๐”๐๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐†, หกแต˜สฐ แต—สธหกแต‰สณ

By Mya2tact

864K 29.1K 63.7K

๐ˆ'๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฏ๐š ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฌ๐ž ๐š ๐ก๐จ ๐๐š ๐จ๐ง๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฌ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐œ๐š๐ค๐ž ๐‹๐ฎ๐ก ๐“๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ž๐ซ ๐…๐š... More

The Sequel


12.1K 505 1.1K
By Mya2tact

A warning before we start; These next few chapters will be frustrating, and I understand that. We all know what type of person that kaniyah is, so it's no surprise—but as stated before, kaniyah does not think the same way as you guys do and even as a character she shouldn't be penalized for that. Now if you don't agree with some things and choose to penalize her actions and not how she thinks that is fine, but I would also appreciate if you keep in mind that she wasn't raised the same as you, and doesn't live the same life as you so you can't compare her to yourself or anyone else. Nothing she does is to be a "pick me" , and it's crucial to the story that what happens is in place for a reason. With that being said, if you come towards me crazy because of what a fictional character does, you can't feel some type of way if I come crazy back. If you know your going to struggle you are welcome to skip to chapter 28, or even leave. It will not affect me.


JULY 14th
9:23 pm

Kaniyah placed her hands on Justin chest shoving him back softly furrowing her eyebrows.

"Why would you do that?" she whispered because she felt herslef on the verge of tears. She would never do that to Tyler.

Justin just put her in the most impossible situation ever. How could he do that knowing she was with his bestfriend.

Not only that but she knew this could mess up their friendship and she didn't want to be the reason a eight year friendship went down the drain.

Justin blew out a breath rubbing his hand down his face. "I jus fucked up bad" he mumbled to him self.

He himself didn't even know why he did that, he was just going to his room to get his shoes so he could take her home and she just had to come out the bathroom while he was passing.

"I-" he started looking at her. He felt a ping in his heart seeing her tearing up and all he wanted to do was comfort her but he knew under the circumstances she would never let him do that for her.

"Niyah I'm sorry ian mean to do that shit" his heart rate picked up actually starting to panick. "Justin you jus-" her voice cracked not even being able to finish her sentence.

She didn't even know what to do after this.

"Niyah I'm s- no stop" she put her hand up stopping Justin from getting closer since he tried to take a step forward.

Her mind was racing right now, she knew she couldn't keep this from Tyler because if he found out by her slipping up or from someone else the outcome would be worse than if she just told him honestly.

She didn't wanna base their relationship off lies especially because she deeply cared about him and she knew if he kissed one of her close friends and didn't tell her about it she would be heartbroken, she would be...devastated.

"I-" kaniyah clamped her mouth together clicking her tongue to the roof of her mouth as it became dry from panick. "What did I just do" she mumbled.

She didn't even kiss back but she still felt like this was her fault. Maybe if she would've just stopped bothering him, or made her boundaries clear with him- then again she didn't think she had to do that because she only saw him as brother figure to her.

This was becoming way to stressful for the girl.

Deep down she was trying to come up with as many solutions as she could use to say this was her fault and take the blame for Justin so that their friendship wouldn't be ruined by her.

"Ima tell my mom to come get me" she finally spoke scooting to the side so he wasn't directly infront of her anymore because this was just becoming a major problem and she had no idea what to do at the moment.

"Niy-" he started and she put her hand up. "Justin Imma just go before it get worse" she told him and he could feel his heart break knowing he just fucked up big time.

He didn't even know if he could fix this because he knew-he knew that she would tell Tyler regardless, it wasn't in her blood to keep something like this from him. Maybe if it was a little white lie he would've have the chance but he just straight tongued her down in their house.

"Niyah before you leave I-I just wanna say" he started breathing heavy "what is it?" She asked him.

"I wanna say I'm so sorry I shouldn't have did that shit I ju-" he cut himself off not even having a reasonable explanation on why he would do something like that knowing it would hurt Tyler.

He didn't want to catch feelings for the girl and he couldn't control it, he was starting to realize they began when he first met her, the day at the beach.

He remembered the butterflies he got when their fingers touched grazed each other and he remembered telling himself it wasn't because he had feelings or felt a way about her.

How he pushed his feelings deep down because he knew his best friend felt something for her or he wouldn't have cared about so much of the shit she did or the shit that happened to her.

Now seeing them actually together made the feelings resurface and it was hurting him bad because now he knew he would never be able to be with her because of that reason.

Now he would never be able to act on his feelings towards her because he saw how much Tyler liked kaniyah- even loved kaniyah.

So of course he knew he was wrong for what he just did but it was an act of impulse that could ruin him and Tyler's friendship forever.

Kaniyah sighed pulling him into a hug and he accepted the hug. "I'm so sorry if I gave you the wrong idea justin, I didn't mean for it to go down like this I wish I would've knew, I'm sorry again" she mumbled into him.

She pulled back quickly making him let out a breath. "I'm sorry again justin but I gotta tell him" she backed up away from him and he bit his bottom lip nervously nodding slowly.

He knew she was, she would never ever keep something like this from him at all and he didn't expect he too. "Bye." She said quickly turning around walking to the living room picking up her keys, phone and the water bottle.

"Hey Siri call mommy" she spoke quickly walking to the front door opening it so she could leave. She locked the bottom lock before stepping out the house closing the door behind her.

Justin rolled his eyes rubbing both hands down his face "fuck man" he groaned walking in his room closing the door.

"Yes kaniyah?" Krystal answered her phone "mommy" kaniyah sniffed crying .

She was so sensitive that something like this would literally make her burst out crying, she was blaming herself for this and she felt like she had cheated on Tyler so she was very emotional at the moment.

Krystal hearing the tone in her voice sat up from the couch since she was in the living room watching snowfall. "Wooda a baby what's wrong?" She asked feeling alert.

"Can you come pick me up from Ty's house, please." She cried lowly and krystal immediately stood up putting her bed room shoes on.

She grabbed her keys off the dresser using her shoulder to hold her phone between her ear. "What's wrong wooda?" She asked her hurrying.

"Dj and Kaleah I'll be right back!- what's wrong wooda? I thought Tyler was in Houston why you over there?" She said leaving out the house quickly while kaniyah wiped her runny nose.

"I- mama can you jus come please I don't wanna be here no more" she told her and krystal shook her head. "Okay I'm finna pull off let me get off the phone so I can focus, can you wait ten minutes?" She asked and kaniyah used her wrist to wipe her nose again nodding.

"Yes" she said in between short breaths from her crying and krystal nodded "okay wooda I'm on the way baby calm down" she said quickly hanging up so she could rush to her daughter and see what was wrong.

A small amount of time later krystal pulled in the drive way making her head lights shine on kaniyah who was standing in the drive way looking down kicking her feet against the concrete to distract herself from crying.

She was really beating herself up about this really bad.

She looked up quickly like a deer in headlights. Seeing it was her mom she walked around the car getting in the passenger side.

"Mommy" she looked at her tearing up again as her voice cracked . "Aww come hereee" she said lowly reaching over to pull her into the best hugging position they could get in the car.

After a few moments kaniyah pulled away continuing to sniff and krystal looked at her with a frown on her face watching her wipe the tears from all over her face.

"Wooda please calm down and tell me what happened so I can know" krystal said in a calm voice so she wouldn't cause any panic.

Being a doctor she knew that being in a panicked state could make things worse for kaniyah so she tried her best to remain calm which was extremely hard because she could see her baby was in pain. She couldn't take this.

It was like because kaniyah was hurt she could feel her heart burning, kaniyahs happiness was the key to everyone else's.

If she was dull, so was everyone else.

Krystal began reversing out the drive way and started driving before they got to a red light "kaniyah please start talking" krystal let out a deep breath knowing he calm composure was going out the window if she didn't start explaining now.

"Okay i was" she paused wiping her face one more time since the tears were tickling her face. "I was going to Tyler and Justin's house to check on Justin because Tyler and Quincy were telling me he wasn't responding to anyone" she started to explain making krystal nod.

"So when I got there everything seemed normal and he seemed fine i even showed him my new dimple piercings because they're cute, of course I didn't show him my nipples but- wooda you getting off track" krystal cut her off.

"Right" kaniyah nodded quickly "so we were just having a conversation and he told me he wasn't answering because he was on do not disturb and just needed rest so I believed him because he wouldn't lie to me" she told krystal making her nod following along.

"So I got up to go to the bathroom and once I was done and walked out I ran into him and I was scolding him because I thought he was about to go lock himself in his room knowing he was my ride home" she wiped her eyes.

"So then I started asking what was wrong again because clearly I was starting to notice his off demeanor, and he promised me nothing was wrong so I was in the middle of a sentence," she swallowed "and mommy he kissed me, and it wasnt a peck I mean he shoved his tongue in my mouth, and down my throat" she bursted out crying.

"And it's my fault because he probably thought I was hinting at it but mommy I wasn't and now Tyler is gonna leave me because I cheated on him with his best friend how could I do this" she said in between cries looking down while krystal remained speechless.

Not only what Justin did was inconsiderate to both kaniyah and Tyler's feelings but now kaniyah felt like it was her fault and their relationship was probably ruined.

"Mommy tell me what to do, i- I don't wanna hurt himmm" she dragged staring to cry again. "Wooda baby listen to me and pull yourself together, I need you to answer one simple question for me okay? You listening?" Krystal asked making sure she had her full attention because this was very important

"Yes I'm listenin" she said lowly nodding. "Did you kiss him back?" Krystal asked and kaniyah pursed her lips.

"I don't know I don't think so, I was very shocked in the moment but I'm pretty sure I didn't. I wouldn't do that" she shook her head rubbing her sweaty palms down her jeans.

"Okay then you didn't do anything wrong baby, your gonna tell Tyler bout this right?" Krystal clarified with her daughter.

"Yes! Of course I am, I can't even keep anything like this from him it would literally eat me up inside to keep something like this." She told krystal making her let out a breath nodding.

"Okay listen to me Wooda, stop crying because this is not your fault. What it sounds like was he got the wrong idea and acted off impulse. It's neither one of you guys's fault but if someone were to take the blame it would be him because he initiated the kiss. You didn't even kiss back do you hear me?" Krystal told kaniyah.

"You have to tell him because keeping it from him can result very badly if he were to ever find out okay? Just tell him the truth." Krystal advised her.

"When?? I can't do that over the phone mama it'll hurt him and I wanna be there to comfort him when he finds out what I did" she told her mom honestly.

"Niyah I honestly don't know baby, that's a decision you gotta make for yourself, but don't procrastinate about it because that can turn into a habit and you'll end up never telling him." Krystal gave her words of wisdom.

"Mommy hes never gonna trust me again" kaniyah squeaked thinking about the many outcomes that were sure to come when she told him.

"What if he doesn't even let me explain myself" she said thinking of the worse things possible, like what if he broke up with her right on the spot and never spoke to her again.

"Wooda please, calm down right her now. You overthinking it and that's not something you need to be doing. It's not your fault, you ain't even kiss back. Did you push him off?" Krystal and she wiped her nose nodding yes to the question.

"But what if he get mad I didn't push him off quick enough or- wooda what did I just say. Stop over thinking" Krystal cut the girl off.

"Now I know that yo heart is racing but honesty is the best policy so imma tell you this, when you tell him he will most likely not want to listen to anything you have to say but you have to give him time okay wooda?" Krystal spoke and she just nodding with her watery eyes.


1 year ago...

"Sooo? You got a boyfriend?" Tyler asked as him and kaniyah sat in the car. "Uhhh," she contemplated on telling him the truth.

"No I guess not" she shrugged playing with the zipper to her jacket "why you say I guess not like that" he asked her trying to keep his eyes open.

"If I tell you, you'll like...make fun of me or something?" She turned her head towards the boy who was already looking at her.

This was so new to her to be opening up to a stranger who she didn't know at all. All she knew was his name, age , and a few talents he had.

"No, I guess..." he said mocking her a little bit which she caught on to very quickly and a smile broke out on her face making him drop his head laughing.

"That's not funny" she giggled a little looking at his side profile since he was laughing under his breath at her.

"Ian laughing jit what chu mean? Just keep goin" He said to her knowing he was. "Yes you are laughinggggg, but anyways, I never had a boyfriend before" she shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow making eye contact with the girl. "Never? Why not?" He asked her curiously watching her reciprocate the same look of curiosity on her face wondering the same thing.

"To be honest, I don't know. It's not like I've never thought about it but the opportunity never comes around you feel me?" She tilted her head wondering if he understood.

"I mean ian never been in yo shoes but i understand what you sayin" he nodded truthfully. "So you neva had no first kiss no nunna dat? At yo big ageee" he joked and they both started laughing at each other.

Their high had them laughing at any and everything.

"Nooo, I've never had a first kiss- matter fact I never even held hands or hugged a boy" she admitted to him.

"You dead ass for real?" He asked her not believing her "why thooo? It ain't like you ugly, you pretty as hell" he told her truthfully, the high may have made that slip out- or that's what he would say if any one asked him.

"Aww you think I'm pretty?" She smiled tilting her head to the side and he smacked his teeth at the girl "i said you ain't ugly" he corrected her.

"And you also said I'm pretty as hell" she added on making him squint his eyes shaking his head. "Enough of my boring life though, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked him.

He squinted his eyes wondering if she already asked this question or not but deciding to ignoring he shook his head "I told you I only care bout money, hoes and weed" he repeated his statement from when they were at Waffle House, listing the three things on his fingers.

"And do you ever think that mindset would change?" She asked him genuinely "whatchu mean" he asked picking up his drink from the cup holder.

"Like if you found the right person your mindset about being a player and all that good stuff would change?" She asked as he sat the cup back down.

He stared at her momentarily thinking of an answer before turning his whole body towards her "if I was to change that mindset, the girl gotta be special as hell and be doin shit to my heart for real cause ion see myself falling in love wit nobody. All you females is cheaters" he told her.

"And you males aren't?" She retorted "and not only that but don't say you females and categorize me with the cheaters because I've never been in a relationship to cheat" She told him.

He laughed a little knowing she was partially right "like I said, I would have to be in love with a girl to settle down with her for real. Like head over heels do any thing type shit for her." He explained.

"Sounds reasonable, you can't just give anybody a chance to break your heart. So are you saying you would have to get to know the the girl in order for you guys to start dating?" She said trying to understand his mindset a little better.

"Yeah," he nodded at her. "That's understandable," she nodded along with him.

He just stared at her admiring how understanding she was and how she didn't judge him for his beliefs. She was like no female he'd ever met before.

He wanted to know where she had been hiding all this time, if it was more girls in the world like her maybe he wouldn't have the mindset that he did now.

Sensing the awkward silence kaniyah looked up at Tyler seeing him already staring at her and she started blushing covering her face making him look away fighting the blood rushing to his face too.

The way they were both shy was making it was more awkward than it needed to be, but the fact that they were high was easing the mood slightly.

"You got a pretty ass voice," he said randomly "you sing?" He asked her and she pursed her lips.

"I mean I can but it's not something I like doing, I only sing when I'm alone because when it around people they say I suck and I'm starting to believe it" she told him truthfully making his eyebrows furrow.

"You'll let me hear?" He asked her seriously and she quickly shook her head "I'm to shyyy" she dropped her head looking in her lap making him laugh at her again.

"Okay I'm shy too but you had me rappin fa you at waffle house like twenty minutes ago" he told her and she smacked her teeth knowing he was completely right.

"Okay but we both have to close our eyes and imma only sing for like seven seconds" she said. "Seven? Odd ass number" he mumbled and she busted out laughing.

"Close your eyesssss" she dragged out so he would listen. He sighed letting his eyes flutter close trying hard not to fall asleep since his eyes were heavy at the moment.

"Okay nooo peaking" she took a deep breath thinking of the first song that came to mind. "Okay" she cleared her throat adjusting her body in her seat.

She closed her eyes as well before opening her mouth getting caught on her words "sorry" she squealed lowly and he smiled keeping his eyes closed

"Go head you got it ma" he encouraged the girl knowing the feeling of being shy all too well.

"Okay" she cleared her throat taking a deep breath.

"She said baby I'm afraid to fall in love...cause what ifs not reciprocated?" She sung honesty by pink sweat$.

"I told her "don't rush girl, don't you rush", guess it all a game of ...patience" she continued.

Tyler peaked one eye opened seeing her eyes were closed before fully opening his eyes looking at her. Her voice was so angelic.

"She said what if I dive deep, will come in after me? Would you share your flaws with me? Let me know" she continued oblivious the fact that he was now watching her.

