Ziam (Oneshots)

By Ziam2222

911K 7.1K 1K


Ziam Smut (Oneshots)
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Draw Me Like One Of Your Bradford Girls
The Green Monster
Shower Sex
New Sensations
The Porn Star ;)
The Porn Star ;) (Part 2)
Writing Assignments
Perks To An Early Start
Words Aren't Always Enough
The Pool Experience
Only Mine
Happy New Year
So Innocent
Can I Fix My Hair Now?
Just You And I
Leave Your Mark
Save Me From Myself
Hold It Against Me
Your Love Is Wicked
Like Never Before
Too Darn Hot
THC & Confessions
Headlight Disco
The Ultimate Key To The Cause
No Use Praying
Under The Willow
You (Make Me Worthy)
Change His Ways
Crazy About
Among The Wreckage (yes, that's me)
Days With You (on repeat)
On Top Of The World
Even Though It's Wrong
Finding Someone To Stay
Finding Someone To Stay (Sequel)
Study Session
Physical Perfection
Seven Minute Mile
You're A Distraction
I'll Be Strong For You
in secret, between the shadow and soul
Breathe Though the Heat (or our desire)
Say That You Love Me
Yours Faithfully
Two Sets To One
Pick A Star (Part 2 of two sets to one)
I Don't Remember Falling In Love With You
I'll Always Have You
Just Outside Reach
Such A Flirt
Will You?
Window Payne
While The Rockets Burn
I'm the Drug in Your Veins, Just Fight Through the Pain
Fluffy Ears and Fake Tails
Your Dates is Blind
This is Mine (or Step the Fuck Off, Bro)
On the Mat (or Yeah, I'd Hit That)
Late night caller
Fly Me To The Moon
Paper Hearts
Twenty Pounds (Accompanied piece to Paper Hearts)
Lucky To Call You Mine
Eve of Destruction
You're My Favorite Story
Louis Tomlinson: Band Director
Good Morning
The Stars In Your Eyes
In which Zayn loves Liam
Remember How I Made You Scream
A Place To Rest
Phone Conversations
because it's nothing like we've ever known
Protect Me
the silence that tells it all
Silent Treatment
Breaking up & Making up
Saving for a rainy day

Untitled (Part 1 & 2)

9.7K 102 15
By Ziam2222


By: 1d-mini-fics.tumblr.com


Liam waved to his friends, tossing Zayn’s door open and sliding in. “Hey! I didn’t know you were picking me up today.” Zayn smiled. 

“Yeah, your sister asked me to, because she had to work late. She said she’d pick you up when her shifts over.” Liam smiled. 

She asked you to pick me up? Do you think she’s coming around?” Zayn shrugged, pressing a kiss to Liam’s lips.

“Maybe. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“It’s because of the age gap. Nine years may not seem like a lot to us, but even though it’s legal now, some people still think it’s bad. People at school call me a whore. They say you pay me to have sex with you because you don’t have time for a real relationship.” Zayn laughed.

“well, we both know that isn’t true.”

“Yeah, because you refuse to have sex with me until I’m sure I’m ready, which I am.” He looked at Zayn with hopeful eyes and Zayn just smiled. 

“Maybe soon.” Liam bounced excitedly and kissed him again.

“Where are we going? I thought we were going to your house.” Zayn drove into town.

“We are, after dinner and a movie.” And Liam was really excited, because they hadn’t been on a real date in a really long time. Zayn opened the door for Liam and grabbed his hand, guiding him to the diner. 

As soon as the bell above the door announced their arrival all eyes were on them. The waiter rolled his eyes. “Sorry, last table just filled.” Liam’s hand went limp in Zayn’s.

“There’s an open booth right over there by the window.” The man glared. 

“I said we’re all full. Maybe you can talk your babysitter into taking you to Pizza Palace instead. They have a ball pit.” Liam’s bottom lip quivered. 

“Stop it! Why does it matter how old he is or how young I am? Do you love anybody? Have you ever felt what we feel?” The man huffed. “I doubt it, because if you have you would never be able to tell us it’s wrong.” He spun around, pulling Zayn now, and dropped onto the curb outside the building. Zayn wrapped his arms around him.

