Choni One Shots: Book 2

By ChoniLover982

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Choni One Shots, well this is my second book for the One Shots! (I decided to do a book 2, because i already... More

Love and Betrays
Edge Of The Dark
Secrets and Lies!
Rivals in Love!
Don't Say Goodbye, This is Not Your Time!
We Saved Riverdale?
Back, from the 50s!
I Will Save You Cheryl Blossom!
Do You Belive Me?
Skip the Sock Hop Dance!
Don't Worry, Darling!
Moment of Truth!
I Would Die, If You Choose Him!
Only You (And You Alone)
Sex Education! (Rated 18+)
Mission or Love?
Chaos and Getaway!
Don't Be Shy!
Soulmates, Until The Eternity!
I'll Always Protect You!
I Save You, Even In Your Dreams!
Love or Marrige?
Secret Love!
I Stay Because of You!
I Would Die For You!
The Make Out Party!
Your Touch Feels Different!
Don't Lie To Me!
Our Love Story!
Repledge Our Love
Cheryl's First Time!
A Kiss Could Heal Me?
You Are Beautiful!
Never Leave Me!
You Are Sensational!
This Is The Moment!
She Would Never Leave Me!
Your Love Means The World, To Me!
Secret Movie Date!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 1!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 2!
Wish You The Best!
Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 1!
Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 2!
I Still Love You!
To Start Another Life!
Do You Know What It's Like?
Never Let Me Go!
I Love You, But Only You!
Reunited After The Comet!
Sexy Photoshoot and the Consequences!
Miss Riverdale Teen Queen!
Friday Valentine!
Do You Still Love Me?
Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 1-
Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 2 -
Can We Save Riverdale?
A Bad Dream Could Come True?
Restored Memories!
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 1 -
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 2 -
Goodbye Riverdale!
Never Leave Us Behind!
Love At First Sight?
In Love With a Nerd!
Detectives In Love!
Can I Love You?
Can You Forgive Me? (16+)
You're The Reason!
Let Me Help You, Get Through This! - Part 1 -
Let Me Help You Get Through This! - Part 2!
Strangers and Betrayals (18+)
Forbidden Love! - Part 1! (+18)
Forbidden Love! - Part 2 (+18)
Primary Colors! (+18)
Do I Still Love You?
I Was In Love Once
Glimpse of Us!
Face With The Consequences! (+18!)
Hard Times, and Therapy Sessions! (+16)
Give Me Your Forever!

Dark Truth, and Dark Deeds!

215 6 0
By ChoniLover982

(Archie Andrews dies, at a tragic accident but no one know what really happend and that, who did it. After the police decide to drop the case, Toni knows that she need to find the killer with her gang. Meanwhile Cheryl has some trouble with her family, and her only option is to move out of Tishtlehouse. Toni and Cheryl date secretly...)

TW: Abuse, Charchie!

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I was in my bedroom, then my brother walked in with crossed arms...

- You heard what happened with Archie? - he asked from me.

- Yes, and it was a tragic accident but nothing else. - i said to him.

- Accident? He was stabbed at his heart, but the police never founded that knife. - said Julian, while he walked closer to me.

- I have no idea, what are you talking about but leave my room! - i yelled, and he slapped me hard, then my bottom lip started to bleed.

- Just stay low, and try to focus then tell me the truth Cheryl. - he said to me, then left so i closed the door with the key, but i heard a strange noise so i walked to my window...

Toni Topaz pov:

I parked my car, near Thistlehouse then walked closer where i could see Cheryl's bedroom windor, and i pick up a few sgravel and threw it to her window, to get her attention and after she opened the window, i just smirked...

- My god Topaz you are crazy! my parents, and Julian is here. - she said to me quietly.

- Well, princess what if we just go away from here? - i asked from her.

- I would love to, but i can't sneak out. - she said to me.

- Just find a way to get here, i'll wait in the near. - i said to her, and she just sighed then closed her window...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

After i closed the winow, i just sighed then packed my bags with clothes and everything what i need. I opened the door and walked out quietly, then sneaked towards the front door to finally leave this hellplace, but before i could walk outside someone grabbed my arm...

- Where do you think, you are going? - asked my father, and i just sighed.

- I meet with my friends, dad. - i lied to him, and he crossed his arms.

- Sorry Cheryl, but it's probably a lie and the murderer is still outside and what if his next victim is you? - he asked from me, while walked closer.

- Leave me alone! - i yelled, and punched him then rushed outside with my stuff towards Toni...

Toni Topaz pov:

While i waited for Cheryl to arrive, i opened the back of the car because she probably want to bring some stuff. - i thought about this, then i saw that she run towards me with a few bag in her hand...

- TT. - said Cheryl, after she reached me then i put her bags at the back of the car.

- Let's go Cheryl, i need to meet with the Serpents. - i said to her, then she sat in the first seat, after i sat in the driver seat and a few mintes later i sped off towards the Southside...

30 minutes later:

After we reached the Southside, i stopped the car near my trailer then get out and saw that every Serpent is there and they just talk...

- We are here, did you guys found out anything? - i asked from them, after Cheryl and i reached them.

- Not really, but i talked with someone and this person told that he saw Cheryl and Archie together at that night, before he died. - said Fangs, and i squeesed my knuckles.

- She would never murder anyone! - i said to him, and he just sighed.

- Maybe you don't know her well. - he said to me.

- I know her very well, Fangs! - i yelled, and he just rolled his eyes then i looked at Cheryl and i saw that she has difficult breathing...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I started to have a headache, while i founded it hard to breath and i started to have flashbacks...


Archie and i met, at the forest and he was nervous just like me...

- Cheryl, can we talk about the make out party night's incident? - he asked from me.

- About what, exactly? We didn't had sex weirdo. - i said to him, and he just sighed.

- Are you sure about that? - asked Archie.

- Yes, well why wouldn't i? -i asked from him.

- I founded an opened, used condom in that room where we were that night. - he said to me.

- Don't dream about this bullshit, we just kissed and that's it well i guess you had sex with Betty. - i said to him, and wanted to leave but he pulled me back.

- Hey, we didn't finished talking yet! - he said to me, and i just sighed then pushed his hand away.

- Get your sapphic gnome hands off me Andrews! - i yelled, but he still gripped my hands.

- Fuck off Cheryl, just let's get this clear. - he said to me, then take out a pocket knife from his back pocket and wanted to stab me, but i take it out of his hand.

- Don't make me, to kill you just leave Andrews until you can! - i yelled, but he didn't moved but stepped even closer to me, and i couldn't do anything else, just that to stab him.

- W-what did you do? - he asked quietly, then his lifeless body, collapsed on the gound while i started to panic and a few minutes later i hear sirens from the near so i rushed deeper in the forest, to get rid of this pocket knife. I stopped at an older tree and dug a hole then put there the pocket knife, and i covered it. After i finally get rid of it, i rushed towards home...

End of the Flashback:

I almost collapsed, but Toni holded me and tried to calm me down...

- Hey, i'm here okay? try to calm down. - she said to me, and i started to calm down then she kissed me gently.

- Thank you. - i said to her, and she just nodded then helped me to stand up.

- Are you okay? - she asked from me.

- Yes. - i said to her.

- Is there anything, you want to tell me before i go with the guys to investigate Archie's death case? - she asked from me.

- No. - i lied to her, and she just rolled her eyes then let my hand go.

- Okay, do you come with us or stay at my trailer? - she asked from me.

- I go with you, i don't want to stay alone. - i said to Toni, and she just nodded then we walked away...

Third Person pov:

They reached the same forest, where Archie's dead body was founded and Cheryl started to get worried when they reached the tree, where she burried then pocket knife. Fangs, started to dig until he founded it...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Oh my god, this is the knife what the murderer used.- he said quietly, and i just sighed then walked there to see what kind of knife is it.

- Wait, isn't this... Cheryl's knife? - asked Fangs, after he saw her intials in it.

- What? No, she would never murder anyone. - i said to them, and they all just sighed then i looked at Cheryl and she started to cry.

