

"Stuff like what?"

"Aight one time she was like, what if one of us adopted a baby a raised it as a friend group, like half of them aren't irresponsible as ever." She made a duh face and he laughed.

"Nah that would be raw, that baby would have all type of personalities fuckin roun wit us. But den again mama kay prolly gone have it most of the time cause like you said Dey ass be irresponsible" he spoke his opinion making her nod.

Tyler's hands rested on her lower back while her hands wrapped around his neck meaning his head was resting on her shoulder . Moving his head up he started slightly kissing the girl on her neck making her face heat up since her neck was ticklish.

His hands fell to her ass gripping it while she leaned in more into him. His pecks started progressing to open mouth kisses before he reluctantly just started sucking on certain spots and French kissing certain areas whirling his tongue around.

His hands gripped the bottom of her thighs hoisting his body up from the couch so he could stand up and she squealed making him playfully roll his eyes walking her to his room.

He left the room door open making his way to his bed and he sat her at the door of his bed standing in between her legs. She looked up at him while he looked down at her and she raised her eyebrows while he sent her subtle nod.

She licked her lips bringing her hand into his joggers wrapping her hand around his dick bringing it out. He brought his hands down lifting his shirt off giving her sight of the tattoo she could never get tired of.

She held a firm grip on the base looking at it, she loved how pretty it was. Letting spit drip from her mouth it fell onto his member and she used her right hand starting to stroke him up and down while he watched her in awe feeling his chest rise and drop slowly.

Leaning forward she wrapped her lips around his tip circling her tongue around it and he let a groan flow from his lips as her warm mouth wrapped around him progressing further and further down until her nose almost reached his pelvis using her hand to wrap around the part she couldn't reach.

He brought his hand up moving her braids out the way watching her with low eyes. "Fuck," Tyler groaned feeling her stick her tongue out to reach the base of his dick.

Wrapping his hand in her hair he used his hand to guide her, her mouth was warm and wet as excess saliva fell from her mouth. He bit his lip aggressively pushing her down further everytime.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head. He really loved getting head from kaniyah.

A soft whimper left Kaniyahs lips as she pulled his dick from her mouth and met his eyes. She sensually stuck her tongue out and began twirling it around the sensitive mushroom shaped head.

She could feel her arousal leaking through her underwear as she began to throat him again. She could tell that he loved it when she took him all the way to the back of her throat and gagged, so she did it repeatedly.

"Fuck ma, slow down." He mumbled trying not to scrunch his face as he attempted to push her head back a little. She brought her hand up pushing his down softly as she looked up maintaining eye contact with him.

She brought her hands to the back of his legs holding him in place. He gripped onto her hair tighter feeling his stomach tighten as she moved one hand back to his dick starting to twist and stroke as she sucked on his tip aggressively.

"Fuck im boutta nut." He mumbled feeling the seman shoot from his tip in her mouth flowing down her throat as she swallowed. She pulled him closer bringing his dick further down her throat letting it flow down with ease while he squeezed his eyes closed tightly.

He felt his stomach going hallow from the orgasm she pulled out of him and when he opened his eyes he revealed kaniyah licking the side of her mouth.

He watched her removeher shirt staring at her in lust as his dick stood to attention watching her remove more clothing from her body.

"Mmcht you teasin." He said getting aggravated watching her go slowly and she laughed. It was cut off when he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed staring to use one hand to pulling his sweat pants down and step out of them.

Her breath was caught in her throat from the sudden movement and she laid on the bed as her back arched up against it. He eyed her bitting his lip so hard he may have drew blood as he eyed her freshly shaved area glistening with all her juices. The aroma was enough to make him groan, he loved the way she smelled.

He began spreading her legs wide, "keep 'em open ian playin." He held authority in his voice grabbing into the base of his dick that was hard again. He began rubbing his raw tip against the wet folds, and the slit of her pussy.

His tip leaked with pre-cum as he pressed it into her entrance beginning to push inside of her. Watching her bite her lip he felt his dick throb at the sight as he slowly slid every inch of his dick into her feeling her warm and tight walls wrap securely around him.

He licked his lips in bliss feeling her grip on him.

Once he was all the way in he bent down smashing his lips into hers, gliding his tongue over her lips. They began engaging in a fight for dominance as the boy slowly thrusted in and out of her.

He felt her adjust as his strokes became easier and they both moaned and groaned into the sloppy kiss they shared. Kaniyah held both sides of his face as he sucked on her tongue sensually.

Pleasure filled her body as the boys dick stretched her out digging deep inside and massaging her insides. He finally pulled away to catch his breath and she let out a moan while he pulled out before slamming back into her rightly making her entire body jerk.

"Mhm ma, take dis shit." He started stroking into her with a quicker pace as his head board hit against the wall repeatedly in sync with his thrusts. "You look so pretty." His tongue swiped over his bottom lip.

He wrapped his hand around her throat lightly choking her as he pounded into her with no mercy and her light moans bounced off the walls. He leaned over her, "open." He told her before he spit in her mouth watching her struggle to swallow trying to focus on one thing at once.

"F-fuckk." She stuttered with a moan as she used her arms to hold her legs apart and in place like he warned her to.

He repeatedly slammed his dick against the back wall of her pussy, in the area of her cervix. The boy was so deep it brought pain. At the same time it felt so good, to both of them.

"Pretty ass pussy." He groaned bringing his thumb to rub on her clit quickly. "You gone cum on my dick?" He asked rhetorically and she physically couldn't say anything.

"Keep going right there," she moaned feeling him jab at her spot and he grabbed her ankles slowing down slightly before returning to his original speed making her moan out.

"Right here? You feel me?" He looked down at her stomach bringing his hand to push down on it and her hips bucked up resulting in him holding her down.

"Go head i feel it" he instructed.

"Oh my—" she gasped as her legs starting shaking feeling her orgasm release and he watched mesmerized and he thrusted feeling his second load of semen shoot into her.

She moaned at the feeling trying to catch her breath while he slowed down so she could calm down, her legs wouldn't stop shaking and her clit wouldn't stop throbbing.

Letting her ankles go, her legs fell and she slowly slid off the bed falling to the floor breathing heavily.

He knew she needed a second so he went to the bathroom coming a back a few moments later with a rag to help her.

"Come on mama." He mumbled helping pick her up placing her back on his bed.

"One day you gone kill me." She said lowly shaking her head watching him wipe her up and he chuckled. "Tyler." She said softly looking at him.

"Yeah ma." He spoke bringing his eyes up to reach hers making eye contact. He could see she wanted to say something but she was exhausted.

"I think I'm pregnant."

Lmao cliffhangers😂, that's a wrap yall 😂😂😂😂😂

REMINDER: Regardless if you mad that the book is over or how it ended, be careful about what u say to me because...well y'all know and I'm not playin I will eat y'all up in these comments cs im on one😭

What was your favorite part of the book? Who was your favorite person?


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