"I told her thinking is all wrong, love will happen when it wants. Know it hurts sometimes but don't let it gooo" she dragged the last would.

"Cause I want you, I want you, I want- I want youuu" she dragged the "i" before she opened her eyes stopping "sorry that was longer than I said" she turned her head to face him and smacked her teeth seeing he was already looking at her.

"You had your eyes opened didn't you" she looked at him and he licked over his lips very slowly nodding his head slowly as well. "Well was i gooodddd? Baddd? In the middleee?" She asked using her thumbs to represent.

"Yaya that shit was good as hell." He told her honestly "what song that was though, I felt like you was throwing slick shots cause you dead just described the conversation we had a few minutes before" he told her making her laugh.

"It was the first song that came to mind, probably because of our conversation but it wasn't on purposeeee" she softened her voice.

"Here let's listen to it" she put her hand out and he quickly got the hint placing unlocked his phone in it. She went to Apple Music typing the song in before it played and she leaned over turning it up a little more since it was barely audible.

"You gotta sing it with the song" he told her wanting to hear her with the actual melody knowing it would be better. "Oh my gosh no" she shook her head as the lyrics began and he slowly nodded actually liking the song.

He usually didn't listen to music like this.

As both of them nodded they finally looked at each other not even realizing they were leaning in until their lips touched.

For kaniyah it's was like fireworks only because it was her first kiss and for Tyler it was like a wave of emotions hit him all at once.

He didn't know if the weed was getting to him or what but she leaned back quickly surprised that just happened while he slightly chased her lips opening his eyes back up.

"That baby ass kiss" he mumbled not even getting any tongue action.  "Why did we do that" she mumbled.

He shrugged "cause we wanted to, it ain't a explanation for everything" he said looking into her eyes.

She bit her bottom lip nodding slightly understanding what he meant while Tyler kept his eyes focused on kaniyah feeling his heart rate go unsteady.

What she didn't know, was this was the start of undeniable attraction Tyler had towards her, and what she also didn't know was that this would be her last time seeing him again for a whole year.

JULY 15th
8:19 pm

Kaniyah layed in her bed crying with her face in a pillow. She had been crying non stop all day because she just couldn't believe she got herself in this situation.

Her and Tyler had only been together for a week and this was hurting her like they had been together for years.

She had called him three times today and he didn't answer not one or even left her a text explaining why so she was starting to assume Justin had took it upon himself to tell Tyler himself.

That made her heart break even more. She just didn't know what to do with herself at this moment. She felt like her whole life was falling apart.

She felt like Tyler would hate her after she told him, or already did hate her. She was so drowned in her emotions it was crazy.

She was an emotional wreck and they hadn't even broken up yet, she just knew they would after she told him the news.

She even tried to check his location to see if he was on his way back and had no service or something but the location wasn't found which made her panic knowing he stopped sharing locations with her.

She didn't wanna end off their relationship by not even talking to him. That would crush her entire soul.

She sniffed , "wooda..." krystal knocked on her room door. "Someone here to see you" she said opening the door.

"Tell them to go awayyyyy!" She muffled with her head stuffed in her pillow. She started sniffing again as the tears became pouring out like nothing she'd ever felt before.

"Damn baby that's how you feel i come here to see you and shit-" Tyler began to rant and kaniyah looked up with a quickness in her movement.

She gasped getting up from her bed quick as hell she ran jumping on him and he caught her surprisingly wrapping his arms around her.

"Imma give y'all space or whatever cause y'all ugly" krystal joked backing out the room and Tyler laughed while kaniyah kept her face in the crook of his neck.

Krystal closed the door and Tyler slowly walked over to her bed turning his body plopping on her bed still in kaniyahs grip.

"Oh my goddd, wooda I missed yo ass so much mama" he said hugging her back tightly inhaling the smell that he had missed it so much for the past two and a half days.

"I missed you tooo" her vice cracked alerting him slightly as he began rubbing her back. "What's wrong?" She asked her.

"I'm so happy to see you," she said truthfully "why didn't you answer my calls and I couldn't see your location" she said pulling back still straddling his lap.

He laughed thinking that was why she was crying which he was partially right about. He wiped her tears leaning up to peck her lips.