- I-I killed him, and yes it's my pocket knife but he stole it from me at the first day of school. - said Cheryl between sobs, then she tried to take my hand in hers but i didn't let her.

- You lied to me, Cheryl! - i yelled, while she just wiped her tears and get the knife.

- I'm sorry, okay? I wanted to tell you. - she said to me.

- When did you planned, to tell me this? - i asked from her quietly.

- Tonight, at your bedroom. - she said to me, then i walked away with Cheryl to talk with her in private.

- After we have sex, or what was your plan? - i ased from her.

- Toni, i love you and no i wanted to explaine why i killed him. - she said to me, and i take her hand in mine.

- Okay, i hear you out at my bedroom let's go. - i said to Cheryl, after i gave her back the pocket knife.

- Topaz what should we do? - asked Fangs, and the others looked at me too.

- Nothing, just go home and i'll tell you the details tomorrow. - i said to them, and they just nodded then walked home...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

We walked to Toni's car, to get my stuff then she leaded me to her trailer where she let my go of my hand then opened the front door and let me in first...

- Thank you. - i said to her, after she came in too and closed the door while i holded my bags.

- No problem, now let's go to my room then. - said Toni, then she leaded me to her bedroom and i just sighed after we walked in.

- Here we are. - said Toni, after i put down my bags.

- It's nice. - i said to her, then she sat down on the bed and i sat down next to her.

- Thanks, and sorry for the way i acted outside. - said Toni, and i take her hand in mine.

- It's okay, i should've tell you the main reason why i had to kill him. - i said to her.

- Just explaine it to me, please. - said Toni, and i just nodded.

- We met at the forest, and we talked about the make out party and that what happened between us. He lied and told that, we had sex but i just know it's not true because probably he had sex with Betty, and wanted to piss me off. A few minutes later, we started to fight and he take out the pocket knife then wanted to stab me but i was faster and take it away. At first, i wanted to drop it, but i was afraid of that he tries to kill me. I couldn't do anything else, just kill him. - i said to Toni, while tears started to flown down on my cheeks but she wiped my tears away...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Cher, you had a good reason to do it and i won't tell this to anyone niether the Serpents, so now you are safe with me. - i said to her quietly, then kissed her gently while i flipped her hair, behind her shoulder...

- W-what is your plan? - asked Cheryl, then i started to kissing her neck, then shoulder while she moaned.

- Nothing, i just want you to relax babe. - i said to her, while started to unbottoning her shirt.

- Stop please, i just want to cuddle. - said Cheryl, so i stopped and kissed her forehead after we cuddled under the covers while we only weared our lingerines...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

- Can you please just tell me, why did you stopped me? - she asked from me while i laid in her arms.

- I'm not in the mood. - i lied.

- Cher, please be honest. - she said to me, and i just sighed.

- I'm afraid, okay? - i said to her, and she holded me tighter.

- It's okay, to be afraid and i'll wait patiently until you are ready, because i love you. - said Toni and i smiled at her while she started to rub my back, but she went lower to my ass and squeesed it.

- Toni! - i said to her and laughed.

- Sorry, i can't help it. - said Toni and grinned.

- Yeah, horny Topaz. - i said to Toni and rolled my eyes.

- How could i stay calm, when you are sexy? - she asked from me, while i felt that she straddle me.

- Toni, don't play this dirty game please. - i said to her, and she looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

- Please, we don't have sex just let's make out while i touch your body. - said Toni, and i just sighed.

- Okay. - i said to her, and she kissed my passionatly then squeesed my boobs, then my ass...

40 minutes later:

After we finished our hot make out session, i laid my head on Toni's chest...

- Are you happy now? - i asked from her, while she played with my hair.

- Yes, thanks babe. - said Toni then kissed my cheek, and a few minutes later i fell asleep in Toni's arms...

2 year later:

Third Person pov:

Cheryl and Toni decided to leave Riverdale, because the police started to investigate Archie's case again, but Toni didn't wanted Cheryl to get in trouble so their first move was to leave, at night, and start a new life away from Riverdale. They went to Toledo, where Cheryl bought a new house, from the money what she stole from her father. Finally they had a better life, then ever...

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