TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1

By AlwayzzAndForeverr

184K 7.1K 4.7K

Book One of my Bennett Supernatural Story Christopher 'Chris' Bennet is a sibling/twin of Bonnie Bennet. They... More

S1: Characters
1)From The Perfect Start-
2)Night Of the Comet
6)Emily Bennett
7)Spells That Spook
8)Setting The Rules Alight
9)Supernatural Sadness
10)Founders Day
S2: Characters
13)The Moonstone
14)Masquerade Ball
15)Elenas Kidnapping
16)Trouble In The Tomb
17)Tied Up
18)Forceful Information
19)Power Of 100 Witches
20)School Dance
22)Sacrafise Ritual
23)The Deal
S3: Characters
25)Rebekah And Kol
29)Happy Birthday, Caroline
31)Abby Bennett
32)Dinner From Hell
34)Mikaelson Ball
38)Never Let Me Go
39)Dance Of Imortality
40)Dark Comings
41)New Beginnings
S4: Characters
43)Heres To Hope
44)Victims or Killers
45)Tombstone and Hunter
47)Fifty Shades of Mikaelson
48)Bad Plans
49)Red Means I Love You
50)Caves and Cure
51)New Start
52)Sacrafice of 12 Witches
53)The Magic of Prom
54)Made of Stone
S5: Characters
56)Whitmore College
58)Goodbye Bonnie...
59)Crazy Pants
60)Anchored to Life
61)Mind Over Matter
62)Augustine Vampire
63)So Long, Demon Spawn
64)Girl Gone, Girl Returned
65)Blonde Wonder Twins
S6: Characters
68)Where The Hell Are We?
69)Somebodys Watching Me
70)Malachai Troubles
73)The Fight For Survival
75)Murder House
76)Set In Motion
79)Another One?
80)Burn In Hell
81)Snow Date in 1903
84)Christopher Parker
85)Many Talents
86)Emotional Changes
87)Mind Shattering
88)Growning Pains
89)Halloween Expansion
90)It's been 'who' all along?
91)Trip Down Memory Lane
92)The Expression Witch
S7: Characters
93)New Orleans
94)Mikaelson Prophecy
95)The Strix Ball
96)Not Possible
97)One & One makes three
98)Hey Grams, I'm back
99)Baby Shower
100)Welcome To The World
101)Moving On
102)3 Years Later
103)Damon & Twins
105)Vampire Souls
107)Happy Huntress Day
108)Siphons and Monsters
S8: Characters
109)Hello Brother
110)Sexy Siren Schemes
111)Choose Your Side
112)Once Upon A Sirens
113)Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back
114)Feel Like Making A Deal With The Devil?
115)A Merry Little Christmas
116)Everydays A School Day
117)The Simple Intimacy Of The Near Touch
118)Hey Grams, I've Got A Friend
119)Wasted Potential
120)I Always Come Back!
121)Straight From Hell
122)Siphon Problems
123)Knocking On Hells Door
124)Run Geminis Run
125)A 'June' Wedding
126)-To The Finish Line
Future Eps: Characters
127/1)Bonjour Salvatore School
128/2)Love and Loss
129/3)Mental Prison
130/4)Finally A Successful Wedding
131/5)Just One Last Look
Legacies: Next Gen
Story Edit Update

83)Wedding To Remember

1.2K 52 73
By AlwayzzAndForeverr

Whittmore Dorm
3rd Person:

Chris was having a restless night, tossing and turning in his bed not feeling quite right, he opened his eyes and saw someone in the dark room of his dorm "Elena?" He groaned as he sat up. He thought it was her since the blured shape looked like Elena. But when his vision cleared and he got up no one was there. No Bonnie or Elena in there beds

He looked around suspiciously and quickly hopped out of bed to see what was going on. He walked towards the fireplace which for some reason was lit. As he walked towards the fire he could feel a presence behind him, slowly and carefully Chris grabbed one of the fireplace pokers and turned around to face, Lily "Hello again, Chris"

"Lily. I thought Stefan locked you in the cellar of there house?" Chris questioned, wondering how or why she's here right now while he slept

"He did" Lily smirked "But prisons are easily escaped. You of all people should know that" Reminding Chris of his time in his own Prison

"What do you want?" Chris held the poker more assertivly towards her

She rolled her head in frustration "Must I constantly repeat myself? If you don't know what I want by now--"

Chris interupted her and finished what she was going to say "You want your creepy witch-vampire back. At the risk of repeating myself, there's no way to do that now"

"Isn't there?" Lily tilted her head "What's that term you witches are so fond of? Loophole?"

