Ziam (Oneshots)

By Ziam2222

911K 7.1K 1K


Ziam Smut (Oneshots)
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Draw Me Like One Of Your Bradford Girls
The Green Monster
Shower Sex
New Sensations
The Porn Star ;) (Part 2)
Writing Assignments
Perks To An Early Start
Words Aren't Always Enough
The Pool Experience
Only Mine
Happy New Year
Untitled (Part 1 & 2)
So Innocent
Can I Fix My Hair Now?
Just You And I
Leave Your Mark
Save Me From Myself
Hold It Against Me
Your Love Is Wicked
Like Never Before
Too Darn Hot
THC & Confessions
Headlight Disco
The Ultimate Key To The Cause
No Use Praying
Under The Willow
You (Make Me Worthy)
Change His Ways
Crazy About
Among The Wreckage (yes, that's me)
Days With You (on repeat)
On Top Of The World
Even Though It's Wrong
Finding Someone To Stay
Finding Someone To Stay (Sequel)
Study Session
Physical Perfection
Seven Minute Mile
You're A Distraction
I'll Be Strong For You
in secret, between the shadow and soul
Breathe Though the Heat (or our desire)
Say That You Love Me
Yours Faithfully
Two Sets To One
Pick A Star (Part 2 of two sets to one)
I Don't Remember Falling In Love With You
I'll Always Have You
Just Outside Reach
Such A Flirt
Will You?
Window Payne
While The Rockets Burn
I'm the Drug in Your Veins, Just Fight Through the Pain
Fluffy Ears and Fake Tails
Your Dates is Blind
This is Mine (or Step the Fuck Off, Bro)
On the Mat (or Yeah, I'd Hit That)
Late night caller
Fly Me To The Moon
Paper Hearts
Twenty Pounds (Accompanied piece to Paper Hearts)
Lucky To Call You Mine
Eve of Destruction
You're My Favorite Story
Louis Tomlinson: Band Director
Good Morning
The Stars In Your Eyes
In which Zayn loves Liam
Remember How I Made You Scream
A Place To Rest
Phone Conversations
because it's nothing like we've ever known
Protect Me
the silence that tells it all
Silent Treatment
Breaking up & Making up
Saving for a rainy day

The Porn Star ;)

15K 155 17
By Ziam2222

Summary/Prompt: Liam has just turned 18 and is made to go into an adult shop for the first time. He is captivated by a porn star that seems to be featured on many pictures, videos of Zayn Malik. For weeks after this first adult shop visit, Liam cannot stop thinking about Zayn, and goes back by himself to buy some videos. Bonus if he gets off on them. An obsession then manifests within him. Then, Louis drags him along to an adult convention. There he sees Zayn who also gets attracted Liam 

By: 5reasonswewrite.tumblr.com

Havent read this one in a while 


He had always hear his friends talking about going to adult shops and buying stuff for them, and they always teased him because he was young and he wasn’t allowed to go in because of his age. He wouldn’t go to but stuff but to see what it looks like and what do they find so great in them.

And when he finally turned 18 nothing could stop him from going in, except the fact that he was scared and nervous. But he picked up some courage and stepped in nervously.

The shop was well light and with different shelves with different sections and each section was then narrowed into other sections. He started from the female section. It had loads of guy magazines and videos and different toys which made him feel a bit weird. That section was made of two sections consisting ‘Straight’ and ‘Lesbians’. There wasn’t a difference in the sex toys but the videos and magazines did.

He kept walking away to the guys section and strangely this was bigger than the female one.  As the previous one, it was split into two sections, ‘Straight’ and ‘Gay’. He ran through the straight section wondering which of the stuff his friends might have bought. And then he walked to the gay section. He blushed and looked around him to see if there was anyone looking at him.

He began looking at the magazines and videos from the gay section and the name ‘Zayn Malik’ caught his eyes many times. There were loads of pictures of him on the front covers and Liam admitted that he was hot. Even in the videos section was full of the name ‘Zayn Malik’ and unconsciously Liam wondered how those would look like.

He gave on last look at the front pictures of the magazines having Zayn Malik on them and he got out. He let a breath of relief and walked away still picturing Zayn in front of his eyes.

He got home and got in his room. Now his friends wouldn’t have to say anything anymore because he had been to an adult shop.

Everything was calm until his dream, of Zayn Malik’s lips on his’ and his hands all over him. He heard himself moan in his dream while having sex with Zayn. He got up breathing really hard and his heart beating fast. He was full of sweat and his cheeks were burning hot. And, he was hard. He laid back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, not wanting to sleep because he knew that if he closed his eyes that same picture would come in his mind.