“Li, I am so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“What? No, of course not Zayn. It’s stupid people who can’t see how much we love each other.” He rested his head on Zayn’s shoulder, smiling as Zayn laced their fingers together. He stood up, dragging Liam up with him.

“How about we go back to my house, and we’ll order Chinese food, and watch every episode of Misfits? Hmm? You missed part of season 1 anyway.” Liam turned, resting his forehead on Zayn’s.

“Fourteen or not, I know I’ve found the one.” Zayn laughed.

“Good, because I didn’t plan on letting you go.” 


When his sister arrived, letting herself in with a key she insisted on making, she found Liam curled up against Zayn’s chest wearing only his favorite pair of Zayn’s pajama pants. She picked up a chopstick and whacked them both with it. “What the fuck sis!”

“Language Liam! And what’s going on?” They shuffled into a sitting position, staring at her.

“What time is it?”

“Don’t avoid my question Zayn! Liam, did he force you to do anything? What happened!”

“I got hot and took my shirt off! Zayn would never force me to do anything. Why is everyone always making him the bad guy. We wouldn’t even be together if I didn’t pursue him. I love him.”

“You’re fourteen. You don’t know what love is.”

“And you do? How many times do you and your boyfriend fight? Zayn and I have only been together seven months, and we’ve never had a single fight because we get each other. We need each other. I love him.”

“Just stop it Liam! I tried to understand it, I really did, but I don’t get it. He isn’t a boyfriend he’s a pedophile. If this is some rebell-“

“Don’t you ever say that again. Zayn is nothing but decent. He is the perfect boyfriend and this is not some rebellion because are parents died. I LOVE HIM!”

“I love you too.” Liam beamed at Zayn. 

“I know you do.” He wrapped his arms around Zayn’s waist, burying his face against Zayn’s chest. 

“Liam, end it or move out.” He turned and glared at her. 

“I’ll be around for my things after school.” She stormed off, and after the ringing from the slamming door faded out Liam acknowledge a problem. “I don’t have anywhere to live.” Zayn laughed. 

“Of course you’re staying here. You have school tomorrow, we should probably get to bed.” They cuddled together in the middle of the bed, Liam wrapped in Zayn’s arms, but he couldn’t sleep because suddenly Zayn’s home was their home, Zayn’s bed was their bed, Zayn’s carton of orange juice was their’s and the thought that he’d found everything he could ever want so young had his head reeling. After his fourth wiggle, toss, and turn Zayn pressed a kiss to his lips. 

“we’ll be okay Liam. I promise. They just don’t understand. No one does, but we only need each other.” Liam smiled.

“I love you.” And he meant it. They both knew he did.

“I love you too.”



“Zayn? You in here?” 

“In the kitchen!” Liam rounded the corner, gasping when he saw the decorations. He tossed down his gym bag and schoolbag. 

“Zayn, you didn’t have to do this!” Zayn put a poorly frosted cake on the kitchen table before leaning over to kiss Liam. 

“It’s your sixteenth birthday. It should be special.” Liam pulled Zayn close.

“How special?” He wiggled his eyebrows and Zayn laughed.

“Let’s cut your cake first.” He squeeze sixteen candles on the small cake, lighting them and singing loudly. Liam turned in his arms to blow them out. “Did you make a wish?” Liam pressed the knife into Zayn’s hand.

“Nope, I’ve got all I’ve ever wanted.” The cake never got cut. Zayn tossed the knife onto the counter behind them before stumbling down the hall, struggling to rid himself and Liam of clothes. When they reached the bedroom, Liam fell to the bed, already straining against his boxers. Zayn went to kneel between his legs but Liam pulled him back up. “I don’t want a blow job. Please Zayn, I’ve been ready, and now I think you finally are to.” 

“Oh yeah?” Liam reached over, searching blindly through Zayn’s drawer before it produced a tiny bottle. Liam tossed it at him.