"Yeah, I tried to let you down gently but you keep pushing. Even if there is a loophole, I'm not going to do it" He said in a stern manner

"Oh you've made your position clear. Apparently I've failed to do the same. You think that I'm here for your help. I'm not" Lily's eyes turn red as the lines under her eyes start to become more prominent

Chris pushed his hand out to Lily "Phesmatos Incendia" But nothing happened. Chris' heart began to beat faster

Lily chuckled at him "Those are lovely words, Chris. Here's another one: Die" Lily vampire sped at Chris but he pushed the fireplace poker forwards, making it slice into Lilys stomach, he pushed her to the ground and ran out of the room

While running he looked back and ended up bashing into something. He looked and it was Kai who grabbed his arm when he ran into him "Wow. You are not good at running are you"

With his other hand Chris shouted the incantation "Motus!" But nothing happened again

Kai tilted his head "No magic? Oh yeah, that's my fault. I was spooning you in your sleep earlier and I think I accidentally sleep-siphoned you. But feel free to keep trying, it's adorable to see. It's like your having a bunch of tiny seizures" He grinned laughing

"How are you--?" Chris tried to ask but he got interupted

Kai loudly started to tell him off "Did you think you could keep screwing people over and there wouldn't be any consequences to your actions? Be warned, Chris. I have a plan to keep you with me, forever" He tilted his head again to the other side while evily smiling

"Now-" Lily said from behind Chris. He span around and saw her with her vampire face looking directly at him as if he was a beefy snack "-where were we?" Lily then ran at him and....

Chris shot up screaming for a split second with his chest pushing in and out as he tried to regain his breath.

He looked around and saw Elena and Bonnie walk into the dorm "Finally your up" Bonnie whined "Come on. We have to go and get Jo"

Chris was still in a haze as Bonnie tried to drag him out of bed "What? Is she okay?"

"I really hope so, considering she's walking down the aisle in T-minus 10 hours" Elena explained to him. Oh yeah it's Alaric and Jo's wedding today. It all came back into his mind

Bonnie clapped her hands loudly in Chris' ears "Come on. Wedding bells await" Chris crumpled his face as he rubbed his head and groaned being forced to get out of bed

Salvatore House:

Bonnie and Elena dragged Chris to help them help Jo with setting up for her wedding. Jo was strutting back and forth, panicking about everything "Crap, crap, crap. They're not here. My shoes. My gorgeous, expensive, wear them once and then never again shoes. They are missing!!!" She spoke really fast to get it all out into the open

Elena was pouring glasses for them all while Bonnie tried to work Josettes wedding dress steamer and it was Chris' job to make sure the dress came to no harm "Want me to do a locator spell?" Bonnie asked her

"On my shoes?" She asked to which Bonnie hummed "Is that possible?"

"I don't know, actually, I'm just--" She was messing with the steamer "Hang on. I gotta figure out how to work this stupid thing" Bonnie then started to rag it around

"Oh good, break it. Because my wrinkled dress will surely distract everyone from my bare feet!!" She got annoyed with all the problems piling up

"Hey, hey. Come on, don't waste all your now. You still have eight hours until the ceremony. Nonalcoholic mimosa?" She asked if she wanted one while handing her one anyway

"One, a nonalcoholic mimosa is just juice. Two, I can't drink. Somebody should drink. You should drink" She stressed. So Chris thought he should 'help her' out, he took one of the glasses off the table and drunk two of them

"I'll join you in a bit, Chris. Eventually. But I have human tolerance now, which is cheaper, but a lot less fun. Cheers" Elena and Jo clinked their glasses together as the phone rang "Oh, no, no, no" Elena stopped Jo from answering it and she got it instead

There was a problem with the wedding co-ordinator. She was ill so she couldn't come for her "I mean it's only a little problem right. It's not a big one as I thought?" Chris said to her

"Thought? Is there any problems. Oh god there's a problem? What is it?" Josette began to panic again because of him

