The new doctor.

By karenkarev

108K 3K 203

You have a crush on the new pediatric surgeon. But you have a lot of challenges in your way. Let's see if you... More

Wake up.
You fool
Impress her!
On-call tonight
Oh no. What did I do...
Leave me alone!
Why Arizona?
Ignore her.
We finally talked.
True feelings.
In trouble..
1st Date
1st date gone wrong..
Blood, b-brain, s-surgery...
Before everything.
Im awake!
Surgery.. again.
First day back!
She caught us, and it was embarasaing
intern test.
Pass or Fail?
Trip to LA with my sister!
Trust issues.
First day as a Resident.
Start over.
Dinner Date
Me or Her?
Moving in and Moving Out
Visiting family.
Back to Seattle
Therapy for my PTSD
Lost control.
Admitting Day
Testing day
Discharge Day
Chaotic First Day and Solo Surgery
I quit.
Exploring seattle.
Independent Woman
Make over.
African Kids.
Shes gone.
Loves not real.
Taking Zola
Your back.
Long surgery.
Visiting Dad and Birthday.
Day in Vancouver.
Beach day.
Leaving Vancouver.
Baseball Game.
Discharged again.
Zolas birthday.
They found us!
One step at a time.
Family issues.
Well hello.
Seattle Grace 5.
Am I cleared yet?
Off day.
5th year.
Quit or Stay?
Buying the hospital. (1/2)
Buying the hospital. (2/2)
Night shift.
Making Promises.
Boards. (1/2)
Boards. (2/2)
Bad luck.
Miracles happen.
Work party.
Im leaving.
Im back.
Can we talk?
Nothing Big.
Farewell Yang.
Home for a while.
New cardio goddess.
The baby shower.
Theres change.
Becoming a family.
How To Save A Life.
The Funeral.
Proposal + More.
Do you still love her?
Lets get married!
Tunnel Collaspe.


579 12 1
By karenkarev

You wake up to a text message. You look at it.

"We have a court day. Next Friday!" the lawyer texts.

"Okay definitely." you text back.

"Bring your medical bill recipe and things." the lawyer texts you.

You then get up and get dressed for work. You look in the mirror to see your hair is fading. "I'm going to re-die my hair soon." you say. You then put on your scrubs. You grab your keys and drive to work. You walk to the residents lounge and put your things in your cubby. You then walk to go find Bailey. "Johnson, your on Neuro with Ross." Bailey says. You then look at Ross. You run up to bailey. "This isn't going to work..." you tell Bailey. "Make it work." She says. "Also, I won't be able to make it to your court hearing." Bailey says. "Bailey!" you say.

"Bye." Bailey says as she walks away. "Let's go Ross." you say. "Hi. Dr. Johnson, we haven't fully met yet!" Ross starts to say. You stop and turn around. "Don't pull none of that bullshit with me Ross. Remember. I'm probably not even a doctor." you say irritatedly. You and Ross then go find Derek. You see Derek standing up and sleeping. "Dr. Shepherd?" you say. He's still sleep. You tap him on his shoulder which startled him. "Are you good?" you ask. "Rough night. Zola wouldn't go to sleep." Derek says. "What do we have today Dr. Shepherd!" Ross says. You and Derek then look at eachother. "Check on my post ops. Can you do that?" Derek asks. "Of course Dr. Shepherd." Shane says as he leaves.

You then sit down. "You have a court hearing yet?" Derek asks. "Next week." you say. "Oh. Well Me,Meredith, and Zola will be there for you." Derek says. "Thanks Derek." you say while smiling. You and Derek then talk about the hearing. "I'm going to go make sure Shane's doing a good job on your post ops." you say while getting up. You then walk to check on Shane and how he's doing. "Why is there blood pressure low?" You say while snatching the chart from Shane. "I don't know! I gave them Ibuprofen." Shane says. "WHAT!" you yell. "What?" Shane says. "DID YOU READ THE DAMN CHART!" you say while yelling.

