The Chimera Hero (BNHA/MHA X...

By Phantomous_Author

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Amajiki Kentarou blessed with a quirk that deemed him as a monster and his sister getting kidnapped right in... More

The Begining
First Morning
Anybody Can Be A Hero
A Quirkist School...
Middle School
New Friends and Training
Beach? Pool? and U.A. Entrance Exam
U.A. (First Day)
Battle Training
Character Sheet
Media Break In
USJ (part 1)
USJ (part 2)
USJ (part 3)
USJ (part 4)
USJ (part 5)
Aftermath of USJ
Kentarou's Punishment (sort off)
School Morning After The Attack
School Festival Announcement (Part 1)
Tagged (I'm late to do this)
School Festival Announcement (Part 2)
Underground Facility
Natural Disaster vs Adaptation
Slight Quirk Improvement
Before the Sports Festival
U.A. Sports Festival (Part 1)
U.A. Sports Festival (Part 2)
1st Event
2nd Event
3rd Event (1st Part)
3rd Event (2nd Part)
Hero Names
After Internships
Race to the Objective
Class 1-B vs Monster Army
Futari no Hero (Part 1)
Futari no Hero (Part 2)
After Exams and Date?
Omake 2
Side Story (Idol Work)
Side Story (Kyouka)
Summer Camp
Training Camp
Opposing Dragons
Two Dragons
Friend or Foe?
Himiko Toga
Investigation and News
Aizawa's Modifications
Heights Alliance
Halloween Special
New Students
Weird and Awkward
Izuku Awakens his OG Quirk
Testing the New Quirk
Powerhouse Battle
Special Chapter
Character Sheets for Characters with Changes
Another One?!
Kimera vs Zekken
Preparation for Provitionary Hero License (I)
Preparation for Provitionary Hero License (II)
Provisional License
Too Late
This is just too much
Question (IMPORTANT)
First Day
Second Day
Third Day
Fourth Day
Fifth Day
Death and Hope
Huge Problem
Return to U.A.
Quirk Singularity
Vestige World Changes
The trauma is still there
World's Collide
Saving Issei
Downfall due to Pride

Overhaul vs Disaster

30 0 1
By Phantomous_Author

Even if Kentarou had a massive hold of his quirk he really can't control it currently as every single one of the consciousness inside his body had been rioting and wanting to kill Overhaul which he would really love to do but going in blindly will only get him killed even if he could revive himself besides it would only make Overhaul more powerful.

'Now that I think about it, can't I just throw him to space?' Kentarou was thinking of such a possibility.

'Nah, he might hijack an asteroid and send it hurtling towards here, then this planet would be screwed' Kentarou thought as he finally found Overhaul stuck under rubble with a bleeding forehead.

"I ain't taking my chances" Kentarou said as he tore off his arm which immediately became horribly transformed, the base seems to be of a dragon's yet it has misshapen claws, fins, and spikes.

"Die!" Kentarou shouted as he threw the amalgamated arm to Overhaul while the stump where it left had now fully grown to a new hand.

Overhaul smirked and grabbed the hand, and used it to repair any wounds he got.

"That was an idiotic move hero, or should I say Kentarou Amajiki, the future husband of the girl I killed? Like the thing I did to her body? It looks like a work of art now, doesn't it?" Overhaul mocked yet he could only see Kentarou smiling with dull eyes, he knew that look and really loved it whenever he saw someone make that look however this time it made him scared and made his eyes go wide.

The wind started to howl, clouds started to gather as dark blue jiao dragons made of flames and lightning started to swim through them, cyclones started to appear, the ground started to shake and started to open up revealing boiling hot magma erupting from the depths, pipes started to make noise as the water they contained raged until finally bursting through, forests started to grow out of the barren ground, hail started to pour down from the clouds combining with the cyclones, he could even swear that he heard the angry roars of beasts behind the boy. What's worse is that it wasn't the end as all of his quirks activated even the temporarily locked ones, causing all sorts of phenomena to occur.

"HahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kentarou started to laugh as he placed a hand on a side of his face, then a crazed look was seen.

"Ayako was my shackle from bringing death, chaos, and destruction to this world while the same could be said for me to her yet here you are thinking that you are God and tore off my chains, a foolish thing to do if I do say so myself, truthfully if you had gone after me and not her she would still do what was right and be a hero" Kentarou started to lecture Overhaul as he went closer, Overhaul wanted to move yet he couldn't, the difference in power was too much.