“Yeah.” Zayn shed the last two pieces of clothing before standing up. “Do you want me to turn over?” Zayn shook his head.

“No, I want to see you. It’s more special this way.” Liam laughed. 

“It’s more difficult this way.” 

“How would you know?” Liam scoffed.

“How would you?” Sometimes, but not really, Zayn regretted telling Liam he was also a virgin, but he had to let him no it wasn’t all about sex. He slicked up his fingers, coaxing Liam into relaxation as he pressed one finger in. “Oh-oh-oh. That kind of burns.” Zayn went to pull out and Liam grabbed his hand. “No, don’t stop. I like it. Is that weird? Will you add another?”


“Please, Zayn? I like the way it burns.” Zayn struggled to press a second finger in beside the first, Liam wasn’t nearly loose enough, but he managed. Liam was writhing beneath him, trying to press the fingers further, and when Zayn spread them in a scissoring motion, Liam squeal. “Ooh! Fuck, that felt good.” Zayn pumped his fingers, not waiting how long he really deemed necessary before adding a third finger. 

“Are you okay Liam?”

“No, fuck, I need you Zayn. I’m ready, I just need you.” Zayn moved his hand, and they shuffled up the bed until Zayn was over him comfortably. Zayn locked eyes with Liam as Liam’s legs, wrapping them around his waist. Liam’s eye were almost black with lust, and his body was vibrating with pleasure as Zayn pushed in. He clung to Zayn, rocking to meet his thrusts.

“God, Liam, I love you so much.” Liam just nodded, not trusting himself to form any notable sentence, as he thrusted against Zayn. All too soon, Liam was coming and the way he clenched around Zayn and shuddered in his arms had Zayn coming too. They fell breathless to the bed, just panting in silence for a moment. 

Finally, Zayn rolled over. “How about we get some of that cake?” Liam nodded, and they sprinted to the kitchen completely starkers. 

“Eating birthday cake in my birthday suit.” Zayn laughed and smeared frosting on Liam’s cheek. He leaned in to lick it away before Liam had a chance to whine about it. Zayn settled behind him, wrapping his arms loosely around his waist and letting Liam give him forkfuls of cake every other bite. 

“What the fuck is going on?” Liam spun around and Zayn pulled a mixing bowl in front of him before hurrying down the hall. 

“Sis, what are you doing here?”

“Am I not allowed to see my brother on his birthday without walking in on you two fucking in the kitchen! Liam you’re just a baby, don’t you get it! This is going to get old. You’ll get tired of it, or he’ll get tired of it, but someone will get tired and you’ll have gave up everything for nothing!” Zayn returned, holding out a bathrobe for Liam.

“This isn’t nothing! Why can’t you understand we love each other. We have this argument ever time you come over, which is exactly why you’re never invited!” She flinched liked his words had been fists. 

“I’m just looking out for you Liam.”

“No, you’re trying to decide my life for me, and you get so pissed that I think I know what’s good for me better than you do. If you’ve just come to judge us then leave.” He wiped furiously at his eyes, cursing himself for crying when he’d been so happy minutes ago. “Just leave because you’re ruining my birthday! I was happy! I WAS HAPPY WITH ZAYN, WHY CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!”

“Liam, please come back wi-“

“Just leave.” The whisper was more frightening than the screaming, and without looking back, she disappeared behind the slam of the front door. “We should really change the lock.” Zayn could barely understand it through the sniffles. 

“Hey, don’t cry, I haven’t given you my present yet.” He let Liam go to grab a small box from the top of the refrigerator. 

“What’s this?”

“A promise ring. It’s a promise that when you’ve finished school and you’re ready to really settle down and start a life that isn’t in a one bedroom apartment, I’ll be there ready to settle with you.”

“What else does it promise?” Zayn laughed, pulling him into a kiss.

“It promises that I’ll be yours forever. I don’t care what anyone else says. You’re it for me Liam. I just wanted to make sure you knew that.”

“Of course I know. I love you Zayn.”

“I love you too Liam. Happy birthday.”

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