"No, nothing it's just my paranoia" He explained

"And is your paranoia usually right or?" She asked

"Yeah, only like wa 40% of the time..." He lied to her

"Ahh, alright. there's still 60 that could be okay"

Chris then walked away and whispered to himself "Pfft yeah, 40 plus 60 more like"

"So 100!!?" Jo shouted after actually hearing him "Omg we're doomed"

"Chris!" Caroline shouted walking into the room point, returning from her trip away "Stop panicking her. I'm here now so everything that woman could do, I'm sure I could do way better"

Elena hugged Caroline "I missed you"

Caroline laughed "Awe. I missed me too" She then looked at Bonnie "Hi"

"Hi" Bonnie went in for a hug

"You" Caroline grabbed Chris and pulled him in for a hug "Your not escaping this" She then let him go "Alright, now we got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it"

She then whipped into Caroline action mode "Elena. Jusy have a drink, you're not going to pass out. Bonnie, the switch is on the left-hand side on the back. Chris, stand away from the dress while your holding drinks. Jo, I can see your shoes under the couch" She ordered them all and then winked at Jo which allowed her to relax into a chair "

"Okay now whose dealing with the boys?" Caroline asked them

"Probably being inappropriate and acting like idiots. Which is why I'm here and not there" Chris told her

Caroline whipped out her phone "Okay, I'm gonna give the boys all chores to do. Chris, go get yourself ready. Now!"

"There's still 8 hours left, why do I need to get changed now?" He whined

"Because you are still a guy and I want to check all the guys outfits before the ceremony starts. Now chop chop" She clapped at him

When Caroline went to the wedding venue, a couple minutes later Matt came over "Okay, trucks here. Who's coming? Caroline suggested in a semithreatening way that I should pick up the centre pieces which sounds like a Donovan screw up waiting to happen"

Chris shot his hand up "Me. I need to get out of here. Bennetts can do centre pieces" Chris quickly walked over to Matt

"Oh thank you" He put his thumbs up and they went on their way to pick up the centre pieces

While getting them Chris was talking to Matt about how Lily, who was locked in the cellar tried to strangle Bonnie when she went to give her an MP3 player that Enzo brought for her

When moving all the pieces into Matts truck Chris kept telling him "Elena told us she's dessicating which is why Lily's gone crazy"

He passed it to Matt who placed it in his truck "Yeah. She killed two people when she wasn't desiccating" Matt told him

"I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I've been having these nightmares about Lily and Kai recently" Chris informed him

Matt nodded then got a bag out of his truck and place it on the floor, he opened it and there were a bunch of weapons in it "When Christopher Bennett has a hunch, one does not just simply ignore it"

Chris smiled at his trust "What do you think we should do about this?"

"I know what we shouldn't do. Leave her in the hands of people we don't trust"

Chris went to get his tie which he left back at the Salvatores house, he was nearly late for the wedding so he had to go as quick as he could

"I'm sure I left it here somewhere" He said throwing pillows around, he sighed in stress and picked up Damons bottle of burbon and took a swig of it, he then looked over to the coffee table and squinted as he saw his Prison World camera sitting there with a note ontop of it

He put the weird tasting burbon down and picked it up, on the front it had his name on it and a message saying 'Watch me' He picked the camera up and turned it on. Kai appeared on the camera in a suit, messing around with it

"All this time travel has been hard on the camera, Chris. There it is" Kai started to clap and cheer "Yaay, you saw my note" He got close to the camera "This message will self destruct in ten seconds" Kai chuckled at his own joke "Did you laugh, Chris. Yeah? No? Ima guess you did" He in fact did not

"Anyway, your probably wondering what this video is for. Well it's specially made from me to you. You left me behind in 1903, which I really didn't appreciate. But I guess you forgot about that rock filled with Bennett blood that you told me about in your little stories. Thank you for that by the way"

"Moving on, I have a major plan which I think your gonna love, it's very inspiring. So hopefully by the time you've started watching this I would've crashed the big wedding party in good old fashioned Kai way. So in the wedding my plan is to kill those little brats swimming around in my sisters womb so they can't be used against me"