"YOU SADLY MADE A MISTAKE GOING AFTER HER, I'M NEITHER A HERO NOR A VIGILANTE NOR A VILLAIN" At this moment Kentarou is already in front of Overhaul's face.

"I AM DISASTER ITSELF!!!" Kentarou said as he turned into his dragon form however this time he also used his favorite animal and mixed them creating a beastly draconian form but much more elongated than normal along with segmented sections which each housed a pair of legs and wings. His wings outstretched the membranes of such a weird mixture for aquatic animals and a bat which then got covered by fur and feathers that's also covered in sheets of ice, five sharp claws in each paw that is seemingly made out of alloy, a fluffy tail with a stinger dripping with venom, eyes sharp a strange mixture of a lizard, a wolf, an owl, a crocodile, a hawk, an eagle, fangs sharp that are ready to tear through flesh along with all sorts of other animals which are mostly mammals due to them dominating the planet in terms of evolution yet his very fur and feathers are harder than most exoskeletons as his quirk decided to work with him wholeheartedly in this fight and automatically discarded any useless or excess combinations along with combining different properties of different elements. Not to mention that his feathers can be launched off like missiles and even explode thanks to a certain tree. The internal structure of his body becomes a strange mix of organic parts and seemingly inorganic parts.

'Dumb kid' Overhaul thought as he leaped straight towards Kentarou, who flapped his wings and took off to the skies, making Overhaul crash to the ground with a satisfying thud along with the sounds of bones breaking.

Overhaul gritted his teeth so hard that the bits and pieces of it started to fly around in the wind. He then fixed himself using any organic matter he found laying around, which are the dead and nearly dead bodies of his members. He placed his hand on the ground and watched as spikes made out of cement try to pierce Kentarou's defense to no avail.

"If you won't go down easily, then I guess I'll have to get my hands dirty!!" Overhaul roared as he rides a pillar and tries to touch Kentarou, he succeeded but to his surprise the entire tail got cut then get regenerated in a matter of milliseconds then he got smacked by the cut off tail he touched earlier back down without a care in the world, apparently the tail didn't have much appreciation of being freed from its duty.

"I stand in the fucking apex bitch!" Kentarou couldn't help but say as he shot a pillar of flame towards Overhaul.

The pillar of flame immediately melted everything from ground zero to a one kilometer radius killing plenty of the yakuza members that Overhaul took control off.

"You will pay!!!" Overhaul started rising from under the rubbles with a new body made out of flesh and rubble which seriously made Kentarou's earlier Berserk amalgamation look cute.

"Hmph, Idiot" Kentarou said as he shrunk and became humanoid with a grin plastered onto his face.

Kentarou appeared right beside Overhaul as the monster which was once a man tried to punch him yet he only needed to dodge by a centimeter then trace his entire arm using his claws towards the head. Kentarou brutally punched then kicked Overhaul in the head which caused his beak like mask to shatter into a thousand pieces and get carried by the wind Kentarou then grabbed his head and after that kneed him in the face making the mask pretty much non-existent now.

"Blitz Torrent!!" Kentarou shouted as he said it a stream of steam escaped from his mouth while he repeatedly slashed at Overhaul's body making thousands to millions of lacerations some even going bone deep or even going past it. He used a mixture of his near uncountable claws and uncountable amount of feathers which exploded whenever they impaled Overhaul's body. He was slyly using a bombardier beetles chemical and slightly edited it to be more destructive by mixing in some stuff in the chemical make-up, which he learned from both Bakugo and Yaoyorozu which has been dripping from all of his claws.

"Gah!" Overhaul vomited blood, after which he touched his arm depite it nearly being out of commision permanently so that he can disassemble  it then reassemble it. He then did the same thing for the other one.

Overhaul then touched his thighs and reassembled them back to normal while adding the now excess materials towards his upper body.

"SMMAAAAAASSSSSHHHHH!!!!!" Izuku got to the battle first as Kentarou's all too familiar figure was fighting Overhaul so he couldn't help himself and joined in with a smash enhanced with his arm builds to Overhaul's back shattering his spine which puts all of All Might's combined smashes to shame. (A combination of vibration, sword, gun, piston, and shield while being super heated due to the amount of energy he poured in this should have been impossible but his nanotech quirk also copied a factor of Kentarou's Chimera quirk)

"Don't forget about me!!" Mirio shouted as he used the pillars of spikes that Overhaul created to catapult himself towards the guy, then punch him in the face.

