Choni One Shots: Book 2

By ChoniLover982

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Choni One Shots, well this is my second book for the One Shots! (I decided to do a book 2, because i already... More

Love and Betrays
Edge Of The Dark
Secrets and Lies!
Rivals in Love!
Don't Say Goodbye, This is Not Your Time!
We Saved Riverdale?
Back, from the 50s!
I Will Save You Cheryl Blossom!
Do You Belive Me?
Skip the Sock Hop Dance!
Don't Worry, Darling!
Moment of Truth!
I Would Die, If You Choose Him!
Only You (And You Alone)
Sex Education! (Rated 18+)
Mission or Love?
Chaos and Getaway!
Don't Be Shy!
Soulmates, Until The Eternity!
I'll Always Protect You!
I Save You, Even In Your Dreams!
Love or Marrige?
Secret Love!
I Stay Because of You!
I Would Die For You!
The Make Out Party!
Your Touch Feels Different!
Don't Lie To Me!
Dark Truth, and Dark Deeds!
Our Love Story!
Repledge Our Love
Cheryl's First Time!
A Kiss Could Heal Me?
You Are Beautiful!
Never Leave Me!
You Are Sensational!
This Is The Moment!
She Would Never Leave Me!
Your Love Means The World, To Me!
Secret Movie Date!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 1!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 2!
Wish You The Best!
Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 2!
I Still Love You!
To Start Another Life!
Do You Know What It's Like?
Never Let Me Go!
I Love You, But Only You!
Reunited After The Comet!
Sexy Photoshoot and the Consequences!
Miss Riverdale Teen Queen!
Friday Valentine!
Do You Still Love Me?
Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 1-
Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 2 -
Can We Save Riverdale?
A Bad Dream Could Come True?
Restored Memories!
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 1 -
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 2 -
Goodbye Riverdale!
Never Leave Us Behind!
Love At First Sight?
In Love With a Nerd!
Detectives In Love!
Can I Love You?
Can You Forgive Me? (16+)
You're The Reason!
Let Me Help You, Get Through This! - Part 1 -
Let Me Help You Get Through This! - Part 2!
Strangers and Betrayals (18+)
Forbidden Love! - Part 1! (+18)
Forbidden Love! - Part 2 (+18)
Primary Colors! (+18)
Do I Still Love You?
I Was In Love Once
Glimpse of Us!
Face With The Consequences! (+18!)
Hard Times, and Therapy Sessions! (+16)
Give Me Your Forever!

Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 1!

255 5 0
By ChoniLover982

50s Choni!

(After the Ghost Show, Fangs and Midge invite Cheryl and Toni to Pop's, where they can talk. When they have a conversaiton about important things, Cheryl don't know that Evelyn is there too...)

At Pop's Diner:

Cheryl Blossom pov:

We sat our usual booth with Midge and Fangs, while Toni holded my hand under the table...

- Cheryl, can i ask something? - asked Midge, and i just nodded and she just sighed.

- So during the performance, you and Toni kissed does this mean you two are going steady? - she asked from me, and i smiled then we put our hand on the table.

- Yes, but please don't tell this to anyone. - i said to her, and she smiled.

- You know i'm good at keeping secrets. - she said to me quietly, while holded Fangs hand.

- Thank you it's means a lot to us. - i said to her.

- No problem Cheryl, anything for my best friend. - she said to me quietly.

- Cheryl, if your father would find out do you think he would turn you in? - asked Fangs, and i just sighed, while Toni squeesed my hand.

- I think yes, but first he would probably take away the Vixnes leadership but i would care less about it. - i said to them, and Toni smiled at me.

- You would really gave up your squad for me? - asked Toni.

- Of course, actually i would do anything for you. - i said to her, then we drinked our milkshakes...

Third Person pov:

While they talked, niether of them suspected that Evelyn Evernever is there too, and after she saw Cheryl and Toni holding hand, she left the Diner. After Evelyn get in her car, she sped off towards the Blossom's house...

40 minutes later:

At Thistlehouse:

Evelyn Evernever pov:

After i parked my car, i walked to the front door and knocked loudly, and a few minutes later someone opened the door...

- Evelyn, why are you here? - asked Mr Blossom, and i just sighed.

- Can we talk, Mr. Blossom? - i asked from him, and he just nodded then let me in.

- So what do you want to talk about? - he asked from me, after we sat down at the living room.

- About Cheryl, i have some bad news. - i said to him, and he just sighed.

- What kind of news? - he asked from me.

- It's going to be hard to hear it, but Cheryl is a lesbian. - i said to him, and he looked at me confused.

- What? - he asked from me.

- She secretly date with Toni Topaz, and before you ask Cheryl has no interest in boys. - i said to him.

- Thank you for your information Evelyn, i appraciate it. - he said to me, and i just smiled then get up and left...

Third Person pov:

Clifford Blossom was really angry, and dissapointed at the same time because her daughter is a deviant. He knows that, if this is true she won't get married to a guy or get the Blossom's legacy so it's obviously going to be his idiot son's buisness. Julian had no idea about his sister, and he thoought that she still date with Archie. Clifford and Penelope made up a plan, in case Cheryl won't out the gay students of Riverdale High...