"But as payback for you, I've slapped Elena into a magical coma. Plot twist, I linked your sisters life to hers, so the rule is as long as Bonnie is alive then Elena will stay asleep. Your probably thinking how this effects you, well since Damon loves Elena more than anything he will want to kill Bonnie to get Elena back. So your choices are come save your sister by killing Damon or leave your sister to rot. I mean that's obviously gonna be easy for you"

Chris panicked and was about to drop the camera and get to the wedding quickly "Don't leave yet" Kai said on the camera "Did you try and leave? Did I guess it? That would be great if I did" He laughed "Anyway the other twist is if you come to save your sister your probably, most likely gonna end up dying. Not by me, probably, because I'd love to have a different plan for you, I really like you Chris but let's just say your betrayal really hurt me, Chris. Real bad. So anything that happens is all your fault" The camera then turned off

"Oh no" Chris put the camera down and went to run out. He turned around and Kai was right behind him

"Hello, darling. How are you?" He said acting like nothings happened

"What have you done, Kai!?" Chris shouted

"Oh nothing yet. You picked up the camera a bit to early, I expected you'd find it after the wedding but..."

"You can't do this, Kai. You won't get away with this" Chris threatened

"Technically one part of my plans already happened. You just haven't noticed" Kai chuckled at him

"What do you me--?" He said but then Kai bashed him over the head knocking Chris out cold

Kai lay Chris on the couch and stared at him "I really wish it didn't come to this. Sees you later, Chris" Kai then left him alone, passed out on the sofa


Everything was done, everything was prepared. Everyone except the bride was down the aisle. The music then started to play as everyone turned around to see Jo walking down the aisle with her father

They got to the end and Joshua sat down as he passed Jo on to Alaric. Jo and Alaric looked at eachother and smiled lovingly

"Welcome family and friends on this magical evening to the wedding of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin. Josette and Alaric have prepared their own vows"

Jo passed her flowers to Elena who was behind her so she could join hands with Alaric. Alaric cleared his throat "Neither one of us should be here right now. We've spent our lives dodging fate and beating the odds. But because we did I got to meet you, the most beautiful, hilarious and intimidating brilliant woman I have ever known. You've inspired me. You've shown me that happiness is actually something that I can have in my life" Alaric took the ring from his pocket "So I promise to be with you and love you and to dodge fate with you-" He slid the ring on her finger "-for the rest of our lives"

Josette started to cry at his vows "Oh god" She wiped her tear "That's a tough act to follow" Everyone laughed with her. She took Alarics hand in hers and started "Okay here goes. Alaric Saltzman, you are---" Suddenly she stopped as the sound of flesh being punctured could be heard as Jo couldn't speak

"Jo?" Alaric asked "What is it?" He looked down to see her clean white dress now stained in red as it continued to grow across her stomach "Jo----Oh my god! Jo?" Josette screamed and fell on Alaric

Kai then revealed himself behind her with a hunting knife. Everyone around her gasped at his sight "I was gonna wait till the death do us part bit, but it seemed a little on the nose" He looked out to the crowd of people "Am I right?" He said but no one agreed with him

Joshua tried to get up to get him but Kai held out his hand causing everyone to scream and hold there heads in pain "Miss me?" He smiled "No? Oh, well" He then held up both hands and in a fluid motion he caused all the windows in the building to shatter and everything to fly everywhere hitting and slicing into people. The chandeliers fell on top of people as Elena fell to the ground unconscious

"Oh god" Alaric sobbed "Help. Somebody please help me" But in his cries no one heard him while he held onto Jo's body soaked in blood

"KAIII!" Joshua shouted as he got up off the floor. People around the building screamed for help

"Stefan!!" Damon shouted as he held Elena "She won't wake up"

"Get her to the hospital now" Stefan demanded. Damon picked her up and vamp sped out the building

"She's human what if she does--" Caroline tried to say before her and Stefans necks snapped and they fell to the ground

"Nothing personal but this is a family matter now" Kai said. He walked over to Alaric and tilted his head while he watched him cry "Awe"

From behind him Joshua began to chant and Kai rolled his eyes "Let me guess, Prison World? Ooo I'm scared" Members of the Gemini Coven who weren't dead or injured also joined in with Joshua's chant "You can't kill me, or else you all die too, right?"