"Ma calm downnn, I was trynna surprise you and shit. How I did?" He asked with a big goofy innocent smile on his face making her heart swell.

"You scared me" she tapped his chest. He laughed at how dramatic she was being crying over that. "I'm sorry ma I won't do it again," he told her sincerely.

She sighed nodding pulling him back into a hug. "How was your show?" She asked switching the subject.

"Shit was aight, I mean I'm happy I got fans all over but I was really thinking bout you the whole time" he told her honestly.

"Awww," she smiled before it dropped and she started feeling bad. He was thinking about her while his best friend was tonguing her down in their house.

"I'm back wit chu now though so I'm nottt trippiinnn" he told her leaning back. so he was laying down and she was laying on top of him.

He ran his hands up the back of her shirt stopping feeling two little bumps on her lower back, "fuck?" He mumbled feeling around them while kaniyah didn't even notice.

"Yaya, what dis is" he said still feeing them since he could see. "What is what" she mumbled holding onto him tighter like it would be her last moment with him at any second.

"These." He slightly poked them and she giggled "that tickles" she said in between giggles making him smile since she was laughing on his neck which tickled to him.

"I got my back dimples pierced, wanna seee" she bit the tip of her finger and her felt him self get excited inside his pants from her change in tone.

He licked his lips nodding silently and she backed off his lap standing up and turning around while he watched her pull her shirt up revealing the two pieces of jewelry with her tattoo of her name in the middle.

"Damnnnn" he mumbled and she looked back keeping her shirt up "what it's ugly?" She asked while he stared in lust.

"No baby this shit sexy, I might start doin back shots." He told her just imagining the position. "You so dirty minded" she dropped her shirt.

"Butttt" she dragged getting back on his lap and her arms wrapped around his neck while his hands fell to her hips. "I didddd get something else" she looked to the side.

He squinted his eyes and she kept her gaze off to the side . "Show me ma," he told her and she held in her smile biting her top lip nervously. She reached down to the hem of her shirt pulling her shirt up slowly as his eyes slowly dragged up with the shirt.

His eyes widened seeing the nipple piercings that definitely weren't there before. "Niyahhh what the f-" he said looking at them.

His hands reached the flicking them "it hurt?" He asked her and she shook her head no watching him admire them.

"Brooo yaya lemme Suck em," he looked up making eye contact. "Stop i was jus trynna show you" she laughed ready to pull her shirt down and he grabbed onto her wrist.

"You wanna suck my tittiessss?" She asked foreal. "Bitch I'm a motha , no drama!" She whispered yelled and he smacked his teeth ignoring her rubbing his thumb over her nipple.

"Baby," he whined because she was playing to much.

"Tyler I'm finna sing to you so listen" she snapped him out of it pulling her shirt down and he deflated slightly "aight mama sing, i be forgetting you got a li voice" he told her and she laughed.

"Ready?" She asked him and he nodded closing his eyes knowing the drill. "I know youn wanna be with him like you say you do!" She sung and her smack his teeth while she laughed.

"While you playin I'm finna be the next durk and make ten love songs bout you like he did india" he joked a lil bit "aww that's so cringyyy" she cheesed.

"While you playin I was writing one for you back in Texas" he told her and she frowned sighing.

"Ty, I gotta tell you something" she swallowed feeling wrong for letting him pour out his feelings about her while she was doing something unforgivable at the same time.

"Wooda what's wrong cause you been acting weird and I hate when people say they got sum to tell me cause it ain't never good" he expressed making her sigh tearing up.

"I-" she choked on her words "me and Justin kissed" she told him and at that very moment Tyler felt his heart shatter to pieces. His heart dropped to his stomach hearing those words and his face quickly dropped to and unexplainable look before he moved he over off him standing up.

"The fuck you-" Tyler huffed his whole mode change "what the fuck do you- how you even- kaniyah what?" He couldn't even finish a sentence.

"I'm sorry," she fiddled with her fingers already crying. "Oh hell nah bro, this shit done" he shook his head walking to her room door.

"But ty- shut up talking to me kaniyah" he mumbled walking out her room without another word.

I'm finna take a nap and then prolly update a mini chapter again

Bruhhh ik y'all finna be mad at yaya😂

Ion know what I want Tyler to do


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