Ziam (Oneshots)

By Ziam2222

911K 7.1K 1K


Ziam Smut (Oneshots)
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Draw Me Like One Of Your Bradford Girls
The Green Monster
Shower Sex
New Sensations
The Porn Star ;)
The Porn Star ;) (Part 2)
Writing Assignments
Perks To An Early Start
Words Aren't Always Enough
The Pool Experience
Only Mine
Happy New Year
Untitled (Part 1 & 2)
So Innocent
Can I Fix My Hair Now?
Just You And I
Leave Your Mark
Save Me From Myself
Your Love Is Wicked
Like Never Before
Too Darn Hot
THC & Confessions
Headlight Disco
The Ultimate Key To The Cause
No Use Praying
Under The Willow
You (Make Me Worthy)
Change His Ways
Crazy About
Among The Wreckage (yes, that's me)
Days With You (on repeat)
On Top Of The World
Even Though It's Wrong
Finding Someone To Stay
Finding Someone To Stay (Sequel)
Study Session
Physical Perfection
Seven Minute Mile
You're A Distraction
I'll Be Strong For You
in secret, between the shadow and soul
Breathe Though the Heat (or our desire)
Say That You Love Me
Yours Faithfully
Two Sets To One
Pick A Star (Part 2 of two sets to one)
I Don't Remember Falling In Love With You
I'll Always Have You
Just Outside Reach
Such A Flirt
Will You?
Window Payne
While The Rockets Burn
I'm the Drug in Your Veins, Just Fight Through the Pain
Fluffy Ears and Fake Tails
Your Dates is Blind
This is Mine (or Step the Fuck Off, Bro)
On the Mat (or Yeah, I'd Hit That)
Late night caller
Fly Me To The Moon
Paper Hearts
Twenty Pounds (Accompanied piece to Paper Hearts)
Lucky To Call You Mine
Eve of Destruction
You're My Favorite Story
Louis Tomlinson: Band Director
Good Morning
The Stars In Your Eyes
In which Zayn loves Liam
Remember How I Made You Scream
A Place To Rest
Phone Conversations
because it's nothing like we've ever known
Protect Me
the silence that tells it all
Silent Treatment
Breaking up & Making up
Saving for a rainy day

Hold It Against Me

9.6K 72 6
By Ziam2222

Summary: "Liam and Zayn have sex for the first time and Liam comes too early because of the excitement. He's incredibly embarrassed but Zayn's simply amused, and he's all like 'it's okay babe, I'll just make you come again.'"

By: Thesilverwitch.livejournal.com



It happened like a bit of a dream. They were all at some party, celebrating god knows what and charming everyone they met because that was practically their job now, smiling and greeting everyone that looked important. Not that Liam minded it too much, he knew what he was getting himself in when he participated in the X-Factor; he was perfectly well-aware that the life of a singer was much more than just singing to loving crowds. It just got a bit too over-whelming sometimes, too many people with drinks in their hands wanting his attention and for what? He wasn’t interesting like Zayn, charming as Harry, funny as Niall or confident as Louis. He was just Liam.

When no one was looking, Liam slipped out into the empty balcony. The cold night air was a refreshing contrast to the staggering heat in the party, and for the first time in a rather big amount of time, Liam felt like he could breathe. The sky was starless, as expected since they were in a big city, but Liam found the sight of the white moon, ageless and immortal on the dark sight, soothing.

He’s not sure how much time he spent there, looking at the sky and just breathing, only that after a while he was surprised by the cool voice he’d grown to love. “Got sick of the party?” Zayn asked as he leaned against the balcony’s railing.

Liam shrugged. “You know me, never one for parties.”

It took Zayn a couple of seconds to answer, the silence lingering between them, and when he finally replied he’d slid much closer to Liam. “That you are,” Zayn licked his lips, leaning further into Liam’s space and Liam was about to ask if Zayn felt alright, when a hot breathe ghosted his lips.

They breathed into each other’s mouths for a couple of seconds; Zayn staring fixedly at Liam’s lips as if they were part of some bizarre creature; Liam too shocked and too busy wondering if someone had slipped something into his drink that created very nice, very warm illusions.

“I better not be reading this wrong.” Zayn muttered as he closed the space between them, not leaving Liam the chance to answer that nope, he was reading everything just fine.

And that was their first kiss, where Zayn appeared like a shiny knight in a velvety red, three-piece suit that looked illegal on him, and kissed Liam until their lips were red and bruised. Nobody saw them, or maybe they did and simply couldn’t be bothered with giving a fuck, because when Liam woke up next morning there were no headlines with the sentence “TWO MEMBERS OF THE FAMOUS TEEN BAND “ONE DIRECTION” CAUGHT IN HOMOSEXUALLY LWED ACTS!!!”

