Hiss of Deception & Protectio...

Por JiqSan

8.2K 244 85

Snakes The symbol of deception Yet adored by several humans by the protective characteristics of its mother ... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 46

48 3 1
Por JiqSan

Second person's POV

"Hey yeah!"
Noi shouted as he once again , defeated another training battle partner , which would be three in a row for the day. Pierce and Leif looked at Noi who's breathing sharply from all that fighting , quite amazed with the sudden raise of health and energy.

'How- what in the world have he done during the last several suns beforehand? All I know was  either him getting rid of the oily stained tray or vanishing out of nowhere! What special training have he gotten into?...'
Leif thought to himself as Pierce was also quietly amazed by the tangible improvements of the salmon haired demon. It was surely a horrendous news to be heard for a knight who's magic somehow vanished out of the blue , being able to climb back up to the top.

"*inhale**exhale* Well , that's quite a new record... Surely , Sunny may or may not seen it since... she's not with me for now... or maybe..."
Noi said in a quite sad tone , for unable to share the happiness with Sunny , who legit watched his improvements from him being a zero to the point he had first done a three in a row fight.

"Wonder what was she busy with..."
Noi muttered out as he thought whatever could be so important that Sunny even have to excuse herself from.Talk about those two , basically inseparable. The two will go training from the evening when Noi had finished his guard training to legit late night. Noi didn't noticed anything odd about Sunny , well , except the part of her growing in size , where she claimed to be 'part of growth'. But it do caused Noi needed to brain through things independently and without Sunny to just whisper things into his ears.

"Not bad man!"
Leif slapped Noi hard by the back , making him yelped and winced in pain. After all , those small scars from the extra training he'd been through , weren't completely healed.
"O-Oh , hey Leif."
"That's a horrendous fight just now!"
"Asch would be appalling by what he was about to be told about. Many guards saw your fight , sure the words will spread to the words of the royals."
Noi smiled by the silent general's praises before they're interrupted by Rhys who claimed with a sudden meeting from Asch.

"Ugh , what does he want for this case now?"
Leif groaned for the recital that was in his list for the day by now.
"Believing it was about the Medonax... after all , that's one thing he find concerned of so far."
Rhys sighed as he legit spend the past several days , constantly creating potions for the sake of Asch who demanded him such.

"Sure , once we have a quick wash up , we'll be there as soon as possible."
Pierce said as Rhys took his leave and Leif grumbling at Pierce for making quick decisions for him.

"What the hell , Pierce!? Who are you to give out points on how to live like a person?!"
"I get it you're still mad at Asch. But , it's not the time. It was Asch's order to meet him still."
Leif grunted with his fist curled up still , not punching Pierce. One , he was by the training sites , he would not want to make a scene. Second , even if he punched back , he wouldn't stand a chance as it was Pierce that he challenged for a fight with.

"Ugh , fine. Just because... you've convinced me."
Leif said annoyingly as he strode off before Noi and Pierce. Noi knew Leif was remained deeply affected by this 'love' thing but he wondered on the power this term have held tight to. Every time when Asch intentionally or not intentionally offended Zinnex , Leif would just gotten so mad. He would legit fight Asch for the sake of that , talked about last several suns.

'Guess I'm not strong enough to know about this 'love' thing that was mentioned by Leif...'
"Noi. Are you alright?"
Pierce asked as Noi was spacing out once more while staring at his sweaty palm now. Noi quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he claimed that everything was in good hands. 

Which Pierce doesn't believe
After all , Noi was quite famous with hiding the truth behind their backs , only wanting them not to be worried over him.

"The reason I called you all here , believing you're self aware with it."
Noi looked at Asch who's just sitting on the throne as he looked at his knights. Asch's menace aura gave the room a creepier vibe , surely terrified the knights. Under Asch's eyes , were heavy and deep bags. Clearly , the demon prince himself didn't get much sleep , probably being overloaded with the stress to save his dear Princess Ava and brother that he simply won't admit.

"What about now , Asch?"
Leif said in an annoyed tone which Asch didn't even bothered to care about. After all , Leif quietly knew the main fact they're being called over , even questioning like he was a fool himself. Let's just say , after the several fights on Daemos , all related to Zinnex , the assassin and the prince weren't on the best of terms.

"We're heading to Medonax tomorrow."
The knights staggered by what Asch have just stated out.

'What the hell man?! He must be out of his god damn mind!'
'Wonder what brings him such motivation? I don't think it's been more than a month when we're back home.'
'I haven't even done with the potion he told me to get done with. And now he was telling us that we'll be off tomorrow?!'

