Christmas Part

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Not part of the story!!

So this one is a bit different I decided to write a Christmas chapter but it takes place a few years earlier than the beginning of the story.  You and Charlie aren't together yet.
So you and Charlie are 16, Bill is 18, Percy is 13, the twins are 11, Ron is 9 and ginny is 7 (ik ginnys one year younger but let's just say that it's at the time in the year where Ron's 2 years older if that makes sense)

In a few days after Christmas another Christmas Part will be uploaded but it will be in line with the story lol

Being Charlie Weasleys best friend for the past almost 5 years at its perks, like the fact that I was extremely close to the Weasley and they saw me as another daughter or sister, plus the fact that my parents started to talk a lot to Molly and Arthur.

I was now siting in a compartment in the train, with Charlie, Bill, Percy, George and fred. I was going to the burrow for the first half of the Christmas break as my parents were on cruise as part of anniversary present, I was beyond excited to spend some time with all of the Weasleys.

"Hello earth to y/n" charlie snapped me out of my daydream as he waved his hand in front of my face. "hmm sorry I wasn't listening." I confessed giving him my full attention.

"well obviously you weren't" Fred muttered under his breath and Percy sent him a look. "we were wondering  where you were going to sleep." Percy explained.

"oh I'll probably just sleep in Ginnys room." I replied wondering why they were confused, I'd always slept in ginnys room I don't know why this time was different.

"are you sure? You know I wouldn't mind if you bunked with me." Charlie asked smiling as the twins held back a laugh, "Im sure you wouldn't Charlie." Bill said with a sly smirk causing the twins to let out a snicker.

I furrowed my brows, "whats that supposed to mean?" I asked genuinely confused, as Charlie sent his older brother a glare, "yeah Bill what is that supposed to mean?" he asked through gritted teeth.

I'm so confused, whys charlie acting like this and what in Merlins name did Bill mean.

"All I'm saying is you two are awfully close." Bill finally replied as he put his hands up in defence. "Bill we're just friends." I assured him, out of the corner of my eye I couldve sworn I seen Charlies face fall slightly, I just shrugged it off thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me.

"y... Yeah just friends" Charlie repeated with a hint of sadness in his tone. "awk look what you've done to our poor brother. You've broke his heart y/n/n" Fred cooed as George tutted.

"oh shut up." charlie told them slinging an arm around my shoulder to show he was alright but I couldn't help but notice how his smile seemed a little forced.

Finally the train came to a hault as students began to pile out carrying their trunks, Charlie tried to take mine but I wouldn't let him as we made our way through the crowd. Percy was first to spot he's dad and we followed him through the sea of people to meet the oldest weasley.

He pulled his sons into a hug one by one, greeting each of them. I stood back a bit clutching the handle of my  trunk, wanting to let them have their moment. "ah y/n it's great to see you again." he said now pulling me into a hug, "it's great to see you to Mr Weasley." I returned the gesture. "how many times, to you its Arthur." he said laughing slightly pulling out of the embrace.

"Charlie!" he exclaimed turning to his second son, "why is y/n carrying her trunk? She's your girlfriend you should be carrying it for her." he said raising his eyebrows. "okay firstly she isn't my girlfriend." charlie began as Bill leaned down in between the twins' heads and muttered "yet". "secondly I did offer but she didn't let me plus shes capable of carrying it herself." he finished rolling his eyes.

Eternity (Charlie Wesley X Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora