Choni One Shots: Book 2

By ChoniLover982

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Choni One Shots, well this is my second book for the One Shots! (I decided to do a book 2, because i already... More

Love and Betrays
Edge Of The Dark
Secrets and Lies!
Rivals in Love!
Don't Say Goodbye, This is Not Your Time!
We Saved Riverdale?
Back, from the 50s!
I Will Save You Cheryl Blossom!
Do You Belive Me?
Skip the Sock Hop Dance!
Don't Worry, Darling!
Moment of Truth!
I Would Die, If You Choose Him!
Only You (And You Alone)
Mission or Love?
Chaos and Getaway!
Don't Be Shy!
Soulmates, Until The Eternity!
I'll Always Protect You!
I Save You, Even In Your Dreams!
Love or Marrige?
Secret Love!
I Stay Because of You!
I Would Die For You!
The Make Out Party!
Your Touch Feels Different!
Don't Lie To Me!
Dark Truth, and Dark Deeds!
Our Love Story!
Repledge Our Love
Cheryl's First Time!
A Kiss Could Heal Me?
You Are Beautiful!
Never Leave Me!
You Are Sensational!
This Is The Moment!
She Would Never Leave Me!
Your Love Means The World, To Me!
Secret Movie Date!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 1!
How Do I Say Goodbye? - Part 2!
Wish You The Best!
Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 1!
Say You Won't Let Me Go! - Part 2!
I Still Love You!
To Start Another Life!
Do You Know What It's Like?
Never Let Me Go!
I Love You, But Only You!
Reunited After The Comet!
Sexy Photoshoot and the Consequences!
Miss Riverdale Teen Queen!
Friday Valentine!
Do You Still Love Me?
Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 1-
Promise Me You'll Survive! - Part 2 -
Can We Save Riverdale?
A Bad Dream Could Come True?
Restored Memories!
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 1 -
Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 2 -
Goodbye Riverdale!
Never Leave Us Behind!
Love At First Sight?
In Love With a Nerd!
Detectives In Love!
Can I Love You?
Can You Forgive Me? (16+)
You're The Reason!
Let Me Help You, Get Through This! - Part 1 -
Let Me Help You Get Through This! - Part 2!
Strangers and Betrayals (18+)
Forbidden Love! - Part 1! (+18)
Forbidden Love! - Part 2 (+18)
Primary Colors! (+18)
Do I Still Love You?
I Was In Love Once
Glimpse of Us!
Face With The Consequences! (+18!)
Hard Times, and Therapy Sessions! (+16)
Give Me Your Forever!

Sex Education! (Rated 18+)

915 10 2
By ChoniLover982

(Based on the promo of 7x03 - Sex Education!)

TW: Smut, Blindfolding, etc...

(Veronica after she meet with everyone at the the student lounge, she annonces that she wants to do a make out party, because of their Sex Education lesson, and everyone agrees to go even Toni and Fangs...)

Toni Topaz pov:

I was at the student lounge with Fangs, and the others and even Cheryl Blossom showed up but she sat between her brother, and Archie Andrews, who had a secret crush on Betty but she already dated with Kevin...

- So guys, i asked you all to come here because tonight i'll organise a make-out party at the Pembrooke, so everyone is invited. - said Veronica, and we all gave her a confused look.

- Why would you, do this party? - asked Cheryl, and i just crossed my arms.

- Because of the Sex Education class. - said Veronica, and i just laughed.

- Oh my god Veronica, so you want us to join to this party because of the class, it's a bullshit. - said Fangs.

- No it's not, please just come there tonight it's going to be fun. - said Veronica and i just rolled my eyes just like the others.

- Let's go Archie. - said Cheryl, and she grabbed his hand.

- Ew. - i said quietly, but she heard it really well.

- What did you say? - asked Cheryl, and i just laughed after everyone left.

- You heard it really well, so i said ew. - i said to her.

- Why, would you say this? - asked Cheryl, and Archie just get annoyed and left.

- Because everyone know that, he has a crush on Betty. - i said to Cheryl, and she started to cry then rushed towards the bathroom.

- Great Toni, you are pretty great with girls. - said Fangs, before he left and i just sighed then followed Cheryl...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I rushed to the bathroom, and shut the door closed but someone walked in...