"Prince Asch , are you confirmed to head out for such timing? We have just settled things down when we got back to Ear-th. Not to mention , with the current situation happening on Daemos-"
"Were you accusing me to be false , Rhys?"
Rhys held back his words as Asch as Asch sent him that stern look on his face , making Rhys refused to speak out his mind. 

"For once , I would like to reject any words from you. I know what I'm doing and you all shall not speak back at me. With no excuses or running away like cowards , you all shall obey whatever I said , understand?"
Asch said menacingly as his fellow knights bowed and agreed to follow his words without any objection.

"'Pack your stuff and we'll set off first thing when the sun rise'. I haven't even slept in cozy enough and here he was , telling me to pack and leave already?!"
'Great , here comes one of Leif's loathes towards Asch's demands...'
Noi thought quietly as Leif questioned Noi if he has a point within his statement.

"Uh... I... Yes?"
Leif looked at Noi as his hands were gripped firmly to his shoulder before he dropped his hands down , back to his sides as he sighed deeply. Noi questioned if the white haired demon was doing just fine with Leif replied , "You don't really have to hide too much from me. That pure naive face can't really hide much from me , Noi."
Noi panicked as he apologized for attempting to hide the truth from Leif but the assassin shrugged , claiming it's no big of a deal.

From the moment they returned to Daemos , he have kept on telling and convincing himself the fact Zinnex was still alive , instead of being pushed over by some humans he never wanted to talk about. But he was on Daemos for goodness sake , how in the world could he tell that Zinnex was still alive , if he can't see her in flesh? Everything was pointless by now. The tantrums he blasted on Asch was basically useless , as if he was a child who was just simply blasting out those baby tantrums towards his own mother.

Leif looked up to Noi as he was slightly concerned by the looks on his face , after all Leif wouldn't usually take things seriously , unless it's serious serious. Leif noticed the tension and silence from the salmon haired demon as he chuckled a bit and patted him by the shoulder , doing what Pierce would do to comfort a certain comatose being.

"Better don't get yourself into this 'love' thing , Noi. It's frustrating."
Noi froze by what Leif said when he watched Leif who claimed to pack up for the first thing by the next sun and dismissed himself.

Noi stood there numb as he begun questioned all that effort he used upon. He thought once he gotten stronger , he would eventually come to the point he would understand and get a hold with this 'love' thing , where he accused it to be powerful and supreme. But , here , the man he got him to be so much curious with all of that , was telling him to give up?

If that's the end of the whole point , what's even the true point of Noi being strong?

Noi spoke out as he looked at Sunny who's glancing out of the opened window with the moonlight shining on her pearl white scales. Sunny turned her head to the gloomy boy as she questioned with the frown.

"Sunny... , "Noi hesitated as he begun to fiddle his fingers and gain up the courage and asked , "Have you ever loved someone?"
Sunny looked at Noi in pure shock , questioning if this is the same demon she have privately trained.

"Asch told us that we'll be heading to Medonax to save Ava , and it would be the first thing by the next sun."
"And wonder what does that have to do with loving someone?"
Noi then giving a long story talk to Sunny , claiming he was determined to be strong was just to hope he could understand this 'love' thing , yet he can't get a hint with it till now , not to mention of Leif telling him to give up.

"Unfortunately , I don't and have never been. For me , I don't know why was important to have a purpose to get strong. We're living in a food chain and web after all , being strong was the only choice for survival."
"So... my training was not really all a waste?"
"Have any of my statements back there mentioned anything about my skills taught to you being a waste?"
Sunny said as she looked at Noi who's staring at his own hand as she announced something that have quite brought Noi to his shock , 

"It will be the last day I accompany you. I will be excused myself from your life."
Noi was in pure shock and surprise with this news. His teacher leaving him?! Then who will be tutoring him to be even stronger for the rest of his days?!

"Please , the bird have to free from its nest. Besides , you're capable enough to defend yourself. The three streak was already impressive."
"Y-You saw?!"
Noi's eyes shined , still being in disbelief for Sunny to be actually observing the fight he had earlier.

"Anyways , before I jumped out of the window like I'm a piece of feather , give me your hand."
Noi raised his eyebrow and reached out the hand where he had his yellow glove wrapped around. Sunny used her tail to pull Noi's hand towards her before...

Taking a sharp bite by the purlicue?!

Noi yelped as Sunny took that harsh bite and soon let go her teeth , before hopping out of the window , leaving no trace of where she went. Noi went to the window as he hoped to find her slithering being , unlucky him , no luck. He observed the mark where Sunny have just bitten , only being amazed by a mark in the shape of floral vines and the two holes from Sunny was now in the form of two respective flowers.

Noi looked out to the window , hoping to have the chance to meet Sunny once more. After all , he need to repay her kindness at some point.

But now , he need to sleep. Before repaying kindness , he need to sleep.

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