Kai got down next to Alaric "Hey I'm sorry about your twinsies. I just don't feel like competing for leadership with future Gemini Twins. See when your family decides your nothing but an irredeemable piece of trash, well. I guess the best thing to do is prove them right, right?"

Alaric turned his head away from him as he continued to sob. Kai stood up and turned towards his Father "Looks like I won"

"Not yet you haven't, it hasn't happened. You'll never win"

"You mean the covens vision of the none siphoner vampire witch. God how is it that you all hate difference that much. Anyway I've already got that set in motion thank you" He smirked "I know what I'm doing, unlike you"

"It's not possible for someone like you to do that" Joshua said underestimating his son

"Maybe not alone, but in 1903 I had 6 powerful heratic friends to bargain with. And when he gets mad that will be his finish. Now with that done I've gotta say, bye" He picked up a large piece of glass in his hand "This ought to do it" He then jabbed the glass into his throat and fell to the ground dead

"NOOO!!" Joshua shouted as he watched his son die. Kai being the leader of the Gemini Coven, this meant that that eventually everyone in the coven would die one by one "Where's my daughter? Liv!!" Joshua shouted looking around quickly as everyone fell to the ground dying

Kai a while later woke up and pulled the glass out of his neck and threw it, the hole healed by itself quickly. He cracked his neck and moaned he then saw his dad on the ground infront of him "Vodux" Joshua slid across the ground towards him "We're gonna be such a power couple" Kai used his finger to get blood off his dad, he sucked his finger thus completing his transformation into a heratic


With heavy breath Chris ran into the wedding reception. Seeing the destruction and bloodshed he gasped as he walked in

"Glad you could finally make it" Kai said once he spotted Chris

"Where's my sister Kai" He demanded an answer while walking further into the room

"She's around. I'm sure you'll find her later. But for now we have business to do"

"The only thing I have left to do is magic" He held his hand out at Kai to give him an aneurism "Ooo your a vampire now, fun. Now I can do this. Ossox!!" Kais leg then snapped but all he did was laugh

"Tell me what you did to Bonnie and Elena! Now! Ossox!" Chris screamed angrily as Kai fell to the ground as his other leg snapped

"Not until you get mad" He laughed

"Oh I am mad. I'm pretty pissed off here if you couldn't tell. Now undo the spell you did Kai!!" He screamed in rage as Kai stood up laughing at Chris' anger

"This is fun. Let me try" Kai grabbed Chris with his magic and lifted him "Motus" Chris went flying to the other end of the room and hit the wall falling to the ground

Chris groaned as he felt all the pain shoot up his spine, but his sisters life was on the line and he needed to carry on. He slowly got up as he held onto to smashed objects to pull himself up "I've gotta hand it to you. Your very resilient"

Chris was breathing heavily with cuts all over him bleeding a little. Chris was mad, his magic started to bubble over. He could feel it, and so could Kai as puncture holes opened in his stomach, but being a vampire they healed quickly. Chris held out his hand "Incendia" Kais arm set alight and Kai started to scream until he just siphoned up the magic

"Face it, Chris. Your not going to win. I outmatch anything you can do to me" Kai then vampire sped to Chris and grabbed him by the neck, Chris grabbed Kais hands to try and pull them off but he was too weak for Kais vampire strength "Look at your face. Your so angry right now" Kai chuckled, he then shoved Chris to the ground and sat over him with a wooden stake "See you on the other side, love" Kai jammed the stake into Chris' chest as Bonnie watched from the floor. She was slowly choking on blood without Chris knowing she was there

Damon ran into the room and saw everything that was happening. He spotted Chris lying on the ground not moving with Kai standing over him "What did you do!!" Damon shouted as he vamp sped to Kai and threw him away from Chris. He knelt to the ground shaking him, trying to get him to wake "Come on, Chris" He looked down at Chris and saw the hole leading to his heard

"Oh you can leave him" Kai coughed while sitting up "He'll be fine. What you should worry about is Bonnie whose currently dying of a collapsed lung over there" Kai pointed to some rubble and Damon rushed to her

"Damon...." Bonnie choked with tears as she lay on the ground unable to move "Chris...."