It’s excused to say he and Zayn didn’t have sex at the party. Neither did they have sex when they got back to their hotel room. They hadn’t even gone on a proper date yet! Also they were both gentlemen, well at least Liam knew he was, and Zayn was so zen, he had to be one too.

This isn’t to say that they didn’t try to have sex, because, well, that part they sort of did. There were already a couple of drinks swimming through their blood streams, some red and shiny bite marks on Liam’s skin, their pants already a bit too tight for their liking. It’s normal that they tried to have sex, but then Niall appeared out of bloody nowhere, claiming he felt like shit and needed to throw up. What were they supposed to do? Have sex while one of their best friends desperately needed their help? That was just unthinkable.

They spent most of their night awake, rubbing Niall’s back and making some tea. When Niall finally collapsed on the couch, around five am, Zayn grabbed Liam’s arm and dragged him to his own bedroom. They got out of their dammed party clothes and Liam kissed Zayn for a while, impossible for him to resist when the plush lips were right in front of him, looking delicious and so pliant beneath his own. But of course, the minute they touched the bed in order to try to move things along a bit, they both passed out, Zayn’s arm around Liam’s naked waist as the sun began to rise.

Next day there was a lot left unspoken between them, which Liam desperately wanted to speak about because he was Liam and he was worried and what were they going to do? Did they have to lie about being together? Were they really together though, or were they just like, not? Zayn seemed to be interested on them being together, but who knew for sure? Not Liam, definitely not Liam, who was worrying his brains out until Zayn woke up and kissed him sweetly, morning breaths be dammed.

They had the day off, so they went out for ice cream in the nearest park. The weather was nice, warm enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt but not warm enough to make you sweat like a pig in a furnace. It was a date. Zayn hadn’t actually said it was a date, but Liam knew it was a date because Zayn had been the one paying for the ice creams, and they were walking as close to each other as they could without drawing attention from passerby people. It was a date, and Liam felt so stupidly happy, it was like his heart was about to explode a bunch of rainbow confetti and it felt amazing. The best part was how it didn’t change them: didn’t change how easy it was to laugh with each other, it didn’t change how their conversation always came back to the topic of Pigeons? Are They Really That Bad? Where Zayn was an adamant believer that yes, pigeons were basically rats with wings, and where Liam believed all life was sacred.

It just-- it just felt amazing, how they were still them except they weren’t because their fingers kept brushing on purpose, and every time they did Liam blushed shyly and smiled underneath his curls, and Zayn always smiled back. It also meant that they were respectable now, that they’d gone on a proper date, had a lovely time, and reaffirmed their statuses as proper gentlemen. Meaning that at some point in the near future, they were going to have sex.

Now, Liam was no virgin. He knew boobs, knew vaginas, knew what to do with them and he certainly knew his way around the female body. He did not know penises though, and that thought made him really nervous because what if he sucked? What if he got scared? What if Zayn’s penis was huge and his own looked like this tiny thing compared to it? Liam had always been one to worry too much, and apparently the topic of gay sex was no exception.

If Zayn noticed, he didn’t say anything, probably because Liam’s worries only started when they got back to their hotel and by then, they were already surrounded by all the other guys. It wasn’t like Liam had any problems with people knowing he was with Zayn now, and he was pretty sure Zayn had no problems either, it was just that what they had, whatever it might be, was still young and fragile, and shouting it to the world wouldn’t be doing it much good.

Time went by rather too quickly for Liam’s liking, one minute he was with the guys, beating them all in Mario Kart Wii and in the next, he and Zayn were saying goodbye to them at door as they all went to their respective apartments. “You know, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” Zayn said when he finally closed the door.

Liam looked at Zayn then, really looked at him, under the yellow light of their chandelier that kept casting a play of shadows in Zayn’s face, making him look more gorgeous than ever. Zayn was wearing a simple red t-shirt and some jeans, his hair barely had any product on it, which meant it flopped a bit on Zayn’s face and looked remarkably soft. Before, Liam was scared about the idea of having sex with a man, because it was something new and honestly, kind of frightening. But this wasn’t just any man, this was Zayn. Zayn, who Liam had only known for a couple of months and yet, felt like he’d known him since forever. Zayn, who’d seen Liam at his best: when they got their record contract; and at his worst: when Liam got sick with the flu, and looked like an honest-to-god zombie.

Zayn, who liked him and who’d kissed him first, and acted like he knew Liam better than Liam knew himself. It was Zayn, and there was nothing to be afraid. “I want to.” Liam said and then kissed Zayn on the mouth, before dragging them both to the nearest bedroom.