He felt he needed help and the only person he could ask was Louis, his gay best friend. He knew he would laugh at him but he’ll help him and tell him what to do.

 Louis showed up in his house at the perfect time, when no one was around to hear their conversation. He took him to his room and they sat down, Louis on the bed and Liam on his desk chair.

“So, what is it Li? You sounded serious on the phone this morning.”

“Um, you know, I went to, an um, adult shop.”

“Of course I know Li, you told us million times on the chat last night.”

“Well I was going through the sections,” he began and Louis stopped him.

“Don’t tell me you went to the females section!”

“Yes, I wanted to see the shop not buy.” Liam heard him giggle. “You’re either going to listen to me and help me or you’re going out.” Louis tried to make a serious face.

“Okay sorry, go on.”

“And then I went to the guys, well, not exactly the guys, well yes it was the guys but it was the, um, gays. And well I looked around and there were many magazines of this guy, um, and well, I thought, he was um, good, looking. But that was it and I got out and got home. But then last night I kinda, had a dream. It was, um, weird. I dreamed I was, um, having, sex with, him.” Liam stopped taking a deep breath to calm himself.

“So what. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s normal, that’s what those pictures are there for!” Louis said.

Liam looked at him surprised, “you’re not gonna laugh?”

“Well if I should laugh because of your face right now, then yes it’s funny. But the rest no!” Louis moved because Liam threw him one of the books on his desk.

“But, I feel, kinda attracted to him.”

“That’s the point of porn stars Liam. Why wouldn’t you go back and buy some videos of magazines of him?”

“No, that’s embracing. There is no way I’ll buy from that shop.”

“Li, you’re eighteen, there’s nothing wrong at buying from an adult shop. You’re an adult, and you’re not in a relationship. Just go and buy something from this guy.”

Louis managed to convince Liam and that afternoon he found himself in that shop again. This time he went straight to the ‘Gay’ part and there he was again. Liam remembered his dream and Louis’ advice. ‘Just get some videos and a few magazines and don’t care about people looking. Some of them might be checking you out.’ Liam took two random videos with the name ‘Zayn Malik’ and two magazines having loads of pictures of him and walked to the counter.

“It’s your first time right?” the salesgirl asked, and Liam looked at her surprised.

“H-how do you know?”

She smiled, “well, firstly I remember the people that come to buy from here, and secondly you’re blushing like a tomato. Calm down, there’s nothing wrong in having desires.” She looked at the label and saw his name, “Zayn Malik is the most bought in this shop, a good choice for being your first time!” Liam smiled at her, paid and got out.

He went home and waited till he was left alone and put the video on and sat on the bed. His eyes getting wider and wider as the seconds where passing, god that was getting him hard. He placed his hand on his growing bulge and rubbed it through his jeans at the view of Zayn fucking another guy hearing his very soft groans while the other guy was a complete moaning mess.

Liam unzipped his jeans and pushed them down along with his boxers and began rubbing the head of his dick eventually wanking himself at the video. He let his head hit the head board and the only thing he could hear was Zayn’s soft groans. Liam’s moans were getting louder and his heart was beating faster. He imagined Zayn right there with him fucking him senselessly. He shot his load on his chest and face and breathed hard as he was calming himself. The video had ended and Liam took it out and placed it in the highest drawer which no one could reach along with the other video and the magazines.

He went to the bathroom and took a shower still picturing Zayn in front of him.

Weeks passed, Liam bought more of Zayn’s videos and when he had time he watched them getting off on them. He was surprised at how cold Zayn was while having sex with someone but he still managed to attract Liam. It wasn’t just sexual attraction, it was more than that.

The level of Liam with gay porn stopped at the videos of Zayn, but not for long. Louis wanted to go to an Adult Convention and since he had helped Liam he was expecting him to go with him. He managed to drag him over, they paid, showed their id card and got in. Liam was nervous, he had never seen anything like it before. Guys and girls half naked dancing, twisting their hips and stripping off even more. Other dancers and models on beds using sex toys similar to those he saw in the shop and more of them o swings and see-saws. Along with them people in the crowd stripping off and dry humping along with each other. People having sex at the corners of the place in the darkest place possible since some of them didn’t afford a room. And other porn stars with loads of people around them trying their luck.

He took a deep breath with his eyes wide open and looked at Louis, “I don’t think I can do this!” he said.

“Aw don’t worry, it will be fun. Come on, let’s go in,” Louis took his hand and dragged him in. On the way in he hit someone and turned to say sorry. His eyes widened and his heart stopped beating.