"Thunderclap!" Izuku shouted as he dodged some falling debris by turning his body into ionized atoms.

"Elemental shot!" Kentarou shouted as in front of his mouth different elements converged then get unleashed towards Overhaul who widened his eyes then takes cover using the falling debris and creating a thick wall, sadly it was easily pierced.

The three launched themselves towards Overhaul, who finally recovered and reeled back his arm to try and disassemble the three brats right in front of him. Izuku arrived first.

"Full Force 100%: Gyro Kick!" Izuku shouted as he spun and made thrusters appear from the back of his boots then kick Overhaul at his sides with an added boost of electricity and heat, surprisingly not breaking any of his bones due to him learning his lesson earlier.

Overhaul didn't even feel the pain since he had removed his pain receptors as he used his other hand to try and grab Mirio which would have worked since he was smiling and all yet Mirio used his quirk thus making Overhaul's hand go through him.

"Phantom Gattling Punch!!" Mirio shouted as he repeatedly punched Overhaul in the chest. Due to training with three overpowered peers forced his quirk to power up considerably along with his control which now means that he can choose which parts of himself he can turn untouchable. Tamaki and Nejire focused more on support, although the two are currently busy quarantining the perimeter. Also the fact that Nejire Hado could easily destroy half of a small city is absolutely a secret.

"Elemental Split: 2nd tier All Element Release!!" Miwa shouted as he appeared from the clouds with his own army of himself who shot their own elements towards Overhaul, making him suffer all kinds of damages.

"Release Recollection: Mother's Rosario!!!" Yuki appeared out of nowhere, Overhaul then felt the gravity work against him and making him stuck where he stood as Yuki repeatedly stabs him using one of her swords 10 times in 3 seconds as an image of a rosario could be faintly seen but what was more important is she is wearing a full armor set instead of the usual one making Kentarou confused then remember the fact that he is not alone and he has other quirks to choose from. Yuki, however, wasn't done as she said some strange words, then breathed out a fog of smoke.

Overhaul felt weak, but he wasn't one to give up early as he braced himself to land and made the five brats suffer the consequences.

"Full Force 100%: Gattling Airforce!" Izuku shouted as his gauntlets changed shape and ports appeared from his knuckles, which then shot out air pressure towards Overhaul in order for him to remain in the skies. He currently has a jetpack on his back to offset the recoil and keep him afloat

"Full Force 100%: Air Cannon!" Izuku shouted once more, then this time he joined both of his hands as a giant bazzoka like contarption enveloped them, which promptly shot out a gigantic blast of pressurized air making him recoil back.

"Elemental Fusion: World Destroyer!" Miwa shouted as he made all of his elements fuse into one body making him look as if he went through the rainbow and gotten a new paint job in a cool way and for better or worse took control of the rampaging elements then directed them towards Overhaul with a devastating Cyclone.

"Starburst Stream!!" Yuki shouted as she continuously struck Overhaul, using both of her swords 16 times in 4 seconds, which made the blood and sparks look like supernovas.

"This is not a super move, so it doesn't have a name!!" Mirio shouted as he launched himself towards Overhaul, then using his feet repeatedly kicked the man upwards.

Izuku then disappeared and reappeared right next to Overhaul. His use of his quirk while also accessing the others subconsciously is just a sight to be hold in itself.

"Full Force 100%: Mechanize!" Izuku shouted as his body became enveloped in a futuristic metal suit then used his entire body to deliver a devastating punch towards Overhaul, which consequently threw Overhaul's body towards Kentarou

"Kimera!" Izuku, Miwa, and Mirio all shouted, telling him to finish it. While Yuki just hovered in the air, catching her breath.

"Detonate" Kentarou said as his discarded tail which was incorporated into Overhaul's extended arms exploded and cause them to be mangled, well more than earlier that is, as he is falling towards Kentarou from Izuku's little stunt. It also didn't help that his claws earlier was coated with aziroazide azide, which is already a very, very unstable chemical that is just being kept secure by Kentarou finally release its danger.