- Cheryl, can we talk please? - asked Toni, and i just shook my head.

- Leave me alone Toni, you ruined everything probably. - i said to her, and she just sighed.

- Look, i didn't meant to upset you or him, but i just told you the truth. - said Toni, and i crossed my arms.

- I already know it, but Archie just helps me. - i said to her.

- But why? What's wrong? - asked Toni, but the bell started to ring.

- You'll see tonight Toni, just make sure you make it and be there. - i said to her, and she just nodded then we went to our classes...

Third Person pov:

Cheryl sat in her desk alone, because Archie sat beside Veronica but Toni felt sorry for her so she sat next to her, and sighed...

- Look Cheryl, i'm really sorry for fuck up your thing with Archie. - said Toni, and Cheryl just stayed quiet and played with her hair.

- Please, just say something. - said Toni to her, and Cheryl looked at her.

-Toni, i'm not mad at you but it's just make a chaos if i don't have Archie by my side. - said Cheryl quietly.

- Why? - asked Toni quietly.

- I'll tell you at the party, okay? not here, because there is too many people. - said Cheryl, and Toni just nodded in agreement...

Third Person Pov:

After School:

Everyone went home, and they started to get ready for the night...

At Night:

Cheryl, and Toni was the first who arrived there and Veronica let them in and told them to take a seat while the others arrive. Cheryl sat down on the couch, while Toni sat in a sofa and tried to avoid the eye contact with Cheryl...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Veronica, how do you want to pair us up exactly? - i asked from her, and she just laughed.

- Well Toni, that's a really good question did you guys broughted keys? - asked Veronica, and i looked at her confused.

- Yeah, i have my motorbike key. - i said to her, and she walked to me with a bowl.

- Put it in here Toni. - said Veronica, and i did what she asked then she walked to Cheryl who put in her carkey.

- I'll come back soon. - said Veronica, after she put a key in the bowl and let us alone.

- What if i get your key Blossom? - i asked from her, and smirked.

- Nothing, you pervert. - said Cheryl, and huffed.

- You can't trick me Cheryl. - i said to her, and she rolled her eyes.

- I hope we don't get eachother keys. - said Cheryl, then the others finally arrived and Julian too.

- I'll kill your brother once. - i said to Cheryl, and she just sighed then Veronica came back and told them to put a key in the bowl so they did it...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I started to get nervous, after Veronica grabbed the bowl and walked to Archie who pulled out a key...

- Oh, well Archie you get Betty. - said Veronica, with a fake smile and he just smirked and walked with Betty to a room.

- And now we wait, until they suffocate eachother with their tognue? - i asked from her, and she just laughed.

- No Cheryl, i have a lot of room so we will do it at the same time, but now let Jughead get a key. - said Veronica, and she walked to him and he pulled out Tabitha's key then she showed them the room what they can use.

- Wait, before we start this i won't go in one room with Fangs. - said Toni, and i just looked at her confused.

- Okay, but it's actually Fangs turn to pull one out. - she said to us, and walked to him but he pulled out Midge carkey.

- Sorry Cheryl, but it's a game. - said Midge, because i gave her a death glare and she walked with Fangs to an empty room.

- Okay Julian, it's your turn. - said Veronica, and he just smirked and walked to her.

- It's belongs to you, if i guess it right. - said Julian and smirked.

- Yes, let's go Julian. - said Veronica and she walked away with him.

- It's leave us as a pair Blossom, what do you say? - asked Toni, and bited her bottom lip.

- Don't even think about that i will make out with you. - i said to her.

- Oh come on Blossom, actually you need to tell me something what you promised today. - said Toni, after she pulled out my carkey and gave me her motrbike key...

Toni Topaz pov:

Cheryl just sighed, but nodded in agreement then we walked upstairs and went to an empty big room and i closed the door with the key and take off my Serpent jacket...

- It's so hot in here Blossom. - i said to her, to tease but she just rolled her eyes and take off her jacket.

- Toni, i need to tell you that i'm gay. - said Cheryl, after we sat down on two chair.

- Sorry Cheryl, but i already realised that. - i said to her.

- What? - she asked from me confused.