"NURSE! GET ME 1 of antihistamine!" you yell as you lower the hospital bed. They get you the medicine and you stick it in the patient. There blood pressure becomes normal. You sit them back up and check the patients eyes. "Let's go." you say madly. You page Derek into the hallway with you and Shane. "What the hell happened?" Derek says. "This dumb intern gave your patient ibuprofen without reading the chart." you say irritatedly. You start taking off your white coat because your so angry. "I'm sorry, it was a intern mistake." Shane says. "Is the patient stable?" Derek asks. "Yes." you say.

"Could you guys not report this to the chief. I'm trying to stay here." Shane says. You look at him. You try jumping over to smack him but Derek catches you before you can hit him. Your trying to get out of Dereks arms to slap Shane but you can't. "Go Ross, NOW!" Derek says. Shane then runs down the hall. Derek then places you down.
"Y/n, calm down!" Derek says. You then kick the wall. "It's okay." Derek says. "Just go to the ER or something." Derek also says. You pick up your white coat off the floor and walk to the ER.

"Stitches in bed 9." Tyler says while handing you the chart. You walk over to the curtain and open it. "Hello. I'm Dr. Johnson and I'll be taking care of your cut today." You grab your gloves and suture kit. "How you feeling today?" you ask. "Fine." the person says. "That's good." you say. "I'm just going to numb your area and you shouldn't feel a thing!" you say. You numb the wound. You then clean it out and start doing the sutures. You make small talk with the patient while doing the sutures. You finally finish them.

"Okay, there you go!" you say. "Just go to front desk and fill out the forms!" you say while smiling. You then walk to the cafeteria. You see your friends so you sit down with them. "Hey y'all." you say. "Sup y/n." Jackson says. "How's it going with the lawyer?"
Jackson asks. "My hearing is next week!" you say. "That's good." Jackson says. "I almost killed this intern." you say. Everyone starts laughing. You then get paged. "It's my idiot intern. Gots to go." you say while getting up. You then check on the intern. "What do you want?" you ask. "To apologize." Shane says. You then turn around and walk away.

You walk around the hallways. After a few more hours your shift is finally ends. You go up to the lounge and grab your things. Your walking out when you see Arizona waiting at the end for you. She grabs your hand as you both walk down the hall. "What color dress should I wear to your hearing?" Arizona says. "Any color." you say. You then smile while Arizona walks you to your car. She gives you a kiss goodbye as you get into the car. You get in your car and drive back to the house. You go to sleep.

We are going to skip to your court date!

You wake up the morning of your court date. You look through your closet for a dress. You lay it on the bed. You then go take a shower. You dry your hair. You then tie it into a slick high puff. You put on your outfit and head downstairs.

You see Alex wearing his fancy tie. You then hear a knock on the door. You go open it and it's Arizona in a dark blue dress. "Hi babes." Arizona says while kissing you on the cheek. "How do I look!" you say while panicking. "Fine." Alex says. "You look great y/ n!" Arizona says. "Let's go before we are late!" Arizona says. You then grab your file with your medical bills and scans and stuff. You then grab your purse and put it over your neck. "Okay I'm ready." you say.

You,Alex, and Arizona walk to her car. Arizona then drives to the court house. You keep twitching your leg cause of how nervous you are. Arizona puts her hand on your thigh. "It's okay y/n." Arizona says. Her voice calms you down. You then get there to see Meredith, Derek, and Zola already there. "Hey guys." you say while getting out the car. You then pull your dress back down. "We will be in the lobby if you need us." Meredith says. You walk into the court room. You glance at the person who hit you. You then sit next to your lawyer. "Starting this case." The judge says as he hits his mallet on the thing.