At Pop's Diner:

Toni Topaz pov:

- Cher, what if we go home now? - i asked from her, and she just sighed.

- I need to go home, because of my parents and Julian. - she said to me, after we walked outside.

- Cheryl, you don't need to go home and listen your father homophobe speech. - i said to her, after we walked to her car.

- But i have to Toni, because if i don't go home they will search me at any cost. - she said to me, after she get in her car. 

- Be careful, okay? - i asked from her, and she just nodded then sped off...

I just sighed, and walked to my motorbike then get on and sped off towards my house...

20 minutes later:

At Thistlehouse:

Cheryl Blossom pov:

When i parked my car, and get out i just sighed while closed the car because i don't want to be here, just like Toni said. - i thought this, when i reached the front door and walked inside...

- Cheryl, we need to talk. - i head my dad and mom, from behind me when i wanted to walk upstairs to my room.

- About what? - i asked from them, after we sat dow at the living room.

- Someone came here, and told something interesting about you Cheryl. - said my father, and i just sighed.

- Who? - i asked from him.

- It's not important, just that this person told me you are a lesbian. - he said to me angrily.

- W-what? I'm not. - i said to him, and he just crossed his arms.

- You won't fool us Cheryl, so you will tell me the gay students name, or we'll do something really drastic. - he said to me, and my mother just nodded in agreement.

- I won't do that, go to hell all of you! - i yelled, and wanted to rush upstairs but my father pulled me back.

- That's enaugh, now we go to somewhere where you can get help. - he said to me, while we walked outside.

- No, i don't go anywhere. - i said to him, and he just laughed.

- Oh Cheryl, if you don't want me to get this person find out who is gay at school get in the car! - he yelled with me, and i just sighed and did what he asked then a few minutes later he sped off...

Third Person pov:

Clifford Blossom only knowed one place, wher he can take his daughter, and it's the Sisters of Quiet Mercy where the Sisters do therapy for every young girl and boy to make them forget their "deviant" side, about that they like the same gender...

Toni Topaz pov:

I decided to go to the Dark Room, because i wanted to meet with Lizzo and talk with her about something really important...

- Hey Topaz, what's wrong? - asked Lizzo, after she sat down at the table.

- Lizzo, i'm really worried about Cheryl. - i said to her, and she just sighed.

- Like you always do, when she need to go home. - she said to me.

- Do you even know that, her father is the Major and if he gets to know that she is a lesbian god knows what would he do with her. - i said to her quietly, then Jughead rushed inside.

- What is this nerd doing here? - asked Lizzo, and i just rolled my eyes but he actually walked to us.

- What do you want Jughead? - i asked from him.

- Toni we need to talk privately please. - he said to me, and Lizzo standed up.

- Actually i really need to go now so you can have my seat Jughead. - she said to us then left.

- Okay, what do you want to talk about? - i asked from him, and he nervously looked into my eyes.

- I-I talked with Ethel, you know she is at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. - he said to me.

- Yes, and why is this so interesting for me? - i asked from Jughead.

- She called me, before i came here and told me that Sister Woodhouse talked with Cheryl's father on the phone. She clearly heard that, he want to send her in because there the Sisters to therapy for the "deviants" which is an abusive way to let them know they can't love the same gender. - he said to me quietly, and i squeesed my knuckles.

- How he even knows that, she is a lesbian? - i asked from him quietly, then remembered that maybe Evelyn told everything to Cheryl's father.

- I need to get her out of there. - i said to him, and he pulled me back before i could walk away.

- No, Toni we need to do a plan first. - he said to me.

- Do you understand that, maybe they'll turtore Cheryl! - i said to him angrily.

- Yes, but first you need to calm down and i promise tomorrow we find a way to get her and Ethel out of there just trust me. - he said to me, and i just sighed then sat back...

Third Person pov:

Toni really worried about Cheryl, and Jughead was sad because he knows that she loves her. Jughead and Toni talked a lot, to don't think about that hell place...


At the Sisters of Quiet Mercy:

Clifford Blossom after parked his car, and get out with Cheryl they walked inside, where Sister Woodhouse waited for them...

- Mr Blossom, she is the girl who needs the therapy? - she asked coldly, and he just nodded.

- I won't stay here father, you can't force me. - said Cheryl to her father, and he sighed.

- If you don't, the worst things could happen with you. - he said to her, and Cheryl tried to run away, but two guard cought her.

- No, it's the worst because i would be rather dad then a prisoner in here! - she yelled.

- Goodbye Cheryl. - said Clifford Blossom, and left...

Sister Woodhouse leaded Cheryl to her room, after the guards let her go...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

We stopped at a room, and sister Woodhouse gave me clothes after we walked in...

- Now change your clothes, child and tomorrow we start the therapy. - she said to me, then left and closed the door with a key...

I started to tear up, while i take on the clothes what she gave me then i laid down on the bed and sighed. I could only think about Toni, and that who told my father about that i'm a lesbian. - i thought this, and a few minutes later i fell asleep...

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