"It's okay Bonnie. It'll be alright"

"You don't have to help her you know. You could walk away with no blood on your hands. Then you and Elena get to live the life you always dreamed. Let Bonnie die, I'll take Chris and everything will be fine for all of us" Kai offered him

Damon thought about it and slowly let go off Bonnie "I'm so sorry, Bonnie" Damon then gave her a faint kiss on her head and let her go. He slowly stood up and walked out

"Wow....was that it" Kai said "I wanted more drama" Kai then heard a groaning and coughing sound which didn't come from Bonnie "Here we go"

Chris wheezed as he rolled over to try and get up. Kai came over and helped him stand up "How'd you feel?"

Chris pushed him off "You killed me!!" He screamed then realised he wasn't actually dead "Wait you killed me....does that mean?"

"Oh yes. So I ask again, how do you feel?" Kai really wanted to know

Chris looked at his hands then at Kai "I don't feel any different" He said truthfully

Kais face then dropped "What? How could you not feel different. Your surpose to be a hybrid. Half normal witch and vampire. I made it happen, it should've worked"

"I'm telling you, Kai. I didn't turn" Chris picked up a shard of glass from the floor and cut his hand with it. The cut dripped blood but didn't heal "Told you. Whatever you did failed"

Kai looked as if he was getting angrier by the second "But- No- It. Ahhhh!" He screamed and threw a chair across the room "You died with vampire blood in your system and you came back as yourself. You didn't even turn into a normal vampire. How is that even possible?"

"Why would you even try to do that, Kai? Why would you try to turn me?"

"Remember when I told you there was some vision in my Coven that would end up killing them all. Well this is it, right now. But there was also another part, that the Gemini Leader, AKA me would create something to kill the most powerful creature ever. I don't know what it is but I think it's safe to say that me as a Heratic and you being half witch, half vamp would've been strong. But that's not the main reason. You secretly told me that you liked me, and with vampirism comes heightened emotions. I thought if you still did then I could get you to hold onto that feeling" He explained to Chris

Chris scoffed at him and waved his arm "Look around, Kai. Do you really think I'd like you after you did this. It's a massacre. It's destruction. Your insane" He shouted at him

Kai walked up to him "I was insane when we first met. I was insane when we were trapped together. I never changed. Besides all of the current events tell me the truth. Did you ever like me?"

"Truth be told I did. I really did Kai. But first I wanted you to suffer, that's why I left you in 1903 like you did to me in 1994. You kissed me then you stabbed me, and I wanted you to know how it felt. I didn't know that because of what I did all this would happen" Chris began to sob as he saw all the dead people in the room "This is all my fault"

Kai grabbed hold of him "No it's not. I did this. I wanted revenge on my Coven and my father" Kai looked into his eyes "I did this for me. I tried to turn you because I'm now immortal, I wanted you to become immortal with me. I'm sorry but not sorry, Chris. I did what I had to"

Chris held onto Kai with his hands around his neck and behind Kais head where he couldn't see them and stared into his eyes and smiled "I believe that Kai. Maybe you do like me and I you-" Chris used the magic he still possessed to summon a wooden stake into his hand without Kai being able to hear him "-but you ruined Alarics life, you killed Jo and there innocent unborn kids. And for that you deserve this"

"Chri---?" Kai pulled a face as he tried to ask what he meant. Using the wooden stake Chris jabbed it into the back of Kai and pierced his heard. Kai screamed in pain as grey slowly rolled up his body "Noo--" A tear dripped down Kais cheek

Chris was holding his slowly dessicating body and layed him on the ground as the dessication reached every part of him. Chris looked at the guy who he just killed. He just killed someone. At that thought his emotions started to spark and swirl and he slowly began to sob. He's killed other times, yes, but not this personal or this close before. It just hit him differently this time and he didn't entirely know why there was this sinking feeling occurring inside

He heard someone splutter and cough near him. He wiped his face with his sleeve and got up to check it out "Oh my god, Bonnie. Your here" He rushed to her "Where's Damon or- or Caroline. I need a vampire here" He cried as he held Bonnie who was trying to speak but she couldn't get the words out

He then thought to himself 'What am I doing? I have magic' The whole point of his powers were so he wasn't limited my mundane witchiness of basic rules. Kai believed his magic was worth more, and now so should he

He put his hand over Bonnie and closed his eyes, letting his power flow through him to help his sister "I've got you Bonnie" Bonnie began to gain more strength and slowly return to normal "Come on" Chris then scooped her up in his arms with struggle, but he did it. He then carried her out so he could get her some proper help and make sure she's definitely okay

Next day
Salvatore House:

Chris, Bonnie and Caroline arrived at the Salvatore house all safe and sound. Bonnie was healthy again and Chris was without any cuts. The miracles of vampire blood

Damon opened the door and let them in. Inside the house was Stefan, Alaric, Matt and Tyler and of course Elena....