The lawyer from the other side then comes up. "Y/n, Johnson. Hello." The lawyer says. "How are you feeling?" the other lawyer asks. "I feel fine for a girl who just had 2 lung lobes removed." you say. "That's good. Great in fact. How about we talk about you? Where were you the week before the baseball game?" the lawyer asks. "I don't see how this is relevant?" you say. "Just answer." The lawyer says. "I was in Vancouver." you say. "Okay great. So why go to a baseball game when you just got back?" The lawyer says.

"Because I had to go to work?" you say. "Hm. Okay. How could you tell the ball was hit directly at you on purpose?" The other lawyer asks. "He didn't even try to aim it anywhere else. I saw the look in his eyes. Also he came after me with a bat" you say. "Can I see how much your medical bills were?" The other lawyer asks. You hand the file to her. "Hmm. Okay." The lawyer says as she passes the file to the judge.

After the other side finishes talking your lawyer starts asking the other person questions. "Shes lying!The dude says. "Are you kidding me?" you say while slamming the table. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" you say while yelling. "Ms. Johnson take a seat." the judge says.

(I don't know what to say for the court part lols.)

After about 4 hours of debating back and forth the judge finally makes his decision. "Y/n Johnson, you have..." the judge is saying. You then just go blank. You snap out of it after the judge finishes what he's saying. "Case closed." He says while slamming the mallet. You then look over to see Kayden crying. "Y/n, we won!" your lawyer says. You then get up and walk into the lobby. Everyone then surrounds you. "What happened?" Everyone asks. You still don't speak.

"Um, we won." The lawyer says. You push everyone out the way and go to the women's restroom. You get in there and lock yourself in the stall. "I'll go check on her." Meredith says. Meredith and Zola then walk to the bathroom. "Y/n!" Meredith calls out. Meredith then looks under the stalls. She knocks on your door. "We won." you say shockingly. "Yes you did. Now come out." Meredith says. You open the stall. You wipe your face. "I hate these heels!" you say. You then take them off. "You can't walk around barefooted." Meredith says. "Yes I can." you say. You then take Zola from Meredith and you both walk out.

"Thank you Mr. Morgan for everything." you say. "My pleasure. If you ever need anything, just call me." Mr. Morgan says. He then goes back into the court room to talk with the judge. "Where are your shoes?" Arizona asks. You then hold up your hand that's holding your shoes while still holding Zola. You then hand Zola to Derek. "See you at the house." Meredith says. "Ima stay here for a little. Jackson's supposed to pick me up." Alex says. You and Arizona then get in her car. While she's driving you get a notification on your phone.

"Zola's birthday party, is next weekend." you read out loud. "Are you gonna come?" you ask Arizona. "Sure. I'll bring Sofia." Arizona says. "Can you take me to the hospital. I just want to work the rest of the day off." you say. "Okay." Arizona says. She flips the car around and drives to the hospital. "Thanks Arizona." you say. "I love you y/n." Arizona says. You freeze for a second. "I love you too Arizona." you say smiling. You then put your heels back on so you can get to the residents lounge. You then get there and change into scrubs. You put on your tennis shoes and go to the pit.

You sit at the desk and look through charts. Cristina then walks up to you. "I did it. I got the abortion. Owen was there with me, so I don't think it was that bad." Cristina says. "Okay. I mean have y'all talked?" you say. "No-" Cristina says. You and Cristina then hear screeching in the ambulance bay. You get up and put gloves on. You both then run outside to see what happened. "You guys can't park here." you say. "A BEAR ATTACKED US!" the lady says.

"Help my brother." the dude says. He opens the back door. "LETS GET A GURNEY OUT HERE!" you and Cristina yell. While you help the man out the car his intestines pop out. "OH MY GOSH. I HAVE INTESTINES IN MY HAND." you yell. You make sure they don't fall. You guys somehow get the man on to the gurney. You try pushing the intestines back
in a little. They roll into the ER. "PAGE ANY GENERAL SURGEON TO OR 3. 911!" you yell as you guys get in the elevator. You guys get to the or floor and see Webber waiting for you. "You have intestines in your hand!" Richard says.

"I think I'm going to barf." you say.

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