"Chimera Overload: Humanize!!!" Kentarou shouted as his body started to glow and then take on a weird yet seemingly perfect being, but he wasn't done yet, not even close.

"Kentarou Synthesis Thirty Four" Kentarou declared as his armor generated and his two swords appeared.

"Release Recollection: Eclipse" Kentarou muttered then one of his swords became bigger to the point that it covered the sky making it pitch black as if an Eclipse is happening yet the weight remains the same for him so he was easily able to perform 27 continous slashes in just 5 seconds. However, once he finished his move, he could feel as if the swords in his hands and armor surrounding his body start to seemingly tell him to find his true partners as they scattered through the wind.

"Damn, I wanted to join much earlier, but Le Million left me with some of the precepts" Miwa complained.

"Good to see your fine, Neos" Mirio said with a smile.

"Neos-senpai, what are you two doing here? You as well, Zekken, I thought sensei captured you" Izuku asked while his helmet turned into energy and came back inside him, and then he safely landed to the ground. He didn't even acknowledge Mirio's presence since he still vividly remembers how Mirio punched him in the face in order to make him let go of Eri and it definitely resulted in Ayako's death if her corpse wasn't enough for him to believe.

"Deku, how can we not help one of our friends? Besides, we need him to at least spare Overhaul's life" Neos answered while also being his usual self of scouting out prospects, namely Zekken.

"Dad let me join in the end since he himself knows that a flower can only be strong if it is exposed to the elements not cared for in a greenhouse" Yuki answered making Izuku, Mirio, and Miwa sigh and wonder whether being troublesome ran in the Amajiki bloodline since in all technicality Yuki and Kentarou are twins.

"By the way, where is he?" Neos asked then they looked back only to see Kentarou open his mouth wide then gobble Overhaul's mangled arm whole from the shoulders until the wrist then closed his mouth which made for a satisfying sound of bones getting crushed followed.

"Oof~ Overhaul can never come back from this one" Izuku commented as he saw Kentarou do the same thing with the other arm.

"He is surprisingly thorough" Mirio commented as he whistled. Meanwhile Izuku kept making Yuki go as far away as possible from Mirio.

Overhaul had been conscious the whole time, not knowing why he couldn't move any of his limbs oblivious to the fact that they were already gone quite literally as Kentarou had eaten them besides his hands and feet.

"Now, where did he place his pain receptors?" Kentarou started searching Overhaul's body and noticed a weird bulge on his back, which made him grin wickedly, and his form took on something more akin to a Devil straight out of hell. His eyes multiplied into six going down to his cheeks until his chin, the iris turned blood red then constricting until it turned into a slit similar to a cat's, the schlera had been completely dyed black, red and black veins enveloping his entire body, two distinct giant devil like horns of various myths on his head, two giant mouths on his forearms and two as well can be found on his thighs, twelve whip like tails with sharp bone protrusions, claws short yet extremely sharp, on the sides of his spine bony plates similar to shark fins emerged starting from his neck until it reached the end of his tail bone, on his ball joints emerged sharp knives made of bones. What is weird is that there is a black book with red runic symbols floating around his hand as well.

"At this point I'd rather die than suffer what I think Kimera is going to do" Miwa said with an astonished face while Izuku's face scrunched up as he imagined it while Mirio only looked at the scene with a blank face but he was actually sweating bullets.

Kentarou started to scratch the bulge using his claws which was extremely painful as every pain receptors that Overhaul along with the organic stuff that he incorporated to his body had is stored there so the darned guy could only howl in pain while Miwa, Mirio, and Izuku went back to UA and grab some popcorn and soda then return along with Nezu and the others. Yuki remained in order to make sure that all of the surviving yakuza members are bound and ready for capture.

"Wow this is on a whole new level" Aizawa couldn't help but mutter as he threw a popcorn into his mouth.

"Although this isn't heroic to say the least it is fine due to his villain background that he was ordered to have so we can blame it onto his alter ego besides his current form can't be traced to him anyway" Nezu said with a huge grin on his face while having a late night dinner course.

"Uncle Izu, Where is Papa?" Eri, who is being carried by Izuku, asked.

"Well... let's just say he is disciplining someone incredibly bad that he would like to kill but can't since we are here" Izuku explained as he fixed his way of carrying Eri who isn't letting go of Ayako. So far, none of the students knows who the little girl really is, and they just know that she is close to Ayako and calls her Mama. Besides, he is recording Overhaul's torture in 100 million video quality, which is one of the perks of his quirk.