Elena layed in a coffin unable to move, unable to speak, unable to live. Kai done as he said he would and linked her and Bonnie together while leaving Elena in a supernatural coma, and she wouldn't return until Bonnie passed since if they tried to break the spell there own way. Kai said they would both instantly die. It wasn't worth trying

"Okay, let's do this" Damon said since they were finally here. Everyone except Jeremy who was currently on his way "You three go first" He pointed at Chris, Bonnie and Caroline

The three walked up to the coffin "It's easy you two" Caroline said "You just take her hand-" All three of then hooked their hands together with Elenas "-close your eyes and let her into your thoughts"

Bonnie and Chris was hoisted into Elenas bedroom with pillows while Elena and Caroline were already laughing on the bed "Are we seriously having a sleepover?" Bonnie laughed

"Come on you two. Hurry up and get in here" Caroline waved them over. They both got onto the bed and the four of then were sit in a circle "I'm the one who gets to see her again. You two should be the ones to say goodbye"

"Oh, Care" Elena brought her into a hug "Come here. Take care of everyone while I'm gone, okay"

Caroline nodded as she started to tear up "I will. I promise"

They let go off one another "Promise me something. All three of you" She grabbed a diary from off her bedside table "Write it all down. Everything you accomplish in your lives, every crush, when you fall in love, when you start a family, every time you fantasise about wanting to kill Damon"

"I think I'm going to need a few of those books then" Chris said which made all of them laugh

"Exactly. Just write it all down. So that one day when I wake up I can read all about my best friends lives and feel like I was there" Elena started to cry. They all held hands together in the middle of the bed

"I'm so sorry" Chris apologised guiltily "This is my fault. I am so sorry"

"This isn't your fault" Elena told him "We will have everything we want. We just can't have it at the same time"

Caroline smiled sadly and nodded. She then left Elena with the two mortals who most likely will never see her again

Elena reached over to them both and grabbed there hands "My Bennett twins. You two have spent your lives sacrificing things for me. Now it's my turn. I just have one favour to ask of you" She got a pillow and ripped it open and tipped out feathers infront of Bonnie. A candle appeared in Chris' hand suddenly as the room went dark "Could you both do the first things you ever shown me with your magic"

Bonnie held her hand out and let a few feathers float around them while Chris lit the candle. The atmosphere was magical as they all laughed together for one final time

Salvatore House:

After an extremely long and emotionally challenging day. Bonnie and Chris stayed in the house for the night as they didn't want to go back to Whitmore

Chris walked into a bedroom he now claimed as his, he looked around and didn't feel quite right. How is it he died and came back normally? Why does it hurt so much inside?

Chris' head began to spin a little as inside him began to stab him. Not physically but emotionally, it hurt so bad that he fell against the dresser beside his bed

He breathed heavier and heavier until he unleashed a scream that shook the core of the house

Downstairs Damon and Bonnie were talking to one another when they heard Chris, they could feel the rumble around them "What the hell?" Bonnie said and immediately the two rushed upstairs to see what was happening

They burst through the door to see Chris lying on the floor not moving "Chris, omg" Bonnie got down to the ground "Chris, can you hear me?"

Damon smacked his face "Come on. His hearts still beating so he's alive"

"Then what's the problem" Bonnie opened his eyelid to see if he could respond, when she lifted it all she saw was a red pupil. She jumped back "Omg, what the hell is that!"

Damon looked and it was both of his eyes that were changed to red "What is happening to him"

Bonnie screamed at him to try and bring some response out of him "Chris! Chris!!!"

Sneak Peak:

"What's the first thing you do remember?" The witch asked her

"Pain....and then Chris' voice in my head" Bonnie told her

"Did you try to resist?"

"There was this feeling keeping me down, a terrible feeling like I've never felt was greif"

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