They kissed easily, Zayn on top of Liam as his hands sneaked underneath the other boy’s t-shirt, fingers brushing his nipples, which made Liam shiver and moan. Zayn seemed to know exactly what he was doing. He distracted Liam with his tongue, alternating between licking the roof of Liam’s mouth and nipping his lips, while his hands shrugged them both of their clothes as if they’d never been there all along. They only stop kissing for small fractions of a second, either to remove their shirts or to breathe and Liam felt like he was drunk again, with Zayn so close and so warm, touching him with what could only be described as reverence.

He was still nervous, but now it was a different kind of nervousness, not because he was about to have sex with a man but because he was about to open and expose himself to Zayn, and he wanted that, wanted that so much it almost hurt because it was Zayn. The guy Liam had been pathetically crushing over for six months now, the guy who filled his dreams and always made him smile. By the time Zayn got their clothes off, Liam was a shivering and panting mess, and then Zayn lined down next to him, with their cocks barely brushing each other and Liam came, gasping into Zayn’s mouth and completely unable to stop himself.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry Zayn. I didn’t—I just, sorry.” Liam felt his cheeks burning up, and wished a black whole would open beneath him and just swallow him so the embarrassment would go away. They’d barely done anything yet, Zayn had barely even touched him and Liam had already come like a pubescent boy.

Zayn chuckled, a grave sound that resonated from the back of his throat and leaned forward, kissing Liam’s neck as he rolled them over. “’S okay, don’t worry. I can make you come again.”

Liam moaned, his cock already perking up in interest because fuck, this was Zayn. Zayn, taking out a lube bottle and some condoms from the nightstand, so he could throw them carelessly on the bed afterwards. Zayn, whose hands brushed Liam’s whole body with so much affection, before his fingers trailed down and began circling Liam’s hole.

Zayn did everything slowly, only dipping a finger in when he felt like Liam was sufficiently relaxed. This was surprisingly easy to achieve since Zayn’s other hand was still caressing Liam’s body, touching everywhere but his cock. There was a bit of a burn at the beginning, the feeling of stretching came first, followed by the sensation of being full, which Liam quickly learned wasn’t that bad. The pace Zayn set up was excruciating though, only one finger that kept pressing in and out.

And then, just when Liam was about to punch Zayn and demand that he do something more, Zayn’s finger brushed a spot inside of Liam and fucking stars exploded in front of his eyes. His back arched from the bed, Liam’s whole body aching and begging for more.

“Oh god Zayn, do that again, just fuck.” Liam practically whimpered the words out, his whole body trembling with anticipation and he couldn’t help moving one of his hands to his cock. Zayn just chuckled at him, batting Liam’s hand away as he continued with the same tortuous pace and began avoiding the spot from before.

“I promised I’d make you come again Liam, but this time it’s going to be on my terms.” Zayn said, and Liam thought ‘the wanker from hell and beyond’ was suddenly sounding like a very appealing nickname for Zayn. Liam kind of wanted to scream and beg Zayn for more, for fuck’s sake, what was he? A nun? But he also didn’t want to sound more desperate, or more sluttish, than he did already. Luckily, this choice was taken away from him when Zayn pressed in another finger and began scissoring him.

Only when Liam was pressing on Zayn’s fingers, rutting against them shamelessly and meeting Zayn halfway, did Zayn take his fingers out so he could roll a condom on his cock. Liam whimpered at loss, he seemed to be doing a lot of that lately, unable to stop himself but then quickly shutting up because Zayn’s head was pressed against his hole and finally.

Zayn was way bigger than his fingers could ever be, and Liam had to forcefully focus on breathing in and out as Zayn pressed in, inch by painful inch. The first couple of thrusts were shaken, trying to find the best angle with a pillow beneath Liam’s ass and his legs above Zayn’s shoulders. It was around that part that Liam figured out Zayn was not an amateur on the all gay sex ordeal. Not surprisingly, this thought didn’t bother him at all.

“Fuck—you’re so tight, feels so good baby.” Liam’s heart skipped a beat at usage of the pet name, or maybe it skipped a beat because Zayn was picking up his pace and beginning to fuck Liam senseless against the mattress. Either way, Liam was pretty sure a beat was skipped on that moment.

When Liam came, it was like the whole world was imploding and exploding around him, colors bursting in front of him as he moaned Zayn’s name. Zayn came a couple of seconds afterwards, collapsing on top of Liam and ignoring the sticky mess on Liam’s chest.

“That was… That was really amazing.” Zayn said after a decent amount of time of silence between them, as they both tried to catch their breaths.

“Yep, we should do it again.”


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