"Could anyone of you just give me one goddamn reason as to why I shouldn't kill this alive ***** that isn't even going to be used by anyone unless they are imprisoned or really thirsty?!" Kentarou asked as he pointed his finger to Overhaul so fast that his hand sent out a blade of air, Kentarou was amused by this and even used his now new found tail to continue the torture as he looked at Izuku and the others.

"Problem Child you and I both know that this isn't heroic behavior and the fact that you aren't even killing him yet is quite telling already" Aizawa said with a monotone practiced voice.

"And why should I continue to be a hero? I could destroy destroy this planet right here, right now if I so wanted!! Especially now that my main reason to be a hero is dead!!!" Kentarou shouted as the sky and the ground rumbled in accordance to his fury.

"You can't destroy this world since your daughter is still inhabiting it" Aizawa answered which made Kentarou click his tongue in annoyance since Aizawa was right on the mark.

"Then why shouldn't I kill or torture this bastard to the end of times?!" Kentarou asked once again his lashing out at Overhaul getting more eratic.

"Because frankly you have no time to torture Overhaul until your satisfied and tossing him to a prison cell with the things he hates most sounds incredibly appealing" Aizawa said while looking at Nezu who only nodded in agreement while a sadistic smile both adorned their faces.

Kentarou stopped torturing Overhaul, who was already unconscious due to the pain, and then looked towards Eri. He went back to being human then walked towards the little girl then carry her and his wife, hugging them afraid that if he let go he would lose them once again as tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Ken..." Izuku didn't know what to say as he saw his brother like best friend cry for the first time. Nobody knew what to say. Everyone there could only look down in disappointment, especially in themselves, more specifically the heroes and the staff of U.A. although all of them knew that Ayako is really dead since she isn't Kentarou after all, and what Kentarou said to the others is just his hope of her to wake up.

"Chimera Creation: Sephiroth!" Kentarou shouted while hugging Eri and Ayako as his body started to glow and turn into a gigantic tree reaching up high to the point that it reached outer space, completely engulfing the two girls with him while Izuku tried to enter but was thrown back.

"I can't erase his quirk though that is to be expected" Aizawa said as he tried to erase Kentarou's quirk yet couldn't which made him sigh, he even used all of his feathers to try and cover it but failed so his wings looked weird to say the least so he made it retreat back inside him to recover much to his displeasure of not having a easy portable sleeping bag.

"Let me try to enter" Mirio said as he dropped into the ground only to launch towards the other direction with a panicking expression and holding his butt which is smoking. This only made Izuku glare at him more since he lived through that.

"I'm gonna try" Miwa still in his All Elemental Fusion form tried to enter only to be seen being thrown back unconscious while Nejire caught him.

"Let me try!" Tamaki said as he ingested a piece of meat which Kentarou gave him and charged straight towards the gigantic tree only to be seen falling down from a high altitude.

"Shut it, you guys, Dragons can easily go there!!" Romeo shouted as he got enveloped by a mixture of black and purple flames which started to grow and once it reached the intended size the flames disappeared to reveal a dragon nearly rivaling Kentarou's own form but he has black scales with purple hues on it along with a Demonic appearance.

Romeo flew towards the gigantic tree while Wendy could only sigh and partially transform into her dragon form, which contrasted Romeo in terms of appearance just from her white scales with green hues and an angelic appearance.

Romeo can be seen falling from the sky along with a gigantic leaf that can easily engulf an entire first floor of a big company building.

"Why do you always need to be such a reckless muscle head? Look at Kirishima-san he is a muscle head yet still thinks things through first somewhat so take notes from him next time" Wendy scolded the unconscious Romeo while Eijiro just looked bewildered and looked at his classmates seemingly asking with his expression whether they think of him as a musclehead but he didn't get the answer he wanted as everyone just looked away from him even Class B.

"Young Amajiki does know that Eri-chan can't live like him, right?" All Might asked, but he got hit in the head by Recovery Girl and causing him to revert back to his real form.

"The boy is like the ultimate supplier of food. You think he hasn't thought of that? Beside I am more worried since Eri might become too healthy to the point that she will be able to defeat the strongest martial artist or even the prime version of you with just her body" Recovery Girl asked as she once more hit All Might this time on his legs.