“I-I’m s-sorry,” he said. He showed him a soft smile and looked at him from top to bottom, “It’s okay kid!” he said and he turned away. Liam got furious at him calling him kid, “I’m not a kid! I’m eighteen, you idiot!” he said but he couldn’t hear him.

Louis took his hand again, “that was him Lou, the guy it told you about.”

Louis stopped, “what, you mean Zayn Malik is the one you feel attracted to?”

Liam nodded, “you’re crazy! Zayn? That’s the most famous gay porn star in London. You have no chance Liam, he never goes with inexperienced ones, plus you can’t feel attracted to him. He will not see you as anything more than just a sex toy to use and leave you there. Listen to me, let it go, it’s only for your own good. And if he does something to you it’s only to get himself on the camera. There is no sex in this place he done without being filmed. They say that no one had ever gone to his house to have sex with him, and they believe that there will never be. He doesn’t show emotions, it’s just a few minutes thing and it’s over, he will not even remember your name, if he even asks for it. Please, let him go. There are millions of others in here. You will find someone for sure.”

Liam nodded, he had never seen Louis so serious. They got further in and Louis immediately found someone to go with and Liam was thinking of leaving. He was feeling even more nervous without Louis and he turned around stepping out. He arrived by the door and he felt someone pinch his bum. He turned away and saw Zayn behind him showing him that same smile he did before. Liam tried to calm down and not blush.

“Where are you going?” Zayn asked.

“Um, I was leaving!”

“Already? And alone? How come?”

“Well my friend found someone and I was kinda, um, it’s, um, well I was leaving.”

“What’s your name love?” Liam stopped to think, ‘He might not even remember it like Louis said.’


“Nice, and how old are you Liam?”

“I’m eighteen.”

“Hm, so the reason you’re leaving alone is because you’re new and you have no idea what to do right?” Liam looked at him annoyed.

“Just because I’m eighteen doesn’t mean I’m a kid!”

Zayn laughed at the change in Liam’s voice trying to show he was aggressive.

“What are you laughing at?” Liam asked.

“Nothing. Come with me.” He took his wrist and pulled him out knowing that there were paparazzi taking pictures of him and this Liam.

“Wait, where are we going?” Liam said but not stopping from walking behind him.

Zayn asked for his car and it was driven to him at the entrance of the place. He told Liam to get in and he got in at the driver’s seat.

“Where are we going?” Liam asked again.

“To my place.”

“You’re place? But you, I mean I heard, you never take anyone to your place,” Liam said blushing.

“Then maybe you’re not anyone,” Zayn said looking at him and winking.

Liam sat quiet, blushing even more. Zayn was taking him to his place. What if he sucks at it and Zayn will end up laughing at him. He had managed to take a step for Zayn to take him over to his house, hope he wouldn’t screw everything now.

Zayn stopped the car and got out followed by Liam. He looked around and felt his mouth falling from his jaw. The place was amazing, excluding the two Audi, BMW and Ferrari he had parked in the drive in.

“You’re coming in or are you going to remain there staring?” Zayn called and Liam followed him in.

The door was closed and Liam was slammed against it. He felt Zayn’s lips on his. Everything happened so fast that he wasn’t able to register all of them together.

Zayn’s hands were on his hips and he wrapped his’ around Zayn’s neck. Zayn opened Liam’s mouth with his own lips and pushed his tongue inside him.

The taste of Zayn’s mouth made his moan. It was sour and mixed with the taste of alcohol and cigarettes. But it was still very sweet and very passionate. Zayn’s hand lowered to his tights and he pulled one up around his waist. Liam got the message and jumped on Zayn wrapping the other leg around him too.

Zayn held him on him with one hand on his back and the other one on his arse and walked to his room. As he got in his room, he dropped Liam on the bed, taking his shirt off in the process as well. He placed his lips on Liam’s neck and began sucking.

Liam’s breathing got faster and he felt everything turning around him. He ran his fingers in Zayn’s hair as he held him closer to him. The room was dark, but he was still able to see all the features of Zayn. He took hold of Zayn’s shirt pulling it off him. Zayn allowed him to do so and then continued sucking onto his neck lowering down, slowly, taking his time with Liam.

Patience wasn’t Zayn’s best thing, but he didn’t want to rush things with Liam. He wanted to take everything calm and enjoy every single moment of it. He arrived to his chest, enjoying Liam’s soft moans when he was licking his nipples and twisting his tongues around them.

“God, Zayn!” Liam moaned arching his back and pushing Zayn down from his head to keep going down. Zayn smiled and obeyed Liam’s order and kept going down his torso sucking onto every piece of skin he could put his mouth on at the moment.

