Back To The Burrow (part Seventeen)

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A/n: so I have another idea for a George story lol after the war and you Helping him get over freds death. So if I think of maybe 3 more short stories for other characters I'll write them and put them in a book along with the draco one.

Just out of curiosity, is that something you guys would read??

I also have an idea for a fred one so they might be short individual books instead of oneshots lol


Your POV

I woke up the next morning to Charlie gently shaking me out of sleep, my entire body ached from the aftermath of the curse. My arm still stung anytime anything touched it even though Charlie had wrapped a bandage (A/n: I mean like the cloth one) around it as it was still a raw wound.

We had a quick breakfast before setting off towards the portkey, as no one was allowed to do magic in the area after last night. The whole morning Charlie refused to leave my side and took every opportunity to make sure I was okay and was always putting an arm around me, resting his hand on my knee or holding my hand.

No one said a word to me about what happened the previous night, I think it was because they didn't know what to say that could help. I don't think that anything could if I'm being honest, I just wanted to avoid talking about as much as I possibly could.

The odd time someone flashed me a small smile or opened their mouth to speak to me but immediately shut it afterwards. The whole time walking back to the burrow I had to lean on Charlie for support, which he didn't have a problem complying with.

I had my arm wrapped around the middle of his back while his arm was around my shoulders. It was now, I wished we were allowed to apparate. "mum'll have something for the pain." Charlie whispered after I let out a small groan.

I gave him a small smile, letting him know I heard what he said. he pulled me closer to his body so it was easier to walk. "y/n are you okay?" Ron asked timidly, afraid incase it made anything worse. His gryffindor bravery shiny through as he was the only one who was brave enough to bring up the nights occurrences.

Everyone tried to act as though they weren't listening as they waited for my response, "my muscles are aching and i feel quite weak, I guess that happens after, well, im sure you know what happened. But I'll be okay." I replied calmly and i felt some of the tension that was previously in air disappear.

"'s your arm?" Hermiones voice was a little shaky and so quiet i just about heard her and she was staring at her feet. i shared a look with charlie before answering the younger girl, "its completely fine, i sometimes forget theres a bandage actually on it." i lied through my teeth. Arthur, Bill, Percy and charlie, those who actually seen the damage last night, knew i wasnt telling the truth but i couldnt tell Hermione that it was still stinging badly i could tell she felt a bit... guilty? about it, after all she was a muggleborn to.

finally we reached the burrow and we halfway down the path when Molly still in her pajama's, wearing a fluffy dressing gown, (A/n: aka house coat or bath robe) burst open the front door and bolted down the path throwimg her arms around her family, tears streaming down her face.

"i seen what happened in the daily prophet...I didn't know if you were all okay." She cried into Arthurs shoulder as he rubbed her back. she moved on to hug everyone else including Harry and Hermione. "Oh y/n!" she gasped and pulled me into her arms, away from charlie. She didn't notice the way i had been leaning on him for support or the white bandage wrapped around my forearm.

I inhaled sharply at the pain brought on by the sudden movement and Molly was quick to release me giving me a confused look as Charlie swiftly placed his arm around my waist.

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