- When you sold the tickets, for the Sock Hop you had a gay panic and started to stutter. - i said to Cheryl, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

- My god, atleast you recognised it and don't freaked out. - said Cheryl, then she take off her shirt and pant so she only had a lingerine on.

- What are you doing? - i asked from her, and she just kissed my cheek.

- It's a make out party, isn't it? - asked Cheryl, as she tugged at the bottom of my shirst so i just smirked and take off my pant and shirt.

- You really want it? - i asked from her, after i straddled her lap.

- Yeah TT, please take me. - she said to me quietly, then i put my finger in her mouth and she moaned...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

After she take her finger out, she replaced it with her tognue and licked my bottom lip and i opened my mouth, then we fighted for dominance but she won...

- Would you like, to try something new? - asked Toni, and i just nodded then she blindfolded me...

Toni gave me a lap dance, then took off the blindfold and she bited my bottom lip...

- Can i undress you, princess? - whispered Toni in my ear, sexyly and i just nodded.

- Yes please, as i said please just take me. - i said to her, and she unclipped my bra then pulled my panties off.

- You are so beautiful. - said Toni, while she started to kissing my neck and i felt that she squeeses my boobs, so i bited my bottom lip to don't moan.

- TT, you are so good at this. - i said to her, and she just smirked then kissed me passionatly.

- Thanks Cheryl. - said Toni, then she picked me up by my thighs.

- What are you doing? - i asked from her, then she laid me on the bed.

- We need to move this, to the bed because it's more comfortable. - said Toni, then she kissed my neck again after she take off her panties and bra.

- If you say so. - i said to Toni, and she started to kiss down from my neck and she stopped at my bellybutton then looked up at me...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Are you sure, you want this Cheryl? - i asked from her.

- Please, TT just do it. - said Cheryl impatiently.

- You are impatient, Blossom. - i said to her, then i started to rub her clit gently and she squeesed the cover.

- My god TT, it's feels so good. - said Cheryl, and i just smirked then strated to eat her out.

- I'll enter a finger, and it's going to her for a little. - i said to her, and she just nodded then i did it...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

After Toni entered her finger, i hissed a little and started to tear up but a few minutes later it's started to get better then i felt that she starts to eat me out again...

- TT i'll cum soon. - i said to her, and she sped up with her fingers until i came then she licked me clean and laid next to me breathlessly.

- So, was this okay? - asked Toni, and i just nodded then laid on her naked chest.

- Thank you so much TT. - i said to her, and kissed her gently.

- No problem, but i need to ask Cheryl if this meant anything for you. - said Toni.

- Yes, can i ask if you would like to be my girlfriend even if we need to stay low? - i asked from her and she just nodded.

- Of course Cher, i would be honored. - she said to me, and i just smirked while i cuddled to her...

Third Person pov:

They talked about that, how they started to like eachother and shared gentle kisses, hugs but they were interrupted by a loud knock on the door...

- Girls, the party is over. - they heard Veronica's voice, so after both of them get out of the bed, and dressed up Cheryl gave one last kiss to Toni then she opened the door...

Toni Topaz pov:

Everyone standed outside, and all of them looked at us confused...

- What's up guys? - i asked from them, and they just laughed.

- Nothing, actually we wanted to say that we go home now. - they said to us, and we just nodded then walked downstairs.

- Dear brother, this time can you get me home? - asked Cheryl from Julian, and he just rolled his eyes.

- No, sorry i go to a bar tonight. - said Julian, and Cheryl just sighed.

- Fuck you Julian! - yelled Cheryl, then he left just like the others and we walked outside.

- I know you wanted to get home, but what if i offer you to stay at my place tonight? - i asked from Cheryl, and she just smirked and nodded.

- I would love that. - said Cheryl, then we get on my motorbike and i sped off towards the Southside...

Third Person pov:

When they arrived to Toni's trailer, Toni leaded Cheryl to her bedroom and she gave her a nightgown to wear, and take on one, after Cheryl take on what she gave her. Cheryl laid in Toni's arms, until they fell asleep...

6 month later:

Cheryl and Toni started to date secretly, and Cheryl moved out from Thorhill because of Julian. She was happy because she could live with Toni, and at the public places they never holded hands, just walked next to eachother and pretended that, they are just best friends...

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