"I'm going" Yuki said as she made her wings appear. Aizawa wanted to stop her but decided not to, but he couldn't help but worry. Yet contrary to everyone's expectations, Yuki flew towards Sephiroth, peacefully making everyone astonished.

"Of course they are afterall in all technicality twins or more like the same body" Izuku deduced but Aizawa frowned a little at this since he knew that Yuki has a complex about it since her first love ended in a blink of an eye or so he would like to think and even prayed to the Gods about.

"That's right, what I am worried about is how long would it take to heal their wounds as well as the consequences to the world of what Kentarou is doing" Nezu said as he sighed and looked at Overhaul's unconcious body as he grinned while Aizawa also did the same. Meanwhile, Overhaul, who woke up and saw the two's sadistic grins, cursed at himself for waking up at the wrong moment and messing with a yandere.

'Are all heroes in training this strong nowadays? if they are then why didn't anyone tell me so I would have not pissed one off so much' He couldn't help but wonder as he got dragged by Aizawa like a sack of potatoes though to be fair Aizawa would be more careful in carrying the sack of  potatoes afterall that sack of potatoes is more useful and tastier than what he is carrying right now. If Overhaul knew what he was thinking, then he would have surely cried tears of blood on the spot.

Meanwhile back with Izuku who is there just rounded up his classmates and the rest if the UA staff with him as he built a bus that is filtering out the dust from the air. Miwa who knows the full story can't even look at Mirio any longer and boarded the bus with Nejire in tow while Tamaki didn't even acknowledge his past best friend's presence and directly boarded the bus.

"Attention everyone, we are now departing to UA, strap your seat belts and enjoy the ruined yet beautiful view outside the window" Izuku said as he drove back to UA which made everyone except Aizawa, Miwa, Nejire, Tamaki, Ochaco, Iida, and Todoroki as to why Izuku didn't wait for Mirio.

Nezu on the other hand knew yet didn't quite know how to feel about it. Based on protocols what Mirio did was completely correct but it costed them the life of Ayako and he didn't even factor in the fact that Izuku was with him who could create machinery and even quirk canceling cuffs in a vast array of forms!! In the end he decided to resolutely ban Nighteye from ever sending an internship offer and recomendations since as far as he knew Nighteye was the cause for Mirio's actions.

'Nighteye, you should never step foot near UA premises ever again and I better fit the corrupted mentality that you have ingrained in young Togata's mind' Nezu thought as he took a sip of his tea which is quite bitter right now due to his own feelings and the fact that he over steeped it since he was still fuming when he found out.


A/N: Yep, I just made Overhaul into a big punching bag, I mean, it does makes sense, right? Five of the most powerful students of UA teamed up to beat him along with Izuku's temporary 100% control of OFA along with his original quirk. It makes sense, right?

Yuki also became one of the strongest as she herself utilizes her quirks incredibly well. Also the Release Recollection has an explanation here, the form is depent on the mindset of the user like for Kentarou his sword can cover the sky to the point that anyone would think an Eclipse is happening yet even with that he is still able to carry it easily which is reflected on his mindset on expectations on him but if that collapses then that sword will easily crush him although he now has to find his heart after this as his equipment will no longer aid him as they used to but he can still technically use them while Yuki on the other hand is making her enemy stuck on the same place by utilizing gravity which is reminiscent of her being stuck in the hospital ever since she was born. The form of Yuki's sword duplicating is mainly reflecting her status as Kentarou's real twin or clone or his double.

Kentarou is not that OP, maybe along the lines of 120% of Izuku's fully unlocked OFA that is combined with his OG quirk... nope, that is actually pretty OP. To be fair he is supposed to be the perfect being so it makes sense also he can only access the perfect being form at extreme circumstances which he would most unlikely use unless he fights against someone like Stars and Stripes who has New Order though I doubt that he will need to use it since Demon form is fully opened but at the cost of something.

Also, yes, one of his quirks, which is called Demon, is inspired by Kimetsu no Yaiba, Tokyo Ghoul and Black Clover, and Sousei no Omnyouji As for Yuki Aizawa, she will be able to use 5 quirks from Kentarou at most due to her mentality despite her body being completely able to hold and activate more. In essence, she is making a copy of it so variations may occur so that it will be fit for her body.

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