He began working on Liam’s belt and as he took it off he undid the button and the zip of his jeans. He pulled them off and Liam felt embraced at how hard he got and imagined at what Zayn might be thinking at that moment seeing him like that.

Zayn ran his hands up and down Liam’s inner tights and Liam had to bite his bottom lip to stop him from moaning. Zayn played a bit with the hem of his boxers before pulling them off him. He looked at Liam and saw him dark red even though there was lack of light in the room. He rose up and kissed his lips softly, “you’re beautiful” he said and Liam let out a soft moan not being able to keep his heart from rushing as soon as he heard that. He had never heard Zayn say that to anyone in the videos, actually he never complimented anyone for anything, but as he said, he was not anyone.

Zayn smiled at his cute moan and kissed his cheek, before going down again.  Liam got up on his elbows and looked at Zayn, who was looking at him too in a very seductive way, biting his lower lip softly. He took Liam’s dick in his hand and Liam closed his eyes at the touch. Zayn lowered his face down and took him in his mouth. Liam’s eyes flung open, before he let out a loud moan and dropped on the bed, not being able to hold himself up.

Zayn began running his tongue along his shaft while moving his head up and down. Liam moaned louder and louder, repeating Zayn’s name frequently. He grabbed onto the sheets as he felt that usual feeling at the lower part of his stomach. He sat down and pushed Zayn off him, standing up. He got up at well and pressed his lips to Zayn. His hands danced down to Zayn’s jeans and eagerly he pulled them off him along with his boxers.

He broke their kiss and began going down to his knees, but Zayn took his chin and stopped him.

“Are you sure?” Zayn asked.

Liam nodded, “just because I’m eighteen years old, without any experience, doesn’t mean I can’t do it,” he said. Zayn smiled and kissed him before letting him go down on his knees.

Liam wrapped his mouth around him and his common sense told him to move his head along it and that’s what he did. Zayn groaned showing him that he was doing it right and he began moving his head faster. One of Zayn’s hands found itself in Liam’s hair.

After a few he pulled Liam up, “god, are you sure that’s your first time?” and Liam giggled.

“You ready?” Zayn asked and Liam nodded ready to turn around but Zayn stopped him and he looked at him confused.

“I wanna see your face,” he said kissing his neck. He lifted Liam up on his desk and lowered down making Liam look more confused. He took his tongue out and pushed it in Liam’s hole and Liam gasped and his eyes grew bigger.

He looked down at Zayn and saw him looking at him smiling. Zayn never looked at the guy and smiled at him in his videos.

He got his tongue got out of Liam and he sucked three of his fingers slowly pushing one in. Liam groaned at the cold feeling of Zayn’s finger inside his arse and he groaned even louder when Zayn pushed in the second finger and began twisting them around. Soon his third finger got in and a slight of pain hit Liam.

Zayn got his fingers out and got up. He opened the drawer and took a condom out but Liam took his hand and shook his head.

“No,” he said.

“But,” and Liam stopped him again.

“No, please.” Zayn nodded letting the condom fall in the drawer again and he closed it. He positioned himself at Liam’s entrance and slowly pushed inside him. One of his hands was on his dick and the other one was on Liam’s waist. Liam’s hands where both in Zayn’s hair pulling it hard, making Zayn close his eyes at the pain. When he was completely in Liam he stopped letting Liam get used to the feeling.

“Move!” Liam said and Zayn began moving slowly inside him.

“Faster,” Liam begged and Zayn obeyed thrusting in different angles to find his sweet point. He didn’t take long to do so and Liam screamed at the feeling of Zayn’s dick hitting it.

“God Zayn, again!” he said and Zayn trusted in that angle again. A few move hits on his point on Liam came on his and Zayn’s chest by a scream of Zayn’s name. Zayn kept trusting a bit more letting out soft moans making Liam enjoy it even more hearing Zayn moan for the first time. He came inside Liam with a louder moan mixed with ‘Liam’. They began panting for a few before Zayn got out of Liam and he took him in his hands Liam wrapping his feet around his waist again and they got on the bed.

They turned to face completely each other and Zayn placed a sweet kiss on Liam’s lips.

“I have never told you my name, how did you know it?” Zayn asked with a cheeky smile on his lips.

Liam blushed. He couldn’t tell him he watched videos of him! “I, um, people told me!” he lied.

Zayn laughed, “you’re cute when you blush!” he said and he kissed Liam’s forehead before pulling him closer to him and wrapping his arms around his waist. Liam rested his head on Zayn’s chest and he thought of how lucky he was at that moment. He wished Zayn was only his, but after all Zayn was a porn star, and that was his job.

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